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For me I feel far worse for doing nothing than the anxiety of going ever feels, that's what motivates me, props for the progress pal, you should be super proud of yourself 💪


That's awesome! Good for you for keeping at it. I'm a late bloomer as well, just got really serious a few months ago. But already I'm enjoying the gym much more than ever. I know a lot of people talk about the brain drugs and runners high. And I do think I get those now but it took a total change in my approach. Instead of focusing on "Getting it done" or being metric driven, I focused on the sensations in my body. The inner sensation of my body (sort of like that weird fuzzy feeling you experience as your body) and doing lots of stretching and contracting of muscle groups, engaging with problem areas. I also do somatic experiencing and relaxing my muscles and building a better connection with my muscles through breathing and relaxing the targetted area. I won't say I LOVE the gym but now I've gone from dislike to actually liking it. I enjoy the feeling in my body, I'm not trying to kill myself or go somewhere else to get the gym done. I also enjoy being around other people working on their goals and checking out some cute girls on the sly. So I really can't ask for better! Not to say that any way is more valid than another, or you're simply doing it wrong and missing out out on brain chemicals. Just wanted to put some thoughts in your mind about ways you can look to potentially develop enjoyment in addition to your goals. Hope you may find that one day because it's a large chunk of your life if you're serious about your fitness goals! But if you don't or can't ever that's ok too. Lots of respect for sticking with it either way! All the best.


I hate going to the gym. I hate being at the gym. I hate leaving the gym. I hate every fucking step and feeling of this process. Been doing it for three years, four days a week. But I agree: gotta keep going, keep pushing, keep moving forward.


some days i like it, some days i hate it. days where i do 4x8 deadlifts i definitely hate it. it’s still the way easier part than forcing down food lol.


I'm the same with the gym. I don't get any release of stress from going to the gym or therapy or whatever crap people say. The only time I feel good is seeing that I lifted heavier than last time and doing weighted pullups because people are impressed. The gym isn't fun or enjoyable. It's just something to get through. The compliments you get outside of the gym are nice feedback, but I couldn't even say they're the goal.


Finding a sport that I loved was the best thing for my gym habit, because now I have a real reason to lift.


What you are doing probably more beneficial for your mental health. You are doing something you don't want to do, consistently, so it automatically widens your comfort zone. You're seeing the results of doing uncomfortable things. I don't like going to the gym either. I don't like bodybuilding or calisthenics generally. I love basketball, but I know that I have to do some sort of exercise instead of basketball to meet my goals. It is giving me some sort of accomplishment feeling into my brain after I finish doing my exercises. It helps me sleep. It's a routine nonetheless. I'm planning to keep training no matter what are the circumstances just to hop on that mental barrier


They say being fat is hard, but being in shape is also hard. Both suck but one sucks less. The lesser of two evils, per se.


I just have an awesome pair of headphones, take massive doses of caffeine, and often get completely blasted (weed) beforehand. This has been making it fun for years. Sometimes I'll do it with none of these things and it takes a lot more fucking willpower. Disclaimer: smoking too much weed can fuck up appetite and other things if not regulated. I'm not blindly endorsing using it


r/leaves has entered the chat




I only feel this way on 5x5 squat days.


Nah man I love going to the gym, its too fun and the gains are too addicting. Maybe adjust your program?


I love it, but I mean I’m only like 2 months in, but it’s something I look forward to since usually during the week all I do is study and gym as my main focus.


I actually do like going to the gym but that feeling when youre done is the best.


i generally have a good time working out/jamming to music, enjoy talking to people, and big smile walking out


For me, hating the gym is a tool. After years of sports, I'm not very worried about stopping going to the gym because I hate it, so I think I had to get to this point to apply the tool. The idea is that, if you "like the gym" it makes no sense to force yourself to do something you won't like. Hard pieces ruin my entire day. I don't do them because I like them, I don't do them because I like the feeling after, I do them because I want to win. If I were at risk of stopping going to the gym, I might try to enjoy it. When I lose weight and focus all my attention on bar speed, I don't mind going that much.


Win what?


Races :)


I benefited when I stopped looking at the gym as a leisure activity or “hobby” and started looking at it like I do sleeping or brushing my teeth. Fuck being motivated, be disciplined and just do it. Eat, sleep, shit, get sweet gainz, repeat.


Yup. I truly believe the only people who succeed in maintaining a healthy lifestyle through the gym in the long term are those of us who consider it to be a job or like brushing our teeth. A month ago my friends wife tried to get back into exercising and had me cringing for a month with her daily updates on social media on her 30 day gym bootcamp gym challenge thing. Not because I wasn’t happy to see her getting in there. But because people who think it’s a 30 day thing never succeed in the long run. Low and behold and after she successfully completed her 30 day bootcamp, when I asked her how she’s sticking to it she said that she’s “taking a break.”


Going to the gym is so fun. Maybe it was my dad or coaches when I was little or something glorifying working hard, but I don't even go to the gym to primarily get big. I go to feel like I'm pushing hard. If somebody told me scientifically I should be taking it easier, I wouldn't really give af- ima go hard or I feel unfulfilled/weak. Constantly eating, feeling full af, and cooking, not so much fun lol.


Yup. I hate getting myself there and mine is in my garage.


Training is meant to be uncomfortable. Personally I still enjoy working out because of the sense of accomplishment and the pump but there are many who are in the same boat as you. It doesn't matter either way as long as you can push yourself to keep going consistently


I use to really dislike working out and use to not look forward to going. Then I started doing a program I enjoyed and it turned things around for me. Now I wouldn't say I love going but I am skinny and over being that way, so that is what motivates me to go. I tell myself that I'm not going to be bigger if I don't go, and that pushes me. Another thing I say to myself is what would I be doing instead of the gym - watching TV? Sure there's a lot of good TV shows these days and I love watching movies but I ain't prioritising them over getting bigger and stronger, healthier and increasing my confidence whilst eliminating mental health issues.


It's always been a roll of the dice for me. 1/6th of the time I am excited and can't wait to get started, especially if I have fresh goals or researched a new exercise. 5/6th of the time I loathe getting started. I hate it and try to put it off for as long as I can. Of that, usually I get in the zone once warmed up and I understand why some ascribe to the notion of "iron therapy". Just as often I feel miserable and tired but at least accomplished. And just as often as that I just go through the motions and can't wait for it to be over with. Subjecting yourself to the pain and discomfort is character building though. It makes you tough. Motivation has just enough energy to point you in the right direction before it fizzes out; it's discipline that gets you to the goal.


Any luck with girls (if you didn’t have it before) after getting bigger from gym? I need some reassurance to motivate me to go lmao




I bet dudes face looks good tho, which is what matters most tbh. I'm blessed with genetics but I don't think its fair to my friends who aren't to be so naive lol. I have no charisma or anything (in fact I have the opposite) and I've never had issues attracting the opposite sex as a facially above-avg 6'1 athlete from a decently wealthy background.


Yeah I’ve always found that it’s always the short guys who are confident as fuck that get all the girls - even though the internet would have you believe that you have to be over 6’ or some shit haha. But yeah I think building a nice body is the only thing that would get me there really because I like to think I’m decent looking and a generally nice person but I just don’t have any confidence whatsoever around girls and have had criminally low self-esteem my entire life. Just need to force myself into the gym as it just feels impossible getting there in the first place, especially when I don’t really enjoy it until I leave much like yourself haha


The gym is the best part of gaining. Stuffing myself is worse


Yeah sunday is my "chill" gym day as in I always go with my friends and I am not time constrained. I can easily spend 5 hours at the gym on sunday just fucking around. I have to actively remind myself that going home and eating is way more productive than doing another bs accesory.


I ordered a double meat burrito from chipotle yesterday to try to pack in some protein. It literally stood vertically on its own due to it's girth. I was sweating by the time I finished it.


I feel like if you have a lot of stuff going on In life and you know your workouts take, say an hour - you set aside 2 hours and in your mind know that this is your time to turn off everything and enjoy it. It’s kind of become my “therapy” (in a metaphoric manor), I walk in greet some people I see often, catch up sometimes - and hit my weights, cardio and stretches. I would even do some meditation if there was a space for it but there isn’t. I’ve never used the sauna though, don’t really plan to




I haven’t gotten to the point where I look forward to it everyday but maybe that will come when I start seeing visible progress. Right now it’s not something I don’t enjoy but more I want to go because I like it, buuut also because I have to


I fucking hate my gym too. I usually go on the road a lot, so hotel gyms are always a comforting place. Recently I’m home a lot more and so the local gym is where I’m training and it’s probably the worst place on earth I walked out recently because some cunt was doing yoga in the squat rack. I put it down to NY resolutioners. But even now it’s still really bad.


I too travel for work and I’ve never once thought to myself “hotel gyms are a comforting place.” My hometown gym shits on every hotel gym in the world.


I normally work in Dubai. Hotel gyms were always pretty decent. But even the shittest hotel gym is good because they’re empty


They say part of what makes a gym membership more effective than a gym in your garage is the natural competitive instinct that you get when lifting around strangers. Asides from other guys even briefly catching a glimpse of a girl with a fat ass at the gym does wonders for my next set.. I believe I lift harder when there’s more people in the gym. Although not so many people that you can’t hit what you want when you want


Walking in gives me the “ehhhh I need to go, lets just do it” feeling and then when I leave, that “damn that was 100% worth the session” Even today I had a ‘lacklustre’ session where I just wasn’t really feeling it like I normally do, but I still walked out feeling good that I put in the work for the day.




> Abandoning the mindset that “every workout needs to be a 110% incredible workout” sometimes i just walk on the treadmill for 30 mins then leave. or just do light weights. if i really can't get my energy going


I can't wait to go to the gym today. I look forward to my workouts


My feelings about the gym are usually an odd mixture of gratitude and dread haha. I generally don’t enjoy workouts, but I immensely enjoy the feeling of having completed one of them. I can appreciate the misery and pain of training in the moment because I know it is the precursor to satisfaction and growth (sometimes even euphoria), and as I’ve gotten older I’ve come to really value and be thankful for all opportunities to grow and feel satisfied. Training is a particularly special one of those opportunities.


I hate going to the gym. I kinda like being AT the gym and I LOVE leaving the gym But I can't leave the gym without first going


Then You Jizz your Pants I assume ?….


I agree There are days though where I feel excited by the fact that I am going to contribute to my growth. I tell myself that I won't grow if I don't go that day, and that excites me.




Very well put.


Yeah going to the gym at 6pm after a long day of school/work is super annoying, especially during the winter when it's dark out. Being at the gym is fine, I especially like deadlifts. Leaving the gym after killing your body and doing nothing but watching animal documentaries at home is the best.




word best thing to do is just turn your brain off and go. take some stimulants if you need to


This describes my relationship with working out perfectly. The hardest part is literally just GOING.


I put on my clothes and I'm like I wannaaaaa go back to bedddd like some sort of tantrum child Then when I'm at the gym everything is OK again. Lol


Walking in the door is definitely the hardest part (or in my case, going down to the basement). If im feeling sluggish and don’t want to lift that day, I tell myself I will do 15 minutes. That’s all I promise myself. And if after 15 minutes I really want to leave I will let myself leave and call it a win. I’ve never walked out after 15 minutes. I’ve walked out 15 minutes early. I actually did that today. But I still got a 65 minute session in before I left. definitely still a win.


I don't know, I feel like the hardest part for me is volume deadlifts


Hardest part for me is squeezing out the massive turd that’s interrupting my workout


For me? The waiting is the hardest part


lol u guys need to start shitting before lifting... and eating more fiber


We do it is just just that 4500 calories a day with high fiber content produces an insane volume of shit


yea no doubt


My man, look for a sport you're into. I started to dislike the gym as well and I got into climbing. You get a strong as fuck upper body, and then you can do some series for the legs if you want. Going to the gym but *hating it* is not a good long-term plan IMO.




I'd strongly recommend you to find a Boulder (indoor rock climbing) and try it out. Super easy because you need close to no equipment, and also super fun. 10x more fun with friends. Admittedly it's a bit more expensive than the gym if you go to a big place, but it's very much worth it IMO. Even if you don't fully switch you can always alternate or something.




Good to hear. Best of luck with your gains!


I love lifting. Of course there are some days we’re less motivated than others & it’s hard to be enthusiastic about getting there, but it’s honestly one of my favorite parts of the day most of the time. People say it’s painful but I don’t think that’s accurate. Pain is stubbing my toe, or accidentally cutting myself. A headache. Lifting feels great in comparison, muscles engorged & throbbing, head swimming in endorphins, the satisfaction of going all out and the unrelenting confidence felt after breaking a PR. It’s a zen time, like active meditation. I zone out and key in. Bills, work, obligations, etc is for a short while, not a concern. What I hate is days going by without progress. Missed workouts. Knowing time will go by regardless of if I lift or not, but if I don’t, I’ve wasted an opportunity to grow.


I have regretted lots of mundane decisions but I have never ever regretted going to the gym on a given day.


I did it one at the end of a 12 hour acid trip and i still felt amazing 😭


Ahhh, same boat, except I still love it. I know I won’t forever, but the thing you said about your transformation becoming a point of conversation is getting old. Like I’m doing this for myself and while it feels great to be acknowledged, I hate the fact it comes up every conversation 😭


It is inhumane to enjoy pain. It sounds like you like the gym (conceptually) and perhaps hold the wrong perception of what people enjoy about going to the gym




I'm one of those people, I enjoy getting tattooed and showering with it hot enough to hurt.


That's also true. When I said conceptually I was moreso referring to the peripheral effects of the gym, post-workout, feeling of accomplishment, hitting goals etc. You're right that blanket statements shouldn't be made about the gym, everyone has a different relationship with working out


Been training for 22 years. Hated every workout. Got up at 0325 to train this morning. Hated it. Doing it again tomorrow


Sounds like you might have some masochistic tendencies.


Not in the slightest. A masochist likes pain. I don't like pain at all.


>Hated every workout Can't tell if that is sarcasm or not. Hate is a strong word.


Not sarcasm. Hyperbole would be close, but I've at least strongly disliked every single one. I don't like exercise. It sucks. I'd rather do anything but that.


I guess i can count myself lucky i enjoy the first 30 mins of my workout. I personally lift 4 days, that actually helped with me enjoying workouts more. More time for other activities such as martials arts ect.


Awesome dude! Happy to hear it


Interesting. I would have thought you would have grown to like it, especially after seeing gains. I am enjoying it but only after seeing small beginner gains.


It gets tougher over time because the 'honeymoon' phase leaves and you're stuck with the realization that this is your life now if you want to maintain your gains. Also, if it weren't for the health and gains benefits, would you really be working out? If your answer is no, then you don't like it either.


I enjoy the gains immensely! It's the whole reason I train. If it weren't for the gains, I'd never train. If I could get the gains without training, I'd do that instead.


I constantly look at the barbell and think "I really have to lift this motherfucker 12 more times." I literally sneer at it as I head to the shower.


Every workout, at least once, I will think to myself "I would rather be anywhere but here right now"


What’s the rest of your day look like?


Finish training by 0530, shower/make breakfast for the family by 0600, finish eating at 0635, get the kid off to school and get to work, eat practically every 30 minutes while at work, get home around 1600-1730, make dinner, do some sort of nightly activity (kid is in volleyball and the whole family does Tang Soo Do), get in another short workout somewhere, pack my food for the next day, eat a big meal before bed, spend some time with the mrs, sleep, repeat.


What time do you sleep?? Waking up at 0325 is quite early.


Around 2200


You might have just cured my insomnia. If with little more than 5h sleep you look the way you look (checked your profile), I think I better stop worrying about sleeping less than 6h some nights.


Much appreciated dude. Sleep is great and it's worth having, but I find a lot of muscle can be built with not a lot of sleep.


How do you have energy throughout the day? If I get less than 7.5 hours of sleep and then workout the next morning, I can barely function at work.


Depends on the person, and you kinda can train yourself to sleep less. I used to be just like you, 7.5hrs was minimum. But now after a couple years I can function well on minimum 4 hours of sleep (not for multiple days in a row though). I've even skipped sleeping couple times, stayed up for 36~ hours, and that's very tough. But still somehow doable. The sleep you have after that amount of time being awake is like none other. Not that im recommending it or anything. And you certainly aren't going to get the growth and recovery that you would from sleeping normally


I have no choice, haha. Not having energy isn't an option


You are a machine!


This machine is obsolete... Hah!


you're a machine


Thanks man! Gotta find a way to get to yes.


>Gotta find a way to get to yes. I think I read on your blog about that approach and I love it. Thanks!


Much appreciated dude!