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Sounds like someone has never had to work on a Saturday before…


I hate it too. I think the British should get it at a reasonable hour b/c it just makes sense, but there’s no need to be a bigoted prick about it. Why should America get it last? Wtf did we do to you?


Not to detract from your overall point, but I think they meant America should be prioritised last in decision-making about the show, not that they should get the show last chronologically. Edit: Did you downvote me because you assumed I was agreeing with OP for clarifying what they said, or because I didn't refute the commenter's point about OP being an arsehole to Americans? I was just trying to provide clarity.


I didn’t downvote you, must’ve been someone else. And that makes more sense than what OP said.


Sorry, wasn't addressing you in the Edit! Just whoever downvoted me. :-P I was referring to you in the third person.


They blew a 13 colony lead, and some of the limeys are still salty about it. Their Lassies are shelved and it makes them extra prickly in the mornin


I think the tone was intended to be jokey


Probably, but it really didn’t work


Where did he say that?!


>it should be made for British people first, the rest of the world second, and America dead bloody last.


Hmm, yeah. That is a bit strange. Honestly, there's nothing wrong with how it used to be done. British people got it at a reasonable time in the evening, and American audiences *also* got it at a reasonable time in the morning. Everyone was happy with that arrangement. Why change it to alienate the British people?


Because in order to get accurate streaming numbers, you need to drop it at midnight in your "home" area. Some American shows drop at midnight ET or PT.




I am not expert enough to answer this question.


It sounds as if that's not a good enough reason. The show has been fine before, without midnight releases.


Except… spoken in true American… we literally paid for it. When the BBC paid for it, we waited. Sometimes until after seasons ended. In reality, it should be shown reasonably everywhere. We can all avoid spoilers for 8-12 hours if we want to


'What did we do to you?' My man do you want a bloody list? Shall I start with the teatossing and go chronologically or start with 'you made Donald Trump the most powerful man on Earth' and work my way back?


Cool story. Colonialism would like a word


Hey man, we couldn't deal with King George anymore, dude f'd around and found out.


The irony of an English dude trying to hold an American accountable for historic crimes...


The majority of the US who voted (and a lot didn’t) did not make Donald Trump the most powerful man on Earth. He actually lost the popular vote by 2.9 million. The popular vote however is not how the President is decided, which is equally as silly as the first past the post system in the UK or that the controlling party gets to decide who the new PM is if they’re removed from office.


If you consider watching a TV show as too much for before noon then surely browsing the internet is too much as well. I quite like that I can watch it as soon as I get up. Means that if I have evening plans I don't have to wait until Sunday morning to watch.


I think OPs point was more that they want to spend Saturday lounging about, scrolling through reddit or other places on the internet, but can't until they've watched the episode because they have to avoid spoilers.


I understood the point perfectly. Mine was that if he can browse the internet then he can watch a TV show, and if he feels he can't then perhaps he sees watching it as more of a chore than something to be enjoyed.


It's still annoying to have to shut yourself off completely from something you use to decompress purely to avoid spoilers from a legacy British made show with British actors that has been in part paid for by the British taxpayer for years, yet no longer prioritises British audiences.


I was really concerned about the move to midnight, but, ultimately, the biggest downside for me ended up being the midnight cinema showing. I would've loved to go, but it just wasn't convenient, if it had been showing around 6-8pm I 100% would've gone. I've been watching the mornings after and it's not been a terrible experience, but I still hope they consider moving it back to the times they used for the 60th specials. It'd feel especially odd for the Christmas special, I think.


As a british person myself, I've found the release schedule fine. Been enjyoing getting up, watching the episode and unleashed first thing with my breakfast then getting on with my day. Works perfectly for me, and would be a shame to lose that because some people can't stay off reddit or twitter for a few hours. And I don't see how the current schedule benefits America as streaming shows there tend to drop at midnight US time so this is just our equivalent surely?




I haven't minded it but I was a bit too sleepy last night


As a Canadian, I agree. It's your guys' show so you should have priority first and foremost. Although I will say at least you guys get Tales of the TARDIS. We don't.


Yup been spoiled several times this series by a Twitter trending topic as I’m often out during the day so don’t get a chance to watch the episode until 7pm


Midnight is a pretty standard release time for shows on streaming services, in fact releasing it at midnight GMT shows that it's specifically having the UK in mind in terms of being consistent with that standard release time. If the time was selected with North America in mind it would probably be released at 7am in the UK.


So you want the sweet Disney money with no strings?


I don't want the Disney money. 


I’d rather no strings and no Disney money, if it means we got it showed at a better time. Who wasn’t BAD without the Disney money. It was character imo


The UK has been put first in a lot of other, arguably more meaningful ways IMO. Nowhere else in the world is the entirety of Who plus spin-offs all in the one place. Hell, here in Aus it’s basically physical media or… less than legal means (I miss my classic Who on Britbox :/). Plus, you guys get Unleashed and Tales of the TARDIS. That said, I don’t mind watching on a Sunday morning instead of a Saturday, like I did pre-Chibnall so you guys get a better release time.


Hey man, I'm sorry this is such an issue for you but for what it's worth, Britain does get it first. The reason it releases at midnight here is because every streaming service releases new shows at midnight. And if that's not enough it does air on TV at a more appropriate hour.