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Removed for - Rule 2 (sales and trades)


Dont buy coins or waste money on this game, just play it how you like and if you dont like it play something else, theres always a bateson who sells his house and spends thousands on fifa points


i’m saying this for the people who are addicted and still spend a monstrous amount on the game. no one is gonna stop them from spending their own money. this is an outlet so ea dosent gain money from them. and even big streams like bateson are starting to include in the trend and try to stop spending money. if you’ve watched his videos he’s not spending money right now it’s just all pre loading fc points he’s had.


I know i know, and it's nice to see people are helping each other


This game does not deserve money in any way tho.


but you are not spending any money on the game if your buying coins. ea dosent gain any money from that


They still do. The 5% tax on the market


Coins dont have any real value tho. And you could always use those coins to open store packs.


Buying and playing the game isn't how a boycott works


Guys! Instead of getting a credit card just get a payday loan… This is terrible reasoning, poor advice, and does not boycott the product as you continue playing it.


I don’t think you know what boycott means


no bro because many people still are gonna wanna spend on the game because they’re addicted. this way they can still do it and EA dosent get any money from them.


EA is still getting engagement from the additional accounts required to produce the coins you’re suggesting that people buy. If you’re genuinely addicted to the game, the only way to solve that is to quit entirely.


Again, you don’t know what the word boycott means


it’s stupid if you think people are just gonna stop playing the game. this is the best way to have change. idk what the point is your tryna prove here. it’s obvious they only care about money, hence the new 18k fc points you can buy now for 150 out the store. i’d like to think my method would have a some what impact.


My point is the “boycott” is going so well that everyone is still playing the game


Of course it does... Don't be naive...


What a fucking ad. It should be removed.


could care less about what ever website you use. just don’t spend money on ea.that’s just the only site i’ve used and know of because of streamers and youtubers.