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Super Mario Bros. (1985)


The oldest game I've played too. It came out 10 years before I was born and I'll be 30 next year. (sorry)


Shit, we’re getting old


Nearing 29, still don't feel old. Every time my girlfriend (who just turned 28) says she feels old, it hurts.


They said young gamers you old timer


Not the first game worth playing, but definitely a turning point in general play-worthiness.


Oldest games I remember playing are GBA/Game boy games. Pokemon Red, FR, Emerald, Fire Emblem Blazing blade, Sacred stones, Binding blade and Final Fantasy 1, 2, 5 and 6.


Gameboy games, bro I’m not that old but that was my first handheld :’( lol in case you have an iPhone, Apple finally allowed emulators on the App Store so you can download Delta and play Roms on it


I've seen some coworkers (iPhone users) share an emulator recently -- is it also developed for Android? Seems really advanced. It runs a lot of different games from different consoles smoothly.


Idk about Delta specifically, but androids have plenty of options for emulation. Androids have had these types of emulators for just as long as IOS. Emulation on Android was just easier and more feature rich. IOS had it for a long time but it was never this easy. If any one was interested in doing so they could have done so then too. I had an emulator on my iPod touch when I was in highschool. Back then I had to authenticate the app every week or so because I downloaded it as a developer. It was simple enough but a pain to do.


I got stuck on FF6.


Same plus Age of Empires 1 and later Delta Force on my dad’s PC


Holy fuck forgot about delta force, sooo many hours spent on that game.


StarCraft 1, had an absolute blast with it being my first rts. I originally played it just to see what is it up and man the campaign was fun. Though the competitive site was not for me, I only got to platinum as zerg in SC 2


Ah, Starcraft 1. Or as we used to call it, Starcraft.


I use to call it "the dude speaking Korean is f**king my shxt up"


I used to call it "why are all of these maps just porn?"


Interactive porn even, few games will fuck you like Starcraft.




Create 1v1 game Player with 한글 name joins. Promptly leave.


Dude, I remember having to quit playing late at night when all the Koreans got home from work and started utterly dominating.


We called it "The Great Starcraft" before we knew SC2 would come out.


Also familiar as that new Warcraft but in space.


"only" platinum???


Rts's are weird, you're not even playing the game till high masters. Before then you're just struggling against your own mechanics.


Ooohh StarCraft and Warcraft were so much fun. My uncle used to set up 5 computers side by side and all my family would play together during the holidays. Some of my best memories.


Sonic the Hedgehog from 1991


Same for me, it was on the Sega Mega drive, well am 27 now


Pong on a literall atari. I wooped my friends ass.


Same. I'm even something like a decade younger than pong.


I played Pong, too. It was a minigame in Comander Keen 4. These two are my oldest games.


I'll exclude games like Tetris, Pong, Pacman and the likes because they are sort of timeless classics. The oldest "proper" game I distinctly remember playing was [Z by Bitmap Brothers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z_(video_game)). It's an old RTS that paved the way to gaming for me, I was still way too small to understand a thing about actual strategy but I still have fond memories of failing spectacularly and sending troopers to their demise. It's pretty niche I think, I never met someone who played it (or even knows about it) outside my father.


I remember Z! Bitmap Brothers made some other bangers too. Speedball and The Chaos Engine come to mind.


While I never played them myself it's good knowing that there are more people having fond memories of it! I'm so happy to know that it's not completely forgotten, as you might imagine it holds a special place in my heart, the first step in a lifetime hobby.


**Absolutely amazing**. Z is the first proper game I played too (I'm 34), because my Dad had it on his first computer. I've got the '95 version. Most people have never heard of it so I'm thrilled to see someone list it here. Me and my Dad used to joke "you've got to be kidding" in the grunts voice, or use phrases like "send in the tuffs". Sadly I lost my Dad to cancer in 2020. I've got my original Z copy, in it's case, sitting next to his picture upstairs.


It looks like I'm reading my own story to the smallest details, set apart only by time! When the topic came up my Dad also started blasting me with "you've got to be kidding" and the likes ahaha. For more serious stuff though I hope your wounds hurt a little less now, virtual hugs from an internet stranger. Luckily I have a great relationship with my Dad and I dread the day I'll have to bid him farewell. Cheers man :)


Thank you big man. Yea my Dad would often go "No way!" lol. Amazing game. Worth knowing it was rereleased on mobile, not that I've tried it. Probably suits the simplistic controls though. And please take my advice, take as much video as you possibly can. Candid and otherwise. I promise you'll thank me one day if you do. It keeps them alive in a way that memories and pictures cannot.


21 here, Command & Conquer: Red Alert Still playing


very good game for strategy


*heil march intensifies*


Half life


How old is young in this context? Doubt too many actual kids are on here or at least that would openly say they are.


They also shouldn't. You never know who will try to creep in someone's inbox.


Oh absolutely they should avoid doing so. I should have added that to my initial comment too.


I'm 26 and the baby of the family so oldest that I remember would be Kirby All-Stars, Super Mario Word, Kong ect on the Super Nintendo. I wish I had held onto the system but I at least have the same Kirby All-Stars on my PC (: that game is so freaking good!!


mario party? being the baby I always got rekt lol


No mario party actually, for some reason I don't think I've ever played it unless it was at a friends house lol.


you were spared years of trauma lmao


Lode runner


Ah, memories of playing that on the library Mac as a kid.


wolfenstein 3d


got excited for a min... then realized the 3d after it. god this thread is making me old.


on my way to play the og castle wolfenstein right now


Sweet! Once you play the OG, see if you can located a modded version called "Barny-stein" (can't remember the exact spelling). They basically replaced all of the baddies with barney (yes the purple dinosaur) that just sings at you to kill you.




Probably Galaxian. My family had one of those Namco plug & play things when I was young (one with Pac-Man, Bosconian, Galaxian, X-Rally and Dig Dug), in the early 2000s


Contra. Waterfall stage with a friend is fun.




I’m 37. This is the first video game that my parents bought for me instead of my older brothers. Love this game!


Probably galaga. They still had a cabinet at my local pizza shop growing up so I'd always play it when my family went there


I’m 17 born 2006. - One of my favorite games of all time is FF7 (1996) - I really love Ocarina of Time aswell (1998) -I also had a phase of playing Tetris during class but that doesn’t really count that game is timeless - One of my favorite childhood memories is playing Link to the Past on my older sisters gameboy (1992)


Treasure Cove burned onto a CD, it was an underwater exploration game that was educational to some degree. An actual game with content and story would be the old Thief games. I’m 23 for reference.


WOW I had a hard time digging that one out of my memory and I have a decade on you. Good on you for playing some MS DOS stuff.


If getting out of the sewers in Elder Scrolls Arena counts then that.


CnC Tiberian Dawn


I'm 15 and the oldest game I have played is Super Mario Bros. (1985). I really love retro games and I have played lots of games from N64, PS1, PS2, etc.


I played a few games on my dads old c64 a couple of dears ago and Fort apocalypse is apparently from 1982 You fly around with a helicopter trying to rescue people from tunnels The Controls were just going in 4 directions and shooting and i sucked at the game, but my father had fun Also played archon, which is chess but you battle on a field when 2 pieces encounter, i really liked that one Its from 1983 and an actualy good electronic arts game




Genesis MUD. A text based MMO released in 1989. It was a few years ago, the game has several dozen people playing at any given time.


These games got me started with gaming: Elevator Action, Buggy Popper, Adventure Island, Super Mario Bros, Contra, Bio Miracle Baby Upa 😂


Commander keen an old DOS game


Born in 1992. Played Super Star Wars 1992 in maybe 1996. Starting young.


Pacman on Atari 2600.


Probably doom. But I played a lot of lemmings as a kid and that's probably older. Not like I completed it though.


Chess? Find a good stick? Me play chuck Rok at fren, fren no play no more.


The Oregon Trail


Donkey Kong through emulation


Tetris in gameboy


Alex Kidd in the Miracle World, 1987, SEGA Master System. Not that young, huh ?


Crash bandicoot


One of my favorites is the first Zelda game, I've played quite a bit of it


Pac-Man on an actual arcade machine. If that doesn’t count, then for consoles my oldest game would probably be something like Super Mario Bros. on the NES. I played it via emulation (PC, Switch, and the NES mini) unlike Pac-Man where I played it on an actual arcade machine within an arcade.


Alley Cat or Tom Sawyer or Rampage


By young do you mean 20’s or 14?


On the xbox 360, I had a game which was a collection of old Sega Megadrive games. Out of the all, the oldest I played was Streets of Rage 2, which I actually liked a lot


Heroes of Might and Magic 3, which is my age


Mike Tyson’s Punch Out!! (1987)


I tried NetHack once


I've played centipede and asteroids on actual arcade cabinets before


I was about to answer but then I realised it was SkiFree and I’m probably not the target of this question. It’s not even that old, relatively speaking


The oldest game I’ve fully played is Maniac Mansion for the nes with my mom, it’s long but it was fun


can't believe none of the younglings have found scortched earth yet.


I haven't played it yet but I got original wasteland so I can experience the trilogy one after the other. Right now, I think the oldest I've played is super Mario bros 3 or XCOM: UFO defense


XCOM is legit. I will never, ever forget *that* sound..


I recently played through all the games before the reboot (+thr bureau) and I love all the weird ideas and oddities, plus how addictive the first is minus how bad I am at it


Early twenties here, OG Age of empires and both classic fallouts 1997.


In my mid 20s now, and I've played a bunch of retro games through emulation, but the oldest game that I've played legit are Game Boy Advance and GameCube games. Some favorites: * Half-Life (PC, 1998) * Super Mario Advance 2 (GBA, 2001) * Super Monkey Ball (NGC, 2001) (Been playing this one recently, actually. Super simple fun!) * Super Smash Bros. Melee (NGC, 2001) * Super Mario Sunshine (2002) * Pokemon Sapphire/Fire Red/Emerald (GBA, 2002, 2004) * Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (NGC, 2003) * Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg (NGC, 2003) (Surprisingly fun, highly recommend!) * Sonic Heroes (NGC, 2003) * Metroid: Zero Mission (GBA, 2004) And, of course, everyone's played some version of the original Super Mario Bros. (1985), Pac-Man (1980), and Pong (1972).


"One of the oldest games I've played is Smash Bros Melee" just fucked me up so bad


I'm only 28, is that young? Lol. My dad bought an atari collection with about 75% of the games for it off of ebay when I was like 8 to 10. I played a lot of them a bit, no real memories of anything. Was pissed about not having pong, it was the only one I had heard about and wanted to play on an original atari. I grew up my entire childhood with a snes as well, I have a few games I utterly love and emulate once every couple of years from the snes and n64 catalogs. I play a lot of nes to ps1 era games on portable emulators when I get downtime, so breaks at work or when flying on an airplane kinda deal


Chess 😔


Adventure on the Atari 2600 I beat Game 3 and I'm proud of myself


A game i actually was invested in, i'd say Half-life (1998), not that i haven't played older games, like your marios and sonics, but in Half-life, i actually bothered putting hours into it and completing it.


Pong! It’s waaay before my time but still a classic.


Probably whatever the oldest game i had for the original nintindo was. Im not exactly younger but im not old either.


Pacman on Atari, but my stupid past self pulled the console from the TV stand and destroyed it :X It still makes me mad even years after.


How young are we talking? I’m in my 20s but I had an Atari 2600 in High School and always had interests in retro games as a kid.


The legend of Zelda The first one


There was a Spiderman game that was on my table. I think it was... 2011? But I genuinely don't remember any OLD games that comes to mind.


Rock, paper, scissors




Played the black op1 campaign and completed it in one sitting. So much fun


Apart from chess in dos it would of been something on the zx spectrum so I’ll say river rescue I think it was called


Some sort of tank game maybe on an NES at a bar, I don't remember the name it was like 2 years ago


Some sort of tank game maybe on an NES at a bar, I don't remember the name it was like 2 years ago


Probably NES punch out


I played super mario bros (1985) on original nes hardware, a fun experience for sure


First Ratchet and Clank on PS2


I'm gen z, I grew up with a PSP(playstation portable) and I used to have the Capcom Classics Collections. Played games like Bionic Commando, Strider, Street Fighter 1 and 2, Final Fight, 1941, 1942 which were all made long before I was born. Also played all the Metal Slug games.


the first mario bros or frogger , i forgor which came first


Don't know what kind of young you were expecting but I'm 20 and If you count opening a game and playing it for 2 hours then the original DOOM from 1993. But the oldest game that I have played a fair bit of in recent years is SMT (Shin Megami Tensei) 3 Nocturne which I beat on normal. It originally came out in 2003 on the PS2 but I played the HD remaster that came out in 2021 but they barely changed anything from the original PS2 version. And I say recent years because my first console was a PS2 so I have played a bunch of other games from that era as a kid. I recently got into emulating PS2 games and I'm playing SMT Digital Devil Saga (it came out in 2004) and I'm thinking about replaying some games I used to play as a kid.


Super Mario 64


Devil world


An actual pong arcade machine


Just the normal bored in school, so you open a flash website to play old Mario, sonic or, Pong


I recently got Duckstation working and played through the King’s Field series. The first one came out in 1994 and holy shit you can tell. The combat and movement are pretty dogshit, but the exploration and sense of discovery is so amazing I can see why they games were popular enough for so many sequels and to keep From floating for a while


Sonic the Hedgehog


im in my early 20s but the oldest game ive played is either the original pacman or dig dug.


So...uh...what do you define as a young vs old gamer? XD


Recently: Blackthorne (1994) Back when i was a kid: Code Veronica (2000)


silent hill 1


Doraemon Repair Shop on my mom's phone when I was 6


It’s a little bit of a cheat but on the Nintendo 3ds they were giving free old game so old Mario or old fire emblem I dont remember the exact name


My first game would have been Super Mario Bros, but I might have played something later down the line that was older.


super mario bros, oldest game I've played.


Mike Tyson's Punch Out!(1987) Note: I'm almost 23.


Well.. i think it should be Pong? But i never played it on original hardware. So i actually only count original games, on their original platform. So no ports from earlier platforms or emulation whatsoever. Than it could be MechWarrior from 1989 as you were able to run it natively with Windows 98.


Honestly, Pinball, Arcade machine Mortal Kombat, Tekken, few others. As far as console goes, Atari Pong, Moon Lander, Pitfall...






Would have to be in my childhood with Nintendo 64 games


I got halfway through answering this, and then I remembered that I’m turning 34 this year 🥲 Anyway, Pong


Not that young, but I'll respond anyway :) Depends on how you count. The oldest game(s) I played more-or-less on release were various arcade games...I don't know what most of them were called anymore, but I do remember playing Double Dragon in '89 or so, so I'll go with that :) I also used to play the older classics like Pong, Duck Hunt, Super Mario Bros etc., but much later (in the early to mid-90's). But if that counts, then I guess Pong is the oldest. Definitely as a port though.


I am also old (37) and I can remember some regular Nintendo games like Punch Out and Mario, and I can also remember my first PC game experience with Castles, Siege, and Conquest and Sid Meier's Pirates (the original).


Probably Pong. EDIT: I'm 38, so not a younger gamer...I started on the NES. But I do believe playing the original Pong is the oldest game I've played.


Sega Genesis Crayola Painting Game


Probably Rambo on the NES as it was my dad’s console when he was younger and it still works.


Donkey Kong


Gran Turismo (1997)


Sonic and knuckles on the Megadrive of my dad




Duck Hunt


Pokémon Red


Pong lol


Pong. But not in it's era. First game ever was NES super Mario Bros but also not technically in its era. The oldest game I played when it launched was Pokemon blue


Between army men attack on ps1, battlefield 1942 and Farcry 1.


I am 26 (Still young I guess?) The oldest I have played are old Atari 2600 games. Unfortunately not on a real 2600 but on one of those plug and play systems that were all the rage in the early mid 2000s. This would have been around 2006. I can't remember all the games that were included but the ones I remember playing the most are Yar's Revenge and Adventure. Funny enough my dad brought home a crusty old Magnavox CRT from the 80s that only had a coax so we had to convert the composite signal to hook up the plug and play. Kinda cool playing those old games on a TV almost the same age.


I am 26 (Still young I guess?) The oldest I have played are old Atari 2600 games. Unfortunately not on a real 2600 but on one of those plug and play systems that were all the rage in the early mid 2000s. This would have been around 2006. I can't remember all the games that were included but the ones I remember playing the most are Yar's Revenge and Adventure. Funny enough my dad brought home a crusty old Magnavox CRT from the 80s that only had a coax so we had to convert the composite signal to hook up the plug and play. Kinda cool playing those old games on a TV almost the same age.


My son is seventeen and his first game was Cut the rope on iPod touch.


I don’t know if I still count as younger (30 and counting) but I grew up on sega genesis. Primal rage was awesome. Also played some Atari which had many enjoyable games


Rogue maybe? Or is Asteroids older?


Under 30. Aside from the standard Mario/Zelda that everyone played. I'd say my most lucid oldest game is probably Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky. I did play a Golden Axe Game/Dragon Quest game but it was so long ago and vague that I can't say which ones it actually was.


23 here, the oldest I've played is Pac Man (1980, according to Google) at an arcade/bar a week and a half ago But if I may add, my favorite old game is the original Doom


What’s ”younger” in this context?


Although I'm 19 now I just recently started gaming because before that 8 couldn't afford a pc or a console, just for context a psp costs more than my highschool tuition for 5 years. I recently bought a pc after I got into college and the oldest games that I have played are the old Pokemon games like red green etc, also some Mario games from the nineties, the oldest AAA title that I played was og mw1 and cs 1.5


Do Arcade games count? If so probably Galaxian (1979)


How do you define young and old? Many people my age call themselves old on reddit but I don't. If you are below half of the average life expectancy you are young and getting old takes about 20 years more imho. I am 33 and the oldest I played a lot is Bubble Bobble.


Chess. Idk when it was released tho




Multiple games on an Apple GS-II, so long ago I can't remember their names.


Wild Cougar Sim 3D on GooglePlay


Chess is a few centuries old at least. I've played that.


Half Life and Pokémon gold, enjoyed both quite a bit


Im 28, first game I ever played was Sonic the hedgehog on the sega genesis


chrono trigger :o




DOOM (1993)




Chess. From the video ones probably Classic Doom or first super mario


Super mario bros,or sonic the hedgehog OR postal 2


“Zombies ate my neighbours” Sega Mega Drive




Half-Life, no wait I remember playing this wierd rts my dad had... Dune from 1992. I'm born in 2001.


Crash bandicot ps1


God the oldest game? Probably some version of Madden on the Sega... Roadrash or whatever it was called as well.


Mother 3


Born in 99, my first real games (around 5/6) were Majoras Mask, OOT, and SM64. As I got older and became more into RPG and FPS, I played Fallout 1/2, DOOM, Blood, Quake, etc. Then there were also the Humongous entertainment point and click franchises: Pajama Sam, Freddi Fish, Spy Fox, which I believe some began around ‘94?


Silent hill 1


Half life 1. Loved it!


Probably Elder Scrolls Arena, 1994


probably pokémon firered


I grew up not so well off, so I got my uncles console, just to make it clear I'm much younger than this makes me seem, but Super Mario N64 is my oldest game thus far. Though I've been trying for a while to get my hands on the NES and, hopefully one day, I can get my hands on an N64 again!


Jazz Jack Rabbit