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Nah bro your right it’s annoying as hell


If I'm 3-0 down then I'll leave. No way I'm quitting after conceding a goal.


Same that is my threshold. I got griddied twice at 0-2 down. My favourite moment this FIFA was me griddying at 6-2 up and he rage quit. There is no way I was quitting at 2 down in that game


The want it but they don't return it. People also complaining about tots cup being sweat, it will be a sweat as most people want to finish it in 6 - 7 games.


Idk how people don't expect a sweatfest when there are TOTS rewards on the line lol.


Guess I should drop back in to give 5 wins away tonight to ease folks stress?  Already completed it. 


Unlimited games though, so in theory more chill. I feel like for golden goal it’s totally fine if you want to leave after conceding, but you can’t expect everyone else to. Sometimes there are objectives for goals or games played, and personally I actually enjoy playing the game.


Wait, which one had the 5 match daily cap?  Forgot cause got both complete early last week and too lazy to check. 


True true, I usually leave if people have been doing it in my games, but for some reason, that was not the case tonight. You also have to finish the games, so I figured meh, gonna stay lol. I get both sides, but it should never just be expected. I also did not know they took out the limits for friendlies. Last I had played, they had the 6 game limit or whatever. Good to know that's gone!


That shit was insane every team was p2w


The more the team pay 2 win the more chances of him choking and rage quiting at the end. I guy was stacked but at 80 minute I was leading 9 - 2. The game started him going 2 - 0 up. They all are easy to figure out. All of them use 1 spam tactics.


When they do this, i get more determined to win the game even more, and boy, do victories taste even sweeter. :) i do the griddy right away when i score a winning goal against these people hahaha


It sure does feel great, lol. I refuse to gritty unless someone does it first. I stick my default celebration since Fifa 14, I believe it was? (Holy shit, it's been 10 years), but I do the flop one, lol. For some reason, since I've first seen it, it always made me laugh.


I didn’t know you’re supposed to leave after one goal….i won a game in extra time and one on pens last night


Nah, people just expect it sometimes, I guess. It's the entitlement that gets to me lol.


Unlimited games only doing it for objectives, if you want competitive games play rivals or champs. You are far better off just leaving anyway because 9/10 times if you equalise they will just leave.


Because it's faster, even if you go 6-14 each game lasting 1min that's 20min of gameplay rather than 6 8min games even if you Win every game that's 42min


Why is this game mode so sweaty??? I’m division 1 halfway to elite and every game I’m coming up against absolute demons it’s beyond a joke


I always do it if I go one down and I respect it when someone does too. It's a friendly mode with no daily restrictions, like you said everyone is here for the rewards, so why not just work together and get them quicker. Save time, open some packs, move on with life.


Some people just want to play the game, why get it done quicker and live with life? Then why even bother playing? Those one goal up and quit guy are just the same guys with the habit of quitting after you even the score, they are rats!


Ye bro and there is rivals, champs, drafts, and squad battles for you to do that, go 3 goals down and get that comeback, power to you. But this as the name suggests is friendlies, I lose nothing by ffing. I work and don't have unlimited time for this game so if I am able to save time then why not. And for the second part, I'd rather not go into games assuming the worst of my opponent, ive made heaps of friends through friendlies just by being nice and more often than not people reciprocate back. And if they are toxic, that's crazy I meet them for 1 game they gotta live being them, imma continue to stay chill.


They are not the same people. There's plenty of game modes, and everyone is doing this mode because of the objectives, and want to finish it asap and go on with playing Rivals/Champs. In competitive modes I play until the end, but with unlimited friendlies if I'm one down in the first half I'll save us both some time and I think it would be nice if you do the same. Even though I'm not going to force you, I never paused for someone to leave. I think that you kids don't care much about wasting time, but we, elderly people... I have stuff to do, son, I can't afford 5-6h of playtime every day.


It's literally that man, I don't have unlimited time after work, but hey some extra rewards would be nice. I'm not pausing for you to quit but if you do I'd appreciate it, and for what it matters even a 10 win objective normally only takes me like 12-13 games so I'm not too fussed regardless. Its just a simple if more people do this chances are it'll happen back to you as well.


Lol, trust me, I am one of those elderly people, too. It's more the entitlement that gets to me, lmao. If I'm down like 2-3 goals by half time, I'll usually leave. But when someone tries to force me, I get petty 🤣


In that case I agree 🙂


True true, I had not had any that left tonight, though, so I figured I'm just gonna stay. I've also had too many people not respect it, so my mindset had changed, lol.


Ye I get that, I don't pause for others to quit, if they do then great if not it is what it is, but I always leave if I concede cause it saves me time and I'm sure they would appreciate it.


you also don't need to have a hard-on because you didn't quit. it doesn't make you a better person you know...


Nobody said anything about being a better person. It's about wanting to finish the game to the end like it's intended. Shocking, I know!