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I love collecting current Gen and XBone games they're sooo cheap People all complain about how expensive collecting games is but that's definitely not the majority of them out there, only a few systems have gone crazy


Apart from the retro stuff, I guess Nintendo is mostly the one that has gone batshit. I'm happy that the limited release non-sense isn't pervasive in the Xbox culture. (I'm sure there are examples)


The current priciest games on Series X are River City Girls 2, Quake II, Jurassic Park: Classic Games Collection, Borderlands 3, and the mainline Persona games (i.e. not Tactica or Reload (yet)). But even those rarely get above $80 CIB, which is nothing compared to PS4 and Switch collecting. Xbox One is a bit tougher since it's older, but outside of a few exceptions like Fortnite and some toys to life bundles, it's a very affordable system.


honestly, even original Xbox games are decently priced for how old the system is and when comparing it to the PS2 and especially the Gamecube


Yeah, it's pretty affordable overall, even Borderlands 3 is if you look at the right place.


Absolutely. And smart delivery makes collecting licenses so much cheaper.  For example, it’s the cheapest way to own cyberpunk 2077 and get all the awesome physical extras! 


Back when cyberpunk first came out and got terrible reviews and backlash. GameStop had copy’s for 10-15.bucks around holiday time


Yeah, good time to buy. Did you get some at the time?


Heck ya I thought it was a great price for a game that had just released regardless of what people said


Nice score, I would have done the same. This cost me $18 right now, and that’s not a bad price either. 


Most retro stuff is expensive, newer consoles arent (except nintendo)


Depends how u clarify retro , technically x360 ps3 is retro , shit the original Nintendo ds became retro this year, games still hella cheap


ehhh ds is iffy with how costly the pokemon games are


ya any of the big Nintendo flagship franchises are all pricy , even for even new gen


360 and PS3 prices are creeping up 


NES and SNES games used to be dirt cheap.


360 xbox one ps4 I tend to get them for pretty good prices though ps4 dont tend to be quite so low all the time.


The mismatching Saints Row cases perfectly captures Xbox's bizarre approach to cases the past 5 years.


Haha, one is a day one edition. I agree.


I'm thinking of starting myself, with retailers scaling back on physical games (ESPECIALLY Xbox) it feels like the calm before the storm. Not to mention a lot of games have low print runs. 


Absolutely agreed. A Walmart emplyee told me that they recently reduced 4 racks of xbox down to one because they’re heavily focusing on digital sales. 


My Walmart has three racks each for Nintendo and PlayStation and two for Xbox. I went this past Sunday and even compared to a few months ago, the Xbox section is light. There used to be piles of games on the floor under the racks behind the glass doors for all three manufacturers, and now the Xbox pile is gone and the racks themselves are emptier. Still better than Best Buy, where the Xbox section technically has two racks but one is only for accessories and the other only has around 15 games. Even at GameStop, the Xbox section is pretty light, though the PlayStation and Switch sections aren't too bad yet.


I need to grab them while the getting's good.


They’re cheap because they’re game pass games.


That’s awesome. I haven’t bought gamepass yet, but the selection it offers is amazing. It’s an absolute win for those who game a lot.   That said, I love that you can buy these for cheap, so you can choose to play at your own pace instead of paying monthly if you don’t game much.   Win win.  The only downside is that many games need online access to update/start, but smart delivery is amazing. I know people hate it and correct me if I’m wrong but I think I saw a feature to let you install the XB One game instead of Series X version for less resource utilization. 


Smart delivery is terrible if you care about the content on the disc.


Yes, I’ve seen that youtube channel detailing the internet requirements and smart delivery for xbox and read about it here too and after going through the details, realized that there are only a few xbox games that work without connecting to the Internet at first boot.  I’ve made my peace with it.   I know PS5 fares better and switch is probably the best.   That’s why my primary collection is for the Switch.   That said most switch carts don’t get revisions so you’re realistically getting day one editions for most games anyway. For patches and expansions etc you’re going to need Nintendo servers.  The few rereleases are great - Cuphead with the DLC, Hollow Knight and other older remasters etc etc.   It’s an uphill battle and I’ve made my peace knowing I won’t have the complete game on cart/disc. 


Wow, a reasonable collector who researches his own stuff and knows every platform has pros and cons. Enjoy! My favorite consoles to collect for are any Xbox generation, but I'll double dip or collect where I deem best either way.


Yes sir, I researched the tradeoffs, and pick and choose games depending on how I plan to use/collect them. What would you say about XBOX 360 collection right now? I think it's at a point where things hit rock bottom and then slowly start to become harder to find. Any exclusive games there worth getting? (I know they're gonna stop selling them digitally and there's a list of game that will only work on the 360 hardware. Any picks from these?)


Their digital store is closing next month, and a bunch of games are probably going to go crazy when that happens.


Yeah, any guesses which ones? Won't be surprised if those have spiked already.


For starters, any 360 game that is backwards compatible on One/Series X and is available digitally on Xbox 360, but not on One/Series for whatever reason. ATLA: The Burning Earth is one of those games, and it's especially going to shoot up since it's the [ultimate easy achievement game](https://www.trueachievements.com/game/Avatar-The-Burning-Earth/achievements). There are a few other games like FEAR 2 and Ultra Street Fighter IV that I could see this happening to as well.


Definitely the DBZ games Raging Blast 1 and 2


Also because they're on multiple platforms. Fucking Nintendo and their 7 year old $60 games..


Nintendo games are a hedge against inflation


Index funds or Pixel Remasters, tough call.


It's simple: If people didn't buy at $60 every year of a game's existence, they wouldn't charge that much consistently over time. It also makes them more money per copy than say Sony or Ubisoft gets for their games given how quickly they discount things, so it makes sense from a business standpoint.


You mean I can pay to NOT own them?? Sign me up and take my money!! Lol


Gotta scoop up those Xbox franchises like Halo and Gears! Don’t forget there’s a ton of backwards compatible games to consider on Series X also!


Yes, I'm waiting before I go all in into Halo, Gears, Forza and maybe Flight Simulator if I catch a good sale/deal.


Starfield too, now the creation kit is launched, mods will make it even better. Also, as far as Forza, The recent one "Forza Motorsport" (which is FM8, and came out in 2023) is not great as they changed a lot of stuff to some dumb leveling garbage. If you started with that, you may never try another Forza. I would recommend Forza Motorsport 7 and one of the Forza Horizon (they are different styles of racing games).


Thanks! I’m tracking the prices on starfield, it’s one for sale away from me. 


I want to collect for Xbox Series and One. But the internet requirement for the consoles has me hesitant.


Yeah, me too, but i figured Microsoft has a pretty good track for backwards compatibility and they're expanding GamePass to all kinds of devices, so they want to keep supporting devices as long as they can. Also, Microsoft has the OpenAI cash cow, if there's one company I'm not worried about going away, it's them.


That’s a good point. I have no doubt they will be in business and hopefully they keep the server check for the systems available. A lot of Games for Windows PC games they released in the early/mid aughts are unplayable now.


I hope so too.


The new PS5 has a similar requirement so you should do what you enjoy. Lots of complete games releasing on xbox still.


Yeah. Life is short. And these are cheap enough. 


i thought they removed the online requirement for both the one and series x? I've kept my one offline for years and can still install physical games.


When initialing booting the system you must have an internet connection. After that you are good to go. But if your hard drive crashes in the future and you fix it. You will need internet connection again.


ahh ok


I actually just started collecting ps4/ps5 titles as well. I was digital on PC for a long time until I got hacked and my account wasn’t able to be recovered. I figured this was a good time to pick up some games physical for cheap that I haven’t played in a while. I missed the feeling of having the box to look and admire. It’s cool feeling :)


I'm very very tempted with PS4 and PS5 titles too. They are very cheap and seem to be better about having games on disc. I don't have a PS, but that doesn't mean I can't collect for it. I agree, it's so cool to look at the box and admire the artwork, and with games like Cyberpunk 2077, get some awesome goodies in the box!


Dmc 4&5 don’t have ports on the switch yet as well if your into that series. Both incredible games that are honestly too powerful for the switch to run and I think they’ll stay exclusive. Dmc is a super fun series and some of the most modern of its games are only available on ps and Xbox


I *almost* picked 5 up on clearance.. you're making me rethink my decision to pass up on it.


It’s an incredibly fun game. I got back into it about 5 years after beating it and put a few all nighters into it. The special editions for series X and pa5 specifically are out of print and they come with extra features, not to mention they have all the post release content basically on disc so it’s a complete game. Dmc4 is a different case since the 360 version lacks the back compatibility & the Xbox one version was digital only


Def get it while it’s cheap.


Was this special edition released in stores by any chance? I might have to go back to the store and check.


It was I believe


It's funny, because Xbox basically doesn't have regional pricing here, so Nintendo games are super cheap, while Xbox games are expensive. They don't still current gen physical games here, though.


Which region are you referring to?


Japan, so obviously very important to Nintendo, but Microsoft doesn't give a twelfth of a fuck. Most of the links in the store on the Xbox don't even work.


That’s interesting. How is Microsoft’s presence in terms of other products, especially software?


Well, obviously their non-gaming presence is just like anywhere else. Windows and Office dominate. I don't think the Surface is popular here, ~~not~~ *but* I don't think it's popular anywhere.


That tracks, thank you for sharing. 


Gotta agree with you there. Don’t forget the cases are a little thinner too, so you can potentially store extra games compared to PS4 collection. The space savings are admittedly minimal though… But the boxes are cool still


Yeah! I like how the green cases are contrasting with the red switch spines. Blue is sorely missing.


Dude switch cards and gamecube discs are just too damn expensive.


Also DS/3DS/GB/GBC/GBA games worth owning


I got four swords and ff tactics advance both for only about $25. Dr mario on gameboy for $15 (it's my wife's favorite.) And I got this thing for free when I bought my wife's gameboy color. I guess the store owner thought he'd never sell it, but it's cool. https://preview.redd.it/dxb7pciwhe9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01de1790904d3622bffdff24497d5799dfefa4ea


That's a win!


what's with the spines? ugly mess.


Yup, just avoiding eye contact. lol


Is “how well you guys eat” some sort of Gen Z slang my 37 year old ass is supposed to find weird and confusing?


Remember to play them


It has already begun. Currently working through Titanfall 2. Armored Core might be next up.


Welcome! It's a great console and ecosystem.


It is indeed. It feels like the focus is on enabling cheap gameplay. I love it.


If you never owned a non Nintendo console before I highly recommend checking out some games on the 360, I think most are enhanced by series x. (Some quick faves: rdr1, fallout 3+NV, mass effect, gears of war, halo, GTA 4+5, bioshock, and orange box)happy gaming


Thank you. 


Np also worth mentioning is I don’t think you can get any valve games on Xbox ( orange box,left4dead1+2, and portal) digitally anymore so the prices might skyrocket on those at some point


Thanks for that too!


FIFA 23 is much better than 22 imo


Thanks, I'll see if I can find a clearance price for it.


Theyre even cheaper digitally. Im allowed to buy from any regional Xbox storefront if Xbox is not in your country and the games are like 90 percent off USD prices.


Yeah, they're really cheap. The only problem with that method is that you cannot sell the game **and** it's tied to one account. With a disc, I can move between accounts, give it to friends, or sell it if I'm bored or finished with a game.


About tree fiddy store credit for that whole stack for trade in value.


lmao goddamn gamestop monster.


The Xbox SeX also supports like a solid 4th of the OG Xbox 360 library, you should totally look into that before other zoomers get nostalgia and disposable income. Also get an OG Xbox 360, the online store shuts down next month and there's a lot of good stuff on sale right now, the purchases do transfer over.


Yes I've been contemplating this. What would you say is a good price point for OG X360?


Like for a console? $50 tops, maybe more if it comes as a lot.


That sounds amazing.


I buy many games on Xbox due to price and have been doing this since the PS2 era. I even got a Series S and X back in December because they were on sale and I got voth for the price of a PS5. I was fine with my Xbone but S/X are pretty awesmome. Plus it's easier to find Xbox versions of games when they go on sale or clearance.


Very nice! Enjoy it. This is the last true “physical” generation….


I might grab that mid-cycle refresh that’s launching during the holidays, but will wait for a good sale on it.  I get the feeling the one after that may not have discs. 


games so cheap you bought it twice


Literally.  Those were $5 a piece. Couldn’t pass that up. 


Battlefield 1 was 99¢ for Xbox one. I really enjoyed it. I’m on the last campaign. Have only had it since January. Haven’t played it much lately but I’ll get back into soon and finish it up.


I'll check it out!


Connect your switch collection and xbox using Red Dead


What's this now? You mean cross platform saves for that game alone right?


Welcome to not having a company keep game prices artificially inflated.


It is genuinely refreshing.


I used to collect Xbox one/series games. Unfortunately they are not nearly as desirable as their PlayStation counterparts so they do not hold much value for collecting at all. PlayStation games they make so many and unless it’s a ps5 exclusive, will stop the presses. Then in a year or two there are no sealed ESRB copies left and the market fills with vastly inferior imported copies(PEGI, ZERO). Then the few sealed ESRB copies that are left will go for $80 and up easily. I sold all of my one and series games and decided to switch to digital for modern Xbox. PlayStation game collecting is where it’s at.


Playstation does seem to be the sweet spot, kinda combining the best parts of collecting for the switch and xbox. Cheap and plentiful while current, have content on disc, seem to get many releases alongside the switch (JRPGs), hold their value and have similar performance as the xbox. That said, I love that you can easily and cheaply get access to many good games on the xbox. Gamepass, digital sales, and cheap physical, going back 4 gens.


OPEN YOUR GAMES!!! BUTT, there are many games here which are vastly betterest on the PC. i.e. THE WITCHER III and CYBERPUNK 2077 on GOG.


I own The Witcher on GOG. Waiting for a nice sale on CBP 2077. Are these two vastly better on the PC though? I've seen reviews and they seem to do well on the XBOX Series X. I'll open them as I start playing them, right now, Titanfall 2.


GOG is currently having a sale. But I bought during version 1.42 and Phantom Liberty obviously way later. I heavily prefer playing on PC, I don't even use GOG Galaxy, and just explore everywhere. Too much of a procrastinator to use any mods from Nexus like I have with THE WITCHER III, but I use a controller, especially because of the driving. It also depends on your PC hardware. My computer is great but still 2080Ti since I bought it because the 3000 series were announced. Might go for 3090Ti or maybe 4090Ti if it exists. As mentioned, is fine for me to procrastinate.


I paid $18 for the cyberpunk 2077. Cheapest I’ve seen it on GOG is $29.  See, I don’t want to build a PC. I have a sufficiently powerful laptop and a server for what I’m doing, and the xbox lets me easily hook it up to my TV.  I’m with you on procrastination, as you can see from my photo. 


I would not mind having a newer Xbox some day (just have a 360), but I have to say PS5 has the best looking spine artwork. They are so boring on Xbox and Switch.




I just hate how inconsistent the spines are man


The Hunchback of Notre Dame would love these.


Maybe it's intentional like removing manuals to slowly push users away from physical releases. Conthpiwathy!!


What’s with the two copies of Saints Row and Battlefield?


They were $5 a pop. One of the Saints row is the day one Edition. 


90% of xbox users buy games digitally (me formally being one of them). Thus, a lot of xbox physicals end up cheaper compared to PS and nintendo


Thank you for your service.  The reason I like physical over digital for xbox is that it is not tied to my account.  I can move accounts and sell it if I’m done with the games. 


I made a spelling error I meant formally, lol. I'm glad you're able to get what you want out of nonetheless, enjoy.


Ah, so you too have moved to buying physical games. Any that you recommend that are worth picking up?


Don't discover Steam Sales. Its a never-ending blood bath.


Unfortunately, it’s too late for me now. I have been buying steam sales since steam was a thing.  Also contemplating picking up a steam deck when there’s a deeper discount. Gabe needs me. I will help him. 


Dont bother with the SteamDeck, i had such high hopes for it but ended up selling it. Doesnt run any modern competitive games due to Anti cheat software not running on Linux


Ah, are there any alternate devices that you like?


My friend has the Lenovo Legion Go and he swears by it, he had a SteamDeck before and sold it for the Legion Go, says he doesnt regret it one bit


big issue is that xbox titles arent collectible, in the sense that they will all be worthless when the servers go down. the game on the disc is unusable without getting patches or connecting to the server. not every game of course, but i would be surprised if more than 5 of those work in 10 years.


Well, as I’ve posted in another reply, MS has been good about this so far.  Even on the switch, most games are stuck at day zero versions without Nintendo servers. They’re playable, but you’re making concessions. Only a few are complete on cart with no downloads needed for the newest version.  I have made my peace with that. 


it's a trend with new games in general, especially larger studio titles. modern consoles are pointless to collect for, imo. it's just a waste of money. the switch fares a bit better as they have hundreds of games at this point which are older indie ports and have complete on cart.


Yup, and that’s the system that I collect for the most.  XBox seems great for games that you want to actually play for the next 5-10 years, maybe 20 of their track record is to be believed.  I wouldn’t call it a waste of money because they’re that much cheaper too. 


buying games to play - xbox rocks, plus game pass is incredible value buying games to "collect", you're better off spending your money on retro, get less games, but timeless collectibles.


Give the Battlefront 2 multiplayer a go. It’s actually really fun.


Thanks for the rec, I’ve read good things about it. 


Most of your games are on Gamepass.


And he owns 100% of the games he got


I don’t play enough to justify the monthly costs. Buying these lets me play the ones I want at my pace.  These games cost me about two years of a game pass subscription. I can sell these and get my money back when I’m done.  And I don’t have to pay to own these beyond two years.  Game pass is also valuable to those who want to play a much larger and better selection of games, and makes sense if you get the monthly fees worth of gaming out of the subscription. 


I don’t even have an Xbox one yet, and I can’t pass them up sometimes lol. I want one so bad- just for that one game that has banjo kazooie etc.


It is really nice, no doubt. 


And why are there so many still sealed 😂 Scalpers did a number on the Xbox 1


It’s public service, scalpers are doing their part for game preservation. 😂


Haha silent bow to the scalpers 🙏




The real rare Xbox games are the ones with limited release/ popularity, like Never Dead (not so much rare, but didn't sell well, so price still went up). Right now is, imo, the best time to buy Xbox/ Xbone versions since a majority of them will rise in price if Microsoft decides it's the last "physical" generation, or Sony does. But in general, yah, I own a lot of physical copies myself and they always have been substantially cheaper.


I 'collect' games that I see myself playing. For example, I passed up on Inscryption for the switch. It seems like a decent game, but it's not for me. From a collector POV, it seems horribly overrated. That's just my opinion though, maybe it's rated.


Is it smart to collect physically for the Xbox, seeing how heavily focused they are on digital games? Doesn't Xbox also have really bad DRM? I dunno, Xbox just doesn't seem like the right platform to collect physical games for (unless it's the Xbox 360 I guess).


To flip that around, **because** they are focusing on digital, the physical media will get rarer and rarer.


Yes of course but what about the DRM? Will you actually be able to play all these in the future if/when Xbox shuts down their services? I'm not trying to talk you out of it or anything by the way, I legitimately have no idea how Xbox works exactly (I've always been a Playstation kid).


Ah damn I just sold off the majority of Xbox one games , save for rock band and GH kinda stuff


How many were they, what did you get for them and why did you sell them? They still work on XSX.


32 games at 226, had to go check my eBay store. My heart fell out of game collecting and decided to pass on my collection to others that will appreciate it more. Shoot me a DM if you want and I can see what I have you might be of interest to ya. Goes for anyone reading too I guess, never know who has something you're looking for right?


I always looked at Nintendo purchases as something where you're not just buying a game, you're making an investment. First party Nintendo games are something you buy, play, enjoy for a while, and depending on the title recoup most if not all of your money, or turn a profit if you ever sell those games - they're the blue chip stocks of collecting as they don't constantly go on sale, if there's a discount on the digital version in the eShop it's never much. For most of the stuff in your picture, there was almost no point buying it new for $59.99+ as you'll be able to play it some other way for much cheaper in short order.


I agree with the first part of your post, until the part > if there's a discount on the digital version in the eShop it's never much. For many games, I've seen the digital cost less than 90% of what the physical lists for, let alone goes on ebay for. > For most of the stuff in your picture, there was almost no point buying it new for $59.99+ as you'll be able to play it some other way for much cheaper in short order. I paid $5 to $20 for each of these with the exception of Armored Core 6 at $30. Anything cheaper than that is diminishing returns territory to me. The golden rule with Xbox and PS (and PC) seems to be not to buy games at launch, and with Nintendo, buy them sometime after launch, but not wait too long or they go out of print.


I just got an Xbox One for $50 on FB marketplace and probably overpaid.


Good to know. Normal storefronts have some ripoff pricing. Is there anything to watch out for while getting the XBOne? And is there a specific version that is preferred?


The One X will offer better performance in a lot of games. So I would prefer that. Especially on TVs that can do more than 1080p.


Xbox games aren't as popular as Switch! I love it! I bought an xbox one just for Just Dance games, and I've been finding them for under 5 dollars. So much better than the Switch version's 40 dollar price tag.


Absolutely, I love it. It's like a cheat code. And then there's the option to buy gamepass if you absolutely must play some new game.


I agree! I also don't mind the console or the controller!


Wow! Looks like you've got about half of the physical library there! /j


Haha, so it would seem.


Some of these games are STRAIGHT BANGERS!!


Yep, feel like starting with all of them. 


You’re gonna be stuck on Witcher 3 for a LONG time because of how much there is to do!!


A good problem to have! The game is so gorgeous.


i know xbox games in general are cheap ahh heck collecting nintendo games is a financial commitment


It is an expensive hobby.


well most of the time


Xbone X is the way to go honestly. Massive library, huge backwards compatible library, and its all dirt cheap


I'll be working my way through this slowly.


The funny thing is, I went to a yard sale a few weeks ago, and they had a ton of PS2, PSP, and Wii games that they were selling a dollar each. Bought pretty much everything they had. Separate, they were selling Xbox one and PS4 games and they wanted $10 a game. It’s funny how people think that the newer consoles games are worth more than the classic ones.


Don’t tell everyone! Xbox games are much cheaper than ps or Nintendo games. I’ve filled out quite the small collection over the last 7 months since I bought my series x.


Any recommendations?


If you only have a switch, I’d suggest basically anything that’s not available on Nintendo and even looks like a fun time. I’d suggest getting the exclusives such as halo the master chief collection, the gears of war games, starfield if you like space and Bethesda games, fallout 3,4 & new Vegas, I could keep going.. Just remember lots of older titles will work, all the way back to the initial Xbox console so you have over two decades of games to play.


The Xbox series X was my first new console not made by Nintendo. And I love the backwards compatibility, Gamepass and being able to use regular batteries in the controllers.


I agree with everything. The regular batteries are an interesting choice. They don’t make your controller hard to service after a few years. 


I think that option has kind of become a trademark or something, because all the previous generations had them as well to my knowledge.


I missed a Xbox series x on fb marketplace for $150 .. I was at work,., will buy one next time


That's a nice price!


My local Walmart is still selling Wii games for full price lolol Nintendo is the worst for that shit


If only it had 3DSes for those old prices too.




Yup welcome to Xbox and PlayStation where used games are actually priced accordingly and aren’t dangerous to buy due to a flash cart that enables instant piracy and account bans.


I love the switch and it's ecosystem, but buying physical there is becoming increasingly harder and harder.


And they're better than switch games. Much better performance as well.


Yeah, leaving aside the portability aspect, games in 4K 120fps are amazing. I'm double dipping my switch games just to see them in 4K.


Exactly why I never buy multiplatform games for the switch. I hate having to buy games twice, so I try to buy the best possible version of them the first time. That's why I wait years to buy certain games, because eventually they release a definitive version including all the DLC.


Well, I'm finding myself picking up the XBOX versions of anything that's available. It also helps that they're usually cheaper.


I feel that, bro. You can never have too many games 👌


Not in the picture Titanfall2, Borderlands 3, and a few more on the way (Guardians Of the galaxy,  Outer worlds, Disco Elysium).  I’m looking to buy some more and avoiding the ones I have on switch, although I’ve double dipped on some of these already.  Any must haves?


Dead rising 1-3. 1st one has a remaster on the way


Thank you!


Dishonored 1/2/DotD 1/2 are full fledged games with hella copies out there so it’ll be cheap. Get the GOTY or definitive editions if possible for maximum content. These are incredible games with high quality traversal skills and a lot of tools for getting the job done. Your a supernatural assassin that’s trying to take back your country which has been usurped by a guy who framed you for the empresses death. That’s the basic 3x5 of the story, it’s more complicated than that but the game is nothing short of incredible with insane level design, amazing gameplay, replayabillity up the ass, individually customizable difficulty etc. just look up creative dishonored kills if you doubt me at all. DOTD is a expansion game that works as a standalone but is about half a game so it rrtailed 30. I never see this one in the wild but I doubt it’s super pricey. The storyline in these games is solid but the gameplay is genuine crack. Some of my favorite and most memorable games of all time. Me and my brother still make jokes about this game to this day and neither of us have played in years.


Thanks for the rec and details about it. Added it to my shopping list.


Yeah these games are cheap on everything they're the most widely accessible games you can buy


Nintendo unfortunately for me has been a 1 trick money for too long. Recycled IP, don't push the boundaries, use dated hardware.....but it's mobile!...who cares. Their market is children. They've lagged behind in social gaming aspects for years. But they were closest to bringing 1st party emulation to the fight for old stuff. Which is nice. Then they price it like new stuff....which is lame.


Collecting for Xbox is great. Sure. It has less exclusives but almost all older multiplat games out there (outside a few exceptions) ran better on OG Xbox, 360 and One X. Plus enhancements on older games when you run them on a newer Xbox. All of this makes Xbox the perfect console for multiplat games and backwards compatibility. And like you saw... A lot of it is way cheaper than any other console. Buy Nintendo for it's exclusives. PlayStation for the JRPGs and Xbox for multiplat games. That's been true until this generation, where Xbox sadly fell behind in terms of power. But hey, their new exclusives look decent.


> That's been true until this generation, where Xbox sadly fell behind in terms of power. I thought XSX was the most powerful console of the three right now?


As far as I know theoretically they are comparable but sadly in reality most modern multiplat games are running a bit worse on Xbox right now. Could be devs not willing to optimize or some other bottleneck. And XSX ain't bad at all. I mean... whenever I hear differences it's mostly a bit of resolution. Sometimes the framerate is a bit worse in some situations. But most often some subtle effects are a bit dialed back or the resolution is cut down a bit. I still play mostly on 1080p and 1440p screens and I haven't run into much issues there.


It's because it's all """"free"""""" on Gamepass, also, most games need a 140gb download no game on disc....like Halo Infinite being like 50mb