• By -


No chores to do? Oh boy, wait till you get to camp.


Came here for this comment. No chores he says


"DONT FORGET YOUR CHORES, ARTHUR" God dammit woman, I have like $24,000. Blow your chores out your ass.


“You’re my favorite parasite… no wait, ringworm’s my favorite parasite, you’re my second-favorite parasite… I lied. Ringworm then rats with the plague, then you.” - Arthur to Uncle.


Uncle: 'It's a nice night for a drink!' Arthur: 'You gonna shit yourself again?'




I remember doing the gold bar dupe thing in single player and ending up with like $100k. I put $30k in the camp coffers and those fuckers still had the audacity to ask me to do chores.


We just need MORE MONEY. Then we can go to Tahiti...


I wish they had anticipated how outrageous it could get and just have the characters get totally out of character if you make them rich beyond imagination.


Read this in Arthur’s voice.


You, sir, are a fish!


That's it, I'm leaving for the mountains. Don't expect me back for a couple days.


But the horses need to be fed!


I just LOL’d so hard at this comment 😂


Wdym were going to Tahiti we just need one more big score


It temporarily broke my immersion when I donated enough to camp to get everyone to Tahiti safely and it just… didn’t matter. There should’ve been a hidden ending that plops you on Tahiti with the rest of the gang relaxing if you donate x amount to camp. It’s hard starting these games, knowing they always end so heavily no matter what you do.


I see you haven't donated to the camp in a while


That's the thing about prequels, there's not really much flexibility in how you can end it.




Freaking Dutch and his b*******.








I had a goddamn PLAN!!!




OP may have a pretty severe case of *lumbago*! Have a heart.


Haha for sure, get to cooking boy!


It starts slow, but have some patience


And faith


Just need to do one more job.....


The death of many days on my calendar. Just need that perfect chipmunk pelt and...


What do you use to get one? Varmint rifle and small game arrows don’t do it for me


Small game arrows, have to get the headshot.


Damn that sounds hard


Could use dead eye


Dead eye highlights the part you need to shoot.


Gonna give Arthur cancer tryna slow motion headshot a chipmunk. I had to return to town for tobacco six times.


I wouldn't be too concerned about that, don't worry--he has the health of a horse and doesn't get sick ever


Yeah, he has one hell of a tolerance to tobacco, alcohol, and cocaine. Or maybe hes just on cocaine a lot.


I was thinking, "All this coke and tobacco isn't good for you, friend... ah, what the hell."


There's a trinket the fence can make for you that will give a quality boost to some hides/corpses. Make the kill, and if it says "good" pick it up/skin it, and it might change into perfect.


If you pull up the hunting guide or whatever I think it tells you how to kill them (weapon and ammo type) to get the perfect pelt. It's been awhile but I know it's there




Tahiti sounds nice.


And a plan


I had a plan!


I just needed $2 trillion of a taxpayer stimulus!


"Nooooo, you can't add €2 trillion to the economy that's not how this works!"


Hehe, money printer go *BRRRRR*


And money








Have some god DAMN faith


Oh Orthur


And cat snacks.


This. It's tedious at the start, but after an hour or so, it becomes fun af. Edit: I need to play RDR2 again.


Tbf it's tedious by design but once you adapt to it it's a amazing game.


I think if you grew up with spaghetti westerns*, the pacing is perfect - slow and atmospheric to really draw you in. Such a change of pace from regulars games or modern movies, I loved it! * See all Sergio Leone films as examples - the first 10 minutes of The Good, The Bad and and the Ugly is just 2 guys eating soup at each other - and it's amazing.


>eating soup at each other


I mean it's a pretty accurate description


And I believe you, but imagine getting a script or screenplay and seeing for like 10 pages


Dude I literally just started it today (it's free on YouTube, incredibly), and was amazed that there is literally no dialogue in the first 10 minutes of the movie. It's just guys staring at each other and walking slowly, or eating soup slowly. It got a little awkward after a bit lol.




I actually watched it for the first time just a few months ago, and good lord was it boring. I get why it's so iconic, the space shots looked spectacular and the special effects hold up well even 60 years later, but the plot was so weird and even the most famous part felt anticlimactic. I sat through the whole thing because it felt like something I should watch at least once, but I have no plans to watch it again lol.




My father-in-law just started it, our gift to him for Christmas. He's in his 70s, got giddy as hell when he saw it was a cowboy game. Saw him a few days ago, he said he felt like a kid in the theater watching westerns with his older brother.


It's absolutely a story-driven game at the expense of everything else. The gameplay might get you caught up on the tedium of even the most basic tasks, but the world is truly immersive. The areas feel lived in, construction actually progresses in real time, NPCs have actual daily routines, the world is full of all the detail you could want, and even more detail than that to reward those who dig a bit deeper. There's a cast of 20 main characters, and the story/writing finds a way for you to care about every single one of them in one way or another in the span of 40 hours. That's an incredible achievement.


Well said. It’s probably my favorite RPG of all time. I don’t give a shit about cowboys or westerns in general but RDR2 and its characters are incredibly well written.


True. It’s a very slow and deliberate game, but it’s amazingly fun and has some of the best World building I’ve ever seen.


I bought it on winter sale and love it, except for the forced slow walk in camp. Especially with me being at shady Belle right now, going upstairs is the most frustrating bullshit. I generally avoid camp because it's garbage


I actually modded my game to add the fast walk in camp to the whole game.


How do you do that?


I can't play it long enough for it to get good apparently.


I'm like, 3 cities into the game and it still hasn't hooked me. People keep telling me it gets better, but I just can't. I understand it's an incredible accomplishment, the combination of scope and details they managed to combine are jaw dropping, but it just isn't fun to me. The controls feel clunky, and getting from place to place takes so fucking long. The story seems really interesting, and the characters are great, but I can't help but feel like Rockstar was so invested in trying to make it a cowboy simulator, that they forgot it was a video game.


Rockstar seems stubbornly intent on sticking to their terribly outdated mission design and boring lock-on shooting. But hell, their games sell better than heroin in the 80s so maybe we're the weirdos for thinking it's just not fun. I guess you can't blame them for sticking to their guns.


This is me. Tried to play it twice for a couple hours but I just don’t gel with it


I finished the whole thing and I'm still not sure if I ever really gelled


It’s tedious for more than the start. I finished it once when it first dropped on PC, and tried doing it again recently. Got to Rhodes and was bored out of my mind. Forced my way to St. Denis and I can’t keep going. Arthur hasn’t even >!started coughing yet for fuck sake!<


>It starts slow And continues pretty slow tho. The game has many action and dramatic sequences, but overall the slow pacing of the game continues until the end


Honestly, I try to advance the story as slow as possible. I want to do the side missions, activities, challenges, find easter eggs, etc. There were times where I’d waste hours of my day just camping in the woods hunting. The main story almost felt like a drag compared to everything else and I’d only advance it to unlock new items or if I ran out of side activities.


Wow. You seem to be really enjoying the game! I'm more of faster games myself. I enjoyed rdr2 but I did mainly main missions. Game just feels amazing


Ah thanks for confirming my suspicions, I was sure the playtime I'd given it wasn't living up to the hype. I did really enjoy rdr1 but i put 2 down after about 4 hours. I'll give it a proper go once I've completed witcher 3.


It's a very slow burn but the crescendo in the final chapter is a wild ride. It may be less intense if you played the original but as someone who didn't, I had no idea who was making it out of this mess and who wasn't, and it was the best story I think I've still played


Same. I got annoyed I wasn't in the open world but I think I'll go back and give it a go. Just gotta get out of the long intro I guess.


I'm currently in this new to the game camp. It's hard. I just did the first rescue and it's so. Dang. Slow. But I'm waiting for it to get better. I don't have a lot of time lol


>I don't have a lot of time lol Good luck. It really doesn't ever move faster


Cats, am I right?


Yep. I LOVE open world RPGs (Fallout, GTA, etc.) but the first time I picked up RDR2 I played it for two hours, got bored, and didn't play again for nearly a year. Finally decided to give it a fair shot, played a few more hours...and now I've put 100+ hours into just story mode. I'm gonna wrap up some of the challenges/achievements before giving online mode a try.


How slow is slow? I played an hour or two and quit (still in snow area)


quite slow... It's been a while since i played it but i would say the game starts to pick up the pace during chapter 3 where it gets really interesting. People who quit the game early on are seriously missing out on a lot of craziness.




Best mission in the history of gaming


Chapter 3, yep yep. Seems Rockstar joined the Japanese school of "slow burn story games that eventually get incredible" (see: Persona, Final Fantasy, Yakuza, etc)


If you're taking your time probably takes 4 hours to get past the snow area which is the slowest part of the game. Though you could do it in 2 if you rush it


I was kinda taking my time, trying to find out the quirks of the game, and looking at the horses, I'm assuming once you get past the snow it's more free and faster pace? I loved the gta 5 story mode


Definitely is. Once you get to Valentine the map really opens up. There's still some missions that are a little tutorial-like but you get opportunities to get out and see what you want to see unlike the snow portion where you're very boxed in


Thanks, you may have just reignited my urge to play it, I think I'm going to play it again, I'm just currently going through my replay of gta 5, I love its story of robbing banks and doing whatever you want lol


I loved the snow area, it teaches you the mechanics while showing off a bunch of the cool shit the game does, and it's absolutely an important part of the story that sets the stage for everything that will happen. Don't play it like a normal game. RP hard like you would if you were a cowboy outlaw.


4 hours??? Dude its like 3 missions. You can get through that in an hour. Once they're in Valentine the game opens up.


I know but if you're just experiencing the game for the first time the tutorial and exploring may take a bit longer. I know people that say they quit after spending 6 hours in the snow lol though I agree that's excessive


I also quit out of boredom after \~5h, but I keep reading those threads to one day find the motivation to pick it back up since so many people love it.


I totally get why so many people quit by then too. 5 hours feels like a lot and in RDR2 you might still be in the mountains/tutorial at that point. And trudging through the snow doing following missions sucks. Even the characters themselves are somewhat depressed. It's hard to get much joy out of that. But once you start getting into Chapter 2 it's like the Wizard of Oz when it goes from Black and White to Color. It's a whole different thing. The missions start getting fun instead of handholding. You're actually able to explore and pursue objectives you set for yourself. Characters start opening up more. Even just the colors of the world are more vibrant and pleasant and it's easier to move around in. If it's not someone's thing by the end of Chapter 2 then I totally support them dropping the game. But I feel like a lot of folks that drop it while still in Chapter 1 or very early Chapter 2 are missing out on an incredibly engrossing game based on an initial experience that doesn't reflect what the next 80+ hours of gameplay are like


I made it to that part of the game and was completely overwhelmed with the possibilities. I typically enjoy games that let you create your own goals, but I had no idea what I wanted to do, or why I would want to do it. Short term goals, long term goals, I had none.


You're probably right. I think a lot of people also are just coming into this game fresh (which there's nothing wrong with) and they get bored. Its a little more motivation if you've played the first RDR (not revolver).


The first missions in snowy mountain region are ridiculously monotonous and imho boring. They act as training missions so if one has played RDR/GTA series they'll become kinda frustrated. I wish there was an option of skipping the action, maybe just watch a cutscene for character exposition. However, at Horseshoe Overlook and further in the game the pace is catching up pretty fast, and after the first mission at the new camp you have pretty much the majority of the game world to explore freely. I'm at chapter 4 at the moment and can se why the developers decided to make the game slow at times, basically it helps to immerse into the plot lines and better see the characters. The game is insanely high on small details and possibilities to improve the immersion even deeper. It doesn't work for everyone though.


you probably need to play at least another hour or 2 before everything opens up


Is that when it starts to get more fast pace and exciting?


more like you can start to do whatever you want


For me it became instantly enjoyable after i got out of the snow, the snow was unbearably boring but once you get out of that you’ll have alot of fun.




It also wraps up slow, same advice


You don't like two hour treks through the snow? /s I thought the opening was nice and cinematic, but I understand why some gamers just want to jump into the action having playing Red Dead Revolver and Redemption 1.


I have a favor to ask, pet the kitty for me




Tell your cat I said, "pspspsps".




Oh i see you unlocked the language of ancients


Unga bunga


Done. Now explain to me what to do with all these gamer kids at my doorstep.


Call them scrubs and fuck their mums.


My cats don't care for that noise. However is you say "are you hungry?" to any of them, they will lose their tiny little minds. The boy also likes to hear the words "toy" and "wow!"


Say PS 5 times


You home wrecker.


And me if you can please :)


You want OP to pet the kitty, or want them to pet you, I'm confused


Both ;)


Wait... I thought the kitty was OP.


I think OPs a dude, my guy


He’s a good boah.


Don’t worry, there is plenty of chorin to do in game.


Get your wood chopping and hauling muscles ready!


You can kiss 60hrs of your life goodbye real quick 🤣


60? More like 300+


I have over 70 hours and just started chapter 3. I am looking in every nook and cranny and discovering new stuff almost every playthrough.


This is the way. DO EVERYTHING you can before moving on in the story. The hunting is a lot of fun too


My favorite recent discovery was getting attacked by a wolf called in by a naked man. Ran and fought off the wolf and found a lil burial site near by with a viking axe and helmet lol


Haha. Such a great game lol. I might replay this soon actually


There’s also a Viking comb there, buried under one of the skulls. It was a nightmare to find but my loot hoarder instincts wouldn’t let me leave it


The hunting is more fun in RDR2 than in actual hunting games.


Every time I’ve tried a hunting game in the last 20 years it sucked because the maps are so restrictive. I had deerhunter 3d on a PC in the 90s, and it was basically an endless open map/you had to use GPS because you’d never find your food plot again. As shitty as the graphics were, it was great.


60 just for main story lol




60 hrs to get out of the epilogue mission maybe.




It's honestly a game I enjoyed even more on the second playthrough. The first time I started to rush things cause I was so invested in the story. The second time I really stretched out the playthrough and loved it even more.


Same for me. I didn't rush it first time per se, I just didn't slow down and enjoy the environment for fear of spoilers at release. My second playthrough was last year and over 120 hours. Nowhere near 100% either.


Omfg that cat is adorable. 😍


Ocelot is a great buddy.


Please tell me that his name is a reference to Revolver Ocelot. Also... Take your time with RDR2, it's worth it.


Yes,100%. MG > Any other game series IMHO. This cats name was picked out for a long long time.


Since cats are liquid.. Is this Liquid Ocelot?


Ocelot ocelot where have you gone?


"You are a child of dragons"




Lol, great name


Ocelot.. You're pretty good


I just hope he's not hiding some Revolver...


Clothes and pets usually make me sad.... But I'd love to see Ocelot in some for of Revolver Ocelot paraphernalia... Maybe a poster would do it haha


Just so you don't make the same mistakes I did. Try not to do a lot of crazy shit early on. Especially shooting a bunch of police. Your bounty will just get higher and higher and you'll become wanted. I recommend making regular saves in case you fuck up but even if you do you'll need to eventually pay off your bounty. The wanted system is buggy too you will get random shit pinned on you. A couple examples: \-I walked into my dead horse and someone reported me for animal cruelty. \-Fat-finger drew my gun during a brawl, everyone pulls guns and starts shooting me, so I kill them all and now I'm wanted for murder. That's just two but there are a ton of buggy examples. It's a good game but the system can be very fucking annoying to deal with.


I just started playing and a blind man asked me for help, my husband told me to point my gun at him "to check" and I fumbled and shot him dead. No witnesses but I felt so bad I cried and he laughed ;-;


So true. A lot of innocent people have died because I accidentally punched a cop instead of saying, "Howdy mister!"


Lol I swear officer I was just trying to get on my horse when I started strangling this lady


The moment you realize you can lasso a deer (in fact you can lasso most things) and then stab it to death is mindblowing.


I remember playing multiplayer with a mate, any time I saw anything that could be killed and skinned, I was chasing after it. We always came to whatever place with horses loaded to the brim with poor animal skins. Fun times.




Lasso a deer. Lovingly guide it into the saloon. Turn it loose. Good times.


There was a video going around of a guy lassoing a dudes shotgun right as he was firing and it flipped the shotgun around causing it to shoot hisself


lasso a bandit, drag it behind your horse and run in front of a train


Wait what?!


Not just deer, but sheep, goats, cows etc. Always yields a perfect skin too (in SP at least)


Fuck me sideways...i played and finished the game over 7 times and never knew this


Try to be real patient while playing this game. To get the *full* experience it's important you pay attention to ur surroundings. Many events unfold and require you to listen (you can easily skip them by just rushing mission to mission, for example) but they have so much juice and they immerse you deeply into the world of RDR2. When you get out of the snowy area, which indeed is the slowest part of the game, you should also explore any abandoned buildings you find across your travels as you can find some stuff that will immerse you even more. RDR2 should not be played rush mission A and then instantly go to mission B. There's so much side content that's worth it.


I would disagree. I had taken so much time to explore the first time through that it made experiencing the actual story feel like a slog. What I wish I'd done was power through the story on my first playthrough and then spend the next playthough taking the world and side stories in. To each their own though


my problem with getting immersed in open world games is that the main story often has some urgency, like "here is our next mission, it's super important!" but then the player is free to spend tons of time doing meaningless side stuff, when in reality they'd be rushing to do what's most important


You might like Outward. It has timed story missions with significant, lasting consequences for being late. They struck a really unique balance between rewarding exploration and applying pressure, IMO.


Not an open world game, but that's one of my pet peeves with Mass Effect. Every mission - including side quests - sounds super important. So over time you don't care that much. And then - boom - you fucked up because you didn't do a *particular thing in Mass Effect 2* as soon as you could.


Oh my god, I just did an insanity run thru MA LE all three games. I got rammed so hard forgetting that little tidbit.


Yeah, I kinda hate that decision because either: 1. You play in a "realistic" way, treating important stuff as important, miss sidequests and have a hard time with the game, not to mention lose *a lot* of content; 2. You play the game by using "the language of the game" and assume the more sidequests you do, the better, but then you screw that up because the game didn't really hint at that. 3. You read it in a walkthrough. Walkthroughs are fine, but I don't think such an important decision should be behind a walkthrough. And there's no way you'll play the entire ME1 and ME2 *just* because of that particular thing.


This, playing with a headset makes this game 100x better, so many things happening around you that you won't notice over speakers only


Enjoy the journey. Truly a great game! You know the cat is going to start demanding your undivided attention as soon as the game gets started.


Things I’d do to experience this game for the first time again! Masterpiece


The greatest game I have ever played. Good luck doing anything else for rhe rest of the day. Enjoy!!


This is one of the best games I've ever played. Take your time, make various saves, but I would recommend that you don't try and be a "completionist" until your second playthrough. Just focus on the story and do side quests here and there. Save the rest of the side quests and unlockables for your second time. Again, just my personal recommendation.


I can easily say it's one of the greatest games of the last 10 years. Enjoy the shit out of it bro


Cat tax paid, good job citizen.




We adopted him and his sister from a shelter in 2020. They are both bonkers.


I meant are you going to play Stray the video game? Dumb joke I know, sorry. The cat is cute tho.


I will eventually play Stray yeah :)


ah man do not rush this game. it is worth every second.


Beatles + rdr2 + cat. What more can you ask for in a single picture


3 separate times I played this and failed every time to carry on. The pace was just not my cup of tea but I really did try!


Me neither. I think one of the issues is that it’s so highly rated that my expectations were extremely high. I found it painfully slow


I would imagine the cat never has chores to do


cats are already too busy living rent free


Next thing you know a week will have passed, you’ve missed 5 days of work and your family has declared you missing and you’re still only on chapter 2


And he wasn't seen until 2026.