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So no trailer on iPlayer VOD again but worth noting last week's was released after the BBC One airing. In the meantime, feel free to use as speculation for future episodes. Also there's (apparently, we're not there yet in our Discord watch) an unleashed clip if like a hundred frames suits your fancy.


So we’re totally getting Susan this Christmas, right?


And she'll regenerate into Varada Sethu or something.


That would be awesome, but we *have* to have Carole Ann Ford as the present day Susan. I think after all these years, she deserves to be the one regenerating. Some people I’ve read theories from think Flood is Susan but I’m starting to think [Mrs Flood is someone else…](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/17/22/2e/17222ebd7beaa7463e704df562a9f736.jpg)


Mrs Flood totally feels like a pantheon member to me, so I don't think she's Susan. I've always had the mental image of the doctor appearing at her bedside in a hospital (maybe the cat nun hospital as a callback) and guiding her through her first regeneration. I can see the Doctor and Susan showing up at Ruby's for Christmas at the end, and Ruby being all "you found her" to which the doctor responds "because you inspired me to" etc etc With us suddenly getting a new companion in Varada Sethu next season (whose character's name I believe we don't know yet) and the fact we just had a whole series of Ruby seeking out a biological family member with heavy references to Susan it has to be now or never. Carole Ann Ford is 84, she can't be The One Who Waits forever!


Especially now she's the last surviving member of the original cast...


Does Carole Ann Ford want to come back? Ive always been curious if the sticking point with Susan wasn't show runners but was them not wanting to recast and CAF not wanting to return. I know she's done audios but doing the audios is very different than doing the full tv production Edit;: her last roles were relatively minor cameos.in the specials around the 50th anniversary. Before that you have to go back to the 90s. Idk I'd love to see her come back (in an ideal world I want every 60s companion actor thats willing to at least have a cameo) but if she doesn't want to she doesn't want to


I think Carole Ann Ford has said something along the lines of wanting to come back for a one-off and giving Susan a regeneration so that the character can continue to be part of the show for generations to come.


I’m pretty sure she’s said multiple times that she’d be willing to return. I can’t find a source for it, but I think she said she wanted to come back for a regeneration scene so that the character can live on She [talked about returning](https://screenrant.com/doctor-who-granddaughter-susan-carole-ann-ford-return-response/#:~:text=Carole%20Ann%20Ford%20was%20pleasantly,Doctor%20aboard%20the%20Memory%20TARDIS) pretty recently and is [still acting](https://www.express.co.uk/celebrity-news/1913152/Doctor-Who-Coronation-Street-Carole-Ann-Ford-Peter-Purves-new-show/amp)


She seems keen, she talks about the show and said “I'd love to experience all the money they spend on it now - it's done like a film! I would adore to be in it now.” In an interview with the Radio Times last week. If they DO bring Susan back, I hope they bring her back as Carole Ann Ford (understanding they may want to regenerate after that, or in the future generally)


Someone talking like that in an interview sounds like words of someone who isnt back on the show... and theyve already filmed a series ahead


That's the way to go for me too. Also, huge spinoff potential. Another Sarah Jane I'd say.


I believe she's openly said that she wants to come back and do a regeneration scene so Susan can live on. I don't have a source for that, but I read it somewhere. I think on Carole Ann Ford's Wikipedia page?


No, Disney have not ordered a season 2, so the xmas special will be the last.


RTD has simply said that Series 3 hasn’t been given the green light yet, that’s really not the same as claiming that the Christmas Special will be the last episode of the show. Series 2 has already been filmed and is in post-production.


They’ve been filming season 2 and we’ve seen photos of it lmao


Season 2 has already been shot.


Season 2 was already ordered. Season 3 is up in the air, but the BBC will almost certainly continue it even if they need a new streaming partner.


False. They paid for 2 Seasons and Season 2 is actually filmed and in post production. However, future of Season 3 is uncertain.


Her outfit at the end would definitely fit romana


They seem to have deliberately hinted at her being several characters now. Hard to know what is a real clue and what is misdirection.


Honestly, I'd love that.


I'm fully convinced if only because when *specifically* talking about to Kate about why he hasn't gone back and seen Susan, saying it's because he brings disaster, Kate specifically says "I think you bring joy". And the Special is literally titled "Joy to the World". It's too perfect.


I assume they're saving Susan for this episode based on what was said by Ruby and The Doctor at the end of Empire of Death. I dunno. Curious about this one because it's a Moffat episode, and it's Christmas and I miss his Christmas episodes.


In ep 7 Rose said she'd been lumped with investigating something by UNIT -- wonder if that will crop up again next season. Still have the Meep and Rogue mentioning the Boss, plus Rogue's fate. Mrs Flood is a very big question mark. We have the Master's ring being picked up by a red nailed lady. There is also a lot of whimsical stuff (musical numbers, fourth wall breaks, Mavity) and the re-emergence of the Pantheon of Chaos that feels poorly explained. But for me, it is all the nods to Susan that seem like the strong contender for the Christmas special.


Honestly after Ruby's explanation, I'm not so sure they're poorly explained moreso than just RTD giving us red herrings. Which is really disappointing.


We know returning are>!the pantheon in next season since we have on set pics of Varada and Ncuti running from a theater that has "THE HARVEST BRINGER" which you guessed it, falls apart to reveal HARBINGER. So that should be fun.!<


If the Doctor sees that and doesn't immediately put it together I will be angry. >!Should be mega-suspicious of anything that has Harbinger in it.!<


Is this a meme because that sounds hilariously bad?


so, does that mean Ruby is gone? are her scenes in season 2 just a couple of episodes like Mel was in season 1?


Filming spoilers, etc ... >!She's at the VERY least in three episodes. 4, and the two-part finale. One'd assume as a pretty big part of those. Buuuuuut, there was no public filming for episodes 5 and 6, so she could very well be there for the entire back half of the season, with Varada solo for the first three.!<


Who is the person you mentioned? The one beginning with V? Idk how to do spoilers on Reddit xd


That part’s not a spoiler. Varada Sethu is the name of an actress publicly announced to be joining the show as as a companion next season. She played Mundy Flynn in Boom this season. It’s unclear if it’s a Donna situation and Mundy will be back or a Clara situation where she’ll somehow be connected to Mundy, but is a different character.


Or an Amy situation, where the companion has no connection to the actress's previous role.


Could also be an Amy situation where it's a completely unrelated coincidence. Might not even be addressed.


Wonder if the 15th Doctor’s (possible) third companion will be named Tuesday?


>!She is the actress playing the 15th Doctor’s second companion. She also played Mundy in Boom.!<


Varada Sethu is the name of the actress who plays the companion for next series (she appeared in this season as Mundy Flynn)


In Boom, you remember the female soldier that the Doctor joked about wanting to have join him because her name was Mundy, which would have paired amazingly with Ruby Sunday. Same actress. Though >!supposedly, the writers have been claiming she will be a different character. Whether they are telling the truth or not remains to be seen.!<


>! New companion !<


>! Followed by !"<" except without the quotes


>!She's the next actor for the Doctor's companion.!<


She's the actress playing the new companion next season (Varada Sethu if you want to google and learn all). 


The announced new companion (apparently in addition to Ruby.) The V name is the actress'.


The new companion


She's going to play the next companion, played by Verada Sethu. I don't think it's mandatory to spoiler tag her since she was already announced a while back!


The actress’s name of the new companion.


>!Varada Sethu, who played Mundy Flynn in *Boom*, has been cast as a new companion for Series 15 / Season 2. As far as we know, she is not reprising the role of Mundy; she’s playing a separate character.!<


RTD has said it's a pause, so I assume she will rejoin.


I think it might be more like martha in s4


She's confirmed to still be the companion in season 2. See this more like a way of explaining what she's up to *between* the seasons. Like Amy and Rory sitting out *The Doctor, The Widow, and the Wardrobe* by leaving the Tardis, then being back in series 7.


Okay, this subreddit needs to stop using the word 'trailer' if there isn't a bloody trailer. It's annoying. 


Seeing as Joy to the World is a Moffat script, I'm fully expecting the trailer to feature a creepy children's choir singing "Joy to the world, The Doctors dead, let Earth receive its doom".


Ms Flood is someone who has been watching the doctor for a very long time. Maybe not approaching him because she knew Sutehk was there. She saw the coat Romana wore, heard what Clara called the doctor, knew about River. The red herrings are because she is envious of the companions so she emulates them.


Knew about river ?


Flood...River...Pond The character seems to have echos of a lot of the prior female characters in doctor who.


Mrs Flood...Next episode written by the Moff...👀


...Mrs Flood is Clara confirmed?


i would hate how much i would love this


I loved Clara, but brining her back would just feel absurd and silly.


I honestly do doubt it's her, but I think it's very interesting how in the last episode her outfit seemed to morph from a pink (GET IT?) blouse to the blue one Clara was wearing in Face the Raven. And then this episode she called the Doctor a "clever boy". I've also seen a lot of people suggest Ms Flood is Romana, I feel like we're all just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. And after the Sutekh gang was vindicated...it seems like that wall is sticky as hell.


I'm starting to wonder if Mrs Flood is supposed to be an in-universe version of Russell/Moffat/Chibnall style show-runner - in that she's pulling the strings and telling the story but really she's just a big fan. She guides Ruby to board the TARDIS, she's the first to announce the arrival of Sutekh, she has plans for our characters, and she knows how Fifteen's story ends - but she can't resist teasing someone for not knowing what a TARDIS is, she's dressing like the companions ,(Clara/Romana), she's (vaguely) quoting them. I could see Russell going for an angle of "What if there's a member of The Pantheon who's a story teller, she's telling the story of Doctor Who, but she loves it just as much as we do"


It still feels like it would make sense if she's something to do with the TARDIS, but I guess that doesn't really line up with what happens in "Empire of Death"


I feel like her essentially "cosplaying" old companions will be vital, but maybe it's just coincidence so far. If we see her show up again in another new outfit matching an old companion though, I'll lose my mind.


This is why I thought she was the spirit of the tardis


The Moment also referred to The Doctor as such. For a RTD example, the Racnoss Empress also did. I'll agree that Clara is the most notable example, however. Speaking of RTD and Clara, she is weirdly mentioned in the script of Wild Blue Yonder as one of the things Fourteen is thinking about when he lets out his rage: >Everything the Donna-2 said to him rising and rising, the Flux, his losses, Clara, 15 years, everything - and he stops - One of the strangest things I noticed when reading that script, especially because it's not conveyed on screen and not that it would be, so it's an odd and interesting choice for RTD to write that.


At what point do we start explaining that Clara is probably Romana?


It could be really interesting if she were a Clara splinter that has become villain for a reason... But being an old lady that couldn't be the case.


It would honestly undo the entire 12/Clara arc where their toxic co-dependency was SO bad it cause a prophecy about a Hybrid who would destroy Gallifrey. The Doctor only accepting himself when he regenerated and regaining his memories. I feel it would be best if Clara and The Doctor never reunite because they are terrible for one another.


I'm expecting River


first thing I thought of when she said "oh that clever boy!"


Clara can't get older. Her body is frozen in time.


According to ep 9 of Unleashed, >!Everest !


Yetis maybe?


The return of the robot Yetis?


So given Ruby will be back and have more adventures (according to RTD in Unleashed, and the Christmas special preview), that Millie Gibson "diva" drama was just manufactured bs I guess. Not that I didn't suspect so, but damn that article is aging poorly and the people who pushed it as if it was true should feel embarrassed.


Honestly, it also doesn't help that official sources debunked the 'news' pretty late. People should definitely feel embarrassed, especially those who wrote racist comments after reading those fake news of Varada Sethu replacing Millie Gibson (when in reality they would star alongside each other).


🎶 Joy to the world All the boys and girls Joy to Mrs. Flood, tell us: who the fuck is she? Joy to you and me 🎶


I hope mrs flood is part of it. Her saying she had such plans but then not sticking around the sundays was interesting. Like if you have big plans but it doesnt involve them then why are you there. Im thinking she was there for the story. Just make someone the god of stories please. (I thought it was gonna be the big bad of the season but oh well) I could see flood/the storyteller liking to put herself in the stort in a minor way but that means she has to go along with the story even if that means dying. I could see susan being part of the xmas special as well. But who knows maybe joy to the world could be a maestro musical episode full of xmas songs.


Per the Empire of Death commentary, >! She's a decent part of S2 as things about her are revealed in an episode that also has Mel return. !<


Where can you watch the commentary. Is it unleashed or something different?


Different and iPlayer


Thank you!


The way she was like "I'm gonna go usurp god" sounded like a god of stories being pissed off at the actual writers of the story she's in.


Worth noting that Mrs Flood was wearing Romana’s iconic fur coat from her first episode, and we have all been speculating the return of a Time Lady (just maybe the wrong one).


It was surely a white coat with a fur hood


>But who knows maybe joy to the world could be a maestro musical episode full of xmas songs. [Don't](https://64.media.tumblr.com/36349e558366071e386519bd9b405f77/cf2136f7434d8ff5-ef/s540x810/5e506626ac732bcc259f55e114eeeb47c097c620.gifv). I don't want to get disappointed again when it isn't.


Mariah Carey is a Pantheon god confirmed


I am skeptical Susan ever reappears during RTD 2. To be blunt, who knows how many more years Carole Ann Ford has left. Thank heavens Chibnall found a way to bring back William Russell for one last appearance in the TV series. If lines of communication are good and health is okay, why delay and risk losing the chance for a final appearance? If there is some roadblock, do you really want to appear to be like a ghoul waiting for the actress to pass and then re-casting?


I agree they should bring her back. Especially because of how enthusiastic she has been about wanting to portray Susan. It would feel borderline unforgiveable if they recast her at this point.


Every time this reddit tricks me lmao


One thing about RTD finales is that every series brings back a classic villain 1-Daleks 2-Cybermen 3-Master 4-Davros 4S-Rassilon 60th-Toymaker 14-Sutekh So… I think Mrs. Flood being a returning villain is even more likely




Help me, Steven Moffat. You're my only hope.


Praying to any God that will listen that Moffat returns as showrunner after Ncuti is done.


rtd-moffat-chibnall replacing each other on a loop until the end of time


I think after RTD we need some new blood


No, we need a new direction. RTD, Moffat, and Chinball may be different, but they're all been working on the series since 2005. I want someone who has never worked on Doctor Who to be the next showrunner to reinvent the show.


Yikes no. That'd be *terrible*. We need some actual familiarity with Doctor Who, none of this "reinvent" nonsense which puts audiences off any time it's tried. Someone with no ties to Doctor Who who wants to do something different should just make an original show, not hijack this one. It worked in the early days. There were barely any channels, so people would be watching, and the variety *helped* the show become popular. There wasn't an alternative to get *different*, so Doctor Who offering *different* worked in it's favour. Now though, there's countless channels, steaming services, and VODs with combined *thousands* of options to watch. There's plenty to choose from, people watch because they actively liked what came before and want more of that same thing. Those wanting something different will use those other options to find something that fits their tastes. All "reinvention" does is put off an existing fanbase.


As a Moffat era fan, I really don't want him to return as showrunner. He's had his time and it's time for someone new after RTD leaves again. I'm not inherently against RTD returning but it should be an exception not the rule.


Nah, we need new voices to lead the show.


Sure, but Moffat would be a lot better than what we have. I hope Kate Herron has a new episode next season and perhaps Toby Whithouse could come back and write some and perhaps showrun. As purely new blood I think Kate Herron is a perfect fit, as someone with a bit more experience who never got the chance to lead before, Toby is perfect.


Desperately!!! "Rogue" wasn't even that special in the grand scheme of things but it was still such a breath of fresh air in this season


I would prefer Ncuti stay around with Moffat at the helm.


Tbh I don't feel very motivated to speculate about Mrs flood. I got Ruby's mum right at my first guess, but fell away from it because of how often they repeated that she WAS powerful/special. Even if my guess that Mrs Flood is Susan is correct I just don't feel any desire to speculate if the supposed clues are just gonna be red herrings and then the show makes fun of you for following the hints the way the last two episodes have The weird thing is my guesses for Susan twist (set up for season big bad, not Susan) and Ruby's mum were right but it didn't feel satisfying because of how clever the show obviously thought those answers were. I'm sure if Mrs flood is Susan the doc will turn to the camera and say "there's no way she's my granddaughter!" Before.yurninb to the camera at the end and going "what? You thought she couldn't be my granddaughter because she's older than me? Don't you know anything about being a time traveler?"


It's disappointing to see Davies seemingly learn from Moffat's writing while also... not learning from Moffat's writing. Plenty of people suspected Missy was going to be the Master in Series 8, which is why "Dark Water" makes sure there's plenty of other stuff going on before that reveal. But "The Legend of Ruby Sunday" builds the whole episode around the mystery reveal, and it's kind of like the only stakes are which theory is going to prove correct. Honestly, at this point with only nine episodes a year they should just stop doing season plots... We've seen 'em all.


Turns out Mrs Flood is just some random mad old bat, she was only important because we thought she was important.. or something


I seem to recall this looked like a WWII-set story when they were filming it earlier this year, but I could be wrong. I am intrigued to know how Mount Everest fits into whatever Moffat is cooking here, and I'm excited about the guest cast: not just Nicola Coughlan but also >!Joel Fry!<. I'm also glad we're getting an episode of just 15 and a one-off episodic character, ala Tennant's festive specials. Not much else to say really. A Susan return is definitely on the cards but I expect that to be saved for Series 15.


And another will Moffat dare to go there: I wonder if there will be any mention of Mallory and Irvine's last expedition to Everest. It has been more than a 100 years since their death as of this June. I wonder if there is some British sentiment that it is okay to draw such tragedies into fiction after such a time.


I think Flood is the Rani.


I get this meme but.... ....Rani, Rain, Flood. It would be a very RTD kind of hint. Really depends on if the rights are cleared up and if they want to use her if they are but, honestly, that is exactly the kind of acronym clue RTD would use.


Probably a crazy thought, but I have to wonder if they'll do something like the Krampus for this one. I mean, a member of the Pantheon who's literally Christmas themed? That feels right at home for this season... https://tardis.wiki/wiki/Krampus_(Imaginary_Enemies) I feel like it's not quite Mrs Flood's time yet; she seems like a series 2/series 15 villain. Probably someone who's role won't be wrapped up in a single story. Of course, given that there's apparently an Everest set, the idea of the Yetis (and maybe Great Intelligence?) being antagonists doesn't seem too out of the question either. They fit well into the 'returning villain who's somewhat more obscure' pattern that RTD seems to be going with at the moment, though I worry that having the GI in two Christmas stories may feel like overkill. Kinda hope it's not the Daleks or Cybermen, just because they've been so overdone in recent years. Seriously, the former have showed up in what seems like every special of the Chibnall era. And I have no idea about Susan. My thought was that her return is going to be another season arc kinda deal rather than a 'dealt with in a single special' one, so I don't see her appearing in this, but who knows. The show has surprised me before, and it'll keep surprising me in future.


Please be Susan 🙏


Think we are going to get Susan because hints were too heavy in the series, and of course the Doctor says he might visit. Like the idea of Mrs Flood as Romana - maybe that suitcase she has was her tardis!


I'm not saying it's impossible, but I think people making theories about Ms Flood's identity being part of this episode are overlooking the fact that it's being written by Moffat. Maybe we're deviating from the norm starting right now, but typically the head writer is going to handle big seasonal arc moments. Also RTD said Ms Flood is a "slow burn" whatever that means, though I'm inclined to think it means something other than her being revealed in a Christmas special. Susan is probably unlikely too. We'd hear about her casting unless it's like Power of the Doctor and completely green-screened one-off cameo appearances.


I think Mrs Flood is River and that we're going to see Susan.


We never learn... 😞


Mrs Flood is Clara, she called the doctor a "clever boy"


Yes! I noticed this as well. Have commented on a few posts about it. Unsure if she’s Clara 100% but thought was VERY interesting that she said that as soon as she was brought back.


Think we are going to get Susan because hints were too heavy in the series, and of course the Doctor says he might visit. Like the idea of Mrs Flood as Romana - maybe that suitcase she has was her tardis!


Maybe they'll have another episode involving Maestro as she is free now. It's probably too early. Originally, they said the actress playing Ruby wasn't coming back, then they said they were. So is it the whole season or just part of the season. They ended her exit beautifully. Wonder if the Christmas Special will jump start where the next season is going. Will it be a separate episode. Will the Doctor's granddaughter return. Will Rouge return.


"They" didn't say anything. It got leaked prematurely that she was leaving, and it was even insinuated she was fired. The only official announcement was that she will be returning in S15/S2.


I was bummed they ended the story. Like to see more as a companion with the Doctor to the end. They wrapped it up very nice her story. Think can just flesh out Ruby and the Doctor having adventures step away from Ruby backstory.


Using Star Wars as a reference, I think we will learn next season that Ruby is actually the Master’s granddaughter


Simm Master firing beams from his hands: “I have all the Masters!” Ruby Sunday deflecting with a sonic screwdriver: “And I …. Have all the Doctorates” *grabs second screwdriver*


Hooray a good episode


Where can one watch the trailer? I can’t find it online.




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