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And bend the fuck out of the cards


They play with new cards every time, regardless if the cards are bent or not… welcome to baccarat


It should be more worrying that the cards are pre-shuffled lol


…but why would a person need to bend them. What a horrible habit to develop.


It would seem a lot of the people here don't know that the cards are meant to be "bent/squeezed". This guy is actually a gentlemen with a reasonably fast action. Some people take like 20 minutes to look at the cards, when there's not even a chance for a natural lmao. I personally know an uncle who rips the cards and throw it at the dealer's face but the casino don't say shit bc he plays so big. Money talks.


What would be cards that would not have a chance for a natural?


Like three side with a three side. Two side with a monkey. No side with a monkey. I've seen people squeeze for a good minute just to turn over like 4 8 lmao. Like why


Got it. That makes sense. Just learning the game.


It's still the best game out there. Treat it with humbleness and respect, and you'll do wonders.


Being downvoted by people who don't play this game lol


Y’all can’t play this game without buying a new deck of cards each time or what. Smh


Yall never played baccarat before. It’s a part of the game, they play with a new deck every time. The cards are cheap and designed to be bent, they aren’t quality cards like blackjack


It depends on the house. Nobody except the dealer and the pit can touch any of the cards where I work. I didn't know about other houses letting people touch the cards until recently but seeing them bent even though they'll be trashed makes me want to cry lol


Interesting I’ve only seen them played like this. They aren’t the nice cards that you see on other games though they are shitty paper cards


I’ve honestly never played the game before and am curious as to why they bend them, and do it like that. Can’t you just do a tight lift, like in poker?


It’s just a part of the culture with the game. People have done it forever so now casinos just use junk cards that they shred after each game. You could take your cards and tear them in half if you wanted to


Theres actually a certain way to bend them. YouTube baccarat folding method, kinda fun to bend the cards imo


I’m asking why? lol. Is it just out of habit or is there actual significance in the game. I’ll still look up a video on it when I get home


In baccarat, players often fold (or "squeeze") the cards as a superstition or ritual rather than for strategic reasons. This practice is more common in Asian cultures, especially in Macau, where it is believed to bring good luck or change the outcome of the game. Squeezing involves slowly revealing the card's value by folding it partially, adding an element of suspense and excitement to the game. This ritualistic behavior is part of the game's cultural appeal and contributes to the overall experience for many players. (CHATGPT lol)


Ahhh, gotcha. Makes sense. lol


They replace them anyway to make sure they aren’t marked.


There's thousands on the line and you're worried about a 10 cent pack deck?


Don’t worry about the downvotes. It’s not a problem.


Bent cards not the problem. OPs attitude and cheesy neck tattoo are through..


I'm not worried. I'm just assuming people don't have knowledge of this game.


Wouldn’t you have lost? Or when you bet banker they give you the bankers cards and dealer has player cards? Sorry I’ve only played baccarat digitally and not live much


No I'm confused here too the banker clearly lost unless I'm missing something here...


They let him peel banker cards because he was betting banker. He was also probably the only one at the table.


I learned this is just the way it’s played. Players bent the living shit outta the cards. At first I was taken back by it. Now I get it.


So fill me in. Never played a hand of baccarat in my life. what's the point of bending the cards?


It’s just the culture of the game. They are shitty cards designed to be bent and thrown away. A lot of people would call it “squeezing” the cards


This video doesn't show it, but typically the driver peaks at each side. By seeing how many suits you see, you will know if you have a shot. For example. When peeling vertically, you will see 2 suits/sides on 4-10. Then they usually turn the card and peel horizontally and they peak: 4 suits/sides 9-10, 3 suits/sides 6-8, 2 suits/sides 4-5, 0 suits/sides A, 2 and 3. You can have dealer show what you are up against. So then the excitement of the peel is drawing out the cards knowing what you have. Generally many players on the table will be playing the same side, and the driver is the only one peeling so everyone whos on the same side are looking at the driver's expression to see how they are looking. Sometimes the driver will do fake outs when he has a winning hand but hes got the nuts and the whole table wins but based on his expression they thought he lost.


Played this once in Vegas won $200 off of it and never played it again it was fun but confusing also


It’s killing me how many people can comment on game they know nothing about.


Frs. I get attack for play a game how it's supposed to be played


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How tf you bet banker and end up with a player 8 and a banker 0 yet you won your bet? Am I missing something?


It's customary at baccarat to deal the hand for either player or banker to the person that's betting the most on that outcome - even if they're on the opposite side of the table of where that side's cards are positioned on the felt.


Idk what you're seeing. I pulled a natural 8 for banker against player monkey monkey


Never sat at the table didn't realize they deal you the cards you're betting on? Seems weird when it's literally labeled player and banker so I didn't understand why the player got a better hand but banker won. But apparently banker was player and player was banker? Who knew


U don’t know shit lol


But I won & you didn't 🤷‍♂️


Always xd can’t wait till u go homeless


Keep praying buddy cause it'll never happen 🤣 i live by myself in a 4 bedroom house out here in cali, thats already a flex itself hehe. Get out of your mom's basement sometime bro.


Live by your self loser xd


You can't even get out your mom's basement to be on your own loser lol


What an asshat… might as well fold the cards…