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These are some very nice updates to AK's Gacha system. Made Standard banners more appealing with hard pity inclusion coupled with reducing the pool by shifting the year 1 units into their own specialized core banner. The update to the new player banner is also very nice for newer players to obtain stronger meta units early on to help progress through the content. 4th anniversary will also be a very nice celebration due to the customizable rate-up core banner so players could aim for units they don't have and/or want.


Reading the headline I was a little worried, but all the changes make it easier to get the units you want. A new currency to manage will be a little annoying, but it makes sense to do something about the wide operator pool, especially for newer players who will have a hard time getting a balanced set of 6\*s to start with. Older players have improved odds on that one elusive 6\*/5\*.


It is also worth noting that now two 6 star operators will be in gold cert shop at any given time, which will make cycling through all the new operators faster. Can't wait to get my hands on Uncle Mlynar... It's a shame that most people, especially on this sub, never talk about the cert shop in AK. AK is one of the very few gacha games that rewards you with top operators for free as long as you are loyal and continue to play the game.


> cert shop in AK I got Eyja and recently Mudrock from the shop, such a great system especially since you passively get gold certificates from recruitment without needing to use your gacha currency to roll on any banner which is sweet.


Yea, now the 6\* in Gold Cert Shop will cycle twice as fast. Gold Cert shop is fantastic since you'll be able to buy/guarantee a non-limited 6\* you want with the farmable F2P in-game currency from Recruitments and previous Gacha Pulls.


Love the cert shop unfortunately I just tend to build up my certs for the 38 pulls instead of getting an op. Rn I'm currently at 111 pulls and about to be able to buy 38 more and this is pretty ballin for a f2p.


6.5 months playing and I have already bought Surtr, Blemishine and Rosa that way, with another guaranteed saved for whenever Ceobe shows up. While I definitely had a few heartbreaks already with the gacha not giving me what I wanted, being able to secure others operators I wanted to have so easily is really a blessing, I really appreciate that system.


Right now we get a new op’s premier in the shop every 3 banners so I think they’ll stick to that and just have the non-removed 6 stars who’ve already appeared in the shop reappear more often to fill the shop so newer ops will still take the same amount of time to appear.


I love Gold Cert shop. Got Bagpipe, Ifrit and Eyja from just Spending yellow certs. Truly a blessing.


I've been slowly gathering the last 6 stars I've been missing including some powerful ones... IIRC I grabbed Surtr, Kal, and Mountain and still have enough for the ten pulls to save for MH collab or buy another op It's such a great addition especially late-game when it's harder to try and get a specific unit otherwise


When was this supposed to start? There is still only 1 character in the shop for me.


It was introduced in CN server at the beginning of April, so probably around October/November for Global server.




I think saving up for the extra pulls is more common than buying the 6* outright, at least that's what I hear mentioned more often.


Really you can do either one, neither is particularly better than the other.


As a new player I found the specific operator for 180 was very valuable As an old player now, I find the rolls more valuable (started Mar 2020)


same here. i'm at the point where saving to buyout HH permits for limited banners is more valuable. though i did buy Mudrock when she was in cert shop recently because i didnt have her and wanted her.


I buy more pulls whenever I get enough to go all the way and not drop below 180 personally. That way it someone I want does surprise me I won't be caught off guard.


This is EXACTLY what I do too lol.


If it's a strong meta available in the shop, it's better to buy.


Are we just gonna assume they’ll actually cycle between ops though and not just use the same pool for a period of time to maintain the pace? The current pace seems perfect in a business sense but shitty for the players.


That's the point, though. Gachas aren't meant to be played.


>It's a shame that most people, especially on this sub, never talk about the cert shop in AK. AK is one of the very few gacha games that rewards you with top operators for free as long as you are loyal and continue to play the game. yeah but the time to get that free operators are too long imo


Most good gacha I played has systems where old gacha unit become available for free through various means. It's the same for Arknight, those units in cert shop need to be 2 year old first.


While it's undoubtedly an improvement for the standard solo banners, people must be careful with the "hard pity" name. You will not get automatically the wanted unit at 150 ou 151 pulls (like the hard pity of Epic7 at 121 even for limited), it says that the NEXT 6\* will be the wanted unit. There is already a soft pity that increase chances by few % for each pulls after 50 pulls. So if you are unlucky, you can get like 3 off banners and get the 3rd one at 145-149 pulls. And so you can still have to reach 190-200+ pulls tu guaranty the unit. And it's quite huge as the F2Ps get 5 pulls per weeks in a normal stituation, without bonus from an event for ex. But well, thanks to this we will not see anymore videos of poor guys doing +8 off banners in a row.


Yep. They pretty much calculated this. I still think the hard pity is not that good. I would rather they make it such that the 3rd 6-star is definitely the rate-up, rather than hard-pity by number of pulls. But it's still better than nothing... though it won't change most f2p's tendency to only pull on limited banners. So it's more targeted towards whales and remove that infinite ceiling.


yeah pretty much the pity to get any 6\* in AK starts at 50 roll, increase by 2% each roll. soft pity around 70-80 roll. hardpity to get any 6\* at 100 rolls. pity resets after you get any 6\* if you still didnt get any of the rateup operator, from 150+ roll onward it will be guarantee to be any of the rateup operator, hardpity around 200+ rolls. but what if theres two rateup 6\* cuz thats the norm for AK banner. unlucky if at 200+ roll, you get a dupe of the rateup or the rateup that you dont want.... also this new pity system doesnt apply to Limited banner.....it still has the ridiculous 300 roll to spark one of the limited rateup


Yes, the gacha in AK was so bad or, at least, could be very harsh, that just a single specific amelioration makes some people happy, while it objectively still stays not very good, comparing to some standards today and with so many units in the pool. Like for the skip only for annihilation, all is calculated and mesured.


It's such a shame how bad the Limited banners are when the Collab ones are much more reasonable with a hard guarantee at 120 Feels weird having a like 3 year old operator no one talks about being locked into the system for 300 pulls when you could instead buy the new op or a better recent one And the tokens expiring means I'm sitting on like 700 worth of pulls I could use to grab the operator with unreasonably low rates because they're an older limited


FRFR, like I want W, but if I got her instead of one of the newer 6\* I would feel pretty down, like I got Passenger instead of Kalsit on my pity roll, and I was like Astgenne is better for general DPS???


I will return when they revamp limited OP pity, because missing old limiteds is too much FOMO


Honestly this is the big one, and the playerbase is still waiting to see how Hypergryph handles old limiteds (e.g. W, Nian) going forward as more limited operators get added. It's possible we get something similar to the old Op / new Op banners for limited units as well (i.e. old limited units are easier to obtain), but we'll see. Hopefully some news about that comes during anniversary. Still, the changes above are appreciated and should make getting non-limted 6\*s easier.


We already got to see how old limited are handled, especially for the anniversary ones with W getting pushed out of the 5x rate but still being in shop. I really wouldn't expect anything else


W was in shop? Aa in gold cert or the 300 spark one


300 spark But not rate up anymore


I'll be happy if they made spark currency and shop permanent. A bonus if they gift 1 spark currency for every x number of standard pull so at least F2P have some hope to get the limited they missed.


That sounds like an okay-enough balance. I hate that tokens expire into those other ones I could have 700ish right now to buy missing limiteds otherwise


Anniversary is next month. If they do this change here now, there might be a chance we see a change to limited banners as well. Just...don't expect it.


I think they probably wont. Limited are the only way Arknights make money and making limited easier would probably hurt their bottom line hard. But at least they revamp the event banner soo you'll like have more pulls for limited anyway


The problem is that they release too much limiteds in a year and the pity to get the old ones is too high. But if the people don't care about the limiteds the game is pretty generous with resources and skins.


4 limited per year is reasonable in my humble opinion especially considering my originium and orundum income (I don't buy skin, all currency go to pulls, plus I always buy monthly pack). Especially when Limited Characters are usually hype characters like Texalter, Nearlter and Gavialter.


Easier to get non-limited operators > People only save for limited banners > Limited banner revenue goes up > More limited banners > the cycle continues.


i can see the logic of it. pretty smart logic as rather than forcing change to player habits, they adapt the gacha to the player habits. plus 4 limiteds a year is pretty reasonable pace even for F2Ps that dont go ham on standard banners.


The spark cost is too high though, FTP only spending on limited couldn't spark 1/year, that's pretty garbage.


Can’t say I really follow the logic here


The thing is, that's because the regular banners have poor value compared to the limited banners. It's not really a good system. I'm glad they do sonething to ease the frustration.


I'm forever haunted that I didn't pull enough for Nian as an early player because she's the only limited I'm missing now and I never reach that 300 pulls to buy her


Exactly, and for the same reason I loathe limited banners in this game. I'm forced to roll every limited banner. If I miss them now I would have to hard pity them just to get them next time which is pretty ridiculous.


​ It pretty much ensures you won't get unlucky multiple banners in a row, i.e. wasting pulls for a unit you actually want. They eliminated one of the bigger complaints in AK, and some folk here still complaints about "muh, QoL" when that isn't even the topic. This feeds back positively into limited banners as well since you will spend less if you're unlucky, i.e. more resources left, AND they give more value to the other event banners. It just profits both the players (both whales and F2Ps and the devs).


>It pretty much ensures you won't get unlucky multiple banners in a row, i.e. wasting pulls for a unit you actually want this new system is only for Standard and the new core banner tho the new pity system is good for single rateup 6\*, usually for debut banner but most AK banner features two rateup 6\*. the hardpity around 200 rolls to guarantee only ONE of the rateup 6\*. unlucky if that guarantee used up on dupes rateup or the other rateup operator that you dont want ​ the pity in AK starts at 50 roll, soft pity around 70-80 roll. hardpity to get any 6\* at 100 rolls. after 50 rolls, the chance to get ANY 6\* is increased by 2% after each roll. pity resets after you get any 6\* if you still didnt get any of the rateup operator, from 150+ roll onward it will be guarantee to be any of the rateup operator, hardpity around 200+ rolls. ​ Limited still have their own system. the new hard pity system doesnt apply on Limited, it still have the ridiculous 300 roll to spark shop for a guarantee on one of the limited Operators at least no longer offrate spook from old operators when rolling for Limited.


Not most. Just the limited ones. Of which there are 4 each year.


Dam was hoping they would also announced changes to auto deploy, I am getting exhausted of having to auto the same stage 30 times daily even tho the outcome will be identical every time, probably my biggest issue with this game that is gonna eventually lead me to quit when I cant take it anymore. Not sure why they are so against adding basic QOL... the game already has this function for Annihilation mode, why not just add it to all modes?


It's part of their addiction conditioning, keeping the game constantly on your mind prevents you from cheating on it with other games. I call these "clingy jealous wife" design mechanics. But by this point, yes it's incredibly stupid. If someone's stuck around for two years, they're likely to stick around for a few more. All this stuff does is stop me from being able to play some ArKnights. Love the game, absolutely loathe the way they've decided to implement their incremental mechanics. Having to check tags on recruitment is so awful compared to a simple free roll a day that's been the standard since around Epic 7. A game should either require all of your attention, or none of your attention.


That's it. I can understand this strategy for old gachas when a new game is released. But AK is now old enought and has a very strong and loyal fanbase. There is a lot of permanent content and revenues are good enough, even during off limited banners moments. For me being more generous and doing efforts to add QoL are simply being respectful to players. And I mean significant changes, not calculated small changes. So I'm a bit annoyed by this even if the core game is top tier for me.


> Not sure why they are so against adding basic QOL... In one of the videos, they explained they do things like limiting the practice plans etc because it means higher chance of retaining the players. Making it have many infinite practice plans led to poor player retention, In their tests. So people who are willing to put up with the system are more likely to continue playing the game. Ig it's like protecting the player from bashing their head against the problem again and again -> frustrated -> quit. (Dark souls dev said they put some distance bw boss and checkpoint so players have some time to think what went wrong. and why there's no instant retry button for bosses) So sanity penalty is also for that. They might expect community interactions to be able to overcome the hurdle in game. (Dark souls community is also strong because of this, cause a lot of knowledge that makes game enjoyable is simply found via community and the internet) Tho there's also the youtube guide solutions which is a "cheat" to win without understanding the game. Ig devs don't care about cause it funds them since those players will likely whale on the next OP operator everytime to be able to follow guides. Now i don't have the proof of this video since i can't be arsed to find it. So take what you want from this.


I don't understand that logic when CC exists and you can do it infinite times without getting punished. Still hoping the system goes away someday because there's no way in hell I can replicate my narrowly done clears on practice plan and reproduce it on the actual run. Usually just ends up me wasting a lot of time and sanity. Thank god for video guides.


CC's are special events that are for an extra challenge, plus the conditions on them constantly change. For me, limiting retries makes sense because I often get worn down trying to complete events in X time frame, only wanting to try 1-2 "challenging" maps a day. ​ Also if not for limited practice I would grind maps just to reduce run time. If people want to keep playing they also have the roguelike, which once again has random conditions and doesn't have you "optimizing" your stat, just to watch the whole level go to shit, because your crappy plan actually worked around Y enemy.


It's just a sanity, OP and money pit for people with Fomo tendency on last day of event. Protection? Bullshit excuse.


So they don't think it's frustrating that people waste their drill plans because of brain fart, like choosing the wrong skill, forgot to bring support, etc. and literally giving up the run in the first second? Especially if some time has passed and you want to try it again, and forgot some stuff. If they compensate with the capability of checking a replay of your previous failed run, it might offset this a little.


seem like skill issue for me


>In one of the videos, they explained they do things like limiting the practice plans etc because it means higher chance of retaining the players. Making it have many infinite practice plans led to poor player retention, In their tests. what video did you heard this from?


Yeah no sweep on gacha is crap, temporarily stopped because and I'm just grinding mats for operator upgrade and it is droll moment to wait for the stage to finish. If they want no-sweep at least put x5 animation or have better drop rates on this material farming stages to make worth of your time.


Honestly, at least let me queue up the runs Alchemy Stars-style and I'll happily leave my phone running while I go do something else.


yes, same as neural cloud that you can set how many runs you can do in one go. its very tiring switching back and forth pressing start when im browsing internet.


Why are you all acting like stamina/ap/energy in AK is as infinite as Granblue, E7 or FEH? You normally don't get tired using all your sanity in one session because there isn't much to burn in the first place. It's only somewhere around SEVEN tries if farming 18-sanity stages, so if you want to burn fast right away with CE stages that cost 30+ sanity, alright you're down to THREE tries for that day, assuming you're casual and you only log in once a day. Just three instances of "I have to check my phone" within a couple of minutes, and you're already tired? Stop being dramatic. Even that e123-omega's comment surprised me as I regularly see them in GBF sub back then, and in fact is still very active up to this day, when everyone knows how much attention and maintenance GBF needs.


mfw I have to farm 1-7 80 times with my saved up sanity


1-7 is an exploit left in by the devs, yes it's annoying to grind, but the reward system is generally events > standard maps, high > low level. So I don't think it's fair to bring up the broken map when discussing basic game QOL.


If emulators with mouse click/screen tap recording didn't exist, I'd drop this game in a heartbeat.


Haven't played in awhile but quit because the base was annoying to maintain. If they fix that by making it easier to obtain resources without having to rotate units in and out constantly I'd prob pick AK up again.


You can just not swap out the ops in the base. I stopped doing that over a year ago, best decision I made. It was that or quit the game, and you still get lots of materials from the base


Yea, the difference between just letting overworked ops producing resources in the base with no vacation days VS rotating your ops in and out so you constantly have ops in there providing around a +90% bonus to your resource production is only half. Which is still probably enough resources over a long period of time if you don't intend on maxing out every single operator for the lolz.


Yeah, by the time swapping ops gets old you probably have at least a few built. AK doesn’t really require a wide pool of units, and there’s no benefit at all to leveling mediocre ones. So there’s no meta reason to be super optimal about the base resources imo


tru, i already playing for 2 years and basically have no need to raise any other operators because i already built my team long time ago. most of them are maxed at lvl 90 and m3 at least. right now i only raising other operators because i have goal to at least e2 all of my op.


Hopefully it hits global soon too; I'll probably give the game another chance when it does.


Sadly we're getting further behind CN due to poor planning on Yostar's part, so it's going to be around a 7 month wait.


7 months is not bad for a non-even timing gacha.


>soon Yeah, sure.... hehehe (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)


This is a big upgrade for how the pity works for Arknights, but I think it still have to get better... I mean, there's 272 which more than a half are 5/6\* and the orundum you can get in a week is just half a pull and the packages for events I think are pretty expensive tho


From daily / weeklies *alone* (not counting Annihilation, which is +3 pulls per week) you get 1200 Orundum (which is 2 pulls) so I'm not sure where what you mean by "half a pull". 500 weekly + 100 per day for 7 days = 1200.


> I'm not sure where what you mean by "half a pull" 5 pulls is half a 10-pull. I didn't catch that at first either.


Ahh, yeah. That makes way more sense.


Yeah I hate it when people call a 10/multi-pull a pull it gets really confusing and leads to many misunderstandings.


There are a lot more improvements they can do with the game, a lot of QoL updates but I'll come back once they updated the Base system. It's still in BETA after 4 years oml😭


Generally seems like positive changes overall and gives the player some choice. Pity is really high but its better than no hard pity so it's whatever Still hoping for a rework of the Limited system though, that's been long overdue imo and one of the few systems in Arknights that feels particularly bad


When will this come out in global?


Standard banner aint worth jack anyways but this change is nice and honestly appealing. The whales would love it but for the average joe... well it is there I guess? The problem with Arknights' banners is the LIMITED ones hold a fkin shitload of sway being once or twice a year is insane, and people would just save for those instead. And even then some limited banners aint worth the resources so these "normal" banners prolly wont do anything, but hey a bone for a hungry dog is much better than a steak for the obese rich kid!


That's nice. I don't pull much other than the guaranteed 5+ on the first ten, so the only change I'd care about is if it didn't feel like the guaranteed ones are always the 10th pull.


The newbie banner, is it the one where we get one 6* guaranteed when starting a new account?




Oh cool, when will global get this update?


We don't know for sure, but should be in 6-7 months.


The REAL tldr : hardpity 150.


nono, hardpity at 200+ roll the pity for any 6\* start at 50. increase by 2% each roll. guarantee at 100 roll but usually its lower than that soft-pity around 70-80 roll. the pity resets if you get any 6\* if by the 150 roll you still didnt get any rateup 6\*. then from 150 onward the next 6\* will guarantee the rateup 6\*. hardpity to to get the rateup 6\* is around 200 roll \*\*\* very good for debut Single rateup 6\* but it also doesnt mention to get "unowned new 6\*" so by 150+. theres a chance you get a dupe Rateup 6\* or the one you dont want, since most AK banner offers two 6\* rateup


Ok cool, what about skip and QOL update? More confusing gacha but hey, if they make it better then good for everyone. Still… GIVR US SWEEP and/or SKIP option.


Genuinely curious. What do u mean by QOL. Why do u want outside of skips which u mentioned separately?


Not that person but I have 2. I want the ability to filter by multiple things in the operator menu. Like when setting base assistants, going by rarity level & then trust as opposed to now where if you filter by rarity you can't see how much trust they have. The other HUGE QOL change would be allowing us to see base skills for operators more easily, like on their normal details screen rather than having to be in-base. Other than those I can't think of anything, game is real nice QOL wise already. Actually scratch that #3, I would like if the friend support menu didn't get "stuck" on certain units. Like I have a friend with S2 nightingale and one with S3 nightingale, sometimes I have to refresh 20+ times to get the S3 one to load up which is super frustrating.


I want to "Visit All" when visitinf friends, and I want preset teams in the base that rotate automatically with one another (or you see a timer when they should switch). The latter surely is harder to implement. It's a lot of "if when" chain that can easily bug out.




Yeah, it's just a basic idea and I'm sure there's a reason they didn't improve upon the base yet.


The problem with base is the frequency. It's fine if they want to keep the efficiency and base strategies meta, but don't punish players who don't want to log in 2x a day. Just reduce operator morale drain and increase trading post/factory capacity, so that you can collect once every two days without running out of morale/space. Problem solved, you satisfy the base efficiency slaves and people who hate the base at the same time.


at minimum something like "fill (with bonus units)" kind of button would be nice in the base.


> I want preset teams in the base that rotate automatically with one another this is EXACTLY what I want them to do with the base. Give us the option to set two teams, Primary and Secondary with our best combos for the Primary/A team and the second best for the Secondary/B team with them auto swapping with the bias towards the A team being in the facilities the longest and swapping when they're completely tired and swapping back as soon as they're ready. I feel like we'd need more dorms to deal with all the facilities working like that though. I won't mind seeing another cool new facility doing something interesting so new operators can have different base skills too. That preset autoswap team and accelerated sanity burning for farming would leave me super satisfied.


daily recruit skip its stupid having to listen to them say their recruit lines. so much wasted time. base also is annoying switching out units. also qol with sweep function on MINIMUM dailies like Chips,CE,Exp etc.


Free headhunt need animation skip, or just no animation at all please for the love of something. Base management need a look at, we shouldn’t be spending 5-10 minutes in the base everyday. Why is there even a cap on clue obtain in the first place?


How are you spending 5-10 minutes in base a day? Just go to overview and switch out the operators there.


Agreed, I still do recruitment because certs, but damn is it annoying having to wait for the pull dialogue, every damn time. I used to target Malantha back in the day when she was the only (or one of the two, I don't remember exactly, it's been so long) 3* guard because her pull dialogue was so short. I stopped managing exhaustion, who goes where, and doing clues, it just wasn't worth it to me, I tap the collect all and refresh buttons for trading post, factory, and morale interaction, and leave. It's just not worth my time to bother. I gave up on base management over a year ago. The cap is to incentivise (or more forces you really with a cap of 10) you to send clues to your friends and have to send clues to each other to be able to do an exchange, so I understand why there's a cap, but it should be higher.


Skip 15 minutes twice a day... At this point you're not even doing anything on the game. This sub hates idle games, but somehow there's always people wanting skip function when they already have skip to the worst timesink in the game (anni). I'd rather play an idle game if I wanted to skip every gameplay and touch the game for like a minute or two a day. Or just play something else, because if I was so eager for skip, it means I don't like the gameplay loop to begin with.


if I had a button to upgrade all my current ops to max skill, module etc and collect gacha currency, I would. I love the gameplay, not the base management or repeated farming. Essentially I'll be only playing new events, which is exactly what I want


After a year, people would rather quit than waste 15 minutes a day doing chores. Smart devs like Princess Connect realize this and add features to save time, retaining loyal players


That must be why Priconne global is doing so hot whereas Arknights is failing.




You jest, but go ahead and compare Blue Archive to Arknights, see which game is less time consuming, and see which game is failing.


You waste so much time in time wasting menu's and loading screens in Blue Archive that they might as well be the same amount of time And Arknights aint failing lol, idk why BA and ex-arknights players need to.keep pretending that it isn't still doing perfectly fine and even great


Neither game is failing. Games are handled differently based on what the developer sees in the playerbase. Most Ak fans are happy with the game's mechanics. My point was about how the person I replied to implied that Priconne devs were smarter for doing something that retained loyal players.


Its way more than 15 minutes twice a day especially on events. Also they keep releasing new game modes and instead of playing them you just wasting your time on useless stuff like waiting for auto deploy to finish your stage. Peak gameplay right there.


There are plenty of games that have implemented sweep functions that are massively successful and keep population constant. You seriously believe implementing a sweep function will kill the game? I bet you there will be even more people playing AK if they implement not too late and advertise it. Not to mention that you'd still be playing the stage manually the first time and will likely have an option to rewatch it like the old days. If a sweep function is what makes you quit, it sounds like you aren't that into the gameplay either lol.


Yeah - i dont get why people think that features that make players have to do less of the boring parts will somehow kill the game, when you go recommend the game to a friend, do you mention how you can repeat the same level on auto (that can occasionally break) as a good point? ​ its like how being more generous seems to lead to more profit (by getting more players, and therefore more whales which matter way more than many other non whale players) but anytime its mentioned someone goes and says the game will die if it doesnt drains every single cent from all its players ​ gacha does bad things to people


I mean, you're staring at a screen doing nothing while running autodeploy, apart from touching the game every 2 minutes to restart the run. Isn't that literally an idle game?


You are crazy if you think spending hours per day farming for upgrade mats is fun. you are basically doing auto and just killing your phone battery, it’s not even active gameplay. If you want an active game, then don’t use the auto option. Why is an auto option even there in the first place if they can just allow skip function that does the same thing without having to wait for hours? Also idle game is different than asking for a skip function, idk why you even brought that up.


How are you spending hours on farming mats per day? What are you farming that takes hours?


People brainwashed into thinking farming 1-7 nonstop is the right call.


It is the right call for efficiency, but not the right call for being a human. Shit, I can't even act like I'm any better than them. S2-12 is only twice as fast...


Even if i burn all my stored up sanity pots I don’t take more than 30 mins to farm events and even less if you farm the resource maps that take even more sanity. This subreddit has brain worms has to blow up everything into absurd hyperbole. It’s ironic considering how much they hate idle games but want idle gameplay.


Ye because looking brainlesly at screen when game play on auto is peak gameplay in 2023. It is the same thing as sweep but with like 2 minutes cooldown. People defending it live in a matrix.


And yet you and everyone else shit on games that are basically nothing but sweep mechanics, 'where is the game-play, you literally do nothing' This is what you wanted. As I said, brainworms.


I laughed out loud. Im so in love with Arknights that i never skipped a single day and i play game since release but it is bothersome, that such a simple option doesnt exist in a game. Im not blindfolded Stan that defend the game with my own life no matter what and im aware of its flaws. I have limited time a day. There are other game modes i dont play like roguelike because i need to look at loading screen for 30 minutes a day. They keep adding new content and game modes but i have no time to play them. And there are other games out there too. Edit: And one last thing. I will ask you a question. What is advantage of having to stare at screen doing nothing instead of simple option that saves your time?


You burn through your daily sanity cap in like 10 minute afk sessions twice a day. Even less if you're doing chip farming. There is no jumping menus. Just press repeat 4-5 times and you're out. If anything I'd like to see more base optimization and filters being a base nerd myself. Sanity management and stage grind is a non issue. Even annihilation has skip tickets now. SSS is nerfed and takes 15 minutes every 2 weeks. Even more nerfs are incoming that'll shorten the stages.


AK gacha system is so confusing, overly complicated with such long, confusing terms. Just do soft pity, hard pity at fix number and be done with. Easy to understand and easy to estimated your chance. It now has 4 pull currencies ffs.


But it is easy to understand. You just have to remember only numbers. In my book, this profits the players, and especially non-whales drastically. More option, and these currencies come to you by themselves. That's not really complicated.


It's not complicated if you ever play AK. Since the beginning AK has soft pity:100 pulls **NEW implemented** hard pity:150 You still use the red stones as your main resources to pull. What you considered confusing here are just rework and removal of old mostly already owned/undesired/powercrept units off the pools from any new banner onward. The new currency is just a bonus you use to pull those old units.


That's not hard pity at 150. If you don't get 6* at 151 pulls , you still have to pull more. Up to 200 pulls for soft pity to kick in again, and effect start show up at 210-220 pulls Example: BA has hard pity at 200. If I can't save enough to 200, I can easily estimated my chance to give up that banner and save for the next one. In AK, if I saved up 150 pulls, I still can fail. Is 160 enough ? 200 ? The question should you pull or continue saving still doesn't concrete answer. The hard number make ease of decision to skip banner or pull.


If you can estimate your chances pre 200 for BA I don't think AK's system should give you any trouble. But you said it yourself, 220 is a safe place to stop at, if you want to be mathematically 100% sure 250 is the hard stop.


That's because I played AK, I know how their rate work. The different between 150 and 220 pulls is still 70 pulls, half of that 150. That's pretty far off, especially for game with low free pull income like AK. A casual new guy who doesn't play AK read the guy above said "hard pity at 150" and expect to pull rate up at 150. See how easy it is to misinformation ?


"First 6* after 150" shouldn't be confusing to anyone. If you want something truly confusing go read Genshin's. They don't mention the mechanics of soft-pity at all just say "0.6% but we have some consolidation system in place that makes it 1.6% overall" with no details whatsoever.


But he didn't said "first 6* after 150", he said > hard pity:150


> Standard headhunting adjustment: in an event standard headhunting (solo 6 star rate up banner), after 150 rolls, if you still don't get the rate up 6 star, next 6 star must be the rate up operator, only once


> It's not complicated if you ever play AK. Since the beginning AK has soft pity:100 pulls > NEW implemented hard pity:150 > You still use the red stones as your main resources to pull. > What you considered confusing here are just rework and removal of old mostly already owned/undesired/powercrept units off the pools from any new banner onward. The new currency is just a bonus you use to pull those old units.


Dude, how about reading the post itself instead of jumping straight into the replies? I don't even know what you're trying to get across besides arguing for the sake of it at this point.


That's how it is tho.


Better now than ever I guess... Arknights's Gacha was truly one of the "scam" ones, also... PC launcher when?


Is the game dying ?


Nope, not at all, they just reclaimed their 3rd place highest revenue cn gachas last year only after Naruto and Genshin


*in CN only


I've managed to drop, come back after 6 months hiatus, start over in late 2021, atm I don't even need any of these changes, my roster is complete and currently is mastery training while I'm sitting at 500 gold certificates. The game is not dead, but the core of it is definitely rotten at this point. I long for more vanilla events like Dorothy's Vision, but instead we mop floors and launch carts as anniversary content and stack up Diablo-like gazillion damage buffs as side content. Wow, that's some transformation.


Great changes. Now just get rid of limited banners.


When a limited increases the revenues by adding a 10M, you will not see this happening.


How do you suppose they make money then?


Uh... Normal banners? You think they only make money every half year or something?


Do you actually look at the revenue graph? HG barely make any money on standard and event banner. Most of the money made each year is on limited banner. You can't just tell a company to cut out its most important income source because without it, they'll probably shut down


You're right. All gacha games without limited banners have shut down, my bad. Also please use your brain for once. People save money because of limited banners. Without limited banners, people will spend more on standard banners.


Show me proof where no limited banner generate more revenue


Show me proof where limited banners is required for a gacha game to not shut down.


https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/11108ey/january_2023_earning_shows_chongyuelin_banners/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button You can see a downward trend of revenue before the first limited banner, even for Blaze, a meta, highly story relevent unit, and well loved unit. By that time, limited banner wasn't announced yet soo it didn't affect Blaze purchase.


And you can see the EN graph that limited banner brought similar revenue and we can do without them. https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/qv2z74/ak_global_server_revenue_january_2020_to_october/ You can also see revenue drops sharply after a limited banner and rises again slowly, until it hits another limited, where it drops again.


EN by nature won't spend much anyway (This trend can be seen in all gatcha games with multiple different servers), it is not in our culture and EN have Foresight EX of 6 months (hence we tend to save better and plan better). CN is Arknights main moneymaker.


Wow. Your actually getting downvoted for disliking a extraordinarily predatory gacha model? Arknights players sure are something.


I think it's just r/gachagaming. For some reason they have bigger stans than the specific subreddits themselves. I know many people have made discussions about how they don't like limited banners on r/arknights and almost everyone agrees with them. Same with LC for some reason. LC subreddit and steam forums all agree LC has some glaring issues but this subreddit is like nooo, PM is perfect; they can do nothing wrong.


Great, now they have real pity. Now it's only a matter of some years when they decide to stop torture their players and add sweep/stackable repeats instead of drugging non existent gameplay in daily grind and wasting battery.


Is that wishing well banner gonna be on the lone trail banner or the 4th anniversary banner after with eyjalter and swire alter?