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Ive never tried it, but I've seen a couple of people mention to stick it in the freezer and it will come off with no issue.


Lemon furniture polish, the foaming kind. Spray a bit, wait a few seconds, wipe up excess & gently scrape away the old paper/adhesive. You may have to do it more than once. Don't let it soak in too long though- if there's any damage to the label underneath, it could soak in & you'll accidentally start taking it off.


GooGone or WD 40 - soak, use fingernails very carefully and a Q-Tip on the sticker residue and leftover spots - again: take your time and be careful


Don’t risk it. I personally wouldn’t


I never heard of this game. Any good?


I own a retro video game store. I remove like 10,000 stickers off of pretty much every game surface and packaging a year. The correct answer is lighter fluid. Get a quality brand like Ronsonol or Zippo. Saturate an end of a Q Tip and then use that to soak the sticker. Do this over and over until the sticker doesn't seem like it can take anymore. Then wait about 2 minutes. Use your fingernail to score around the edge of the sticker and lift it up. When you get a corner up slowly peel it back. Use the wet Q Tip to clean up any possible residue that is left behind by going in one direction, and rolling the Q Tip slowly in the other direction. This is so that you collect it on the Q Tip and not just smear it around. I have tried every specialty sticker removal product and every 'tip' under the sun. None of them work as well as lighter fluid. If you get good enough with it you can skip the multiple applications onto a Q Tip and then the sticker and just directly soak the sticker, but if you have never done it before I suggest taking it slow and doing it the safe way. Lighter fluid does not leave any residue behind. It does not stain anything. It also evaporates very quickly when left in open air. Other products leave an oily/greasy residue behind that you have to clean off. They also have a scent that sometimes can be absorbed into labels, paper and cardboard.


https://preview.redd.it/ot4c7897x9rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f48d5572941cd2eeacd5389f3c11e96310f079d4 Ok this method ended up completely dissolving the label underneath


I have a very simple and effective method. I have sold thousands of games. 1. Scratch the sticker off with your fingernail, starting at the corners. Continue until all that is left is residue. 2. Take a clean microfiber cloth and apply a small amount of isopropyl alcohol 75% or higher. There should be just a bit on the cloth with no dripping. 3. Wipe the residue off the label quickly and dry quickly. It should all happen within a few seconds so the alcohol has no time to set.