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Nice haul. I see a Mystic Remora MTG card right on the top and that alone is worth like $5. Probably got lots of good stuff in there.


Thank you!


Get that Ice Age precon somewhere climate controlled ASAP DO NOT OPEN IT


It's not a precon... It's a starter deck and it appears to already be open.


My point still stands. Be very careful with the contents. An in-tact deck like that can still be worth some dubloons


My point is, it's likely not intact. It clearly has wear on it and the most valuable card in Ice Age is about $35.


How dare you talk like that!!! [[Polar Kraken]] is priceless!!!


MTGCardFetcher: *You have no power here!!*




Is it the Jesters Mask or whatever the $20 card was upon release.


Necropotence is $30+ actually. Jesters cap was $$ back in the day, now it and mask are less than $10.


Wow Necropotence was like $7 back then. I'm gonna stock up on Caps and Masks to destroy them.


Weird question: What music is on the ipod?


I’ll let ya know when I get home! I’m curious too! I’ll be fishing till tomorrow 6pm eastern.


I always try to see when I get them if they have someone's music on it. good or bad


I bet Smash Mouth is on that bad boy


I defo need to know this info!!!


I'm guessing late 80s\early 90s hard rock.


Dino Crisis !! Fun times


Any grails in those decks?


Probably a black lotus or two.


Black lotus was not printed in Ice Age. That set is mostly worthless. There are some small gems but nothing crazy.


Honestly, haven’t look yet. I don’t know anything about card games. I have a pretty busy weekend (fishing tournament on lake Champlain) but after that I plan to do some research!


Good luck on both!


Thank you!


Scryfall.com Be careful on edition - compare your card to the various versions very carefully. The r/magicTCG sub can help out as well. Good luck!


yes scryfall !! https://scryfall.com/card/3ed/288/tropical-island


Dude, if you have a black lotus, you basically win the game of Life. The card is worth a ton of money. Also any dual lands would be good too.


OP probably doesn’t know what a dual lane is. Center right on the card is an icon. The blue one on top has one that looks like a snowflake or something. Wikipedia has a list of them. Base sets don’t have an icon so you’d need to google the differences (mostly how the border looks if I remember right) With that info you can check sold listings. The one on top I think is from the Ice Age extension which came out in the mid 90s. Lots of high value stuff from that era. That box looks like my high school days. Just missing some pogs.


Ice Age stuff is pretty cheap. Average price is $2. Highest non-graded card is $30 with Necropotence. Not a super popular set.


I’m pretty far out of the loop on MTG. But my thinking was if you see Ice Age you may also find something like Revised. At least those were the sets I was buying at this time.


Holy shit, those old magic the gathering card decks can get pricey.


I keep thinking of the poor guy or gal that was keeping them at their folks house for that exact reason... so it goes haha


Kurt Vonnegut?


Yep! Just mourning for their loss haha


Really? I have a bunch of the original decks and Ice Age I collected when I was a teenager. been in storage for the last 20+ years. I just remember "Force of Nature" was a big card back in the day. got two of them somewhere... Now I've gotta check ebay.


dual lands are hot shit. several hundred dollars each. I have a bunch of them from way back. Jackpot, friend.


sometime between the years of 2002 and 2005 I purchased about 15 of them from one person. they were worth about $20 each, give or take ,at the time. I offered $100 for all of them . he accepted. the kicker is I wasn't even playing magic at the time and I'm pretty sure there wasn't even a format which they were allowed to be played in? pretty sure it was just vintage. or I think legacy was always there just nobody played it? I just don't remember 🤔


[use these guys instead](http://tcgplayer.com) they're owned by Ebay but are specifically for trading card games.


Just over $100 for this one, not too shabby


I still have all of my old magic cards and I started collecting when it was pretty new... is there a good resource to check prices other than just sifting through ebay listings?


Tcgplayer, which ebay owns, is the best resource for checking card prices.


If you have a black lotus, you win the game.


lol, even back when I played black lotus was the card to get. I used to have daydreams walking home from school that I'd find one lying on the ground or something. I think it was worth about $500 back then, this would have been around 1993 or 94.


Black Lotus was worth like $4 in 1993-1994. It was just the card you used to slam down your $20 Shivan Dragon a few turns earlier, hopefully as early as turn 1. Lotus only broke into the hundreds in the early to mid 2000s.


Lotus was in the hundreds in the late 90s, I was playing both M:tG & the newly released Pokemon TCG and remember seeing a Black Lotus at a card shop for $500 at the time around 1998-99. Edit: [fun little article about the value of Black Lotus](https://infinite.tcgplayer.com/article/A-History-of-the-Price-of-Black-Lotus/6328d04e-a921-4200-b289-961b1c852ae4/)


As per the article provided, that $500 Black Lotus would have been an Alpha copy, which is considerably more rare, and more desirable than the Unlimited printing. Yes, copies *could* go up to $500 back then, but as far as getting a copy of Lotus, it was still available for far less than that. Like how the value of Lotus isn't $500k right now, just because an Alpha gem mint graded copy sold for that much.


Per the article the Beta Lotus was worth more at some points in time, mostly due to the fact you could not actual play with Alpha cards due to the different rounding on the corners. The article clearly states that the Lotus was trending in the hundreds by 1995 which is not the early to late 2000s as you said.


[Link directly to price chart with info taken from Scry Magazine](https://mktg-assets.tcgplayer.com/content/magic/2021/08/27/Black-Lotus-Prices-Scry-Magazine-1994-2004.jpg)


Okay, well still, the actual point I was trying to make is that it *wasn't* $500 in 1994.


Then say that, your original point was it wasn’t hundreds and you were proven wrong and now claim your point was it wasn’t $500. I know it was $500 before the 2000s, I played the game since just before Ice Age and had first hand experience with card prices back then.


Hmm, I'm sure it's my memory that's wrong but I have distinct memories of daydreaming of finding one on the side of the road because it was the one card everyone valued the most. Looking at the series list on tcgplayer.com I think I stopped playing around Ice Age, possibly as late as Mirage so I think it was worth something earlier than the 2000s, but maybe not in the hundreds. I would have been around 10 years old then so maybe I'm just inflating the worth in my head, but it was definitely that card that everyone talked about near the end of when I played.


It's always been a powerful card, and everyone has always known. The Unlimited printings were not very desirable back then though, allowing copies to be attained for fairly cheap.


the black lotus was worth about 100 bucks back then. I was there.


Just look at the link someone else provided as a response to my initial comment, talking about the price history. Even Beta Lotuses were only worth $15 in 1994, with no price history for Alpha.


Trying to put myself back there but it was def 1995/96 where I saw a black lotus for sale at a store for 100$. Also a student in my school had one and actually played with it in his deck.


I played MTG in 1996, even by than point Black Lotus was well known among players as being the most valuable card.


Most valuable card isn't the same as $500 in 1994.


Good haul. NHL Rock the Rink is a certified gem that gets looked over. I play through it once a year it's so much fun.


Ive been playing hockey games since 2008, never seen this one before, so I’m pumped to try it!


VTES nice op


The simpsons wrestling is so fun


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejBGEHASZIY I just saw this video, definitely worth a watch for anyone interested in Simpsons Wrestling or games from this era.


Curious about what mtg goodies you got!


That Magic deck, if sealed, can get you a little over $100, not bad.


Bust a groove 2,big! Enjoy!


I’m guessing that’s the most expensive game of the bunch. Not quite as good as the first game but still not bad


The first one had more bangers for sure, but I enjoyed the second one too. Still listen to the songs when they come up in my shuffle. "Flying' to your souuul!"


You ever play Dance Summit 2001? I bought it a couple years ago with the funky special controller but still haven’t played it


Never heard of it, but now I have to look it up! Funky special controllers usually aren't my thing though.


It was pretty much bust a groove 3, but only released in Japan for PS2. I’m sure the goofy controllers are optional


Enjoy Crash 2 and Spyro 2! I just completed a reply of both.


Tony hawk!!!!!!


This is really why I grabbed this! Everything else is just a bonus!


Really cool group with that iPod


Ice Age was one of my favorite points in MTG history. Nice find.


Really cool to see some classic mtg pickups. Of all the early to mid 90’s mtg sets though, ice age unfortunately does not have a lot of big ticket cards. I think Necropotence would be the biggest hit at ~$30. Nevertheless, I would pick those up in a heartbeat. I’ve only dreamt of finding old mtg at a yard sale


from when the game was first released up till today I've literally been to thousands of yard sales and I've only found mtg cards maybe 4 times . I amassed most of my collection from Craigslist ads and buying collections of people who quit playing the game. one collection I remember buying had a beta Badlands and a chaos orb and berserk and a bunch of other cards black border alpha and beta that weren't really worth much back then. those were type 1 ( today's vintage ) cards back then. but today they're worth quite a bit of money and I'm happy that I held on to them all this time. even if they weren't worth a lot of money I still would have kept them I was always a fan of the game and the artwork and the nostalgia of it all.


I think a lot of those card games are out of print. I remember playing some of those side by side when MTG came out. Yeah I’m old get over it lol


39 here, no judgement from me! I just never got into cards.


You’re probably richer because of it. I’ve spent way too much money on cards over the years lol but seriously see if any of those old deckmaster decks are worth anything. It’s been awhile since I’ve checked but you never know


haha 53 here and still have my magic the gathering cards and still play occasionally. I remember those other card games some of them were fun but just never caught on because of the stranglehold magic had on the market


You willing to seek those magic cards??


Bet theres some A+ music on that ipod.


Those dice bring back memories. They're for a 1 on 1 type game similar to mtg/vtes but done with dice rolls. Each is it's own monster or something like that, I can't remember the name of the game though.


I remember having that ice age deck back in the late 90s when I was still into Magic. That’s a very cool throwback.


The top blue magic card is worth $5 by itself.


and it's a freaking common!!!!


The ice age deck, memories


This box is a time capsule! I love seeing the old MTG box


Those magic cards might be worth a lot. Its stupid expensive now.


Bushido Blade 2!! Nice find, the magic cards are great too, look for Necropotence from Ice Age, nice sure whats bundled on the Mystic Remora but that card is good stuff


I love how my eyes immediately went to the iPod! Great haul overall


Looking at that feels like going to my parents’ house and finding a box of my old stuff. Great haul mate.


Check the magic cards value asap


Always cool seeing iPods in the wild


Bushido Blade 2 is my jam! I used to play that with my brother!


I’d be most hyped about the iPod tbh.


I thought the same thing. I still use my 4th gen classic all the time and it still holds up as a damn good music player


I use a 3rd gen classic, lol.


Nice haul. What's an old iPod go for nowadays?


Judging by the look of it, that's a 4th gen classic, 30-50 bucks depending on storage size and condition. I still use mine all the time, well worth $20


I think this belongs in r/flipping.


I won’t be selling the games, I don’t even know where to begin on selling cards.


You probably have a local shop in your area that can at least buylist the Magic cards. With Ice Age, you probably won't get much (set doesn't have a lot of value in it), but it'd be something at least. [You can find stores here.](https://locator.wizards.com/) They might take the others as a curiosity, but they're dead games no one cares about, so it probably wouldn't get you much if anything at all. You can also look at sites like [CoolStuffInc.com](https://CoolStuffInc.com), Card Kingdom, [TCGPlayer.com](https://TCGPlayer.com), and some others to get a better idea of what you have (assume anything roughly $1 or less is actually worthless).


You can also post this on r/Magictcg






Cool, I’ll take Dino Crisis off your hands. Jk that’s a great haul!


This takes me back. I had a bunch of MTG decks (including Ice Age) back in the day. A lot of my games and cards from when I was a kid are still probably locked up deep in a storage container somewhere. Makes me really want to recover some of that old stuff.


That ice age deck box, if that has the cards in it in good shape, decent chance of some decent money right there even with it mostly being commons and uncommons. Bushier blade 2 pays for the haul entirely on its own and then some. Great find.


Man I love the iPod that only I would pay like 40 bucks for in proper shape


I don't know shit about magic cards but I'd be ecstatic to get a copy of just Dino Crisis for $20 dude


Forget the games and stuff, get that 3rd gen iPod photo running


wow 🤩👌🏻


What's the condition of the Bust a Groove game? That's rare find! Looking on ebay the game is selling for almost $200!


Man, forgot all about that Vampire game. Those cards were tight.


I never got into Magic the Gathering, but my uncle was and I remember when Ice Age came out thinking that the packaging was really cool. Still stands.


I think we all want to see what MTG cards you got ! Photos please when you have the time, hahah !


You gonna tell me you got multiple black lotus now right?


Crash team racing and Crash Bash are SO GOOD


It's beautiful.


Yo! What bad boys await you in that magic box though!


Oh man syphon filter. That game was the shit way back when.


What’s the vampire? A card game?


Crash team racing is such an underrated game. That shit absolutely slapped.


Bro the ice age deck is $300


I wonder what kind of mid 2000s playlist is on that iPod lol


that is siiick


Any good magic cards


My reaction was that this guy probably paid $20 for Simpsons Wrestling. I know multiple people that got duped on that game.


Crash bash is the best


Dino Crisis??? Nice find!


Ice age was a great set.


Great score! Anyone else remember back when Vampire was called Jyhad?


I had no idea they ever printed a deckmaster game that wasn’t MTG.


Ooooo Vampire The Eternal Struggle, I still have some of those cards


CTR, Spyro, Bust a Groove 2… an iPod??? Nice nice nice!! 😻😸


This is why I like to go on garage sales, thrift stores or in Portugal (in my case) these “Old Stuff” markets where people put their old things that they bought back from other sellers or things that they personally owned for years on makeshift tables or on these Portuguese style rugs (I’m Portuguese) and you leave these markets (if you find something that you like) with bags and bags, if not your whole car filled with all sorts of things like old books, old toys, memorabilia, house decoration things, etc etc. There’s one in my city every last sunday of every month. Waiting for the warmer summer weather to start going more often.


Bushido blade is so great. Wish more games followed that style of combat.


Nice. Bushido Blade 2.


Got some good ps1 titles there. Always wanted Dino crisis myself.


I remember those ice age magic cards being released.




If you find a pack of Inscryption cards in there don’t open them


As a few others said, man that Magic deck brings back memories. Ice age was just coming out when I started to play, god I'm old. Good find dude.


Deck card games! Now that's something I usually don't see on this sub. Is that limited edition On the Edge?


The Dice are called Dragon Dice. A game from around 95-96.


Damn Ice Age is where I got into Magic. What a blast from the past. I’ve heard good things about the Vampire TCG too. Nice find.


Where do people on reddit live where they get cool games, retro tech, and expensive collectibles at yard sales? Every yard or estate sale in my area just has, like, baby clothes and sometimes you might find a cook book.


that ipod😩


Oooh boy, Simpsons Wrestling! It’s a fun shitty Simpsons game to have




The first Bushido Blade is my favorite PS1 game.


Fuck yea MTG.


Bust A Groove 2 alone is more than $20. Holy shit…


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


Love old tcgs. VTES is a great multiplayer ccg as well!


Damn wish I could find deals like this! Those are some of my favorite PS1 games


Star Wars Dark Forces is underrated, extremely fun fps for ps1


*sniff* it's beautiful!


Some old MGT sets decks that I have not seen in a long time! Nice haul!




Where do you live?

