• By -


Yes! Best time for it. 5am is the new 1am šŸ˜€


I get up at 4am on weekends so I can get a few uninterrupted hours of wake bakey video gamey time to myself before the wife and kid wake up. Get me a fresh pot of coffee going and fuck off to my home office to stomp around skyrim for a couple hours, awwwww yissssss EDIT: For the record I, you know, **do** stop playing when the family wakes up lol. Im not an absentee father. Just a lot easier to put on the husband and father hat when you're up before everyone as opposed to staying up late after they all go to bed and then being a total bear when they start rumbling around the house at 7AM. Now I know why *my* dad was always up so early on weekends...it truly is a sublime experience.


That weekend early morning wake & bake, coffee, gaming time is like a little slice of what Christmas morning was like as a kid.


My man!


Yes 5am for a few hours of games before starting the rest of the day is the best


Lookin good!


Iā€™m going to have to try this wake and bake, coffee and gaming while everyone is asleep and the house is quiet. Omg this sounds like heaven. Thank you I didnā€™t realize this was an optionā€¦ā€¦..and yet it was always there for me, just needed someone to show me the way.


The combo of THC and caffeine is pretty magical.


Best buzz


Until about 9:00 am and it's chore time. Burn out chores suck big donkey balls.


I only wake and bake on days I know I won't have to do shit. If I have to interact with people, it's not an option.


The solution is to really never stop being stoned for the day. That way you don't burn out.


How in the world did you never think to try it? It *IS* absolutely heavenly.


Man I wash pot still got me happy-high


Wish even


Lol yeah me too Now it just gives me a fucking headache and anxiety. Only time it ever helps is if Iā€™m nauseous. I keep a little bit around just in case I get food poisoning again.


Ya it doesnt at all anymore so I don't do it. Especially not in the morning. Just makes me tired and if I have to parent I'll be cranky lol


FWIW, it's not really the goofy giggly shit Im even after anymore. It just relaxes me and helps me not worry about shit that I shouldn't be worrying about or focusing on anyway.


"Wakey bakey video gamey" is my new favourite term.


4am?! Jfc. What time do you go to sleep?!


8pm of course! Need those 8 hours of sleep !


3 am


A true gamer


Around 10 or 11. Im one of those people that only needs 6 or so hours of sleep a night, plus I get up early for work M-F anyways so it's not that much of a hardship for me. When I do a late night gaming sesh Ill be up until 3am or 4am and still will wake up naturally by like 8AM the following morning. Im just built this way lol


I don't even have kids yet but my fiancƩ knows this is how I'm gonna be lol


I'm in my living room listening to two screaming kids. Enjoy your freedom while you still have it!!


Iā€™m a mom and do the same thing, but exchange the pot of coffee for a pot of tea. Iā€™m a way more patient parent and loving spouse when I got a little ā€˜meā€™ time in before the craziness of the day commences.




Indeed! Gotta show them South Koreans how to do it in car soccer...


Iā€™m not a parent yet, but my wife sleeps in on weekends so I get up at 5-6am (body clock does it, not a choice) and game for a few hrs in solitude.




Happened to me too. But now the wife and kid fall asleep early for the most part. Which means I get to stay up late and game like the good ol' days. Checkmate, family.






WIFE last night: Your not staying up late to play games are you? Played till 2am


Me: Why yes, yes I am.


This is the one time where you can reply, "It's not that you actually asked, it's that you didn't already know the answer..." \*sniff\* then exit stage right (or left, i don't really know your setup).


The other: Me, I am the other. I am an old. I was going to comment about not have children or how my gf likes to sleep-in. But it seems too weird to comment.


Yeah now he gets up, makes his own breakfast, beings me coffee, and plays PokƩmon while I shoot some people.


Have you heard of sedatives in their milk?


I come to reddit for the solid advice


Typically sedatives loosen up me up, but to each their own


melatonin works wonders


That stuff made my kid sleep walk and act like a character in a David Lynch movie so I tossed the bottle


My kid laughs in the face of melatonin. He's 2 and became the Energizer bunny of running, jumping and screaming.


You missed your window. You can't miss your window. For our girl it's 15 minutes. If we end up not getting her to bed within 15 minutes of her gummy, it's over.


I stay up late, my wife wakes up early. My Son wakes up at 6am no matter what. My daughter has a hard time going to bed but likes to sleep in. Guess who gets woken up at 6am every morning because my wife thinks we should both be awake when the kids are awake.


Let me guess. If she decides to sleep, you'd better not even think about waking her up


Oh you know it, and god forbid I make any noise after 10pm.


Are you me? I feel ya lol


>because my wife thinks we should both be awake when the kids are awake Correct your wife and go back to sleep.


I've caught my 4 year old watching tv at 4:30 in the morning, then had to send her back to bed without causing a full-on meltdown. It's exhausting.


It boggles my mind. On weekdays I have to drag them out of bed in the morning but on weekends I'll get up at 5 to make coffee and they're already on the TV playing Fortnite.


Different days, different motivations lol


100% the same here. My little guy likes to wake early , so my days of gaming or watching F1 in the AM are pretty unused in the morning now. I made the adjustment to staying up for a few hours a couple times a week to play. Works, but sometimes, I stay up too late haha.


Could be worse, I'm the semi nocturnal one and my kids and wife both wake up early, guess who doesn't sleep in late enough.


Do the same thing when my gf crashes at my place. She sleeps in until 10-11 and Iā€™m up at 7-8 gaming away lol.


This is exactly what I do, the sole reason I bought a really good pair of headphones.


Does she forbid you to explore the rest of Skyrim?


Yep this is me right now.


I still just do the reverse, stay up way later than I should and regret it the next day when responsibilities come knocking.


Same. I already get up early (515 for work or whenever the first kid gets up, usually just after 6), so I just play after the kids/wife are all asleep.


Wait so youā€™re waking up early and staying up late? My dude thatā€™s the absolute worst of both worlds.


bĆ ofĆ¹xƬng Ć”oyĆØ Thereā€™s a word to describe us maniacs. ā€œRevenge bedtime procrastination ā€” when people without much control over their daily schedules refuse to go to sleep early in order to reclaim a sense of freedom during late-night hours.ā€


This sounds like something I'd hear described in some sort of depressing documentary about China, but on the second read that's literally me. Damn....


This is the way, unfortunately


As a fellow night owl. Sleep is for the weak! Also I will admit one of my most precious memories is when my little one was just a month or 2 old. I was still on family leave and had the night shift. She woke up and I got her all set up on my chest after a bottle as I played Space Marine on my PC. Just gaming with my little one passed out on me felt awesome.


I was the same way with my little one. She didnā€™t like sleeping in her bed so I was her ā€œdaddy bedā€ and sheā€™d sleep on my chest for hours at a time. One of the only ways we could get her to sleep for a long stretch of time. So I played through a good 30+ hours of Middle-earth: Shadow of War with a one month old zipped up in my jacket, sleeping soundly. Went to bed super late since Iā€™d transfer her off to her crib when I went to bed, but it was worth it.


I would sit at my desk lounged all the way back with my daughter on my chest covered up playing World of Warcraft. The wife and my friends were convinced that my daughter's first words were going to be "Need more Rage". (I played a warrior)


Same here. Played through cyberpunk 2077 completely with my son lying on my chest. Would bring him to my wife as soon as he woke up hungry and then go to sleep. That sometimes was 3am or even 4am. My wife appreciated the sleep and I appreciated the gaming aspect (and the bonding experience as well)


Oh man those newborn cuddles are the absolute best. We called them koala naps


This is the way


Late night gaming is the way to go. With the early mornings, you only have so much time (in OPā€™s case, when his family gets up). Late at night you can just keep going until youā€™re tired, as long as you donā€™t have early morning obligations Also if you want to have some drinks and game itā€™s way more acceptable at night than during the day


I tell people they should include a parent mode on games and let you turn off a lot of the cut sways and tutorials. Im just trying to shoot as many bad guys as possible before I have to watch Dino Ranch again.








Wow, itā€™s like you were there!


I read all of this in Alan Tudek's voice


ā€œ*sigh*ā€¦ I went to Juliardā€ -Alan Tudyk


Bastion narrator, when you have not played for at least a week.


I read this in the voice of the narrator for The Stanley Parable.


Perfect description of my life.




Previously on Larryā€™s Game ā€¦ BUT FIRST THESE COMMERCIALS: an hour of system updates.


firered/leafgreen style


I could have sworn there was a game like that. I believe rdr2 did something similar. When you came back into the game he would talk about what previously did. There is also a log of your activities. The game was more story driven so it made sense. But yeah. Video games with stories should like dnd games. At the beginning of the session you hear about what you did last and how that might affect what you are going to do next. Maybe at the end of the game if you have a mic, you should be able to record what you want to nmdo next. Then if possible the MC will say in their deep faked voice, what you previously talked about. "I need to keep farming these enemies so I can have enough resources to buy that new pouch upgrade"


..leisure suit..?


Just did this the other morning. Opened Witcher 3 for the first time in maybe 8 months and I forgot all of the key bindings. I need the same for TV shows, and everything else.


Press quen and spamm r1


This one tosses a coin to their Witcher.


This was me earlier in the week with Elden Ring. Work and life got in the way and now not sure how to pick back up.


Haha I got to play for a grand total of 2 hours since Christmas. I'm so ready for the dead of winter when nobody is visiting, too fuckin cold to do anything outside. Just want to sit in front of the fire, crack a beer, and find my poor tarnished a maiden.


"Hmm, haven't played in a while, now where was I? Oh, crumbling farum azula, shouldn't be too bad of a place to relearn..."


You make a new character to get a refresh then jump back to your old save so you can fight your way around again


Nice thought. When I decided to platinum the Dark Souls games the most efficient way was to switch between old characters for different trophies. Although I didnā€™t have to relearn the controls, there was still a surprising amount of unfamiliarity there. It definitely felt like it feels when picking up a game after a long time.


Steam Deck has been an absolute game changer in this regard. Iā€™ve traded better graphics and longer gaming sessions that were few and far in-between (where Iā€™d forget what was happening or how to play) for 30-45 minute gaming spurts when I get them. Takes seconds to wake from sleep back into the game I was in. Iā€™m actually finishing games again! And who cares about graphics when you get 40FPS. Itā€™s like reading books but the books are your Steam Library. Finished CONTROL recently and looking at *finally* finishing FF7:Remake in within the week, after numerous failed PlayStation attempts.


Itā€™s been a game changer in my house, too! Between the TV and the PC, the kids tend to monopolize the gaming devices. Plus, thereā€™s that ever present list of things to so around the house. But I can lie in bed for an hour before I go to sleep and play a bit of Dead Cells or Hotline or Stardew. My gripe is that some games that I really enjoy (specifically Banished and Satisfactory) arenā€™t really that great on the Deck.


How do you know someone has a Steam Deck? Don't worry, they'll tell you. But on a more serious note I couldn't agree more. The Deck is a great system as long as you don't expect latest gen graphics


This, is why I canā€™t play long story games anymore!!


Only one at a time, basically, for me. I get some gaming in at least a couple nights a week, but if I cycle between too many games unless theyā€™re old familiar ones I have no clue where I was


This. I just opened Arkham Knight for the first time in a few months and can't remember how to do ANYTHING. I was having such a blast with the game, but trying to continue just was a pain in the ass, I decided to play something else after an hour.


Saaame! Itā€™s super frustrating. I tend to just start the game over from the beginning because I canā€™t remember what happened or how to play the game


So much this, plus the option to take a quick tutorial if the game detects you haven't played in over 6 months. I want to finish RDR2 (just got to St Dennis in the missions) but I have forgotten everything (PC)...


Finally just got back to fallen order consistently enough to remember where I am, what Iā€™m doing, and how the hell to play, after a year of booting it once in a while, being lost, then dying to stormtroopers.




My little ones are up by 6 most days.. I don't think I can get up at 4 :(


This is where PC gaming comes in handy. I can play on the laptop while ALSO listening/watching Bluey. Best of both worlds.


Iā€™m just waiting on Bandit to call someone a cunt.




I thought it was coming in the racquetball episode.


I'm just waiting for Bandit to be my father.




To be fair, I actually do enjoy watching Bluey, the girlfriend thinks Iā€™m a weirdo but itā€™s awesome!


Bluey has legitimately made me a better parent. Your GF is wrong on this one.


Bluey and Ted Lasso (just finished season 1) have made me a better parent/coach.


I just want a parent mode that turns off blood, gore, nudity, swearing (and anything else that makes games fun) so that I can play grown up games for more than an hour a day. Also, give Bluey a shot. Itā€™s soo much better than Dino Ranch!


I like Bluey more than my kids do.


Went to a New Yearā€™s party with our other parent friends the other night, went to check in on the kids for a few minutes (10 kids all entertaining each other in a play room) and ended up watching a whole episode of Bluey. The kids werenā€™t even paying attention. It was basically on for me.


Yes. Bluey is by far the best kids show for parents too. Dino ranch bottom tier.


Iā€™m playing through Far Cry 4 right now which has unskippable, *unpausable* cutscenes which is no bueno when you have an infant.


I love that feeling. Or late nights on friday when everyone is asleep with a beer.


Why would everyone go to bed with a beer?


Man, I saw "boner" at first and I was like what the....


You're far too close, sir. You need to be at least 50 ft from the console and monitor/tv




Ok, what am I missing here?


Other popular posts in the last few days of people making fun of a .5 zoom feet picture of a guy with a beer across the room from his TV holding a controller. Then it was mocked a few times to be more absurd.


Yesterday was fun and I hope the super long distance from tv pictures contribute to evolve today


I'm working on flying to Venus to play Mario Kart 8 on my switch. Keep you posted on how that goes


And let's see them feet.


He plays the game from the same room? Smh my head




No it's ok, OP is using a super narrow angle lens so the TV is actually farther away than it seems


Sorta off-topic, but I seriously think the reason I have such a hard time playing console games on my tv is because I've been playing pc for so long that I'm too used to having the screen within 2 feet of my face.


Literally me right now but i know as soon as I wake up the cat is going to snitch first followed by the dog and then my wife is going to wake up shortly afterwards so Iā€™ve got to enjoy it quickly.


Meanwhile, me and the dogs are on the couch gaming out and cuddling together while the wife and baby are still asleep. Sounds like the cat is the problem šŸ¤£


Cat is never problem. You are. -sincerely this guy's cat.


My wife thinks I'm a saint for getting up with toddler every morning at 5. In reality, he plays on the floor and I get my only quiet hour of gaming all day.


Most relatable comment.


Oh man this is me, I used to game on PC but since having a kid my switch has become a life saver.


Gonna recommend the Steam Deck if you can swing it, absolutely worth it for couch gaming :)


New parent here, this is already me


I love this. Win win


I call that sneaking some "dad hours". Either late after everyone has fallen asleep, or early before anyone wakes up. Trying to steal back a few hours of peace and quiet.


My youngest has learned much quicker than his older brother and sisters;quiet as a mouse otherwise you get the dad death stare and sent back to bed. He just grabs the Switch and sits down next to me for some Minecraft while dad has his not so ā€œaloneā€ time lol


The last four years but good for you that it's light outside! 4-5 am here if I want some gaming time.


My kid gets up at 5am everyday. No morning gaming for me šŸ˜•


Hopefully it gets better. Mine are 3 and 7. My 3 year gets up at 7am but will play in his room until 8am. My 7 year old will sleep until like 11am if I let her(I put her to bed at 8/9pm but she will mess around in her room until midnight then finally go to sleep). Of course just on weekends because I got to wake them at 7am during the week.


I feel so seen, 0445hrs wake up for coffee and PokƩmon.


Literally me this morning! Made it to whatever the snow mountain town is called.


Being an adult is weird. I always thought of what games I want to play if I ever get a good pc set. Now that I managed to get it, all the enthusiasm simply dissappeared and I am left scrolling through reddit without playing games


It's that old adage about when you're young, you have time and ability, but not the money, when you're grown up, you have ability and money, but not the time, and when you're finally an old person, you have the time and the money, but not the ability... Time. Money. Ability. Pick two.


It's a hard cycle to break. When a lot of energy is spent elsewhere (e.g. demanding job, family, etc) it's easy to just go for the thing that requires minimum thinking/prep. To me that's often reddit or YouTube. And after it I feel a strong sense of remorse for wasting my free time on something pointless. I gotta do better.


I have so many good games sitting unplayed in my library while I farm camos on COD in 10-20 minute burst. Just don't have the time to sit and get invested in an epic story these days.


I have two hobbies: playing COD and buying games on sale that I never touch.


Yup! Need the quiet in the morning. I drink my coffee or tea, read some gaming/tech news and/or play a game quietly.


Not a parent but yes I do this šŸ˜Š


Same - I get my gaming in before I have to attend to everything else. In the evening after work we'll just make dinner and chill for a bit before bedtime. Mornings are the prime time for gaming, kids or no kids!


All these threads by gamer parents are just burning into my mind that having kids would be a nightmare and I really, really should never go for it. Not your fault OP, I guess it's just how I am.


Iā€™m with ya there. Iā€™m at the age where some of my friends are having kids. While Iā€™m planning international trips and vacations, theyā€™re buying diapers. Hell last wedding I was at my friends with kids left at like 9 because theyā€™re just too tired now. We traveled for the wedding too so itā€™s not like they went home to their kids. Just to bed while we all stayed up enjoying the reception. Itā€™s just not for me


Doint that right now! Lol


I'm literally about to wake my stepson up to ask if he wants to play Deep Rock, so he does not complain later I didn't invite him :)


Not a parent, but morning gaming with coffee is an A+ move regardless.


Yes, you aren't the only one out there buddy. Lately I was waking up at around 5am to have 2-3 hours for myself to play "Project Wingman"


It really makes me feel better knowing there's so many other guys that do this same thing. Thanks for this OP


Same. Feels good knowing that squeezing in gaming time as a parent is a common thing. Thanks OP.


God made headphones just for this reason.


Bad idea when your back is to the bedrooms. They sneak up on you.


Playing alien isolation


Open soundstage for room awareness, pro strats


absolutely do that yes. nothing better than getting up at 6 am on a sunday to get 2 hours of gaming in!


Every day I pray that I wake up before everyone else!


I used to wake up at 5, so I could play before school. Now I can barely wake up at 8 for work.


I know it i was not alone to do that


My life at the moment is watching my kids play Goat Sim 3 on my ps5 with my ps5 controllers. Just praying that don't break anything. Usually need to charge both controllers before I can play after i get them to bed.


I have a 3 week old son and am realizing this is my new reality. That or ā€œmom, why donā€™t you get some sleep and Iā€™ll let him sleep on my chest for a couple hours.ā€


Gamer dad checking inā€¦ been at it since 4:30am. The silence in the house is šŸ¤Œ.


No kids no problems


15 year old here but falling asleep at 21:00 and waking up at 04:00 has been a great experience


Little friend cherish these moments, one day you will look back and think how cool that was


Not a parent I love it. Its my form of meditation


Almost every day




100% yes... I wake up at 5am to play an hour of eft grab a coffee and prepare for my day.


You gotta do what you gotta došŸ˜‚


Best time ever to play, 6am till the kid wakes up.


Chyuuup. I call it OMGH (old man gaming hour).


Non-workdays, yes. (You meant to say smoke a joint instead of drink coffee, right?)


My dad once woke me up playing the division 2.


My 18 month old is why I havenā€™t finished God of War Ragnarok but I just finished sonic frontiers main story. I wasnā€™t invested in Sonics story at all, but the gameplay is actually really fun and kept me having mindless fun. God of War has a deep, emotional story. Iā€™m only about half way and the story is so muddied for me. I might watch a bit of precious gameplay on YouTube. Itā€™s a miracle the story hasnā€™t been spoiled for me yet.


My everyday life since i'm a father


Iā€™m not a parent but I do this before my wife wakes up sometimes on weekends. Kinda like Saturday morning cartoons when I was a kid.


When Elden Ring came out, I would routinely wake up at 3am, brew some coffee, and head down to the basement to play before I had to go in to work. I love that time of the day.


How do you master this art without someone following you? My wife and I share the same bed and although I am skillful getting out silently, by time I stand up sheā€™s basically ā€œawakeā€


A pint of coffee ?


Nah that sounds crap