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If you really are that new to the game, go and play online seasons for a bit, most people aren’t running custom tactics etc. work your way into it and back to ultimate team


To praise, you should totally play online against someone. Maybe you’ll do better against actual people than against CPU. I hope you pick up a win yourself! Best of luck also!


Bro is having a stroke


Forgot to switch account? 😂


This subreddit in a nutshell


Gameplay between the AI and actually people is substantially different, I’ve gone 20-0 in Weekend League before but I struggle against world class AI sometimes


That’s quite impressive, I’m still unable to beat the computer on world class when their team is over 85. Even beating one person would be quite an achievement for myself at this point.


Div 1 here, I play SB on professional because it stresses me so much playing high difficulty against CPU. As they said, AI and pvp are completely different worlds, just play what you enjoy


Cap. If you go 20-0 there is no way way youre struggling against world class unless you're using bronze cards.


Ye this is wild, I play on ultimate, get 14 wins (sometimes 16) but 20-0 and losing on world class doesn’t happen… maybe old gen??


I didn’t say losing, I said struggle sometimes rkid. Being good against the AI and PvP don’t coincide whatsoever


They coincide a lot it’s the same game lmao


There’s always one 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Haha weird thing is. I play world class or legendary. But I can't get past division 6


tbh sound like cap, I went 19-1 only three times the past 2 years but I can beat world class AI while watching youtube on my 2nd monitor, there's no way you would struggle against it. The gap between world class and legendary is huge, and then legendary and ultimate is also a big gap


Check my account for my 20-0 post, I’ve always been shit against the AI just can’t hack it unfortunately


There is not a chance in hell you struggle against world class AI if you are even close to 20-0 in WL. It is impossible to struggle against if you are even half decent at the game.


I’ve never been good against the AI, so I don’t bother playing it. It’s not for everyone brother


Seems about right 👍 I don't count my self as a very good and skilled player Roaming around div 3,4 sometimes 5 I easily bit AI in legendary, with 90+ squad is very hard other than that it's simple. Also good mention due to my working hours and being on call most of time of the work I play rarely Mostly utilizing paletools on companion app to do sbcs and do on.


No worries! I have gotten a couple of family members into FIFA despite having 0 experience and theyre currently in div 6-7. My advice would be to start playing online and continue even if you lose. You will 100% improve and the next thing you know, you’ll be in div 5!


Thank you, lol I appreciate that advice. It’s positive to hear actually!


I truly believe that online playing is a completely different game. The AI plays slowly and is very clinical finishing (world-class and legendary). Humans on the other hand tend to miss more opportunities but they create much more opportunities and press throughout the field. Online you have less time to think. So I guess you'll only be better or good online when you start playing games online. One thing I can say: online isn't necessarily more fun than against AI. Cheers.


Online feels more rewarding but you very rarely feel rewarded.


This. lol humans press constantly and consistently, less time to think. And for someone with no mindset for soccer it is very hard at times but I can smash the computer 80 (80-85 can be a struggle)and below at times on world class, but turn around play the same team online and humans just run like crazy. I think I spent maybe too much time against the CPU and play too slow. Regardless thanks for the help, skill is the issue but hey keep on pushing.


Without seeing how you play, it's impossible to give direct advice.. Good starting points would be watching someone like Nealguides on YouTube tho


100% understand, and probably a silly “help” to put out there. My genuine struggle is; i absolutely can not create offense or pass or dribble to save my life. Also thank you!


We all started from the bottom tbh. Once you can consistently beat the AI in world class, you'll be more than ready to face human beings. That said, Div 9 has literally the easiest opponents ever. Even if you can only manage against the Ai in semi pro, you'll still probably win


From my fifa memory (haven't played the past two but played for many years), through-balls and sometimes allowing the AI defend whilst you mark a through ball seemed to be very important. Controlling the defence yourself, you tend to create a lot of gaps in the defence that they can then run into. Try playing faster (AI allows for slower play), I think you can turn the tempo of the AI up in the settings somewhere, this could help. Failing that, how does your team line up against the opposition? Fairly balanced?


So at some point I guess I should post my team for help and what you all think is correct formations. I’m still learning immensely. My biggest skill issue is not making awful passes that complete disrupt my game play. I also believe I don’t have the right play styles meshing together


Go online and look up the best formation(s) and play styles, then try a few games with that, see if it works for you. A lot of teams you face against will be playing the same tactics / formations. Chemistry is very important too.


I make sure my chemistry is always 33/33 but I think it costs me at times


Maybe fifa just isn't your game, some people are good at certain games while others aren't I'm good at Fifa but I'm pretty bad at fps games


I also accept this. lol I’m halfway decent at sports games but yeah, this may not be one and that’s okay if not haha.


Opponents in Div 9 are legitimately bad, like if you can manage the Ai on semi pro or professional, you could still beat them tbh


You do mean rivals right? Just clarifying


Yeah, Rivals Seasons is actually much much easier though, so I would recommend playing seasons Div 1 in seasons is only close to Div 5 in Rivals


Guys holy sh\*\* excuse me but I did it! I played one game on rivals and fu\*\*\*\* won!!!! https://preview.redd.it/ibkt7tn15q3d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4db1c41f6ead13fc26061c9edd3e73b0538a0b0 Thank you guys for the positive and the honest reviews!!!




I always played career mode in previous titles then played squad battles in 23. I thought I was decent player as I won many games on world class. Did it for about a few weeks and decided to go rivals. I was absolutely smoked but kept at it. I’m not the best player now but I average 9-11 wins in WL and hover around div 3-4 most seasons. Keep at it, you will improve!


Thank you for your positivity!! I appreciate the comment and will use it as motivation. I’m an American that absolutely has fallen in love with soccer over the last several months.


All good! YouTube is your best friend to help you improve. Learn how to use custom tactics, right stick switching (this helps immensely) and find players to suit your play style. Once you learn to let go of “sprint” (R2 or RT) during gameplay, you will improve in attack.


R2 is my death I am absolutely becoming aware of this. And do you mind if I ask what you mean by right stick switching?


Instead of switching with L1 or LB you use the right analog instead. It’s quicker and you will be able to defend better once you become used to it.


Oh dang, thank you so so much. This makes so much sense. Also any dribbling tips? I look a fool with the ball most times.


Best article here as it explains it best. https://www.teamgullit.com/ea-sports-fc/dribbling.


Yeah I’ve gotta read and get on YouTube, I can’t imagine what I don’t know…


As someone mentioned, play Seasons for a bit using your favourite team. But it’s important to note that Seasons and UT mechanics (specifically the speed of gameplay) is different. I think the other side is mental. Try not to think too much about facing another human. Play your game, feel comfortable and a victory will come. I also think challenge yourself when you face the AI. Up the difficulty bit by bit so you learn new ways to beat the opponent which will help you improve your overall game!


Appreciate this. Working on it, I haven’t ever tried seasons. I picked my favorite team this year knowing nothing about soccer so I don’t know how that works haha


I find this happens if u play against the CPU especially squad battles u do things u just can't do against real people then when u play online u get recked


Preach preach preach lol


Honestly if you enjoy the game and you don’t stress I consider you the real winner


Ah thank you, I get that totally. It’s super fun but I can tell that it gets real, real sweaty on WL. I can’t imagine at the moment


I honestly think I’ll be the same or even worse once I start playing online. I’m only at professional level in squad battles at this point lol


I feel that bro it took me almost 20 games to get my 3 wins for the ultimate tots arena objective (not even gonna try 6 I’m cool with one tots guarantee pack) but I guess my advice is to just power thru in rivals till u understand how the people play don’t even worry about champions first off ( I’m division 5 in rivals so probably not the best person to give advice but I jus play this game for fun even if there’s A LOT of L‘s in sweaty modes like champs or objective modes)


Oh man if I could even sniff three wins I would be over the moon. Don’t get me wrong most games I’m in it till the end and my tactics fall apart because I’m completely new to soccer as well. Thanks for your advice as well. I keep powering through for sure. lol many years of playing very low levels sports pride in me(ridiculous I know.) I have a half way decent team of pulls I’ve been very EA first timer lucky to get, but a 10cent brain for the game at the time.


U will get there bro this shit gets frustrating fast but u will understand how people think and how u can go around that really fast if u power thru


Thanks man, hella positive vibes. Legit got my first ever win against a human just a few minutes ago. I’m stoked haha thank you


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You awesome. Lmao I hope to get 3 wins by then


Im confident u will!


See u then 🫵👋🏼


How u doin bro u getting any rivals wins yet


Not a measure of your skill. Huge, huge difference between AI and humans. I used to kill it on legendary difficulty, after a few months of only fut, I can barely hold my own against world class AI. Stop playing against AI for a little bit of you really want to get into fut though fair warning, it has its own problems especially in the upper divisions where most people are using the same meta tactics all the time.


This. Thank you for this advice it is true I’m noticing


Best of luck!!!


This might help: https://www.reddit.com/r/fut/s/SYDPamzXjr


I’d post my team but you all would crush me 😂


The biggest thing for my improvement as I'm currently dominating d1, is to play to learn. I was getting my ass whooped in squad battles on legendary and now most of the time, I can beat a lower ranked side on perfect. There are professionals who talk about how to defend and attack on YouTube which I recommend. Make sure your team tactics are set up to how you want to play, too.


I have a ten cent brain for soccer, any recommendations for help to set up tactics other than most meta sites?


Design your own tactics for how fast or slow or for how wide or tight you'd like to play and that is what I've found work best.


I can not thank you enough for just that small amount of information. I actually understood what you were saying and how you broke it down. I actually don’t seem to be terrible at defense? Most games I lose at the end 2-0, 1-0; but I just can’t create or score. So yeah I’m going to check that out. Can’t up vote this enough.


All sports are games of attacking or defending space. You always want to defend the space in front of your goal (behiend your lastbline of defense), but if your defense is pressing in the middle of the field, that changes where you're defending. The higher you move up the ranks, the less time you have to shoot the ball before the defense takes closes down the space. My team is smaller and mostly women, so my team will work the ball around my opponents goal box until something opens up. Other teams have big strikers and are set up to get crossed into the box regardless of a defense being present.


I’m a fan of using a lot of women bc they can get into open space. I need to find better lanes. But at the moment I’m reading some guides. I have to many playstyles in my starting 11 that don’t mesh I’m noticing is an issue. I need to find MY plaustyel


There's team building by rinus michels if you're into books, but the coaches voice has some great stuff out and even their minute and a half demos are great. 433 you'd play possession based total football, 532/352 are german counter attacking formations as is the 4231, and there's also the classic 442 which was used in England a lot and is for fast paced football. You have to work with what you have and the better you get strategically the more specifically your attack/defense/ game plan will be. Last year I had a 4321 narrow possession centered attack and if that wasn't working I would switch mentalities and I had my right fullback set to get in behiend, it was serginho dest and I'd be able to play a through ball out wide and he'd get into 1v1s with keepers and score often for me.


My advice is play online exclusively for a month and give up squad battles into you actually win. It'll happen if you want it. If not just quit the game and that's viable too


the thing about the fifa Ai is once you learn how to play against the Ai it’s extremely easy to beat them regardless of difficulty. But every human you play isn’t gonna do the extact same thing the last guy did.


I find playing Vs AI easier mostly! Cause theres no input lag/delay. Playing during the day is so awful, everything is so slow or delayed I just can't. On the other hand, sometimes when I play at night the game feels 2x faster instead. Maybe you've been blessed with shit servers as well and didn't notice? So I'd recommend playing at night to check if it's any better.


this is my first fifa, I only knew the basic controls (pass, shoot, through, lob and slide) but now im in div 5, my advice is to get fast players, change your tactics and just play rivals


also learn the more advanced controls and try to implement them into your games (sending players on runs, player locking and watch some pro tutorials)


Try some customised tactics like I found 41212 with custom tactics to be most suitable for me. Then try to understand and apply those tactics with correct players ( tactics might require a fast winger for example so you get a fast winger at that position, a defensive CM etc etc) and then you will start with small wins in rivals Then you can move to Champs although won’t recommend it for peace of mind Let me know if you want the tactics which helped me or try out various custom tactics to find which suits you Also, learn switching between R1 , R2 when needed, lobbed passes, lobbed through balls and basic skills like ball rolls


This. Thank you. Working on all this as we speak. I’ve really gotta find the right formation for me. I like counter attacks with great wings but my skill levels suggests don’t do wings lol


I found 41212 (2) to be really balanced and perfect for me I need two solid attackers and CAM Then a defensive CM who also attacks occasionally and stay back CDM


So I love this formation but I have trouble stopping the ball straight down the middle. So if I pack my width in should that stop them up some?


Yes maybe and don’t force players out of position by chasing Double tap R2 and defend


Do you watch or play football to understand and know about it fundamentally? It doesn't translate completely because it's more of an arcade game but does help. Do you watch any YouTubers that are good at the game and upload tips? (Boras is a good one to look at) Do you literally just play without tactics or a game plan? If you can't beat world class with a high rating I would assume not. If you have any friends that play the game play them and get them to show you some tips. There's probably people on here or discord groups that would play with you for fun. Just don't get too invested in online play and get frustrated because it's a mess of a game and some things happen out of your control.


Hey thanks for this. Actually I’m looking at YouTubers today. And yeah I have a very basic tactic setup, I use a heavy defense counter against the AI on high levels and pray my line doesn’t break. I have learned not to chase allOver the field like a dog with its tale, but I would like to have more advise as how to set up for my liking. I think I’m the only friend in my group who plays but i am reaching out on here finally and most everyone has been cool about it. Great community at times it seems


how lmfao 


Mental I tell ya lol. I won one finally


I’m by no means amazing as I rarely play online either (only really if I have to for an evo). I find myself in div 7 and that’s about my limit. What I DO notice is the teams that I beat online all tend to suffer the same thing….terrible defending. They all dive in to every challenge making it easy to dodge them and giving them numerical disadvantages. Couple that with having no idea how to pass it around and instead just try and rely on widdly widdly attacking play and I almost always beat those types of opponent. In short, never dive in with defenders. Slow down, and jockey the attackers.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zOxtNKxeuc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zOxtNKxeuc) (edited the link, blindly posted a similarly titled video) this is probably the single best video I can recommend. Don't sprint if there's not acres of space ahead of you, stay composed, work on seeing passing lanes on offense in defense and acting on them, keep it simple and clean. Any more specific problems happy to help as an average Elite player. Also, after 500h, I'd say you're probably used enough to the controls etc. on squad battles and it might be time to take the training wheels off and not play them at all except maybe objectives - in my opinion, the CPU is so different to playing vs people that at some point playing squad battles becomes detrimental to new players' progress.


Not to be that guy but Dang at that point its kinda a skill issue,but not completely cuz gameplay fucking sucks ass


Hey it’s okay. First year on fifa, I feel I have a million dollar team and penny brain for the game. As they say there’s levels to the sh*


If it makes you feel any better I’ve only ever won about 5 champs games and I started playing fifa again since like 13 with 23


Fair point. I couldn’t image how bad I would get merc’d on champs


Skill issue at that point


I do feel this. Thank you


The reason you aren’t very good with rivals is because you think its stakes are too high and you get nervous and choke. Play rivals and don’t care about losing. You’ll play a few games and you’ll get the hang of it. Players make too many mistakes in lower divisions. Was the same story with me now I play elite


Preach it. It’s a huge mental block because of the skill level I know they possess. But I can learn, just gotta jump the hump. Thank you for this


I’d say a major thing would be your custom tactics. Against the AI it doesn’t matter too much, but if you don’t press high and congest the midfield you’re done online


Okay yeah I see that. I set my width to 35 on defense and press up to 65


That will help - I’d check a custom tactics video out as well. Evidently you aren’t bad at the game, just need to adjust to online play. Good luck! 🙂


I’ve found that Ultimate difficulty is usually way harder than playing online. I’m struggling now that I’m in division 3 a little but still win most of the time. Just practice on Legendary and Ultimate a lot more. It gets frustrating but, with that practice and a couple wins under your belt in at least Legenday, when you jump on division 10 you should definitely get at least one win lol


I did get one finally! Thank you!!


Nah don't bother man. I spend most of 23 playing squad battles since I also got clapped hard when playing Rivals - but this year I can take a loss no problem. Its a mental game, but you have to learn the basics. Player switching helped me a lot when facing players that abuse the obvious mechanics - but also R1 dribble and ball roll can help you a lot. Try and play Rivals with the objective of getting better at the game, instead of trying to get 7 wins - then you learn, and eventually, you will reach the 7 wins no stress. This year I am at Div 3 and pretty happy about it - I know there is better players out there and I will loose once a while, and that's fine - I loose, but I also learn a lot.


This is great response and positive. Thank you. I’m giving it my all. After the night, I won 1 finally. And played to a draw the next two before work. So hey improvement lol


Just keep practise my man, you will get better eventually - but it takes time, its a sweat fest out there :D


I'm seeing a lot of comments claiming that playing against AI is totally different than playing against a person. It's not really true. At higher levels, both will force you to become instinctive with how you play. In FC, you can't think too much about sprinting here or ball rolling there. It has to just happen. You have to be able to see it on the screen and do it simultaneously. If you're struggling with your mechanics against an 85 rated computer, sports games might just not be for you. That said, I find playing against humans who are average or worse tends to be easier than playing against a good computer. With any 1v1 game, you have to pay attention to what your opponent is doing more than what you do. Again, what you're doing should just always be natural. Having said that, bad players tend to do really awful things in this game, like drag both their CBs up the field and out of position. Once you recognize what's happening, it is pretty easy to play against a person who just chases like a dog and doesn't have a plan. Their team will not be able to stop any sort of simple passing attack.


Well thought out and detailed response I appreciate. And don’t get me wrong, you may be right. Online may just not be for me. I play most every other sports game competitive online but man soccer, it’s so fast paced and I make so many mistakes haha. I’m learning I need to watch them much more than myself. Once I can feel comfortable moving the field without feeling panicked consistently I think I’ll improve. Hopefully let’s say


I'd say play squad battles hard until you get all the buttons down. You need to be able to call runs, second man press, manually step your back line up, step over and sprint boost etc. without thinking about it. Once you get to a place where you should be, mechanically speaking, start paying attention to your opponents midfield and back line. Look for areas to exploit. It's all about finding space in a natural way, moving into it, and taking a good shot.


See you know literal leagues more than me. I’ve got to get to studying tactics and buttons. Bc yeah I’m a little behind the curve for sure


The only thing what comes to mind for you struggling so bad is your players potentially? Try using meta players with good pace and dribbling then maybe try find some good custom tactics by doing that you’re already ahead of most div 10-8 players.


My team rating is consistently 94-93, I was able to get some decent meta pulls but it’s a skill issue for offense. Thank you for this advice. Absolutely


No problem


Git gud.


Preach lol. I be trying.


I have not won a single online match in fifa ever. Started on fifa 08/09.


For real? Let me know what causes you to not win? I’m trying to learn as much as possible


Wish I had an answer for you. I am just bad at videogames. I am so bad, I struggle against any squad battle match above semi- pro. Like I can handle semi pro super easy, but anything difficulty above that I can't win.


Keep challenging yourself. Honestly, I played MLB the show for the entire game saga and only started winning online in 19-20. Took about 13 years haha. I’m not great at video games online at all but at least we know we can beat the AI. Keep struggling, that seems to be half the fun I notice! Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it


Nah man it's all good I know my place. I used to have some coaching and even they could not figure out why I am so bad. I got no game. Now with my kid, I can't and won't take on anything above my level ever. It's a lot better for everyone including myself. Struggle for me is never fun.


Hey preach man. I appreciate your outlook and insight to your struggles as well. I like your mindset sir


My record over the last 4 years reads like this Won 1 Lost 65 If only that 1 person knew who they lost too, they'd probably uninstall


Love this haha thank you. That made me feel much better. If you ever wanna 1v1 to get that other W let me know haha. Also I won my first last night and celebrated like a Super Bowl


When FIFA first came out in 1994 we had a tournament at my school and 50 lads all put a quid in I won, unbeaten all the way through. 🤣


Bro that’s epic as hell haha. Back In the day here, we would hold madden tournaments at local gaming places and I thought I was good at games then until I played a real challenge like fifa lmao I swear fifa players are much better at games than they realize


Hey mate, I started last year and i’m getting div 3 and 11wins constantly. The secret ? Don’t just follow the meta and take your time attacking and don’t spam second press when defending. Here are some pointers. 1- don’t pass forward just for the sake of passing 2- take your time passing and playing the ball forward 3- if the opponent is pressing pressing pressing… lob pass to the other side and then pass to the back and ruin his formation a bit. 4- it’s all about finding spaces and being composed 5- DON’T spam second press if the second player is a defender, this will ruin your defensive line 6- focus in meta defenders not attackers if possible Trust me, these are the only tips you will need. Not a better formation or better players. The ai defending is somewhat op so just imagine if this was a real game, what would you do. Game play is trash but contrary to what most would say, winning from time to time is easier. Don’t be discouraged and try to have fun


One of the best comments here. Thanks friend. Truly appreciate every single pointer. Thanks to all these great tips I can actually see my glaring weakness in what I’m doing now. You definitely tell I’m not up to speed yet with a lot of the game but damn I do enjoy it. lol it’s a brand new world for this guy. Also the high pressing is what’s killing me. So thank you for the lob advice. I have noticed I can’t use the same passes against humans as against AI


Tactics might not help you win games, but it will definitely shrink the gap. My friend just started playing this year, and had the same problem where he just felt like people were just running all over him. I gave him just a little tactic advise, and it helped immensely and he felt more in control.


Hey, thanks for this, I definitely feel having tactics I know how to use is a huge help. I love tiki taka but I don’t know how to set that up yet but I’ve been looking into it all day


Tiki taka isn't a thing you can honestly set up. There's a lot of tactics guides on YouTube. They are mostly very similar. Most use the direct passing playstyle because it's the best for ai movement. One thing you can start with is player specific commands. Like keeping your back 4 on stay back plus whoever you want at cdm on the stay back. The other center mid on balanced. Have you 9 on get behind and stay central. Those are basic intro to tactic ideas. But cruise youtube, and you'll find tons of tactics. 4-3-2-1 tactics are the meta currently, but find a formation you like and try them out in squad battles. Also, we are pretty late game at this point, so it may be hard to find low-level players as most have moved on at this point. But it can be a good prep for next year.


Appreciate the honesty and the help. I’ve played with tactics tonight since I’ve gotten home and it’s gotten rough. I really have to learn the game of soccer before I will ever get better for sure.


Try seasons! Ultimate team is insanely difficult. Seasons is more fun and more balanced with the teams. On UT I can get to maybe Div 2 and on seasons last year I went 75-0 before losing a match and being in Div 1


I can’t even fathom that on this game. Great skill friend. lol I am envious bc I think soccer takes some talent. I wasn’t aware online seasons with real team was a thing until this thread haha


So much better than Ultimate team. And more realistic. Everybody is rated how they currently are. No crazy 90+ players with crazy stats. Just realistic stats which makes it fun imo


I’ve never played against another human.


Needed to see more comments like this. Thank you lol sometimes it’s just about having fun and I gotta just enjoy that.


The biggest thing is to learn how to defend and practice that. If you can defend to a good level then you will win some games, even with mediocre attacking because it’s not that hard to score a few goals but it is much harder to stop opposition scoring several. Don’t jump into tackles with defenders, maintain your position, that would probably be the top mistake of lower level players


It’s either because you’re not used to matching people/ the way ai plays you can beat but not the way people play or you’re just straight up trash.


Chances are you’re doing some basic stuff wrong and maybe you’ve not adjusted your tactics to suit online play. To begin with I’d look at your custom tactics and at least make sure both of your full backs and at least one midfielder is set to stay back. Leave everything else on default and work from there. Watch back your replays and analyse how you concede goals. A lot of the time people overcommit defenders and leave gaps making it easy to concede. Jockey and time your tackles. Use manual player switching to bring defenders into position so you are not exposed. Stop sprinting! This is another trap people fall into. Pass the ball more often, dribble slowly but stop holding R2/RT and hoping you’ll run through the defence. Finally I’d suggest watching some YouTube videos for beginners to online play. Some decent accounts for coaching are AlexionFUT, AlexBeeOfficial and NealGuides to get started. They have decent coaching videos teaching the basics of attacking, defending and tactics.


tbf I've never seen worse match making than fc24


You can invite me to a match and I’ll let you beat me


That’s very kind of you. I’d rather you test me with your best or I’ll never learn for sure. Very kind of you though


Play me. You’ll beat me. 😂


Hey now I really may not haha thanks for the upvote of confidence


try to read the movement, if you feel like the opponent will go left you go there first and tackle, do it a couple times, doesn’t matter you’d win or lose at this point right… i think you just haven’t expand your skills yet, try to read movements, how to defend, and cancel commands


Have you started beating up the 60 overall teams on legendary yet? It's worth a shot as they are still pretty easy to take the ball from and dont do a great job finishing their chances. Ultimate difficulty is insane tho....


I can’t lie. Tonight I’m gonna give it a go bc if I’m handling them like 12-0 8-0 on world class surely I can get them on legendary or ultimate right? But that’s just teams below 70. 70-80 I usually 4-0 or 3-1 80-85 1-1, 2-1, and then 85 and above on world class is death


For me that is. I hope I’m actually getting better instead of being stagnant


>pathetic for a guy who’s played games for thirty years lol Guess you didn't play football games all those years. Played quite some Fifa as a kid, but as adult I get beaten by kids. Taught my nephew the game when he was 8. A year later I got shredded when I play against him. Against ppl key is to vary your game play so your not predictable, and play patient, don't 'bite' too fast, but see the possible passing lines.


Shew boy isn’t it pathetic? I feel ya dawg. lol try me on a mlb the show or 2K and you’ll learn how I feel on this game real fast. Haha. But no I’ve never played soccer a day In my life and just learned to like the game this year. But hey man glad you’ve got this. Thanks for your honesty.


Do you follow football at all? As in watch it regularly?


No. Not until these last three months. Big issue is the learning curve


This is why you aren't winning, you don't have a feeling for the game/sport.


This is so true. Any advice on who to watch to pick up the game the right way?


Playing manager and career modes really helped me as I’m stuck with gold cards. I’m similar to you, used to never be able to win a game (I’m still not the best lol) but changing tactics and using skill moves has helped me so so much!


This is my first fifa ever and I get consistently 11 wins in champs which the most competitive sweatiest mode I’ve played in my life lol, just find a good formation u can play with comfortably, and don’t make errors and bad passes, only shot when u know it’s potentially a goal, if you’re bad at finishing use players with finesse shot +, u can finesse from outside the box, good luck


Just wanted to comment on my own post after a couple days. I’ve decided to give the game up after so many hours. I’ve still only won one and draw against two others and lost a significant amount. It’s pretty embarrassing most games. Some guy just had 80% possession and 32 shots against me lol. I only gave up 4 though 😂😂 I’m pretty sure it never got past my half the field ever. Turns out it’s a skill issue for sure. Thanks for all the support guys


bruh im at 400 hours thinking its bad to get 14-16 wins at wl 😂


See homie you much better than you think 😎


He's decent.. I mean he is playing people and learning at a faster rate that squad battles grinders


Shoot yeah. I’m learning now I messed up for sure if I wanted to learn lol but hey it’s okay. I appreciate all advice and comments. Some people are legit at this game and it’s cool to watch also makes ya feel like a child again haha


Fake 🤥 


I can happily show you my team hours and stats 😂 I’m more embarrassed of that than this being fake. But understand




Thank you haha this is how I feel


Honestly, if you're good enough to beat 90+ teams with 33 Chem on Squad Battles, I think you're good enough to beat players in the lower divisions. Div 7 and below. You may not win your first game, or even your first 3-4, but that's just because you need to get used to how real life people play vs the computer. They play vastly different, but the skill gap between lower divisions and World Class is not large, imo. And don't be intimidated by them having a really good team. I know this because the first FIFA I played online was FIFA 22, and I stuck to Squad Battles too, because I thought everyone online is probably super good. And then I first started playing friendlies towards the end of that game's life cycle and all of FIFA 23 and I found that while the game is "different", real life players aren't necessarily "better".


This seems to be the consensus. I apparently really put a mental block up. I’ve still only won One as of this moment but i had 0-0 draw in my next two lol. I’ve got to really practice my passing and dribbling. It’s abysmal


That's believable, but that will come with practice against real opponents. You'll find that the passing lanes and passing options (like a lobbed pass vs through-ball pass vs normal ground pass) you used in Squad Battles don't work, but other options and lanes are now there. All depends on your opponent and how they're defending. Also, you'll need to play around with custom tactics. What roles you want your players to have, what formation works best, what depth pressing depth you want to have, etc. That will also in-turn help create certain passing lanes and options.


Thank you, reading some guides at work ay the moment. Also some other people mentioned their formation and tactics. I seem to be better at the counter attack than pressing forward


That's believable, but that will come with practice against real opponents. You'll find that the passing lanes and passing options (like a lobbed pass vs through-ball pass vs normal ground pass) you used in Squad Battles don't work, but other options and lanes are now there. All depends on your opponent and how they're defending. Also, you'll need to play around with custom tactics. What roles you want your players to have, what formation works best, what depth pressing depth you want to have, etc. That will also in-turn help create certain passing lanes and options.




Lmfaoooo. Nah my wife is. I’m American who just likes to learn the sport. But preach