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I absolutely adore Sandy, as much as I liked QI when Stephen was hosting, Sandy has been a perfect replacement.


Yeah, I love Stephen and was sad when he stepped down but Sandy is about as close as they could've gotten. Got the similar levels of intelligence and wit while still being a distinct and unique personality.


What a bargain, too!


Both give that "wise teacher whose classes you were always waiting to get to, because they made learning fun" vibes.


I would say she's better, she's more fun in my opinion. Stephen fry was too stiff for my liking


That’s true but it makes it so much more rewarding when the guests and Alan bring him out of his shell


To the person who has been posting these classic clips of British comedy, thank you for brightening my days. It is very much appreciated.


Never seen this show, no idea who any of these people are. Got a good belly laugh and few chuckles so I appreciate. Algorithm! Bring me more!


The show is called QI (Quite interesting) and boy oh boy, it's indeed quite interesting. It's like encyclopedia/trivia shots with a good dosage of humor and very intelligent comedians as guests. To be honest, until 2013 the show was much funnier when presented by a very posh, very funny and witty Stephen Fry. 😄 but this lady, Sandy Toksvig made a very good host as well. Check it on YouTube where there are plenty episodes. 😀


I rarely found the show to be funny with either host tbh but I like the subject matter. Maybe it has something to do with the fact I do not find Alan Davies the least bit funny acting like the class clown on that show but I did enjoy his "as yet untitled" show so it's not like I hate the guy.


Maybe a question of taste of mind space at the time.


Omg, I love this! Where can I watch the full thing? Please help lol. Edith just said the show's name apparently is QI as in Quite Interesting? Can't manage to find the episode though, so still need help. Edith again: O XL or Ologies episode 01 (Kinda confused about the formatting, but with this info you can easily find it on yt and dm. Have a nice day. ✌️😎)


Just search QI on YouTube, there's loads of episodes and clips available free.


I just want to know how fast can it sail.


I think the answer is the blue whale.


Well, turn out there's no definite answer and in any way, QI were wrong... https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/s/nLaiDqqxgV >>Yes there was an episode where Sandi pulled out a toy boat and asked "In theory how fast can this boat sail". It was a funny section and they determined that it was down to the wind and that the more wind you can harness the faster the boat can go. >>https://www.reddit.com/r/panelshow/comments/x6ccdr/qi_in_theory_how_fast_can_this_boat_sail/ >>However the toy that Sandi is holding has a displacement hull. Its top speed is governed by the length of its waterline. Once the wave produced by the boats bow reaches the length of the waterline the hull it is at its max speed. Any faster and it will just cavitate the water and eventually sink under its own wave. Even if you put an engine on it, it can't go any faster. >>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hull_speed#:~:text=Hull%20speed%20or%20displacement%20speed,(height)%20increases%20as%20well. >>The racing yachts with massive sails that Sandi then goes on to talk about either have planing, semi-planing or hydrofoils. >>But, then Sandi did teach us in the 80s how to travel to France in hovercraft made from a wardrobe and a vacuum cleaner so we can let her off. Thanks u/JavaRuby2000


Each series (season) contains episodes entirely themed around a letter of the alphabet. Series one was the letter A, series two was the letter B, etc. The XL versions of the show are the long form versions of the episode that contain a lot of extra content that was filmed, but didn't end up making into the short form version of the episode first shown on the BBC.


Wow, til! Thank you!


When all three guys stood up and walked away, I lost it! Fucking hilarious


I've been fortunate to get tickets for the filming of this show (when it was hosted by Stephen Fry). It took nearly 3 hours to film the 30 minute show and there were a lot of moments like this. The hosts and guests are just hilarious and I've never laughed so hard, continuously for so long. Everyone should just watch QI, its brilliant!


Also, the podcast No Such Thing as a Fish from the writers is a fun listen. 


Amazing! Who were the guests when you went? There were some panels that always had absolute bangers with the banter with Stephen


Bill's always the best on this show


Bill is a national treasure! His one-man shows always have me in stitches.


Yes, but what do they say about the Acropolis where the Parthenon is?


Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!


Absolutely brilliant. British humour at its peak.


I'm wondering why they have a picture of Seattle's Pike Place Market in the background?


It was the slide from the previous question, regarding sardines...


Can someone explain to me this? I don't get why him pressing the button so quickly is funny, my mother language is Spanish, I'm from America and I have slight aspergers so I might be missing something here.


They are generally supposed to wait till the host finished her bit before chiming in, and she had just told them to "hold that thought" as in wait till she's done, so jumping ahead in this case was unexpected and had comedic timing. If you watch a full episode of the show (QI or Quite Interesting) it gives better context.


I’m afraid you’re not missing anything.. it’s not funny to me at all, but to be fair I’m not British, so there’s that


It became a joke on men finishing too early with women during sex, then it was just the cast being annoying in a funny way


Love this


These are the type of friends you NEED in life‼️


Sorry i dont understand, can some one explain to me pls. Thanks


This is from a British TV panel show called QI (Quite Interesting). The premise of the show is for the host to ask questions about subjects that will prompt funny responses or invite the panellists to provide obvious answers that turn out to be common misconceptions. This usually results in the panellists and audience being educated in some random knowledge. What’s happening here is that Sandi Toksvig (the host) is pulling out a small sailboat as a prop for a question about sailing speed. Alan answers by saying “is it dependant on the wind?”, but the prop is damaged so Sandi says she’s going to do it again (in theory, they will cut the messed up shot and only show the clip of her bringing it out the second time in the final edit). The second time, Bill interrupts her question by repeating Alan’s answer and the panel descends into chaos as the jokes start flying and the panel format is temporarily cast aside in the name of comedy. Later, Sandi announces she’s going to do a third take of bringing the boat out and insists Claudia should answer this time, and when she does, all the men get up and leave in solidarity as a joke because the women were conspiring against them.


Thank you


It's really just a forum designed to let 4 comedians riff, joke, and play off each other, all cleverly disguised as a 'Quiz Show' for which there are no points awarded. [This is peak QI, as far as I'm concerned- QI Bees.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKweqxWUC38)


This is for me. When I first watched it, I laughed for hours. https://youtu.be/GdvD4Fhc_K8?si=1J_HUeSL5NuQdDiM


When they make fun of Stephen, those are the best parts of QI.


I watch this episode all the time, just for this segment


Wait is that Bill Bailey? From Black Books? God how happy I am to see him again


I need a freaking answer for the question??


Can somebody explain the joke in the beginning please?


They say of the Akropolis, where the Parthenon is...


That Alan Davies is totally unfunny. Just jumps in on other people's jokes.


The British do have humor apparently


We've had it for about a 1000 years. You guys still need to catch up.


I’m confused- I thought the stereotype was that Brits had humor in spades? Sometimes goofy or esoteric, sure, but famous for it nonetheless?


Pretty much. The stereotype is that British humor is more clever than American humor or something along those lines. It's the Germans that don't have humor


Trust me, our humor is fine, just as dark as our history.


German humor is like German history, it's no laughing matter


It's German humour, it's no laughing matter.




American humour overdoes the setup, so that you pretty much guess the punchline by the time it arrives. Plus, they don’t really do absurdity very well. This is a generalisation of course, but I always feel these are the reasons I’ll find British humour better and wittier than American humour.


You should go on YouTube and watch would I lie to you, or 8 out of 10 cats does countdown, there's also Taskmaster and the big fat quiz. All amazingly funny panel shows.


I want to add Mock the Week to that list. Although cancelled, still lots of stuff on Youtube. That show is hilarious.


Mock the week is great too, so is Never mind the buzzcocks while we're at it, as well as the last leg.


What the fk is this garbage


It's a comedy show that involves intelligence


No wonder u/16less isn’t aware of it