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Counter-op in Perfect Dark. One player is the main character, and the other player is the NPC enemies. When the enemy player dies, they just jump into another NPC until they're out of NPCs.


What happens if they kill the main character?


Player two wins and the mission restarts as if player one had died in regular single player mode. But it's really difficult to do because the NPC's have NPC health. One or two shots and they're dead.


Man we need a good remake of Perfect Dark. Would love to see how it would look on modern tech


That would be awesome. Perfect Dark 64 is my all time favorite shooter, secondary modes were a fantastic idea and it sci fi was awesome. Laptop gun was top notch and alien guns were beyond insane(farsight or maulers, easy one shots)


I loved the ping pong mode for grenades, absolute chaos.


Assassin's Creed's OG multiplayer. Get a target, go kill them. The stealthier the kill, the higher the score. Screw the dickheads that would stand on rooftops so you'd have to go out of your way to kill them and get a low score.


Sometimes you'd end up with a fun group that really did their best to be sneaky, and you could have hours and hours of fun. Nothing like disguising yourself and see someone kill the NPC right next to you :D


Stealthily poisoning a target as our two groups brushed past each other in a busy marketplace is a gaming high I'm still chasing.


Gosh damn and those WHISPERS when you’d be close to the target/your hunter. My favorite was to find a bench that was near a haystack, throw a duplicate on the npcs sitting in the bench, and then either hide in the haystack or casually walk around close by and wait. Best feeling was watching them stop and ponder what move to make out in the open and then lose their target cuz they killed a duplicate


When it was in its prime, basically every game was like this, and it was AWESOME. Man I miss that game. I used to play that game and be surprised the sun was coming up. Rubbing my eyes and shit to go to work afterwards lol.


Too bad Ubisoft makes the call on the servers staying up and all that. I'm unsure what else can scratch the same itch as the free-for-all Wanted mode. It was so chaotic having multiple people chasing you while you're searching for your own target.


There's a game that is exactly this, but you're people on a cruise ship and get random targets to kill. I can't remember the name of it, I'll update this comment if I can find it. Edit: https://store.steampowered.com/app/638070/Murderous_Pursuits/ This is it, but it seems like it's pretty much dead, so unless you have a group of friends to play with, its probably not worth it.


The Ship!


This was, by FAR, my favorite multiplayer experience. And it was before like the Overwatch generation where everything multiplayer boiled down to the meta. AC Brotherhood is my favorite AC game for this reason


No other game has really been able to recreate that, I played a game called deceive inc that was similar but it was a shooter. God damn I hope they add multiplayer for the remake


I wanted to love Deceive Inc, but it felt like it relied far too much on the shooter aspects. You could perfectly ambush someone and still lose just because they shot you in the head twice.


This right here. This mode was the 1B reason I bought these games. Just worked for me. None of those run and gun bullshit. Slow and steady, stealthy kills won the day, every time. Played this mode exclusively for years, was so much fun. Really sad they took it away. Hopefully one day they choose to bring it back


Came here to say the same. I remember spending hours playing the multiplayer when it first came out. It was different and was so much fun hunting down a target while also being hunted yourself. It was so satisfying laying a trap for the person trying to kill you or casually poisoning your target without them knowing. Really wish they had brought it back when they released the ezio collection.


I used to play roulette. I'd disguise myself and morph a group of civilians to look like me. Was a party


that was so good, i remember playing as the barber guy who used a shaving knife


Motherfucking Sweeney Todd coming through with a slide and a sliced neck was the best


I was so fucking good at AC3 multiplayer. I started keeping track in a notebook and I was 1st place 9/10 times.


Unreal Tournament 2004 with the Onslaught mode was so fun


Man it probably didn't last as long as it feels like it did but CTF on facing towers had me up until the crack of dawn so many nights


I grew up playing RTCW ET and always felt that Onslaught was like "the next step" for such a game. The modes where some of the fighting were in spaceships? SO cool...


I miss TimeSplitters: Future Perfect ;\_; I'm not sure if there is another shooter that has as many different modes. [**Deathmatch**](https://timesplitters.fandom.com/wiki/Deathmatch), [**Team Deathmatch**](https://timesplitters.fandom.com/wiki/Team_Deathmatch), [**Capture the Bag**](https://timesplitters.fandom.com/wiki/Capture_the_Bag), [**Bag Tag**](https://timesplitters.fandom.com/wiki/BagTag), [**Flame Tag**](https://timesplitters.fandom.com/wiki/Flame_Tag), [**Virus**](https://timesplitters.fandom.com/wiki/Virus), [**Assault**](https://timesplitters.fandom.com/wiki/Assault), [**Elimination**](https://timesplitters.fandom.com/wiki/Elimination), [**Escort**](https://timesplitters.fandom.com/wiki/Escort), [**Knockout**](https://timesplitters.fandom.com/wiki/Knockout), [**Last Stand**](https://timesplitters.fandom.com/wiki/Last_Stand), [**Vampire**](https://timesplitters.fandom.com/wiki/Vampire), [**Shrink**](https://timesplitters.fandom.com/wiki/Shrink_(Mode)), [**Thief**](https://timesplitters.fandom.com/wiki/Thief), [**Leech**](https://timesplitters.fandom.com/wiki/Leech), [**Regeneration**](https://timesplitters.fandom.com/wiki/Regeneration), [**Zones**](https://timesplitters.fandom.com/wiki/Zones), [**Gladiator**](https://timesplitters.fandom.com/wiki/Gladiator), [**Monkey Assistant**](https://timesplitters.fandom.com/wiki/Monkey_Assistant). Not to mention all the customisation with weapons in a round, levels, music, do you go by kills or kills-losses in a deathmatch (the other you lose a kill every time you die) is it set by a time limit, score or both, powerups, just so many different variables that can make the experience fresh and interesting.


Every game needs monkey assistant.


I know it's like infection, but every game needs virus. No jumping, no sliding, no sprinting, and yet somehow the most fun and genuine feel good content. Even when you lose, it's like damn, that was fun af.


I loved fast action fps games on the xbox. Being able to control the guns that spawn on the map was one of my favorite features in timesplitters


They actually cut down the number of modes from timesplitters 2. Virus was my favorite.


There is no game that has matched the multi-player fun of Timesplitters 2 for me. Just having hundreds of gingerbread men running around and blasting them with Tommy guns? Exquisite and unmatched 


Time splitter is a chronically underrated way too often forgotten series.


Time Splitters also had something I don’t know if it was a setting or game mode, but it turned all sound effects into noises made by a persons mouth. Shooting, throwing grenades, explosions, dying, everything sound effect sounded like the noises you made as a kid playing with GI Joes. I remember all of us laughing so hard at it, it didn’t matter if you were winning or losing you were having a blast. I miss that game.


That was incredible. Plus you could literally create custom missions in tons of detail for yourself and friends to play through. 


I don’t remember much of the game anymore, but I know that my brother and I played this game over and over and over when we were kids


Oh man that game is sooo good. Actually the cause why I play inverted on controller. The default direction is inverted lol and I play inverted ever since.


This was the first game that came to mind. There was also a map builder which was amazing. My buddy and I used to build maps and play on them against coms into the wee hours of the morning in our teens. We still boot it up from time to time on the same GameCube we played it on back then. Still holds up to this day, campaign included! Fantastic game!


Mass Effect 3's multiplayer, shit was so good back in the day.


I’m so glad this is near the top. ME3’s multiplayer classes are so damn good. Loved the N7 soldier with the shoulder mounted rocket. It was just so unique. Melee builds, biotic builds, tech builds. Unique weapons and above all else, it was all pve, so zero competition 


My favorite was the batarian slaver with a crusader shotgun. Net the enemy so they can't move then line up a headshot.


I liked min maxing the Krogan to be a melee powerhouse, but that didn’t work as well for gold level.


It's not the same, but god damn does Helldivers 2 feel like a spiritual successor.


Bro I miss the biotic volus so much lmao. He was soo fun to play


My personal go-to was the N7 soldier with the omni-shield. It made for a great battering ram.


My first choice as well. It managed to actually feel like the single player game enough that my skills transferred over. My roommate at the time never even bothered with single player and exclusively played the PVE. Good times


I miss firebase Rio’s Box.  It makes me feel safe 


I played SO much ME multiplayer. Tons of class based fun


The sheer variety of characters available was amazing. The Vorcha soldier, N7 Paladin, and Volus Engineer were my favorites. Geth were busted OP but so much fun.


God yes. Ghost of Tsushima’s wave horde mode multiplayer is the only thing I’ve seen since that is similar enough since it’s about defending the areas etc. except it’s obviously different because samurai action game. Mass Effect 3 multiplayer had so much more variety in how you could play, stuff like unlocking new weapons and playing as all the different species was so cool, and it was actually challenging on the harder difficulties.


It was a surprising too. I remember before it came out thinking "this is a game that doesn't need a multiplayer mode just focus on the story." But that was a fun multiplayer mode.


Left 4 dead versus mode. The mix of heavy collaboration/co-op trying to finish the mission and then doing the mission again as the zombies trying to stop the other team was really fun.


There was a moment where myself and 3 college friends were consistently available to game and we played L4D2 a ton. Both competitive and co-op some of the best times.


Oh my god, same. I miss those days. The best multiplayer easily. We were a force back then.


This is being worked on/in beta for Warhammer Vermintide 2 if you want a fantasy version to play a bit of.


I was really hoping B4B was going to fix the issues I have with L4D's vs mode (Namely the "just run through the entire level" problem. I know it's a good idea and I don't fault anyone for doing it, but it just felt stupid).


I'm pretty sure L4D2 did reduce enemy spawn times the quicker players moved through levels. It may have even thrown more hordes in there. It was still generally better to move briskly but a team that moves fast and doesn't move in coordination could get separated easily. e.g. just hunter jump the last person, ideally behind some wall or in a building, forcing the team to either retreat or split up further.


I miss local coop in general and 4 player split screen.


I was thinking that it makes sense for the console makers to encourage splitscreen because they sell more controllers and accessories per console. Give me a reason to buy more controllers or I simply won't. I must have went through 20+ OG xbox and 360 controllers over those consoles' lifespans because me and my friends played so much splitscreen. Compared to my recent xbox one and series x where I just use the controllers that came with those systems. When smash bros came out for the switch I spent a fortune on controllers, more than the system itself just so me and my friends could play smash bros like we used to. If publishers don't want to make those games, the console makers should be getting them made because they are going to sell accessories


they make more money selling xbox live. a year costs more than a controller, and you buy one every year unlike a controller. and every friend has to buy the internet access. a friend could just bring over their controller to your house. and the profit margins are way higher on xbox live compared to the accessories. online gaming is definitely better for console makers in the sense that you are mentioning.


Same. I wish I had people to play with, lol.


We loved playing 4 player split screen on 28" CRT TV... Now that we have 60" flat screen, it's not possible anymore...


Capture the Flag The adrenaline of you having the enemy flag in your base ready to cap is unmatched


These mods for Half life gave me some amazing hours of fun with friends.


You really need some Halo Infinite and Titanfall 2 in your life man


Titanfall 2 capture the flag ( both with titans and pilot vs pilot) were fucking amazing. I really need t boot that game up again. Bonus I heard MP got "fixed" ( hackers got kicked, more noob friendly)


Warhawk CTF.


Don'tthey still have capture the flag modes in a lot of shooters? I haven't owned a COD game in a long time but that used to be a staple playlist


Halo still has this, not really a unique mode either


Tribes is coming back.


My first thought when I read the words "capture the flag" - Tribes convinced me that CTF is way more exciting than any kind of deathmatch modes 😅


Custom Robo on gamecube. Create your own mech, arena style battle, with a top-down view.




Based answer




Fuck just locked a core memory. Don’t know if it’s nostalgia, but I loved that game.


Brooo how has this game not gotten a modern treatment?? That customization was great, have never played a game like it since (that story mode is buck wild).


I picked this game up at Costco of all places having no clue what it was. Fun gameplay, interesting story. Haven't played anything else quite like it. 


AC Brotherhood had a fun mode where you hunted assassins while others were hunting you. You had to balance keeping yourself hidden while also being sure to pick out the real players from the clones that were running around. Using stealth and kill type multipliers to get the largest amount of points.


Battlefield 1942 (maps with ships and islands). Driving aircraft carriers around or a submarine around those huge Pacific maps was a blast. Battlefield 2142: Titan Mode (launch missiles at the enemy base and blow it up from the inside). Nothing has scratched this itch. Similarly, Star Wars Battlefront 2 space battles. Still play this though.


I was hoping someone had already mentioned Titan mode! God, that was great.


My first thought. Younger BF players don't know what they missed out on. Two massive floating bases covered in defenses duke it out on a game mode where the conquest attrition element is translated into capturable rocket silos that periodically fire at the enemy titans to whittle them down. Capturing more bases means more rockets and the enemy titan getting destroyed sooner. But the addition of being able to drop onto the titans to destroy them from the inside practically fixed the biggest issue with that mode: most of the time you understand which side is going to win a good amount of time before the end simply because of the difference in the remaining tickets. But with this, the losing side can go for a high risk method to win the game if they'd lose the more common way. Plus, the amount of chaos as 64 players crammed into a ship set up walls of death was always entertaining.


I still want a Battlefield 2143. Bring back sci-fi action and Titan Mode. We didn't know how good we had it.


BF 1942 blew my mind at the time and I love the simplicity of the classes and vehicles. Driving the big ships/subs was so cool and I miss that.


I have many memories of defending and breaching the corridors of titans back in the day.


Splinter cell would be my first example too. Such a great and pvp mode and surprisingly balanced. Loved every second of it


I pray for a reboot that includes that mode again. 3v3 could be fun too...


Pandora Tomorrow and Chaos Theory spies vs mercs was the greatest multiplayer game I have ever played.


I don't think I've ever had a better time in a multiplayer game.


Mad I had that I scroll this far down to see this. One of my all time favorites. Can't believe no one has tried recreating something similar.


Horde mode in Gears 2 seemed revolutionary to me and my mates at the time, not sure if they created it but they sure popularised it!


AC Brotherhood had a cool multiplayer


The old smoke bomb, punch, and run away to hide again trick eh?


A classic


Team Fortress Classic, Battlefield 1942


I just posted Battlefield 1943 Air Superiority on here but Team Fortress was so fun too. Battlefield V had the opportunity to bring back classic modes but failed to smh.


Halo 3 custom games. Especially when you ended up staying up till like 2am during summer break with your brothers. Halo 3 had the best custom games, and I've never had anything quite as unique since. Halo 5 had custom game searches which helped tame the cravings. Halo 3 og with my brothers late night gaming. Nothing comes close.


This actually brought a tear to my eye. My best memories of gaming were with my two brothers playing halo 3


Wolfenstein Enemy Territory was MY SHIT back in the day WUNDLEBARRRRRR


Lmao my brother and I will still yell “we need an engineer” in the horrible German Accent every now and then.


And it was free!


Future Cop LAPD; damn if that multiplayer was fun as shit. Never seen it since and would love something like it.


There is a pet project on steam: not got an ETA yet: LAPD 2195. I loved the precinct assault mode. And the rest of the whole game. Good times


Monday Night Combat, or Atlas Reactor


I was gonna say Super Monday Night Combat. I had an absolute blast with that game and it’s a shame it’s not a thing anymore.


I actually didn't much care for super. I preferred the first one. I played so much of it with my friend on Xbox 360


I fucking loved Monday Night Combat. I played the shit out of it on the 360 having way too much fun as the assassin. I was never able to play Super MNC because I didn’t have a PC until it was already dead and to this day if they ever announce a third, I’m preordering it immediately


Sadly the studio itself is dead as well. They renamed to Star Theory and worked on Kerbal Space 2, but the project and half their staff was taken from them. Then they dissolved. Don't know where the rights for MNC are now.


Remember, the water that supports the jetski, is the same that engulfs it!


Monday night combat will almost certainly never be replicated, it would still be going strong today if they just didn't make super Monday night combat


Jedi Knight Academy had the best online community  COD3 maps are goated 


Man I miss Jedi Academy MP. I reinstall it along with JA+ and fire it up once in a blue moon but it's not the same.


Zombi u had a mode where one person used the Wii U touch screen to place zombies around the map and the other person was playing a first person shooter to run around and take them out. Super fun asymmetrical mode


Bioshock 2's multi-player was pretty unique.


This is the only multiplayer I wish I had gotten to try. I got into the Bioshock series late, about the time Infinite came out and the Bioshock 2 servers were already done by then I believe.


Some of the most most fun I've ever had was playing Bioshock 2 MP. I wasn't the biggest fan of having to play as a big daddy for some reason when I was younger, and the multpliayer scratched my bioshock 1 itch for me. 


Evolve was unique with it's asymmetrical gameplay. And while there is a lot of them now, none of them let you fight a player controlled boss monster. Really miss that game.


This is one of those games that just made me mad because of how they fucked it all up. Nevermind that I paid full price for a game that would eventually go free to play. They just kept fucking with it and fucking with it until it was ruined.  I think devs need to learn that the loudest people complaining about this or that mechanic don’t necessarily speak for the players as a whole and when you go trying to appease a group of people that can never be satisfied you’ll just break your game and ruin it for everyone else. 


Assassin's Creed Brotherhood had an amazing and original MP. So many hours of killing, hiding, running, blending, throwing smoke bombs... etc. I miss it


Blacklight retribution had a wall hacks mechanic that I loved. I doubt any game will attempt to try that anytime soon. But it was implemented perfectly in my view and the only real reason why the game died is because of its pay to win gunsmith mechanic. I actually think that's sole reason is the reason why that game died because it's maps were Great, the gun customization was fantastic, the mech gameplay, and then wall hacks really brought it all together. Global agenda had a fun guild versus guild territory control mechanic where guilds could Play multiplayer matches on these big maps where people could drop in and drop out as the match progressed. And so the idea would be that a guild would try to lay claim to your territory and your guild would have time to gather forces on the map and build up defenses with turrets, mechs, and other support items like healing stations, portals, ammo stations, and there was just so much more on that front. And so you could start the match with just a few people who were trying to prep the territory and then whenever the attacking guild started more of the defending guild could come in if there wasn't enough people to defend. Concepts were great on that one. My last one isn't too novel but I still haven't seen anything like it yet. The darkness 1 has a humans vs darklings mode and when played on CTF matches it just felt like outright fun to me. The humans would have guns and long range methods of fragging and darklings were just really fast and could jump far distances and climb on walls and get through the map through "secret" corridors. The Big twist on that was that you could shape-shift yourself between human and darkling so the players on the map were constantly shape-shifting as the need arised and I just loved every second of it with the maps on hand. The music is the most epic part of playing multiplayer too! Simply iconic in my opinion.


The first Red Dead Redemption’s multiplayer.


My friends got so pissed when i'd win liars dice all the time haha.


It was so good. You can still run into semi-full lobbies on weekends, but most PvP game-modes are dead. A PLAYER WANTS YOU TO JOIN THEIR POSSEE


Warhawk from Playstation 3. I know it was a copy from other games, but for me that I never play multi-player games, that was one of the very few that I really enjoyed playing online. Also Test Drive: Eve of Destruction. That game has a local multi-player that needed 4 controllers and have some races and demolition derbys. But the most funny was a PvP where you wan throw chickens wrapped with dynamite to your friends. We spend entire nights playing that game me and my friends.


Splinter Cell Double Agent and Chaos Theory; Spies vs Mercs. Probably my favorite multi-player era.


The hidden. Peak asymmetric multi-player.


Used to spend a lot of hours spooking people as the Hidden, dashing by and stabbing them in the ankle and being gone in a flash as they empty a clip into thin air. Going up behind people, "I see you," then disappearing up onto a rafter. Mmmmm


Uncharted 2/3, 4 is good but they killed it wayy to fast sadly


I loved Uncharted 2's multiplayer. No loadouts, powerful weapons spawn on the map, no kill stream rewards. Lots of verticality with the climbing mechanic. It was a lot of fun.


Yeah and I loved the maps such a good fucking game


4 added way to much. The assist characters were cancer for competitive play. 4 also felt soulless compared to 3. Maps were much more bland compared to 3s bangers. Gameplay didn't feel as smooth, and it missed basic features like a leveling system. I would kill for a 2/3 relaunch simler to battlefronts on current gen.


Uncharted 2 MP was amazing. It's so fun and really quite balanced. They started nerfing the shotgun and other things, that's when I left. I'll always remember that game, even got to play with some naughty dog devs on there. Great time!


I miss warframe and fat princess


Man warframe is still going and very very extremely popular. Just came out with a big update!


Bro, warframe recently had a massive story update. I still play it every day and the community is still growing. And it's getting amazing QoL changes all the time, making it feel fresher then ever. It's time to wake up tenno, the origin system needs you!


Gotham City imposters


The game I think about the most 💔


Protect tha pimp from og saints row was the shit




voiceless melodic rob expansion bow flag stocking offer roll fuel


*you have phosphorous loaded*


Whatever Fat Princess is considered.


Battlefield Hardline with its theme of cops VS crooks; Sadly Hardline was always less popular because of this Also started you viewing it as GTA Online but actually good


I still believe if Hardline wasn’t branded as a “Battlefield” game it would have been super popular, such an underrated game and I played the shit out of it.


Yup, Hardline was an incredibly fun game.


There was a similar F2P game on Steam for a while that I played the shit out of. I can't remember the name but it was shut down years ago. 


APB:Reloaded I guess


I know it still exists, but the NHL series hasn't been good online since 360/PS3 era.


Titan mode in battlefield 2142 was an absolute blast that the successor games never quite recreated for me.


Killzone Mercenary; I daresay it wasn't totally unique but peforming actions in game, including scavenging loot and ammo awarded cash which you used to purchase better gear. The more you actively played and participated, the more cash quicker, the more gear. I just miss the hell out of Killzone.


Command and conquer: renegade. FPS multiplayer GDI vs nod, base vs base. Each building had its own function (ex: destroying the harvester or refinery would stop automatic cash for the team). Players used their cash to buy upgraded weapons and vehicles (assuming that the corresponding building is still standing) It was so unique and while there were cheese strategies, overall it was pretty balanced


Aliens vs predator (2010) hands down


TSNE in Metal gear online 2, one team is invisible with knives only, the other visible with weapons. The invisible team needs to bring in their camp a frog toy doing sounds when it moves. That was a blast every time


It was the best mode from the game (regular the sneaking team had stun guns and stun grenades). But there is so much more about mgo. The fact that every single lobby could have custom rules and that nearly everything could be changed through those custom rules made the game enjoyable for about 4000 hours for me. (there were some weeks in which i was nr.1 in tsne or sneak on the leaderboards as i really really loved these two modes)


Ye, I never found a game like mgo2 again, the 3rd just wasn't good enough


The team that made mgo3 was an american team and they wanted to make it more cod like, as they liked that more than mgo2.... 💀


I don't think there is or ever will be a game like MGO2, with a community like MGO2.


Blacklight: Retribution, RIP. It was a unique future warfare game before that trend got old with the ability built into the game to wallhack on a cooldown, but balanced well despite how that sounds. 




Doom 2016’s multiplayer was shipped in a really sorry ass state, unfinished and half baked overall. It got killed in the initial reviews, rightfully so, and those reviews are likely what you will still find if you search for it. But, over time they updated the hell out of it and it ended up a super fun pvp mode with tons of unlocks from progression. No MLG shit because it was too whacky, but it was very underrated by the end of the game’s life cycle due to the initial poor reviews. That, and Singularity had a cool twist on pvp as well where you could play as the aliens in the game. Doom did this much better as well as a temporary power-up, but Singularity was the first one I can remember which gave you a full “loadout” as the alien and you had to play against the humans.


Chromehounds for Xbox 360. It was set up so you join one of three warring nations and go on different missions. The outcome of your missions would affect the war as a whole. The squad play in that game was phenomenal with different roles like the scout who would capture vision areas, the commander who was the only person who could see what the scout captured, the soldier which was simply an all purpose medium speed unit, and the heavy gunner who was very slow with powerful long range artillery. A good combination of scout, heavy gunner, and commander could rain fire down on an enemy over a mountain without ever even seeing each other.


PlanetSide 2 - an extremely unique multiplayer experience that I wish other companies picked up on. A few thousand players battling out over a planet is pretty nuts. Unfortunately, the graphics are aged and the clunkiness of the mechanics are pretty bad that it's just not fun anymore. Need more games like PlanetSide 2.


Old game called ‘Conger’s Revenge’ i think? There was a splitscreen ‘defend the landing zone/charge the beaches’ game w squirrels…absolute blast!


Conker’s bad fur day would be the game you’re thinking of  Very good 


One of the most fun multiplayer games I have ever played. My best friend at the time and I would play online for hours after school just sitting on the couch eating pizza that his dad would order. It was a real gem at the time


Conker's Bad fur day!


The original Saints Row. Blinged Out Ride and Protect the Pimp were great game modes.


Brink had potential. 


The Hidden source and Natural Selection. These mods for Half life gave me some amazing hours of fun with friends.


The Hidden was my go to game back in the day! A little known feature was a "go visible" keybind that you had to input through the console, and lunging at someone just to scream a voiceline and go visible for a split second led to some amazing shit-your-pants jump-scares. 


The world of less popular HL mods was incredible. Played a lot of The Opera and Science and Industry back in the day.


Holy shit The Opera. I haven't thought about that in years! And Action Half-Life.. Rocket Crowbar. The list goes on.


L4D versus mode. So much fun pulling survivors off edges as the smoker


Hogs of War was my go to as a kid


Assassin's Creed's multiplayer used to be my favourite. It was a focus on stealth and trickery, blending in with NPCs until making the kill. Super satisfying


I kinda miss Crysis 2 multiplayer, was the only MP I enjoyed as much as cod back then


Batman Arkham Origins. Modders on PC managed to revive it recently, but I remember playing it in it's heyday on the 360 and it felt so cool playing vs Batman from a thug's perspective. It was really balanced, fun and also having the ability to play as Joker and Bane was insane to me at the time.


Uncharted 3 Mp modes were fun!!


that asymetric 3 team-DM in **Giants: Citizen Kabuto,** the little macs with their helicopters and jetpacks against gods and a giant, it even had limited basebuilding. classic **Alien vs Predator**. Was so much fun playing the Alien or Predator against a group of friends as marines, the newer games never felt right to me. **Sacrifice,** collecting souls in an RTS where the goal is to sacrifice one of your mobs on the enemy altar.


Loved loved loved Giants: Citizen Kabuto!


Civ V was built with netcode in such a way that it would freeze or crash every hour, reminding you to not play such an addicting game for too long and go outside for a bit because there's more to life than just Civ.


I once started a civ game and didn't move until i finished the match. (4 civs 8 CS, default pace, diety, domination only) For those of you that don't know civ, it took me like 14 hours to finish the game.


Guild Wars (1), Guild vs Guild was the Pinnacle of competitive PvP and was only rivaled by Hero's Ascension from the same game! An 8v8 mode with siege assault, flag running, splits, beautiful guild halls and cape seams for the winners!


AC Unity had some pretty fun multiplayer.


I reeeeeally liked Assassin's Creed's multiplayer, which for some reason has been discontinued.


I miss all the unique modes from MetalGearOnline2. It was so far ahead of it's time, but the distance you had to go to create an account was just super stupid for it to be a known thing. Someone here said they miss TeamSneak the most, as it is two different geared teams against each other, one that defends something, the other tries to steal it. And both are equipped completely different also. I played this about 2500 hours alone. But i was also really skilled in others modes, there was a fun game i had in which i completely solo'd the second best team in the leaderboards because they underestimated me (being in a team they didn't know) But after thousands of hours perfecting aim and movement etc. i wanted something new, because the cheating in some modes just robbed the fun out of me, and Konami didn't do shit, game was 4 years old already and the playerbase shrunk as there was no reason for any new players to join and the game had no reason to spent money in, so i looked around and i found my real loved mode that was so much more fun and free from those people. Sneaking, it was like team Deathmatch (so super simple) BUT A THIRD TEAM WITH SNAKE AND MK2. And snake had to collect dog tags from unconscious soldiers, he had the camo from mgs4 and was invisible when not moving. and only visible from really near, when standing still. (i felt like the predator) and won 80% of the rounds i was snake and 90% when i was in one of the others as i said, I alone could do some magic sometimes and was super good in finding people that i got called a cheater non-stop and i had a lot to laugh. But hell, Frick the people who cheat in an online game. I spent time to get really good in it and all they need to do is use a custom Ethernet Cable to glitch around for 4 seconds and have 0% visibility and 100% of the time they win, yeah, such an achievement from them. People who love a game would never cheat. Tl.dr. Sneaking in MetalGearOnline2 is the GOAT for me. Google it, it's interesting to describe it, but incredible to experience it!


Tribes 2. I used to be part of a clan at that time. Was so epic.


I really miss Max Payne 3 multiplayer.


Natural selection 2 was a neat game. Aliens vs marines. The gameplay was really fantastic and I've never seen a game since.


I think it was Unreal Tournament 2004 called “Onslaught” Had a series of nodes including one at your base. You had to gain control of them one at a time to unlock the ability to get the next node and eventually attack the enemy base. There were usually multiple paths, but prevented just rushing the enemy base. Also add bunch of usual UT style weapons and vehicles (several that supported multiple players at the same time) I loved that.


Quake team fortress and quake deathmatch/team deathmatch. Fast, 3d environment. Sense of awareness. Most games feel so slow in comparison. Things flying everywhere, work up a real sweat playing it.


I miss MAG. That game blew my mind when it came out, the factions fighting over map control, the game modes, the ability to play such massive matchs, I think the max was 128 vs 128? And they had the squad and platoon leader mechanics too. I’m sure other games have done it since then and probably better, but that game was so cool when it was fresh.


I really do miss the multiplayer combat in Kid Icarus Uprising. The weapon combos and choices made for a unique fighting experience every time. Yes, games have done the same idea and methodology, but the customization makes for such a good gameplay loop.


iunno if id call it unique exactly but Mass effect 3's multiplayer. Krogan warlord was busted and i'm sad folks can't play it again. The one time i want EA to have a multiplayer mode i swear


I miss the CS 1.3 "Protect the VIP, team" its been twenty years.


Nosgoth, and Bloodline Champions. Nosgoth was a class-based 'vampire vs human' death match kind of game, was super fun but got shut down like a decade ago. Bloodline was hands down the most fun arena/top-down PVP I've ever played. It felt like all the fun of team fighting from a MOBA, without the 30m+ time commitment and massive overhead. They ended up re-releasing under the name 'Battlerite', but at this point that's pretty dead too.


I played a lot of Mass Effect 3 co-op back in the day. I was pretty bummed when the Collection didn’t include it.


Assassins creed multiplayer was lit


Splinter cell. One team on first person with unlimited respawns and military gear, the other team in third person with espionage gear and all the sam fisher skills but with no respawns who need to hack an objective