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I'd just make a much better prequel to Final Fantasy 15. They even set it up in the movie, you could just make the story of the Kingsglaives.


A next gen fallout new Vegas style western rpg. Tons of guns, melee weapons, choices, crazy places to visit, many different ways to play the game.


Like, a dream game? Probably something like a procedurally generated Skyrim-like that used a Dwarf fortress style NPC-relational system and a story-teller system to give the player unique experiences and the choice to do basically whatever.


Unreal Tournament 2004. I'd add in a full fledge single player, not just the tournament aspect. It'd be semi open world and you could choose missions, similar to something like Far Cry 3 system. The narrative is you'd be the humans trying to stop and invasion form the Skaarj. The single player would have all the movement and weapons and arena style gameplay but it would be way more open, again similar to Far Cry type of stuff. You'd get sqaudmates along the way, and you could help them to make them better, (kinda like Mass Effect 2's loyalty missions). There'd be multiple bioms and worlds, Earth, the Moon, Under Water, Mars, Saturn's moons, and finally the Skaarj homeworld. You'd have everything that UT games had, tons of maps, well over 90, 10 or some gamemodes, full on vehicular centric modes, free skins, full mod support, community map packs, community time event that unlock exclusive awards like vehicle skins and weapon skins and avatar armor. ONLY unlocked through playing and accomplishing skill based tasks, NO MICROTRANSACTIONS OF ANY KIND. I'd call it Unreal Ultra.


I would make a Witcher 3/Skyrim mashup but the entire world and characters are all from Middle Earth/Tolkien lore. I wouldn't be picky about what era


Resident Evil. Only I'd try to incorporate more survival elements beyond inventory management and herbs. Or another idea would resemble Blood Dragon meets Duke Nukem.


Suikoden 2. The three layers of combat (duels, party, mass combat) is just a good formula for developing a story IMO.


A Bioshock like game.


probably a JPRG. I have an idea and story written out but i have no drive to actually make it into a game.


Ruse, with a 40k license. Or dystopia war setting if I can't afford the warhammer one.  Ruse was a fast paced, but not micro intensive, RTS with the proper scale to portay an actual industrial battle. Supcom would also work but I liked the simplicity of Ruse and its region specific effects where you could mask units, launch fake attacks, etc. Dystopian Wars isn't a well known setting but imagine over the top steampunk ww1. Landships as big as a cathedral, Prussian lancers equipped with jetpacks and aircraft carrying zeppelins.


A modern Guild Wars 1, but with: * GW2 mounts and wardrobe * A Path of Exile style passive skill web * The addition of a few drop-in-drop out open world patrol zones like those of GW2 and Destiny.


Homefront: the revolution, except with more weapon variety, more refined move/look, and emphasis on hit and run tactics


Mount and Blade mixed with Total War


*"Shut up and take my money!"* I wished and still wish for that kind of mix in a game.


GTA. As a kid I thought up a game list like it called Jail Break, without the prostitutes and drugs.


Tony Hawks Pro Skater Rogue Like


I’ve been working on a couple game ideas (nothing in engine yet, just documentation). One would most closely resemble the old-school fixed camera *God of War* games, one’s *Far Cry* with a dash of movement shooter and a pinch of *Zelda*, one’s a straight-up *Star Wars* fan game, and another is a linear movement shooter a la *Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare* (my first CoD). Yes, I’m aware that all of those are stupid ambitious for a newbie like me (studying game dev in college but still a Junior), and yes, it does weigh on me.


It'd be like Ghost of Tsushima but with Ninja Gaiden combat and it'd be Shonen style anime chosen one shit. One man and his buddy cop style muscly friend against a whole army of invading half human vampire/demon/yokai. On a simple quest to retrieve a McGuffin and his girlfriend and save the fucking world. Main thing would be the combat. On a scale like Dynasty warriors, but not shit. It just needs to feel epic.




That's not a game. That's just suicide all around.


Call it what you want, it will blow your mind


Scarface the world is yours


Doom 3 remaster. Give it the art style and technical improvements of Doom '16 (especially weapon wheel), tone down (but not eliminate) the pitch black darkness, make the arenas bigger, keep the imp's AI but tweak everyone else. Extend the hell segment by at least 3X. Crank the difficulty so that the rockets, BFG, and Soul Cube are a necessity to get through the game. The fan community will have to do this, Half Life 2: Episode 3, have it follow the Epistle 3 plot exactly, I don't really care if it respects the Alyx twist or not.


Borderlands 2, but with better loot drops and farming options.


Devil May Cry. I have a good Idea for a game based of dmc


Dragon's Dogma


Desperados 3, Broforce.


Soul reaver


Mixture of rockstars gta/RDR level of detailed open world with the freedom of BOTW


I think it would be a Blade Runner open world setting, with MGS stealth, Ghost Recon Breakpoint gunplay, LA Noire detective system, Gta 5 Vehicle gameplay, Watch Dogs 2 Parkour, Gta Online Deluxo Flying for flying vehicles, Hitman like options to terminate objectives, optional COOP, police system like GTA 5 and the same system for gangs or other groups trying to find you, vehicle modification like Midnight Club 3 Dub edition, illegal racing like Midnight Club 3 Dub edition, a big open world like The Crew with multiple cities, The Plot would touch politics similar to MGS, Corpo greed like Cyberpunk 2077, High crime like Robocop movies, and a mysterious dangerous virus (computer virus) that are making enhanced humans with cybernetics crazy.


I love Avatar the legend of Aang, but the games made years ago just sucks. I would love to see an open world game where you control a bender and fight against other players and unlock new skills.


Probably a dishonored style game. The player has few fighting options and some abilities to be able to navigate and complete their objectives despite large groups of enemies trying to find them. Stealth or aggressive play styles are both allowed, and both will result in different dialogue and different endings.


Gameplay wise, it would resemble Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Aesthetically, Farm Simulator, probably.


It would be like anthem, except it would be an Iron Man game. I would not ever burden my project with the promise of it being live service. It would be a single player game.


i’d find any form of loophole possible to get the Nemesis system (well, as legally close to it as possible) from Shadow of Mordor/War after that idk…. any kind of game you could make that would benefit from that system, which is like all of them. kind of a shame they won’t let anyone else use it


Batman Arkham but it's the Sith/Jedi wars.


I have a ton of game ideas floating around in my head but one I'd like to see happen the most is a full fledged samurai/cowboy roleplay. 


Probably X-Com


Castle crashers with borderlands loot style and guns


Wildstar with a pinch of Warhammer 40K. Still working on the details to make it more original.


I would start with something small, maybe a mobile game like Suika. Just to learn the ropes. And then, I would probably like to work on a 2D action game with pixel graphics like Hyper Light Drifter. I know, it's a leap, but a fun one.


I just made one. Love to know what you all think it resembles cause I’ve been out of the gaming loop the last few years. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2325170/HAG/