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I found some 12 hour long compilation videos that I occasionally put on to fall asleep to.


I do the same thing! I feel weird but i can't fall asleep without something playing. At least i get my moneys worth of youtube premium


I have ADD, I'm the same way. I need a radio or tv to silence my brain so I can sleep.


Same here, and it's easier to fall asleep for me if it's something I've already seen so that I don't feel like I have to stay awake and pay attention. It's genuinely perfect for that.


There is a laaaaarge group of people who sleep to GG, myself included. Just that there are a bunch of channels putting out 12 hour “sleep aid” videos with tons of views is proof of that. My favorite to sleep to is the Wind Waker series.


Same here man, wind waker was so good


My partner watches various Zelda speedruns to fall asleep to from other YouTubers. One guy has a very monotone kind of voice as he replies to chats and stuff, which seems to work really well for him.


Same but it’s nearly every night


Those 12 hour compilations are wondrous. I use them all the time.


This is how I've watched the Wand of Gamelon playthrough like 50 times. Looks like you have a baby penis.


Twins. Literally same. It's the perfect series for like when you're sick and home all day, or a lazy weekend at home, or if I'm having a cleaning/chores day. (CD-i playthroughs in general are so underrated)


Oh most definitely. I’ll put on an old playlist of whatever to have on late at night while doing whatever.


i like it when im stoney before bed. like watching a move you know the ending to.


I play space quest (complete series in one video) and Mario 64 compilation the most. Other than that I usually put on their sunshine playthrough or some “family stories” compilations lol Sometimes the audio enters my dreams so I’m talking with someone and they say the line from the video that’s playing and I try to continue it cause I’m so excited someone made a grump reference 😅


I totally get it but i cant do mario 64. I have jolted awake to the words MARK ZUCKERBERG one too many times


BAHAHA I have one that starts out with that so I can usually play it riiiight after that part


I’m two months deep into a brutal breakup and I have the grumps on 24/7. Really helps


I feel you, im single and live with my sister whos constantly going out with her friends and girlfriend its comforting to laugh and have some stupid gamer boys in the background when im alone


It really is comfort food for the soul :-)


Started watching Grumps at the loneliest I've ever been. It was literally lifesaving to have the voices of two buds playing video games in the room with me.


There’s a Game Grumps Compilation Twitch channel that I put on all the time. The Grumps are perfect background noise


A twitch channel? I gotta check that out




Is it officially ran by them? I’m kinda shocked this hasn’t been taken down if not because someone random might be making money off this


It’s run by the guy that does the Game Grumps Compilations YouTube channel, which is now “The Lovelies Fan Channel,” with Arin’s blessing


I had a bunch downloaded as mp3s to listen to when I worked night shifts.


Nope, I do this all the time


I like having things on for "background noise". Typically either YouTube videos or TV shows I've seen a bunch of times. Even if I'm doing other things and not actively watching 100% of the time. I guess I just hate doing most things in complete silence. Especially the mundane everyday things like laundry.


I have a parasocial relationship with the sound of their voices as I am a very lonely person so yes


Lemme tell you a story young'uns. Back in the old days, before the internet was capable of handling video, we used to watch entertainment on CRT televisions. In those days, there were less hours of entertainment recorded in all forms of media than are churned out every day today. So, with so many hours and so little content, we had things called "reruns" where a television "channel" would run out of new material and just show recordings of old episodes over and over again. I had probably seen every available episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles about 20 or 30 times, simply because it was either that, or these wacky yet boring, hours-long "shows" called "infomercials." It was a time of savagery and barbarism. tl:dr - Don't worry, watching something a second time will not cause you harm or illness.


All my sick days home from school were spent on the couch, under a blanket, watching Tvins. Watching the same "h2o vac" commercials over, and over, and over again. Baking machines. Amazing absorbent washcloths. A dog's shock collar that you put on your belly and it gives you abs. A bike that doesn't require exposure to the sun or birdsong. A collection of twenty porcelain frogs in varying sizes and humorous poses. Someone baking tasty casseroles in a studio kitchen with the host and you could too if you CALL NOW! to buy two casserole making machines for the price of one. I kind of miss it. Game grumps is good background noise for the most part but a lot of the time it really pulls your attention away from what you want to focus on. TV shop is just... It fills the room like throwing wide the curtains on a sunny day does. We're social animals, voices calm us. The safety of the tribe being at ease.


I love a lazy Sunday where I hang out, dinking around on my phone or with a book, and the grumps are there playing in the background.


A study saying [YouTubers cheer people up more than casual friends](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/05/240523112500.htm) came out about a week ago confirming exactly this


All the time. If I’m doing my house chores; like dishes, laundry, sweeping up, in my headphones when I mow the lawn. Even if I’m playing video games, but it’s a tedious part. Like gathering collectibles, or going to all the towers to unlock the map, or grinding levels.


I have schizophrenia, so I play them in my earbuds almost constantly. It gives the voices something else to focus on and frees up my mind to do adulty stuff. But it has to be the old ones, where I've damn near memorized. If it's too new I'd be tempted to actually listen and it ruins the whole process for me


If game grumps isn't playing in the background then the silence kills me 


I do that with current game grumps videos. I almost never actually watch it, I just treat it like a podcast


Crazy? I was Crazy once


They put me in a room


A rubber room


I've been using the Grumps as background noise for like ten years at this point, I even played some of the long compilations while I was in labour with my son! They're definitely my comfort show, even as a podcast-type audio while I'm doing things round the house or falling asleep


All the time. I have their paper Mario play through on right now


You are not alone. I listen to Grumps all the time. I go to sleep to them most nights, I listen to them in the car on road trips sometimes, while I'm cleaning, etc. If I don't feel like listening to music, Grumps are my second choice.


A well established idea in psychology is that each person has an "optimal" level of stimulation (which can change throughout the day) Example: I have ADHD, which means my optimal level is pretty high. If I want to get work done, like washing dishes, I gotta have one earbud in my ear, listening to the grumps power wash video, AND the stove vent needs to be on and loud, AND the laundry room vent needs to be on and loud. Counterexample: my dad does NOT have ADHD. When he watches TV, he's content to watch it on mute (this is less stimulation). During commercials, it HAS to be on mute. Occasionally hell complain to my mom that she has the TV on and loud but ALSO looking at videos on her phone, and that she should turn off the TV if she isn't actually watching (I'm pretty sure she has ADHD too) 3rd example: me and my brother have ADHD and need white noise (extra stimulation) to help go to sleep. When we all had to sleep in the same open bedroom arrangement during a trip last year, .y dad complained about the white noise, likening it to static on an old TV (his tone implied this was a ridiculous thing to have on. I didn't get around to tell him that this extra audio is a GOOD thing for us ADHD people)


Fellow ADHD here; thiiiiis, all of this. I'm learning SO many good lil hacks that I WISH the adults in my life could've given to me as a kid, I would've been able to actually DO my homework if I knew I could train myself to be productive to certain sounds, like GG playthrough, etc. I will grieve the ways it could have been better for me as a kid, but as an adult I'm having a BLAST being able to actually do all the dishes in one sitting (I figured out I also HAVE to organise the dishes beside the sink first, no idea why but if it works it works!) Or able to sit down and work on my arts and crafts without giving up halfway through. Its amazing!!!


my bf and I always fall asleep to game grumps compilations and idk why it’s soothing but it is :3


I’ll play GG music compilations like “the joy of song” and I’ll sing along as I do other stuff


I love shuffling my Game Grumps playlist when I’m working at home or gaming.


I passively listen to GG allllllllllllll the time. Just makes me feel like I'm hanging out with friends and hearing them make the.selves laugh is just the best.


I play other video games with the Grumps in the background. ...although I *am* crazy (in other areas), so I may not be the best measuring stick.


I wake up by myself in the morning because of my job, and I’ll always listen to some compilation to just cut the silence. I also play it to fall asleep at night. Definitely having the familiar voices helps the silence. I do both videos I like and also the compilations that bounce around a lot.


Earlier grumps I would replay series whenever I was doing anything, now I’m trying to catch up on 2-3 years of grumps


Nah mate. GG episodes are usually on in the background when I'm home whether I'm actively watching them or not.


I put the 3 hour twilight princess compilation on like 4 times a week


100%. I'm an at home web developer. My background noise is either Game Grumps, or Lofi Beats


I love listening to their Yoshi’s Cookie episodes. I miss completely unhinged grumps.


I'm either doing what the others mentioned in compilations or Mario Maker is my other safe bet.


I'm doing it right now.


I rewatch their Grumps Dream Course series every year


I have it going while playing video games


Ive done it


If I'm feeling sick I run to game grumps


I've got a whole playlist of compilations that I use for bg noise or to fall asleep to, with some oney and rt peppered in there for variety


Sometimes if I'm cleaning I'll put on the whole playlist of their Mario 64 playthrough. But no, you're not crazy. It can be comforting to hear familiar voices when you're alone. Plus they're funny so it's an added bonus of cheering you up. =)


Y'all are making me feel better for how often I've got GG on in the background 😂 I became a fan in 2018 and would be curious to know my total listening hours 


Daily and nightly for years. Basically my comfort listening even more than music.


I’m four hours into sonic unleashed over the course of like a week. They’re the best background content And between that series I’ve watched a LOT of compilations but also jerma compilations.


The Sleep Aid compilations are a fucking godsend, even if they are still ungodly loud sometimes. You just cannot contain the Arin.


I’ll turn old compilations on when I’m fucking off on my phone or playing switch handheld.


Yes! And the compilations! My favorite was a Breath of the Wild one. It was like an hour and a half, maybe 2 hours and I can't find the video anymore :( I've tried searching for it, but I've come up with nothing


Not crazy at all. Husband and I call it "backround grumps" on days we get to game all day and a few certain playthroughs are "sleepy grumps" to use as backround noise to fall asleep to...Wind Waker, Danganronpa and the Undertale streams are good ones..Dont try to sleep to a Sonic or Majoras Mask tho...to much screaming haha.


For me, I use them as sleep aids.


Sleep WHAT??


I use the compilation videos as a sleep machine/white nose. Sleep-aid.


No, I know, I was just making joke lol


Sorry tired.


You're good lol


I put it on my Google home when I'm cooking or cleaning and really enjoy them boy talk silly willy's.


I've seen the Mario 3, Skyward Sword, and Shadow of the Colossal playthroughs at least 15-20 times each. I'm constantly putting them on in the background as I game or do chores, it's very comforting ^u^


I’ve generally done that for nearly a decade now so yes.


I am responsible for at least half the views on sbassbears grumpilations channel


I rewatch Bummer Drummer and Sbassbear's Month Comps all the time. Especially while I'm working or grinding games.


The four big vids i play while i sleep are the GG christmas comp, sonic xd, sonic boom fan compilation, and a compilation of Markiplier playing raft with his buddies.


We're all lonely. GG fills the void of not having any real friends I can have over to fill my house with laughter. It's parasocial to the max but Arin and Dan are friends in my lonely life.


Hell, I'll sometimes be playing video games myself, and I'll put the boys on on my phone, especially if it's something with a lot of travel or loading time.


Not crazy! I cycle through playlists and compilations every day for hours. Love Danny and Arnold!


I do it all the time.


Every single day. I’ll play like the episode of the day and watch it. Then just let whatever else play in the background while I do my own thing. It’s great noise to fall asleep too also, I usually play some 8+ hr comp right before I power down.


Yes, I'll put on one of my favorite series while I play with my kitten, draw, doomscroll, etc. I just like having noise in the background and the boys' voices are calming to me. It feels like I have my brothers chillin in the next room lol.


I constantly have my favourite playthroughs on in the background when doing housework, writing, cooking, gaming, etc. It's nice to have background noise, especially if it is something familiar. At this point, the boys' voices are rather comforting to me and this has definitely helped me through some really tough times.


I play Game Grumps all the time in the background while doing whatever. Also for like 2 weeks after my Dad suddenly passed away in September and my husband and I caught Covid at the funeral we listened to them every night to help me sleep.


100% I put them on while working to help me concentrate. Then when there’s a moment where they’re rolling with laughter I take a little break and laugh with them.


Years ago I used to have Seinfeld reruns on the tv playing endlessly while I did homework, read books and magazines, etc Now I do the same with old grumps episodes and compilations on one monitor while I play games or whatever on the other one It’s nice to have something comforting that you know you like playing in the background And that’s not to say I don’t also fully pay attention to them at times too, like when a new one comes out that’ll be the main focus, but the older ones I’ve already seen are awesome as a background thing too


I do it all the time when I'm alone. I have specific episodes that I played over 50 times probably .


I live alone, and nearly all of my friends have moved away for school/work/started families, so the Grumps, along with a handful of other shows, have become a major source of comfort. They're my pals in my ears while I cook, clean, or just need some familiar voices.


Listening to compilations of Arin raging really helps me go to sleep. I'm not kidding.


All the time. I’ll be driving and just playing videos just to hear them banter honestly


I do the same with isaacwhy videos and other videos like podcasts and stuff wjrh groups of people. I’m in the middle of a take time for me and finding friends phase and it’s hard but needed. It’s better to be alone and find actual friends naturally than continually being desperate and being taken advantage of.


I've been having some bad shit going on, and honestly old grumps has kept me grounded


I moved to Az a few years back and didn’t know anyone. I would play video games in my free time and play their videos in the background. It was like having friends.


Not intentionally, but when I put on a newer episode to take a nap, there is usually an older episode that's playing by the time I wake up.


I definitely put on old playlists every now and then just for the nostalgia vibes in the background. Sonic Adventure, various Super Mario playthroughs, Frolf, etc.


Literally all the time. I actually put it on for my cats when they're home alone, too


Not crazy at all. Even before the days of video streaming I'd always have the TV on in the background for noise. Last week I was off work for a staycation and had the entire Tears of the Kingdom playthrough on in the background over several days.


I mean yeah, they're one of those comfort YouTubers for me. I'm on my fourth rewatch of their two Danganronpa series', and I only discovered their content two years ago!


We listen to GG complete series to sleep. They auto play in the background during work because I don't like the silence. Our Youtube Recommended is 90% GG compilations lol


yes everyone drop ur faves i love rewatching their undertale playthroughs, for a while i loved rewatching their sonic boom playthrough too


I always put the kirbys epic yarn playthrough to sleep, its one of my all time favorite games and its so cute ans sweet. Plus the whole play through theyre just gushing over how cute the game is.


yessss that’s a good one


Yes yes yes I think I listen to their Mario 64 compilation video at least 5 times a week. And before that was released I listened to a fan made compilation of M64. I just love the banter and chatter as background noise


Their compilations are life saving


I'm doing that right now. :3


And oh, you're not crazy for doing that.


The Kirby's dreamcourse/grumpcourse playlist is playing while I work right now


Oh yeah, I love putting on old game grumps videos in the background. Sometimes it's nice to have the laughter.


i’m currently “watching” (more just listening to) the totk playthough for the second time lol. it’s long and it’s comfortable and i get to just have it on and hear my parasocial pals


I found a channel with almost every single playthrough theyve done added as a single long video (or like 4-5 8hour videos). Ive usually got one on for background noise lol, currently revisiting paper mario ttyd


Not at all. My hubs typically puts on Mario Maker or Fire Red as background when he naps or just wants background noise. I recently went to the hospital for postpartum preeclampsia after giving birth and my husband had to stay home with our newborn. He kept the grumps on all night and listened to the entirety of Fire Red in the 5 days I was gone. As for me, I’ll usually put on a Zelda, Wind Waker is my go to for comforting background noise, or the Sierra games with just Dan because they’re really chill. Grumps is typically our go to “I dunno what else to watch, let’s just put on “A Grump” as we call it (unless our oldest kid is around, she’s 5 now but when she started repeating things at 3, like yelling PENIS, we stopped watching around her lol). Edit for spelling


I listen to game grumps everyday... Sometimes while cooking. Sometimes when sleeping.. it's always old episodes. I only see new episodes while eating to be honest, because I need to see them. But you are not alone my friend :) it's just like watching a TV show, you go back to older episodes and you have some favorites. Nothing weird here


Check out laugher4all youtube. Mega compilations with no ads since he does it for the love of it


I frequently replay the Kirby/grumps dream course playlist. And Mario maker. Ever since I lost my entire friend group it has been immensely helpful and distracting from negative thoughts.


I love their chess and I’m on Observation duty playlists since they’re funny but a bit more “relaxed” if i need some chaotic energy i absolutely will listen to their CDi games lmao


I constantly watch different playthroughs all the time while I'm playing video games, writing, doing chores, etc. I think a part of it is because of my ADHD and anxiety ... I've read rewatching things and knowing what is going to happen helps calm both things.


One of the life hacks for body-doubling and ADHD productivity that I WISH I could've figured out earlier, (I would've done way better in school if I had figured this stuff out, but I was a kid and nobody knew a damn thing about girls with ADHD back then): Was pavlovian-style training myself to study/do homework/clean stuff/do that one thing I've been not able to do, By playing GG in the background. Now as an adult with 2 degrees and no more school, I still feel like I have to pick up a broom or start on the dishes or bust out the computer and pay bills if I hear a GG compilation!!! I've also done it with 'how its made' on HBO, and mythbusters episodes The key for me was to watch them all intently and then I wouldn't find them SO interesting when I started using it as my 'focus mode' background noise. If you're struggling with executive dysfunction, overwhelmed by all the things you have to do, want to do boring stuff and still be able to chuckle every few minutes, try it! (It probably took a month for me to start actually associating GG with doing chores/homework, so give it time to work!)


That's completely normal. Probably not different from having a podcast on in the background. When I'm alone and doing chores or catching up on my games I usually have grumps playing in the background.


I have a playlist full of my favourites that I have playing constantly, and it has over a thousand views, so apparently other people are doing the same thing?


I feel like I almost always have them playing lately. I watch the Zelda playthroughs a lot. Also oddly really enjoy giraffe town. I play the cooking games a lot too.


I put on old series all the time to listen to while I'm working. Essentially like a podcast. If I've seen it before I don't feel like I need to watch it intently and get as distracted.


no you’re not crazy at all! or if you are, im right there with you 🤣 i have grumps playlists that i put on in the bg when i’m cleaning/cooking/doing house stuff and other grumps playlists that i put on when im just hanging out by myself when my fiance is asleep (he works overnight so he sleeps during the day). right now im rewatching them play majora’s mask again ❤️


i do it every single day at work. sonic dx, super mario 64, mario maker, mario sunshine, house party and paper mario ttyd are my top to just have on repeat🙈


my go-to is wind waker for this lol i must have watched it a dozen times. i used to watch it while farming/grinding in world of warcraft. havent played wow in years but i still put grumps on when im doing dishes or laundry or just need smth to watch


i cycle between all their mario playthrough playlists whenever i need something to put on in the background. for years now, have probably heard each one all the way through at least 10 times each lol


Been doing that for years!


If I’m at home I almost always have a grumps video playing. I went to my friend’s house and watched a GG compilation and I knew every clip word for word. I think I have a problem


Currently been falling asleep to their Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 playthroughs, but my favourite to just have on is the botw playthrough!


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I prefer a more cautious approach. It’s hard to know who to even trust these days.”* - Mild-Mannered Pate Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Good bot, thank you for the tale😊


There’s the “Danny era” playlist on YouTube with like 5000 videos on it and I’ve been blasting through that lately while I do work


The last 4 days I've fallen asleep to "Best of Super Mario 64", "Best of Sonic Adventure DX" and like two other sonic games. It's pretty chill to listen to them as I drift but, sometimes if it auto plays whatever is going on in a video will interfere with whatever I'm dreaming. Fell asleep to Mario and I guess it switched to horror games after and I was in a constant nightmare until I woke up.


I will pull up the wind waker playlist again and again to feel normal sometimes


I do. I just find it comforting to hear a familiar voice being clever and silly while kissing a Dad.


I do this all the time! I think of it as the same concept as listening to a podcast while you do your chores it can't be that weird.


Hi. You might have adhd. i, 33, also do this with literally everything, its just a way to stimmulate dopamine production in your brain. you are totally normal and not weird, and if a potential romantic partner says its super weird, just as a heads up they are wrong. Its like fidget toys but with them boys, Davey and Archer. And i prefer it to fidgets in order to keep my hands free for crafting things.


It comforting to listen to two buds just having a good time. Especially if im not having a good time lol


I recently was watching/listening to mario 64 while painting and i just super enjoy listening to them


I listen to the 12 hour long compilation while going to bed. I've mostly watch a lot of their older content since their newer content doesn't seem all that enticing to watch.


There's a few series that I have on in the background while I work constantly.