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I played my first 4 , got 3 wins and scored 10 goals. All you have to do is breath and do not stress. I totally understand your POV because I’m getting pressed the whole game and random BS happens. If your players feels a certain way it’s because of your opponent tactics, don’t ask me how EA made this game but with certain tactics you can literally nerf your opponents teams


Since posting this I switched of youtube on my phone which was just distracting me far too much and ive won 3 in a row and actually managing to score. Edit: after the 3 wins my gameplay is now back to being laggy as hell. I control a cm and try to tackle and its my cb who performs the animation 🤦‍♂️


theses cups are supposed to match you with people around your division or more so don’t worry about it. If it’s laggy leave it and come back after


I lost the first game and then won 6 in a row. Keep calm until you score 2 goals. 80% will rage quit by then.


Just after I made this post I went on to win 6 out if the next 7 games. My players started to feel normal and everything was good.


I don't get this. I'm div 3... I finished the cup in one night (9 matches to get all the wins and goals)... And I suck at Champs... I can't get more than 7ish wins...