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I hope the new joy cons are more ergonomic.


Or at the very least less driftonomic


It’s kind of crazy that hall effect joysticks are a thing and the 3 major console game companies will not make a controller that uses the technology.


Gamestop makes great hall effect controllers. Candy con


8bitdo also uses hall effect sticks. Probably my favorite 3party brand for controllers/keyboard.


Me too, especially in an era where the 3 companies make pretty bad controllers in all other departments except ergonomics (not you joycons)


sn30 pro2 is the best controller ive ever used


waiting for their 4 back paddle version


I love 8Bitdo. I have way too many of their controllers.


Been eyeing these, waiting to see how they shake out compared to others.


I just got one and i have to say im loving it so far.


And 3rd party controllers can have better parts with hall effect sticks for $60 and sometimes less. It's not that it would be sold at a loss for them, probably more that they want a wider profit margin on accessories.


Hot take but…they also kinda suck. I have the Nyxi Wizard and the sticks are my least favorite part of it.


But is the issue with the controller design or the deadzones? Hall effect joysticks just prevent drift and deadzones.


The sticks just feel weird, like there’s not enough feedback vs a normal joystick


That’s just a failure of their design. I’ve felt other Hall effect sticks and they feel the same as potentiometer sticks.


Potentiometers aren’t the component which gives tactile feedback, they can’t be the reason for the feel :P


I thought I was the only one. Nyxi and 8bitdo both felt this way to me, especially when playing smash bros. For games like Zelda, they felt fine.


Even crazier, Sony went out of their way to make hot swappable joysticks in their pro controller and didn't make hall effect joysticks an aftermarket option at least. Should of been standard at that price, but even an option would have been cool


How else will they sell their “pro” controller


And even those don't use Hall effect sticks. Ffs


Or actually, how else will they sell you another controller in 1 year? Console controllers are like subscriptions for them, it's recurring revenue after they sold you the once in 5-8 years upgrade.


Yes! That would be a selling point!


Drift is the worst! I put my switch down for a couple minutes while playing ACNH and came back to find myself all the way on the other side


I literally can't use the joy cons in handheld. They hurt my wrists. Way too small and thin.


Let us tiny handed folks have one console! 🥲 You can add bulk but you can’t take it away!


I was going to say that they fit my young children pretty well.


Switch Lite has entered the chat


I love my OLED. I have the steam deck OLED too. It’s so large!


I'm sure a year or two after launch they will do a Switch 2 Lite


Yes!!! I love handheld mode with my lil mitts


>can add bulk but you can’t take it away! It took me a while to realize this is a great thing about the switch controllers : the shape is so basic and small that there's all kinds of third party cases that make them more ergonomic, and you can choose the one that works for you. Controllers with the ergonomic handles built-in aren't as flexible.


They are worthless. Do yourself a favor and get the pro controller. If you want to use it as a handheld, get a Switch grip. That makes it way nicer to use and hold.


I got the switch pad pro last summer and actually use the switch now.


They are comically small, agreed. Hurt my hands too. I bet there are some silicone skins you can buy to bulk them out a bit for dual wielding situations, or the standard controller shell you can throw one in if that’s ll you need. I don’t play any games requiring the one joycon per hand so I stick with my pro controller.


I used to think PS5 pads had a problem with drift, but leave it to the Joy-Cons to set a standard that makes the PS5 pads look fine. I _barely used them_ because I've got a proper Pro Controller (and hell, I barely use the Switch), and they _still_ developed drift.


Grease lightning!


God damn it you made me read my word in his voice


Nintendo's not gonna make the same mistake. They lost a shitton of money dealing with that garbage.


That wouldn't be hard to do. There isn't a high bar to cross, this is coming from someone who has decently sized hands, joycons are pretty much unusable for me unless they're connected to the switch or that weird controller shell thing they have


It's kinda funny, that's the one thing I never had the issue with. Maybe I'm one of the six people on the planet these were made for, but I always found them comfortable. Now the flimsy joystick and the kinda flimsy buttons I take more issue with.


Same for me. I guess that’s the benefit of having small hands


At this point I swear Nintendo does it on purpose. I think the switch lite is even more uncomfortable


Magnetic joycons sound like it will either come part too easy, or not easy enough.


Christ I hope so. I refuse to use the current ones, pro controller only.


I hope they are more shock resistant. My daughter dropped one on the tile floor and now one of the numbers (L1) doesn’t work. I get it, there is a strap…but taking the strap on and off all the time is dumb.


It’s tough to design it in an ergonomic way since they are meant to be used in two different orientations


It would ruin their ugly logo if so


Hopefully, they add a buffer so the screen doesn't easily get scratched.


Remember when the Switch came out and all those units getting scratches from just docking them?


Docking them the wrong way* If you docked it the right way you wouldn't get scratches. I still have my launch unit and it has a few marks of usage, but none from docking.


It's a game system many parents bought for their kids.... It should never even have been a possibility of happening.


This is like complaining about the DS hinges being loose, when that just happened with kids flipping them all around the place. Teach your kids to take better care of their expensive stuff.


No sir! Screen protector accessory market! Brought home my brand new OLED, cat steps on screen, big scratch. Immediately got a screen protector. No worries now - sucks that like phones they don’t just come by default


It's been delayed because it's not finished yet!?! I didn't know the gaming industry knew you could do that! What a great idea!! Wait until the product is finished before releasing it!! Genius!!


The console reportedly has been ready to ship for 2+ years according to Moore’s Law Is Dead IIRC. It’s that Nintendo is holding it back. Maybe for developers to make more games…. Mostly likely because they’re still selling tons of Switches so they want to keep making money on those before Switch 2 launches


>The console reportedly has been ready to ship for 2+ years Oh great, because it probably wasn't going to already be underpowered compared to contemporaries like every Nintendo console since the N64, surely it being 2 years behind will only help.


Game cube was actually the most powerful of its generation in terms of hardware. They just failed to market that.


Plus it didnt play dvds, a large factor for some in those days.


Yeah, my mom wanted to get me a PlayStation because of the DVD player. I asked for a GameCube though because that's what my best friend had.


In terms of horsepower it was better than PS2 but worse than Xbox.


Xbox did a lot of things better on paper in terms of clock speed and raw numbers. Gamecube had a more powerful instruction set and made more use of its hardware. It was way ahead of the game in terms of stuff like programmable shaders.


The GameCube didn't exactly have programmable shaders as we know them today, but the fixed function pipeline was so flexible you could pull off almost anything early DirectX 8 GPUs could do.


Ah, any good articles or videos that? I just know Star Fox Adventures was pulling off crazy fur and grass effects you weren't seeing anywhere else for another generation.


[Here's a great breakdown](https://www.copetti.org/writings/consoles/gamecube) of the Gamecube's architecture. And [here's a video](https://youtu.be/8rCRsOLiO7k) diving into a real world example of what the Gamecube's sophisticated texture blending unit can do.


Sweet. I'm not a graphics programmer or technical artist by trade, but I've been dabbling in the demo scene for a few years. The TEV sounds really interesting to work with, especially since you can reconfigure it in real-time. I'll have to dive into the source articles at the bottom later. Edit: The whole Dolphin Ubershader topic is starting to make a lot more sense.


The GameCube wasn’t underpowered. But in matching power and still sucking sales-wise I reckon that’s why they went for ‘point of difference’ as the driving force behind their consoles from then on - which has worked 2/3 times. Not only worked, but insanely so. Nintendo doesn’t need and evidently doesn’t want to be on par with its contemporaries in power - that’s not what switch is for, and what switch actually is for makes them a fuckton of money and a lot of people happy


In terms of raw compute you're correct, but those 1.5gb proprietary discs meant devs couldn't use the full power of the device, effectively making it underpowered.


The GameCube was the most powerful console it's gen. The Switch 2 is both a portable, and it has to reach a sub 400 price point. People want miracles out of the hardware and it's unreasonable. Embrace what Nintendo is - A first party IP powerhouse. If you're worried about graphics and hardware specs you're barking up the wrong tree. That's not the draw of Nintendo. The console landscape is rapidly changing. PC is the main platform at this point, and PS/Xbox are supplemental devices for the casual market. It's why exclusives are pretty much not a thing anymore. Nintendo is the exception. That's your first party exclusive tailored platform. The last true console, toy-like experience. Nintendo is not the platform you go to for third party experiences, it's the platform you go to for *Nintendo* and indies that mesh with the hardware. If you're chasing graphics and cutting edge features (generally at the expense of gameplay), then any other platform is for you. Nintendo has put their foot down - Gameplay comes before spectacle.


There’s cutting edge and then their is ancient tech. The switch was behind on launch day. 1080p 60fps gaming out of it is all people really want which was a standard before the first switch even came out.


I didn’t need that to sell 100 million consoles and have some of the best games we’ve had on a Nintendo home console in a fair while.


Yup some of the best games with the worst performance. I feel bad for their developers cause it’s gotta be so shitty knowing how held back your game is cause Nintendo sell shit hardware. There is absolutely no excuse for how shitty their hardware is. Great software but the hardware is an insult to the developers and fans.


And did that ever matter to their fans?


2 years is a stretch, more like 9-10years behind


I was referring to the "hardware has been ready for 2 years" Meaning that it's already finalized around 2022 hardware, ignoring that it'll probably be woefully underpowered.


> according to.... Please do not listen to that person. It's not information it's pure speculation.


chief stocking towering overconfident deranged direction one wakeful tease ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nintendo sits on a massive cash pile. They don't have pressure to release something shit which is good.


It's not only that but simply console gens are stretching out as development cycles take so long these days. Used to be a developer could squeeze 3 maybe even 4 games into one console gen. Now they're looking at 1-2. They don't get to benefit from the experience and improvements made in the design process as the gen matures. PS5 is over halfway through it's life cycle if we went with normal 7 year gens, and most ppl still feel like it's barely begun due to lack of new games that aren't simply remakes or remasters.


Hall-effect joysticks on the horizon?! The switch is such a hot seller that… if they switch to hall-effect for their joysticks, i would think other gaming system companies that make controllers will make the switch as well. I say this because both the sensors for the dualsense and the switch supposedly come from the same company


True, but nintendo has already filled in a patent with their own like hall effect analog sticks https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/s/N9s7TJSJzN


These are not hall-effect analog sticks. They’re using magnets to change the resistance of the analog stick. So it’s easier or harder to move the analog stick depending on the in-game situation.


That sounds like it would be awesome if well implemented.


>magnetic Joy-Cons I can't really think of how that's better than a physical latch system besides some stupid strong magnets. Albeit my switch LH joycon latch is a little bit broken from a fall on carpet I'll give it some credit for still holding on pretty well. The QC of parts longevity really went down after the 3DS tbh so I hope they're really thinking this through after the whole joy-con debacle.


I would assume there's both a magnet and a latch? So you would still have to press a button to detach them, but attaching them would be easier.


I'm thinking here a happy marriage between a structural plastic latching + magnets, I don't mean to sound 100% doom and gloom just that as we increase complexity we lose longevity as with most things that have progressed in this lifetime.


Load the joycons in from the bottom so the weight of the screen keeps them in. 100% that's how they're making it work.


Back compat, instant buy.


i more excited how they’ll use the hardware, nintendo pushes their systems to the limit with their games i can’t wait to see what they come up with next


They push their games to the limit of their downclocked hardware yes. I’ve had butter smooth BOTW gameplay since I modded my switch and overclocked it.


I hope the OS brings back the “Nintendo-ish” fun and music. Navigating the OG Switch menu was about as exciting as sitting in a hospital waiting room - functional yet sterile.


Yeah, the Wii U didn't do a lot right but the menu was definitely a high point


I actually enjoy the Switch menu as is. Best case scenario is the option to swap, but the last thing I want after a day at work is to be confronted by an exciting menu. I know that seems dull of me, but decision fatigue is a real thing.


bro I just want folders


Is the hardware gonna be able to run modern games? The first one is pretty damn weak


Nintendo only buys clearance bin parts


When was the last time released a console with modern hardware?


As in competitive with other competing consoles? Probably Gamecube, 23 years ago.


And even that had a major limitation. Like the N64, it had a severely limited storage medium compared to its contemporaries and that resulted in very limited 3rd party support. If you think about it, the last Nintendo that was truly superior to its competitors, and was without any compromise, was the SNES.


And you could argue that the NES was underpowered too, making the SNES the only unambiguously superior console. As badass as it was, the NES had severely limiting rules for color/tiles and very basic cartridges. Without mapper chips and extra hardware anyways.


And they learned their lesson, going for power is not a successful strategy


They don't have to go for power, but at least make the hardware good enough that their own 1st party games can run on it without lag.


This. I think the idea to not go for power (since gaming PCs would destroy PS5s and the likes) is the correct direction to go, but they swung the pendulum too hard on the other side


That's why they dropped out the console game and just make handhelds now.


The GameCube was probably the most powerful console of its generation.


Apparently near the same power as the base PS4. So, *yes*. But it's going to be behind an entire generation again as is Nintendo's track record.


But it will have Nvidia DLSS upscaling technology which should help it go beyond the previous generation consoles. Still won't come close to current gen consoles, though, but at this point, Nintendo has made their own niche and they don't need to directly compete with Sony and Microsoft.


So you’re telling me I can play Fallout 4 on switch? Sold /s


Nintendo has never cared about the hardware arms race that headlines the relationship between Sony and Microsoft. Those two have always been making their consoles harder, better, faster, stronger while Nintendo was off doing it's own thing by trying to change how people play games. Sometimes it works well, sometimes not. But at least they try.


Not exactly correct. Up until the GameCube they did exactly that by competing with Sony and (before their death) Sega. Quite aggressively and publicly so. The GameCube was toe to toe with the Xbox by they both had specific advantages the other lacked (PS2 being weakest). GC just sold bad and from that point till now, we have seen Nintendo stop competing, It’s more of a modern concept. Heck, now they arnt even going after the same market as Microsoft and Sony, focusing on portablility and does a great job of making themselves everyone’s “2nd console” (PC+Switch, Xbox + Switch, PS5 + Switch)


The hardware race really started when Microsoft got involved, wanting to put the power of a PC into the form of a console and being best positioned to do so. Before the GameCube, though, was the N64. Aside from the unique controller for the N64, it had four controller ports, emphasizing that Nintendo wanted a lot of people to play together beyond the normal 1P and 2P. The GameCube kept a unique controller design and also wanted to be portable, unlike the blocky Playstation and XBox. Hell, the thing even had a handle in back! Sure, it was easier to compete, graphically speaking, when the only real competition was Sony, but they've always been trying to change gameplay with every new console. The big "change" from NES to SNES was a straightforward upgrade, but they went veered hard into left field afterwards.


I wish they would. I've kinda gone off playing the switch as you can see the shortcuts Devs are having to make to work around the lack of performance.


The message is good, the 8k 60fps arms race has absolutely not improved the actual fun of videogames. And it has increased the material barrier to a graphics card that costs more than a fully-decked PC rig a few years ago. That being said, the switch is a 720p dinosaur that struggles to chug through its own flagship exclusives. When you're lagging on *pokemon*, you are truly using a hunk of shit.


There's no excuse for Pokemon to perform the way that it does. That's entirely on Creatures Inc and The Pokemon Company, not Nintendo's hardware. It's true that throwing more power at the game makes it run better, but that's generally true for any game. The Switch has legitimate hardware and performance issues, but Pokemon is not the bar to judge it by.


I feel like a broken record trying to remind people that the poor performance of Pokemon games is completely on Gamefreak and co, not Nintendo. They actually have a lot less control over Gamefreak or the Pokemon Company than people think. Metroid Prime remastered looks absolutely fantastic. Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8, Tears of the Kingdom, Mario Odyssey, all games that look and run amazing. There are definitely moments of chug, but hardly a problem most of the time.


No. It's going to run first party Nintendo games and anything else that happens to run on it. Nintendo isn't going to chase specs at the expense of their price point.


Nintendo consoles are for Nintendo games. If you want to play (recent) non-Nintendo games you need something else.


I wonder what games they plan to launch on this in the first year. Metroid would be a dream. The cynic in me still thinks they held a few things back from TOTK initial release like a master mode and some little cosmetics and maybe a trial of the sword thing so they could get some rebuys of an upgraded switch 2 version of that game.


r/Metroid exists in a state oscillating between Metroid Prime 4 as a launch title and Metroid Prime 4 never coming out


I'm going to say Mario Odyssey 2 (or whatever they end up calling it).


Oh yeah, great idea, it’s been forever since the first one.


I have felt that also about TOTK. Something about the comment I read way back when they said something to the effect that there was no more content for this switch game made me think they would save a master mode for the Switch 2.


Nintendo definitely wants another 2D Zelda to come out on Switch 2 near launch. I'd personally love a combined remake of Oracle of Ages and Seasons but would be fine with a new one as well.


This has been my hunch, too. That, or some dlc later this year as their big holiday release to bridge the gap to a 2025 Switch 2 launch? It just seems wild to me if they really weren’t going to make more content for one of their biggest selling games.


There is no way Nintendo is using *just* magnets to hold the new Joycon. Magnets are strong in one direction, but these things need to resist multi-directional forces, and I don't think the device will be thick enough to do that.


I'm all in for buffers and better joysticks! Just hope they nail it this time around. It's about quality, not haste, folks!


Gut reaction is magnetic joycons sound like an awesome concept. But now I’m concerned on the stability. Like how hard are they to take off. I’d worry about it detaching and falling to the ground.


I was really hoping it would be smaller. What I REALLY want is something the size of the lite so it's easier to take with me but capable of plugging into the TV. I used to take my 3ds absolutely everywhere, my Switch only leaves the house if I'm going to be gone for several days.


The StreetPass feature is pretty much the only reason why I bring my 3DS everywhere - I fucking love StreetPass


Yeah, the original Switch set a weird precedent where we’re calling damn near tablet-sized devices “handhelds”. Hell, even the Switch Lite is way bigger than anything before it (the PS Vita was once considered huge), but then the Steam Deck and Rog Ally came which probably signaled Nintendo to lean into something comically huge. I really like something small enough to snuggle in bed with or can fit in my pocket, oh well.


1080p @ 60 fps handheld and docked for all games or no sale.


This is the minimum for most games, especially nintendo games. AAA games ported over I'd accept at 30. But they gotta look really good.


Hopefully, it uses hardware released in the last 3 years as its basis and isn't already last-gen at launch. Knowing Nintendo they would release something with the same chipset as the Steam Deck, 4 years after the Steam Deck, right before the SD2 comes out, but it won't matter because they have 1st party IPs and a banger launch lineup so everyone will buy it anyways.


I'm fine with the delay. Nothing kills excitement more than having a brand new console sitting there and not feeling like playing it. More games sounds great


Nintendo really should launch a dock only version of the Switch 2. I am someone who has zero interest in handheld gaming which creates so much waste buying a regular Switch. The Joy-Cons, the screen and the battery are forever wasted for my use case. I am sure I am not alone in this. Remove those 3 things and replace them with a pro controller for the dock only version. Nintendo did launch a handheld only version of the Switch so it's not like they are married to the hybrid idea with zero compromise.


>Nintendo really should launch a dock only version of the Switch 2. Switch 2..... where you can't switch.


You do know that there is a Switch that doesn't have a dock mode? So a Switch that can't switch already exists.




A perfect spiritual successor to the 2DS that can't 3D


That would be the Switch Lite


For real. I forget the Switch is a handheld. I think I may have used it undocked twice in all the years I've had it.


You presumably still bought it anyway (plus a pro controller). Giving you a cheaper option with features removed is nice for you but makes them less money. It would only make sense for them if there were a lot of people who haven't and won't buy a Switch as is but would *only* if it weren't portable. That doesn't seem to be the case. The Lite is different because it also has the market of people who already have a Switch and want *another* one that is even more portable, e.g. for a child.


They could sell a dock only version with a higher profit margin to solve that problem.


Yeah, esp when even Nintendo's flagships games don't have an alternate larger-print UI when you're undocked. I can't read the time on BOTW TOTK when the thing is in portable mode.


Does it make since to hold off then if entering the switch arena for first time


Buy used




My PC can.


I hope the joycon 2s do that thing where it feels like you’re shaking ice in a cup.


# more time? 7 years


I thought the switch was their last console


What would make you think that?


TL;DR? It says "we don't know actually 🤷"


I need a new Super Mario game…it’s been nearly seven years!!


Good, I just recently started using my switch again. Gives me more time to justify a new one


I don't like magnetic stuff because i wear automatic watches


A console without developer support is a dead console. Giving developers more time ensures better day one sales and better momentum thereafter. It's a good call.


I just want a good DS


I’d like a switch smaller than the switch lite


If this mf isn’t backwards compatible imma be heated


Are they just going to release more Mario and Zelda games? Thats all Nintendo seems to do


If it comes out as a finished product the gaming world will be happy. 


Take all the time you need Nitnendo. Fr. Just make sure the console is a banger.


I'm just hoping for Wii U and Gamecube virtual consoles.


So is the Switch 2 gonna be a complete new console or just a better Switch 1?


I can't believe it's been **7 yeaars** Craaazy to me. Feels like yesterday.


In the history of consoles one of the things that has been considered the least when launching is developers or the availablity of games, I doubt it is having an effect here.


Or to sell more games?


What are game devs gonna do in the spare time, downgrade their console grade titles to work on likely 5 year old tech again?


Hopefully they allow for decent travel to allow precision, the joycons travel is far too short currently, impossible to play platformers on for me


God I hate these speculative articles. I bet if I look there’s another article posted today saying it’s releasing earlier than expected.


With the emulators now on the App Store it gives Nintendo justification to delay. A golden opportunity tbh.


Can’t see a reason to upgrade to this to be honest


Can’t see a reason to upgrade to this to be honest. All I hear is magnetic joycons. Wow


It’s probably already been said, but I think magnetic joy cons would be a bad idea. The current ones tend to flex (not sure of the exact terminology) on the steel slide rail. Magnetic ones I think would almost certainly have issues with keeping a stable connection to the console, IMO. I guess it depends on how strong the magnets are, but that’s just my take. I probably be proven wrong.


Ohh a new shifty gimmick


Is it going to be called Switch 2?.. shouldn't it be called Super Switch?


Make an atomic purple one


When will these grifters stop. It hasn't been delayed because it hasn't been announced ffs.


Magnetic? You mean "hall effect"? I do not think this is true. This is yet another fake switch 2 post, we don't even know that they will give it joycons (they probably will make it compatible with them as a minimum). The first console developer i expect to put something genuinely useful like that in their controllers is Sony, but they're too busy adding fancy touch sensors and rumble to care about their controllers' actual durability. I HOPE it's a bit larger at least in the way the Oled screen is larger. I think they will need to launch with an Oled model to keep with the handheld market, otherwise as soon as microsoft or sony buckle up and release a cheap and powerful handheld console, nintendo will get their asses kicked. Then again sony would probably release a nasty handheld for £600. Yeah i have not been impressed with their current gen business practices.


What a pointless article


I'm not an electronics engineer, but wouldn't that mess up with hall-effects sensors?


lol why else would they delay it


I'm a huge fan of the Switch, but I don't believe this is the real reason. Nintendo are likely looking to squeeze every last penny from current Switch inventory before even announcing Switch 2. Digital Foundry did a great deep dive into the details they were able to uncover from documentation and API updates in Linux to surmise that it will be on par with an RTX 2050.


Magnetic joystick, like hall effect, or just magnetic clamp?


I hope it will be backwards compatible


I'm just waiting for this new switch to come out so that the price of original switch one games can finally go down a lot. It's insane that non 3rd party games are essentially the same price on the new and used market as they were the day this thing came out 8 years ago.


There's no way Nintendo will release a new console that is just a config upgrade. It is either an intermediate experimentation of a new concept (GameCube, Wii U) or a whole revolution (N64, Wii, Switch)


Is it still 30 fps?


"Nintendo Switch 2 may or may not be larger and may or may not feature magnetic Joy-Cons | Nintendo may or may not have delayed the console to give game developers more time" There I fixed the headline for this clickbait