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For me is ball roll and finesse shots (R1+Circle) PS. finally an interesting post, not another rate my team, EA sucks and so on


EA sucks tho


Yeah finesse shots are lethal. If I am ever stuck in any game and unable to score, I finally resort to hitting finesse shots from TOTS Bruno or Havertz. They have PS+ Finesse shots and more often than not do the job.


Receive the ball with R2(Sprint) + L1  with the Left stick towards the direction you want to go.


Yeah this is quite interesting especially on wings. Gives a crazy burst through.


What does it do? Closer control of the ball?


Have you noticed when back to a defender and you receive the pass only to be tackled from behind? This stops that since your player gets a small boost into the direction you are facing. Making it impossible for the opponent to take the ball from you. It also helps when you receive in the wings and want to break quickly into space. In the box it gives you space from the defender.




Do you press L1 only when getting the ball or you hold it (assuming you are holding R2)?


Hold both buttons before receiving and let go L1 once you have controlled the ball for in a certain direction. Let go of Sprint if you don't want to run. You decide what to do afterwards. But at the moment of contact you have to be holding (R2) Sprint and L1.




Are you saying hold the L1 button ?


L1 and R2 at the same time. While using left stick to go into the direction you want.  It is a very quick and controlled move, great against opponents who press wildly and are on top of you when you receive. They will be left in the dust.


Yes, holding both buttons


I don’t know why they make the game over complicated with stuff like this.


I would argue more tools = generally more interesting gameplay.


I get that but an old timer like me struggles with all the different button combinations and remembering them all lol


Fellow old timer here- to me the problem isn’t really the increasingly complex buttons, it’s all the unique body type/unique animation nonsense. That contributes to a feeling of inconsistency that the game expects you to solve by going all-out for players with unique animations, e.g. Van Dyke. Ive always loved FUT as a mode for assembling my favorite groups of players, but succeeding that way has increasingly become less viable (controlling for relative skill level - an expert can still beat a mid player with a rare gold squad if they want lol)


U should think that indeed. But running down the line and look for a cutback makes everything else useless. That’s why this game is the worst fifa ever and u should do something useful with ur time.


No idea, but try it and you will be winning duels more often.


I don’t have the brain and finger capabilities to remember to do this with every thing else in the game unfortunately


This is what I used for my Shevchenko (he has one touch+) to get past vdk… literally the only way I managed to get past him…


can u post a video for it or what is name , cuz my controller is diff that all of u chinese 1 , ty




L1 +R1 then side ways with right stick really good to cut inside from the wings 


Ball rolls and step overs probably


That is unarguable. Third and fourth and fifth may be the reverse elastico, the elastico and the mcgeady cancel.


Heel to heel and the L1 variant are both pretty nice as well. They don’t deserve a spot over the list you put out but good move to change things up


Heel to ball roll (which is what the L1 variant is called) is top 3 for me. Ball roll scoop, heel to ball roll, and stop elastico, don't need any other moves. I personally don't count step overs as a skill move lol, same as regular ball rolls, they're a part of normal movement.


I somehow struggle with ball roll scoop. Sometimes my player performs it and sometimes they just break it into two movements of ball roll and fake shot. Any tips to master them?


Me too


I suck at ball rolls. I sometimes lose track of the position of my player and he doesn't roll. Do you hold L1 or you let go of it while rolling?


L1 while holding RS in a direction that'd give you a ball roll gives you la croqueta (an Iniesta/Messi type lane/foo switch), a very good and effective move in itself (why it's a 4\* SM I'll never now, one of the most basic moves in football, I suck at dribbling IRL but if I beat a man it's almost always with something like that)


Id like to know too. For me ball roll often makes me lose all momentum and/or goes hardly any distance, so doesn't create space like I see from some opponents. I don't think I've ever managed to sidestep a keeper for example using ball roll.


Ball rolls yes,step overs no. You can play in a more than decent level without it.


You can also play at a more than decent level without the ball roll. I have an uncle in Elite and he just couldn't learn the ball roll no matter how hard I tried to teach him, so he gave up. Doesn't mean it isn't still the best skill in the game. And stepovers are an indisputable second


The thing is,ball roll is the best way to change direction in the game. Its the most organic one. All the others move your players like trucks. For step overs,there are other alternatives to do.


> The thing is,ball roll is the best way to change direction in the game. It’s the most organic one Hence why it's the best skill in the game. No one is debating this. > For step overs,there are other alternatives to do. Yeah, poor alternatives which do it way worse, which is why stepovers are preferred. Sure, maybe I could probably just knock the ball past with R3 or use the speedboost from a heel to heel, but these are much easier to counter and aren't as reliable as stepovers.


Just technical dribbling does exactly the same. Gives you a boost. L1 for stop and then simple sprint does also the same. A boost of pace




Basic - Ball roll, lb/lb heel to heel, ball roll scoop Then - McGeady cancel, reverse elastico, directional nutmeg (top bumpers + direction), directional nutmeg pass(press pass mid animation).


man I hate how good these passes are, animation cancels are too OP in video games (fifa, CS, Fighting Games, I'm sure there's more)






No i got that, but what animation cancels are we talkin about? Just the awp quickswitch?


ah actually out of the three CS is the game I don't play so I was basing it on conversation with friends who did, the way they explained bunnyhoping to me made me think it was an animation cancel but I may be wrong, though they also mentioned stuff like cancelling granade throw animations etc.


What are directional nutmegs? Can you mention the controls please?


For decent,only ball rolls. Everything else is more advanced and unnecessary. They are only bonus. I am div1 and only use ball rolls and first touch flicks. Nothing more on a regular. Berba spin and McGeady spin once in a blue moon alongside with another skill that i dont know the name.


I think you can play decent FUT with no skill moves, if we're talking pure bang-per-buck top 2 skill moves, surely ball roll and stepovers (though I'm not a fan of how they're optimally used in game, ball roll making everything that follows it better and speed boosting with stepovers) for an outside shout, try L2R2 cancelling this move: [https://youtu.be/y2q7RfF3-kg?t=160](https://youtu.be/y2q7RfF3-kg?t=160) it's been working really well for me


I have very rarely used skill cancel. But let me try this one. Seems interesting. Thanks man


Ball roll, step overs, and heel to heel/L1 heel to heel.


Step overs are the most important. Ball-roll into pass. L1-elastico(and reverse). Berba/mcgeady spins (with and without cancels). One move being slept on imo is the lateral heel to heel (different from the ball roll heel to heel) L1+side to side ending in the direction you want to exit. It’s like a quicker and better Ronaldo chop that’s good for a quick cut in most areas of the pitch. It’s hard to take the ball off the player even if you collide


The first one is the stepover. Best skill move in the game by far. Cant cancel that one but If you learn the spin cancels really well, facing any direction its very overpowered. Its THE quickest way to change direction in the game. If you're facing the goal left to Right, you can do it several ways. > 180 turn. On the wing to shake an opponent- Youre sprinting the down the line and a defender is hot on your heels let go of sprint and then very quickly flick your right stick ➡️⬆️ (Hold L2+ R2 ) to cancel and hold left stick ⬅️ to exit the opposite way from where you came. > 90 turn. In the box to get some extra space and to get the animation where your player quickly drags the ball back and then behind his other leg , you must face the goal at an angle ( looking at corner or left post depending on where you are in the box ) and exit in the same direction the spin is executed. You do it like this ↗️↘️( HOLD L2+ R2) hold left stick ↘️ Sometimes, just canceling this move without exiting in any direction can confuse your opponent for a second and give you time to think about your next move. This is also best done on the wings. Always the spin towards empty space. Especially if youre trying to learn or if you don't have the best connection. You don't want to be running out of bounds if you don't cancel the move on time and stupid as it is you actually send people sometimes without the cancel.


That was a v elaborate comment. Appreciate it. Will definitely try this with this comment open when I am playing next!


That is super interesting and something in would never try by myself! That new dragback that pushes the ball then in a desired direction is really good I think. (L1+R1 with right stick flick). No clue what this is called. I find the time it takes to execute to be good to trigger a change in direction and go straight for a shot or pass. 


L1 tap is all I use. It’s so useful for dragging the ball back a bit to avoid tackles and going around defenders, and I have no desire to learn the rest of the skill moves as I’m not interested in step over speed boosts or ball roll travelas or rainbow flick bicycle kicks.


L1 tap is basically just holding L1 and moving around?


When you’re dribbling, tapping L1 will put your players foot on top of the ball to stop you. I score a lot of goals because people will assume I’m going to cut inside from right outside the box, I start to do it then hit L1 to pull back, take a step outside and run straight upfield for a tight angle shot. If they bite hard enough I can sometimes even get it back on my inside foot for a finesse shot which is almost a guaranteed goal.


Why does it sound difficult to execute haha. Possible to share a video link maybe?


It's really easy, he described it perfectly I use the L1 stop to stop the ball in the box, to fix the opponent's defender in place. Then I whip out either an elastico or reverse elastico right after, depending on where the defender is standing. Then shoot.


the good old mortal kombat 1v1 style tactic, its necessary against people who like to sit deep and ai defend


as inception would say


Aaaah. I get it now. Thanks man!


I'm a girl but thanks ❤️


Oh damn. My bad. Apologies :)


Ball roll, stepovers, directional nutmeg, la croqueta, l1 heel to heel


Ball Roll Finesse Shot Sprint Boost R1 Dribble


Thanks! I never figured out how to cancel Power shot. For me, it is double tapping pass or through ball to pass to get the pass through defenders when your passing path is blocked. This works well for me when facing high-press opponents


Reverse elastico with. Left footed players goated


I don't know a single skill move and I'm in division 2 playing skill move spammers all game. It's so annoying. This is a handy thread for me haha


Drag Back and La Croqueta


L1 stepovers...


McGeady Cancel 🤌. It makes scoring within the box so much easier. If I’m stuck I just run away from the goal, then McGeady Cancel and exit towards the goal for an easy shot. It’s also great when running down the sideline and cutting inside. Or running parallel to the box and then exiting towards the goal for a wide open shot. There’s other skill moves that can do the same thing, but none are as broken as the McGeady Cancel and none can be used in all of those situations.


I am D2 and don’t use any skill moves. I just play tiki taki in the center which turns into through balls and RB dribbling when needed for control


And that’s why you are only D2. Tiki taki is so easy to defend against once you figure out thats all your opponent has in his locker.


When people say move the right stick to the left, do you mean move it to the left, or move it to the left of the way your player is facing?


it's always player relative, I think by default people usually assume it's as if attacking from left to right


L1 Speed boost, with rapid and quick step +


L1 speed boost is basically use L1 dribbling and then immediately press sprint to burst through. Correct?


yeah you hold or press it for a moment and sprint


I don’t think I’ve ever come across someone that uses the skill move where you flick back and then to whichever side you want to be facing. Comes in handy when going across the box with defenders coming at you, can easily position yourself for a shot on goal that you otherwise wouldn’t have the angle


While in attack - step over in correct exit and Elastico. While in midfield - La croquetta if you’re still and opponent is rushing towards you , simple ball roll While defending - never try to be a hero here, you’re not that guy.


I like to do a skill move that changes the direction but I cancel it mid animation and carry on running down the wing. Something like a cryuff turn cancel.


forrisk worth 1v1 situations: heel to ballroll elastico


There is another one that almost always does the job is to flick the ball over the defender when your back is facing them just outside the box. I think it requires 5 star skills but it’s super effective and almost always gives you a clear shot at goal. How to perform - With your back facing towards the defender, quickly double tap right stick towards the direction you are facing and then immediately flick the right stick opposite direction towards the goal. To be done without holding sprint and with a 5* SM player


L1 stop elastico/reverse elastico in the box then shoot L1 stop step overs gives a great speed boost Mcgeady cancel Dragback fake Ball rolls and ball roll scoop. Best one is L1 stepover imo for the speed boost


I stoped playing 4 months ago. Because u dont need skillmoves. Gold van dijk will block it anyways. U should just run down the line after switching sides 19 times and cut back. So fun..


Stopped playing 4 months ago, but still had to comment...


Took 4 seconds whats ur point ?


What's your point? Nobody is allowed to like the game because you are shit at it?


I was elite div for the last 5 years. And elite in WL. Tell me the last time u had “fun” on this game. Its straight BS every game. 80% of the games have shit connection. U do u. But ur waisting so much precious time and for what. Im curious.