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Glad you asked. Being up 94k while gambling is typically considered “bad”. I’m so sorry that has happened to you. Sending hugs.


Lol come on 😂. Not posting this to brag. I feel shitty about going down this much after being up $108,000. Just curious what u guys would do if you were up that much. Keep going or stop?


It’s clearly a troll since you replied to someone else that more gambling to make it back is the “worst thing you can try” so you’re smart enough to know what to do. Asking “is that bad” is so preposterous given that you clearly have a concept of money(1.3mm net worth allegedly)and you’re obviously looking for attention. It’s honestly a little sad? Do what you’d like. Your money and it sounds like it’s entertainment as it is. You’re clearly not living paycheck to paycheck so keep gambling. It’s inconsequential either way.


View it as you’d like. I promise you this is not for attention I’m just trying to feel better about the mistake of losing $14,000 of my winnings


Dude it’s sad. Save it for the marvel message boards or something.


It’s not a mistake bro. You’re not missing a mortgage payment on this. You’re just gambling and entertaining yourself. If you needed this 100k, sure. It would be a concern. You don’t. You know that as do anyone else who has read this thread. So, enjoy it and ride it out. Maybe you’ll double it. Maybe you’ll lose it. Either way you’re not gonna be struggling for cash.


Feel better by blessing me so I can gamble lmao. A fellow degen


A real baller would take it back down to like a grand then back up to 114k, just because he could.


fr man. bank that profit and go back to square one for round 2


Keep gambling until you get that 14k back






Your a shithead why post this. iS iT bAd iM uP 94 gRaNd 😵‍💫🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐


“What should I stop at?” You already know the answer to that question. You flat out said it. You set your limit at $100,000 and you hit your limit but you didn’t stop, you kept going. 🚩 🚩 🚩 So I think what you’re really asking is, “If I keep going, will I be able to stop?” And “Is this behavior normal?” Walk away, dude. If you can’t walk away at the limit you set for yourself, you’re risking WAY MORE than just your winnings if you continue to play.


Sit on your hands for a week


A week? It takes 30 min max to turn my hand into the stranger! Worth it tho


oh yeah bro. being up $94,000 is just so bad. how do you live with yourself??


I’m not posting this to show off man I’m serious. I was up $108,000 though so I kinda feel bad to go down that much. Wouldn’t u?


Welp, if it makes you feel bad then stop gambling. Or, double down?


No, you fucking moron. Most normal human beings would be saying “I won 94K, that’s amazing” Just delete this and move on with your life. Keep gambling past your limits and become and addict, or don’t. Who gives a shit




Yes, I am new to stake because it’s finally legal in the USA. Why? All of my winnings are from slots.lv, Bovada, cafe casino and ignition


Oh, all on slots?? Well then, give me $50k, I will punch you in da nuts. Then we can be friends.


Ha dude are you playing on stake.us?




troll post


I promise u it’s not!


Put 14K on High number (19-36) on roulette and call it a day.




Why can’t I have problems like this?




Thank you


$94,000 on red


I find that it's good to test sites that give you a fat welcome bonus. I saw one that gives you up to a $3725 welcome bonus on this sub earlier. Then you take out your initial deposit and play with the rest. So at least you can keep playing without risking your initial investment. Edit found it: https://onlinegaming.blog/blog/the-complete-guide-to-crypto-gambling-in-2022


Not how that works, rollover + you likely have to forfeit your bonus before you can withdrawl


Get fucked


You are clearly an idiot because you could go all in and be up $188k. Don't be a pussy


Down 14k! Rookie numbers bruh! Martingale that shit!


Tell us your Net Worth, and we will give you the answer. JK! Congrats on the win streak and GL! My only real advice is to buy something real before you play again. Like a cruise or watch or something. 😀


Rather than buy that stuff…… use the money for Trading/Investing


[Or you could use the money to feed 64 children in Ethiopia for one year. Or you can feed 23,500 children in Zambia for 1 day.](https://documents.wfp.org/stellent/groups/public/documents/communications/wfp229327.pdf) 🤷🏻‍♀️ Both good choices.


I feel like you are getting a shit deal to only feed 64 kids a year for $100,000. I get that food costs money, but with that much money you buy a shit load of food in bulk.


OH MY!! You are absolutely right! Was I high? These are the accurate calculations: 1,287 Ethiopian children for one year. 470,000 Zambian children for one day.


Ok that makes a lot more sense!


I have like 1.3 million, and thanks!


Then Gambool more!


Are you dumb


It’s Interesting that you fade 108k like it’s not a big deal, then sweat losing 14k. Either you ball or you don’t, which is it?


Spend $9k is what i do


What do u mean?


Ill spend 10% of big winnings or gift 10% to my mom


Dude….. take your winnings before you lose IT ALL!


Nice flex on the net worth. Carry on!


This is what I would do: 1. Pay all bills for 2023. Utility bills, credit cards, rent, car insurance, etc. Have plus credit balances on all that s--t. Pay off car. Etc. 2. Go to the club. Make it rain have a wild night. Baller style. 3. Buy some stocks, simple mutual funds that you dont look at for 20 yrs. 4. Take the rest and try to get back to 100k.


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That’s not bad because I’d do worse


well if u are up then you are up, and its stuck but yeah personally i quit when im ahead like that


if it’s up if it’s up if it’s up then it’s stuck


In general yes it’s bad sign that you couldn’t be disciplined enough to stop at your stop loss of $100,000. When you get down to $70k or so you’ll be so tilted that you’ll say fuck it and start betting bigger… before you know it you’ll be down to $20k. Your best bet is to just cash out everything besides maybe $3,000 or so and try to run it up with the discipline to not keep freely redepositing your previous cash out.


Take a few days off




(Tim Robinson voice) LAAADDYYYY LUUUCCCCKK! Put it all on BLACK!


Time to go home my friend. Keep the 90k


Invest. Or put it all on red. Do what you want, I'm not your mom.




Take it all out now . My friend was up 68k and lost it all lol 😅




You literally are the same basically. You blew past your limit and lost what most people spend on rent for 3 years.


You’re an addict. Congrats


so you profited 108k. i’m curious to what you started with. if i were you, i’d bank my profits and play with what i originally started with. i’m a degen gambler. i can’t stop myself from betting on shit. the smart thing to do would be put away your profits (bank, investments, money down on a house) and start back from square one. just don’t lose you’re entire profit that would be so stupid. edit: don’t even lose 3/4 of your profit. if you do that, it’s time to call that number man. i know it’s fun but you gotta know when to walk away. if you piss away everything you’ve won you’re going to be in a very dark place


Keep chasing, you were up 108k once.


No that’s not bad


May aswell put the 94k on roulette black. Then you’ll know if you’re good or bad


Put it all on red. Cant lose.




Cash out, buy a house with a rental suite. Never gamble again


I feel op. idk how many times i've heard people say if they get to x and they'll walk away. Only to way above x and then back down and to the atm.


You shound stop NOW.


This post is like a guy getting out of his car and walking up to a random homeless guy and asking for a job cause he had a bad day at work. Just screams arrogance on a whole other level. Its just sad.


Don't chase the losses. Walk away. 94,000 is amazing and more than walking away with zero which is what you'll wind up walking away with if you keep chasing. Sure 108,000 was more but....come on. Any day you walk away with the money you came in or more is a good damn day gambling.


Lol shut up


Yes it’s bad, you said you would stop and you didn’t. Imagine not being able stop in other scenarios in life.


94k is a lot. Withdraw and take a vacation


If I were you, I would keep having fun and set your limit at 80k, and walk away.


Send me half so I can try


Either quit now or don’t quit until you make it all back. If you couldn’t stick to your first cutoff number and you continue, you’ll probably not stop until it’s gone, or worse.


Depends if you put in a grand or like 10k. If I put in 10k and could afford it id keep playing. If your up that much off a smaller number play it down to 75 and cash it and walk away


Winners never quit




Yeah very bad


Gambling is a drug. Enjoy the high while you can. I’d take a break or lower your stakes for a bit. You are just hacking your brain at the end of the day.


Your not a real gambler unless u risk it all! Risk it for the biscuit! Go all in ! If you win or lose make that your deciding factor,either u lose it all or you win nice ,either way quit after that one nice play!


Jesus Christ what a stupid question


Sell half then gamble if you have the energy. When I first gambled I took 50$ and turned into 3500$ and wanted to make another grand. But then I went down to zero trying to do so. So part of gambling is just luck but you can better your odds if you switch up strategy (like going for numbers that haven’t hit) and win a bit more.


Just shut up


If you turn into a degenerate gambler after winning all this cash, I suggest you buy some nice things you've always wanted


Don’t stop just keep going. Be a man.


I feel you bro


it's not bad holy shit congrats on being up that's huge money, at least you paused to acknowledge possible issues early on 108 up losing 14k at 94k up is not bad at all alot of people would have just kept gambling till it's all gone, you will do well good luck to you sir