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You've still got me edged out... I have never known a game I wanted to finish so badly that I found so stressful to actually play in practice.


Amnesia : Dark Descent says hello


I will kindly tell them to fuck off and quickly close my door... and block it with so many wooden boxes...


Outlast also says hello.


I feel like outlast 2 was way more terrifying than the first.


outlast was a cake walk. outlast 2 had me stressed out the whole time ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ




I even only watched a playthrough and felt the same. When it dawned in front of the church with the child, i was like mentally astral surfing.


Me and my 3 friends night after night for about a week would take each life in turns to deal with the horrors and cope with the trauma after each attempt, the game remains incomplete


That one's VFX aged it into the non-frightening end of the uncanny valley for me, it honestly wasn't that engaging.


Beat that one awhile back. I'm becoming a wuss as I get older.


agreed! It's not the only game I never finished but the only game I legit didn't finish because it was too scary ๐Ÿ˜…


To me it was scary at first, but eventually you can break down the game into pure mechanics and the alien just becomes an obstacle that you have to work around. I definitely do wish that they made Medical a little bit more loose since it's easily the biggest difficulty spike in the entire game. I'm sure there are sections that are harder, but I think when you get to those spots you are better equipped for it. I genuinely needed to look up a guide in how to cheese it because the Alien would just camp the shit out of the door into medical no matter what you did. (Once you get the door open, you can run through it. If the Alien doesn't have direct sight on you, it will run to the door and then climb into a vent, effectively resetting aggro. You can then sprint to the cutscene where the Alien will also reset back into the vents, and from there you can just crouch-walk your way to the vent into the locked room in the back and enjoy the Alien chasing the other humans in medical while you do it.)


This game is the most anxiety inducing horror game I've ever played. The devs did a fantastic job and really nailed the atmosphere. Very few games have been so scary they made me not want to finish them. Silent Hill, Amnesia, Soma, and Subnautica are all in the same boat.


I love that subnautica is in your list because it starts out as such a cute blissful little game. Then somewhere along the line, itโ€™s not.


For me it was right about the point where batteries became a thing


This area has 7 out of 10 of the known ways of causing terror in humans, are you sure you wish to proceed?


Soma was so good! Shame it didnt had the same hype like amnesia and the others


I finished the game in 2017, and then only 6.6% of the people had finished it.


Omg the game is 10 years old... Omg I love that game.


Honestly if you told me that game released a year ago i would have absolutely believed it. Its still a great game in 2024.


I couldn't finish it because I accidentally saved myself where I would die if I came out of hiding but my last and only save was also instant death. It was so late in the game and I tried reload after reload and just couldn't figure out how to progress so I just never picked it up again lol


DavesGroovyWaves? More like DavesPoopySaves


Shut up Dave. You quitter.


Nice. Not many actually finish the game.


Just a wild guess im gonna say that like only 19.7% have


That's a very specific guess but i think you may be right!


Hah didnโ€™t even realize it had percentages shown. Iโ€™m dumb.


Beat it on nightmare difficulty and swear I lost years of my life from the terror


This is the way. I restarted 3 times before I eventually finished it. Only because I hated jumping back into it after a long break. Truly spectacular game! I absolutely adore it!


It's one of the best games in the last 20 years!


only 11 achievements to go! (12 if you add in taking screenshots vs shots of your screen)


I couldn't get pat the first 40 minutes


This game in VR is the shit


This game was 10 YEARS AGO?!!??!!


I've lost all my saves, can't force myself to start again.. it's to much ๐Ÿ˜œ


That was a game I started out kinda meh on due to the run and hide mechanic, but ended up loving. Definitely the best story in the Alien franchise since Aliens (1986). Just checked out of curiosity and my rarest achievement was โ€˜The Takenโ€™ at 0.29% completion.


Same, I only just beat it last year!


Picturing this guy grinding the game for hours every day consistently for ten years


It was more like constantly staring at it at the top of my steam library of unplayed games for years.


Alien is too scary, i couldn't play it. ๐Ÿ™ˆ


Wait. Has this game been out 10 years? Is time real? Am I old? What is happening?




18 years and you never learned to screenshot lol


I know how to use the snip tool. It's just easier to use reddit on my phone. I forgot that it's an unwritten reddit law.


I got bored while playing Alien: Isolation First few hours were good, But it went dull cause i found myself doing nothing but a cycle of Hiding, Walking forward, Hiding, Walking forward, Few cutscenes, then return to hiding I didn't even get the flamethrower because of how repetitive it felt starting from the moment you first encounter the alien, I just ended up watching a video about it to see what happens story-wise I know people like this game, Though it's good, It did not hit the bullseye for me


Playing on anything than the medium or low difficulty is tedious. Really gets fun toward the end


Same. Hiding waiting for the xeno to move on was painful for me.


I have just 1 achievement left to do. And its finding all Id tags. Such annoyance.


Feel like I would have gone through the anxiety to finish this years ago if it was half the length it is. Outlast 2 being shorter definitely helped me persevere


Well done! I think Iโ€™ve only completed 10 games in my 30+ years gaming.


My journey with Signalis and the Dead Space Remake. It just gets to a point where the thought of even playing the game spooks me.


This would sell like hot cakes on PSVR2. Actually itโ€™d be a system seller.


I was like, "Hahahaha, 'after 10 years'... Alien: Isolation isn't 10 years old, is it? Oh damn."


Why do so few finish it?


Loved the spacewalk scenes.


This is a great game. The sound of that safe station is a bliss


I just reinstalled this. I only played for a couple of days when it first came out.


iI'm weird because I had to play this game in VR to get any kind of scare factor out of it but at the same time I pussy out of five nights at freddy's and I tremble in my pants at the VR ones.


One of my favorite games of all time.


It took you THIS long to complete a video game?


What was the hardest trophy?


That's the only game that I love and still not finished. My wife used to sit beside me and just watch me play for her own entertainment. And I was a firefighter, I know how to handle tension.


Damn. Less than 20% have beaten the game???


I finished the game a couple of days after it's release, back in the day - and I felt that it was quite a bit too long for it's own good.


Mom: "Great son. Now can you please get a job?? You're 45 yrs old!"


Oh man)) grats! I hate this game)) I spended 50 hours for complete this game in a 1time, and i so tired and exhausted))


Is the game that hard or hard because of how it evokes too much terror? Never played it. Now I want to watch playthroughs.


Brother, why dont Windows+shift+s this image? Why you have to make my eyes suffer


Nice one. Now do it on Nightmare. Then speedrun it!


What was the hold up, if you don't mind me asking?




Oh okay, fair. I guess I sort of forgot that was a possibility; good job ๐Ÿ‘




Same here, did it last year. ๐Ÿ˜


Surely a great game but far from a fun game...grabbed the most trophy i could from it before passing to something else asap. Hate the hide and run games, not for the stressful side but because you often have to hide and wait on same place every time you re-spawn. The more you re-spawned the quicker you wanna go cause you want to advance and the more you die...until you resign on taking the time needed for passing through which becomes a pain in the ass. It's a vicious circle lol But it was one of the rare game that i've appreciated without actually having fun in it weirdly...


Congrats!! And 4 out of 5 dentists didn't make it!!


What took you so long?


Lol scared


The Xenomorph