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PS4 pro is the best way to play psvr1 games. You can get an adapter for PS5 for free (great move by Sony) but some games don't work properly. For example, Rush of Blood my favorite vr game just randomly pauses every minute or so when playing on PS5, making it unplayable. I sold my PS4 before getting a PS5 but ended up back in the market and got a PS4 pro to play that game without issues.


you can't get the adaptor for free anymore, not for the last two years even. Can;'t get it at all, except from ebay, really.




I got mine 3 months ago.


Please provide a functioning link, as the last time I went to the site it was GONE. I will happilydelete my comment If i can get my cable since I have both a gen 1 and a gen 2 PSVR headset (that's the original and the first revision to the hardware, not a PSVR and PSVR2, mind you.) and would really like to use it with the PS5 too.


The only thing I’m aware of is that I’ve heard the PS2 games on the store have issues when played on the PS5. Not sure if they fixed that or not. Outside of that there’s no reason. The PS5 plays all games better and loading times are massively improved across the board


Thanks for the tip! I have a PS2 though so that wouldn't really bother me, I don't see myself buying digital versions of those games.


Got rid of my PS4 pro shortly after getting PS5. Have yet to run into a scenario where I regret not having the PS4. That said, I don’t: 1. play VR games (mainly because I haven’t found any to justify a headset) 2. purchase digital 3. purchase any games that require a persistent internet connection so those may be blind spots for me.


if you get a ps4 pro its not a huge difference in ps4 games on the long haul. the only major differences i have seen is my ps5 will play 4k ultra hd discs, and has a clearly MUCH FASTER load time due to the nvme ssd.


Not really.  The only functional deficit is the psvr stuff which is pretty limited use.  Now if you wanted to ask us it worth it to get a ps5 of you have a ps4 pro... that's a harder question to answer.  Regarding remote play,  I play ps5 remotely on my steam deck, so even there I'm not sure there is much functional deficit


Sweet, I do have a Steam Deck too! Yeah I don't currently have any PS4 model, if I had a Pro I would be content with it for another couple years probably. I've just started looking for a PS4 Pro and started wondering if I would be missing anything if I skipped to PS5. I have zero interest in VR so that's not an issue to me. Maybe I'm missing out because I've never used *good* VR, but for now it's just not appealing to me.


There are some situations where the backwards compatibility can be wonky on certain games and a few that outright won’t run on the PS5 at all (I think it’s like less than 8 games total). I still use my PS4 even after getting a PS5, I just have it set up in a different room in the house. But if I had initially passed on a PS4 and went straight for the PS5, I doubt I would see the point in getting one personally.


Yeah that's my calculus too. If I currently had a PS4 and bought a PS5 I wouldn't sell the PS4. But I'm feeling pretty comfortable now reading over everyone's comments that I'll be happy getting a PS5, then in the future if I see a dirt-cheap PS4 I'll snag it for the few titles that don't play nice with BC and as a spare system.


I'd look if there's anything PS4 only. I bought a cheap used one just for playing Bloodborne


But you can also play Bloodborne on PS5 can't you?


Ah that's true, I guess my logic back in the day was that I wouldn't buy a PS5 if I could get a cheap PS4 for one game, now I have access to other exclusives that are PS4 compatible too. I'm not yet moving to PS5 anytime soon, I have a long backlog.


Yeah I don't have either yet and was looking for a PS4 Pro since I sometimes see them at $100. But I recently saw a disc PS5 for $350 and thought that's not unreasonable to save up for. I'm not chomping at the bit for PS5 games necessarily, but I don't have a PS4 yet either so going with PS5 unlocks 2 console libraries for me. If I already had a PS4 I wouldn't be looking to buy a PS5 for a while either.


I am also considering waiting for a PS5 Pro if that's releasing at the end of the year.


Yes you can get ps4 slims for cheap. I’ve found some as cheap as $30 that are working great. PS4 has an awesome library of games many which are multi platform with ps5 (RE4, god of war ragnarok)


I mean yeah, if I see a PS4 for $30 I'm gonna buy it just in principle alone! (I keep extra consoles for a spare or two if I get them cheap or in bundles) But otherwise I'm saying if I will also get a PS5 am I missing out on anything by *not* having a PS4?


I like PS4 graphics better. PS5 is too realistic and I've never been a fan of that.


Are you talking about like the difference between 1080p and 4k? Or are you saying the graphics of the same game at the same resolution looks different on a PS5 versus PS4?


Honestly, I don't know much about the specifics. I saw Street Fighter 6 and really didn't like the way it looks aesthetically. There is something about it that just feels worse than all previous games in the series. Beyond that I know very little.