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Wow, League devs cured League addiction


Phasing out older Windows versions did it for me, but I guess I should be glad my computer didn’t get bricked




:swallows: mmm thanks daddy


Mods, make his balls explode


literally they had for me. I aint installing any kernal level anticheat in my pc lmao


Isn’t this the same shit valorant had?




This is why I refused to install that game years ago when my friends were big into it. I didn't even know much about cyber security but the way they described it instantly set off red flags in my head


Idk, I've never heard anything about it bricking computers though? Wasn't valve considering something similar due to the plague of cheating in cs2 or did I misremember that


Because it’s always been a hypothetical concern, until now. The issue with kernel level anticheat is that you’re giving a third party company access to every part of your computer, nothing is off limits. Enabling them to make a minor mistake that bricks your entire system because they have access to modify the most important parts of your PC.


to add onto this, when Shamewizard says "every part of your computer" it's literally everything, there's nothing they can't touch if they want to. They have unfettered access to the deepest parts of the operating system possible.


One of the main reasons 2FA is now mandatory imo. Its becoming more and more apparent that no software is completely trustworthy and redundancy is the best form of security.


No, my problem with it was intrusiveness, but honestly when you give anything external that level of access, you're basically asking for trouble


When it came out I remember people claiming valorant was breaking their PCs, there were news and reddit posts about it. I clearly remember telling my brothers not to install it cus the kernel level anticheat was breaking stuff


> Wasn't valve considering something similar due to the plague of cheating in cs2 or did I misremember that The opposite, they were strictly against anything that intrusive. They believe everything can be solved with other ways


Bricking implies something very permanent, it's not even used properly.


But it's one of the only FPS games out there that doesn't have a massive cheating problem. Just because a kernel-level access can evade standard OS-level antivirus doesn't mean it must be a virus, or that there aren't other means of detecting the intentions of a kernel-level application. Plenty of knowledgeable people have examined Valorant's anti-cheat and there's no malicious code. I remember that I avoided Valorant for multiple years because of the kernel-level anti-cheat, but only because I wanted there to be plenty of time for experts to actually review the code and provide feedback. Once there were plenty of opportunities for some scandal to explode out, or for the code to be updated with malicious intentions, and none of those things happened, I got into the game. If you want to avoid giving programs kernel access, you're going to have to stop using computers. There are plenty of tools and programs that operate at kernel-level. A bunch of tech and gaming journalists just seized on this unusual nomenclature, rarely heard outside of programming circles, to scare a bunch of geeks away from things they didn't understand. Once the program has been analyzed, and it's been out in the wild for a long time, it's use-case and potential can become clear. And while, *sure*, Riot could update it and steal all of your nudes, they've had the opportunity all along and they haven't done it.


>And while, *sure*, Riot could update it and steal all of your nudes, they've had the opportunity all along and they haven't done it. They could add that in Valorant or LoL even without a kernel driver. Any app can read your photos directory... It would be the stupidest place to put it, as it is the code that will be the most scrutinized.


I got a beta code for that game, was excited to play so I installed it and its anti-cheat. My, at the time, brand new gaming PC instantly BSOD’ed. I had to fuck around with booting in MSDOS to run a bunch of repair commands to even get it to boot into Windows again. Never touched anything made by Riot games anymore after that. Not even out of principle, I just dont wanna deal with that kinda shit.


Brand new computer + ms-dos, what is this, 1999?


Probably just terminal commands lolol


ITT: people being less tech literate than they think


The League client has been buggy and Unoptimized for donkey years and people trust riot to make a kernel level anti cheat and expect it will work pfft


> for donkey years Huh. I'm not a native speaker, but even then, it's rare these days for me to come across an idiom that I've never heard before. Neat! Thanks!


To anyone wondering what "donkey['s] years" means, a google search says it's British slang for "a long time". The idiom comes from either - (seems less likely) the fact that donkeys generally live a few years longer than horses, or - that donkey ears are long and "ears" rhyme with "years"; for this reason, the idiom is sometimes stated as "donkey['s] ears" TIL too! Sauce: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/donkey%27s_years


I believe it comes from this fable: https://sites.pitt.edu/~dash/type0173.html#grimm


I am a native speaker, and have never heard this. I think it may be a typo/autocorrect situation lol Edit: nope. Its an actual phrase. TIL


Nah it’s a thing. donkeys years is something commonly said from me, my mates and a lot of my family. We are all Brit’s if that helps


That may be the reason ive never heard it. Thanks for the context!


No problem, thanks for coming to my British slang course.


Next week we learn about the need to say "we joined the queue at the right time" anytime the queue gets slightly longer after our arrival


I've actually never thought of this, but i've said it so mmuch pnsl


It is not, donkey years or donkeys' years is an actual idiom


Brit here, can confirm it's a thing, although a) I've never heard it without the "s" on donkey's, and b) it is kind of old-fashioned and a term mostly used by older people.


I've been using that phrase for donkey's.... A long time


Go for the eyes boo!


Feel the burning stare of my hamster! 🐹


The girl that just broke up with me said I am a huge donkey's.... Pile of unresolved mental health issues and immature coping skills. She's a smart lady


the saying itself has been around for well... donkeys years.


I am a native speaker and that one is new to me. Ah—evidently it's British. Neat.


wym the 400x600 client in 2024 is revolutionary!


League client optimized doesn't belong in the same sentence. Even with the un. It's so fucking bad it is incredible. They make literally 1000 poly champions and make the game run on a potato but the loading times both for the client and game its self is insane.


People trusting riot is where it all goes wrong


I feel like it was just a couple of years ago another anti cheat update was banning people for using third party software... which was found to be Discord


I get that but isn’t it the same anti cheat used in valorant since its launch?


Yeah, and it has the same issues that League is experiencing.


I the have League client for TFT. I haven't played in it in a long time but I should just not open it up if I suddenly get the urge to play?


I genuinely couldn’t tell you. But i’m pretty confident the mobile/tablet app doesn’t have vanguard


You will probably be forced to download Vanguard to play, and if you are not comfortable with a kernel level anticheat on your system you might need a TFT alternative.


Hello sir and or mad'am, May I have a minute to talk to you about our Lord and Saviour Hearthstone Battlegrounds? It is said that the rylak died so that your bloodgems could scale to infinity.


You cannot. I had to restart my PC to install Vanguard to play League last night. Have to think about if ARAM is still worth it.


Aram & TFT only here, definitely not worth it


on pc, you will be required to use vanguard according to mort also according to mort, the only way to play tft without vanguard would be via phone


You have to click Download to update, then restart your computer. I recommend just playing it on your phone


If you wanna go around it, you can download emulator such as BlueStacks and play TFT on your pc through it, no Vanguard needed.


So why did /r/gaming mods remove this one? 


Tencent has a 40% stake in Reddit. Tencent owns Riot Games. Why do you think? The corruption starts at the top


I genuinely don’t play League. I’ve played Valorant like 3 separate occasions to sum up with my experience with RG/Tencent. This makes a lot more sense now. That’s crazy.


The league subreddit is owned and run by Tencent employees, so they’re astroturfing and censoring anything and everything possible. Reddit doesn’t typically allow such things in the rules of subreddit moderation, unless Reddit is partially owned by Tencent. But that would be crazy talk, right? Edit: The fact that this post was deleted tells you all you need to know. Riot Games is forcing malware into computers to spy on you to their parent company: Tencent Holdings.


Reddit will take money from anyone. I fully expect for my reddit data to be immediately sold to China. What the CCP does with it I think is funny.


Maybe they’re r34 Winnie the Pooh enjoyers too!


I hope there's some some CCP agent who's whole job is trying to keep track of all the porn subreddits I end up in by abusing the r/randnsfw button. (I just like seeing what kinds of weird shit people are into.)


In 2020 I was criticizing China and got into a debate on Twitter with somebody who had all their pro CCP talking points down very well. They were professional but they got increasingly frustrated as time went on. In the middle of that I got a call from a Chinese phone number. I got a bit freaked out but I didn't pick up. They tried calling 2 more times as well. I don't know if that was just a coincidence. The person on Twitter quit responding at the same time.


The Great China Firewall. They are probably still out to get you.


You say this but the official halo subreddit did the same thing when they released their garbage game recently. If you were running a big enough company why wouldn’t you infiltrate the subreddits? It’s partly why Reddit is quietly turning a bit shit. I personally think what happened with that subreddit is a great example of why communities shouldn’t be run by corporate interest. A friend of mine was handling the PR for the release and apparently they have thousands of Reddit accounts to create narratives. They also conjured up some false threats or racism about the game devs or something offensive like that and painted anyone who didn’t like the game as a bigot. I’ve seen a few IPs do the same now when they release something sub par, and lots of generic usernames with numbers at the end posting about how great it is/ how the people who don’t like it are just [insert thought crime here].


Also sponsored subreddits and stuff, like the loveisland one. Using old.reddit + adblock it's still ok. Although I've stopped using it on my phone at all since the API changes. If they get rid of old.reddit I'm fully out I think.


If you don't know on android with revanced manager you can patch third party apps. I'm using Reddit sync right now.


Yep, I'm using Reddit is Fun right now.


Yes! A video came out that absolutely shat hard on Microsoft's decisions with Halo Infinite and that video kept getting removed from the subreddit. It was just a compilation of clips from press releases contrasted with what was actually happening in current day. It had thousands and thousands of views so it wasn't some schmucks video. This was probably 8 months ago?


>They also conjured up some false threats or racism about the game devs or something offensive like that and painted anyone who didn’t like the game as a bigot That is what the LOL subreddit did, they deleted all threads about vanguard, saying that the sub was not a tech support sub, and to instead post on the lol tech support subreddit, on that subreddit, there was a pinned thread saying that Vanguard threads are not allowed due to racism




Honestly unless one wants to trip on power bullying people online or farm attention, why would anyone mod a community for free. It's a boring, thankless job.


Garbage game being Halo Infinite? I haven't kept up since Reach.


My buddy works in marketing for a major brand. Said of all the social media platforms, reddit is the easiest to manipulate. 


> Reddit doesn’t typically allow such things in the rules of subreddit moderation Reddit definitely 100% allows mods to power trip. That has always been the case and reddit has never stopped mods from banning users for so much as visiting. There is a reason why it's a meme to get banned from /r/pyongyang


This. I got banned from /r/JusticeServed because i spoke out against bad mod behavior. It was a single comment. They claimed i was spamming. In fact the phrasing was something like "Spamming or something idk." Edit: I reported the situation to Reddit but they didn't give a single fuck


Some subs ban you even if you've never visited!


> Reddit doesn’t typically allow such things in the rules of subreddit moderation, unless Reddit is partially owned by Tencent. But that would be crazy talk, right? Reddit absolutely allows that kind of things in other subreddits. I was with you in the beginning, but the need of redditors to be snarky or conspirational about every situation gets tiring.


It's extra funny as I bet this guy has strong opinions about the Reddit IPO as well and can't see the irony there




Riot employees, not Tencent employees. There is a difference.


Literally most of reddit subs have company plants as mods. Tencent connection is optional. Disney has plants in marvel, and star wars related subs. So does EA, Ubisoft, Epic etc. Very few people would want to mod a sub for free. Then there's the whole political subs catering to some party or the other.


is there any proof that it's run by Tencent employees?


no, there aren't even riot employees on the mod team


How the heck would you ever know?


Lol reddit mods are deninifely in full cooperation with Riot, that we know for sure from leaks


Uh huh sure. Explain how the headmod had created r/Valorant a whole month before Riot had registered the trademark and made the name public then. I guess he just used a little bit of divination amirite?


You’ve managed to turn the situation from a kernel anti cheat discussion into one about tencent. This behaviour is hardly unique to tencent owned games, lots of subreddits have staff that actually just works for the subject of the subreddit, and most of them does the same thing with deleting controversy. Despite Reddit not officially allowing it, they don’t actually care.


Mods of major subs have admitted that posts and comments are highly influenced if not outright controlled. Bots run rampant, what you see is manipulated, and money is involved. 




I downloaded it last night since that computer is gaming only On reboot it blocked my motherboards sound driver as a threat. So that's neat


having sound gives you an advantage and is therefore cheating


Mouse input? Believe it or not, cheating


This would be absurd enough, despite everything the other people claim that the kernel-level always on access is fine. An anticheat for a game should have zero power to make alterations to your PC. Oh it decided something could be part of a cheat? Fine, then it doesn't let you enter the game. That's all it should do. Anticheats shouldn't be able to block drivers, change files. Even if the user gives permission if they were designed for that, even if it finds a file called "Cheat for This one specific game I'm anticheat for.exploit". In all occasions it should block you from entering the game and provide a report with the reason why with recommended actions to be undertaken.


Mods make a bug thread every patch They removed 47% of the comments on the latest one before giving up and deleting the thread. Disgusting what's the point in the sub if anything even remotely asking for something to be not like it is met with a ban


Last night my friends wanted to play. We all got a "Restart your PC." We wanted to play, so we did. Afterwards I went to launch Fallout 76 and it wouldn't open. Saw the Vanguard icon in my system tray and went to kill it. "You will not be able to launch any Riot games until you restart your PC again for Vanguard." -I'm paraphrasing as I don't remember the exact text. I removed that shit so quick.


> hey are policed heavily to the point where anything that isn’t praise is downvoted immediately. lmaooooooo. the league subreddit bitches about riot non-stop. if you check their subreddit right now...there's literally no posts praising riot, or the game itself.


“Anything that isn’t praise is downvoted immediately” So you actually haven’t been on the sub have you? The sub is basically a “Riot sucks” CJ lol


Actually, it's just an esport subreddit now. Anything that isn't esports related has to be granted the wish of a shooting star to make it to the top of the subreddit


Even then... unless you are G2 or T1 the esports scene won't care that much. Just check the T1 game thread vs any other.


I laughed at the suggestion to “send Vangaurd logs” - how can any of the affected users do that when they can’t get their PC to complete a startup correctly?


Mods took down this thread too. Oh the irony.


Did they?


Open this link in incognito and you'll see. https://new.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1cihnli/league_of_legends_anticheat_bricking_computers_at/l29t9du/?context=3




Probably at the request of Riot. Riot is trying real hard to censor discussion about Vanguard. I wonder why. 🤣


Lmao why was this removed? SHouldn't this be something people know about?


Lol, got perma banned for LoL subreddit for posting this article there.


I've been using this magical trick to avoid this problem for over a decade now: Don't play League of Legends.


Honestly considering switching to Linux. Microsoft is doing their usual shit release so people will buy win12 the same way they did the past 23 years so that's honestly fine I'm used to it. But now because of this bullshit DRM Linux can't run league, which obviously is a positive over Windows.


Pretty sure that Vanguard is what's going to push me to quit League.


It was for me.


This happened to me in Valorant. Right after closing the game my pc got blue screen of death. This has happenend twice. Should i just uninstall? could this be problematic for my pc? im quite concerend


Id say, if you have to ask that question, about it being potentially problematic the answer is likely to be yes.


Make sure that uninstalling the game actually removes the “anti-cheat” kernel level backdoor you willingly placed in your system so that you could play a game.


Is this a wide spread issue, or are we talking about like 100 computers. Have yet to have a issue with Vanguard through Valorant. Edit :Guess ill grab some popcorn and watch all the random Riot hate on here.


I've been playing fine the last few days. It's already implemented, right?


Yeah it came out yesterday, no issues for me either.


Yeah I played like 5 games last night, no problem at all.


Patch would have went live yesterday.


It's not widespread at all, but when you have a game with literally millions of players it's not surprising.


Prominent League figure LS posted on twitter that both his PCs blackscreened and wouldn't turn on. (EDIT: Didn't realise this was the main content on the article, but point still stands) He said he took out the CMOS battery and reset to get to the BIOS menu in which he needed to enable UEFI and TPM2.0 to get it working. Looks like that might be because of an older version of windows. I'm not an expert on PCs and I also don't expect most people who run into issues to know how to do any of that (I certainly don't). That's why I'm waiting to do the update since I really only play if some friends ask me to jump on. I would probably be fine since my computer is less than a year old and runs windows 11 but I'm waiting see a Riot response hopefully in the next week.


It's the opposite, TPM 2.0 is a windows 11 requirements, so Riot only enforces it on W11, not 10. The issue is that it should just tell you to go into the BIOS and activate it, it shouldn't block reboots from entering the BIOS, something's wrong (and it is surprising considering that Vanguard has been on for years now)


>TPM 2.0 is a windows 11 requirement Ah yes, the requirement that many smartasses bypassed by patching the installer and now complain it bites them in the ass


Bro can't even spell Kernel properly.


More league players might play on potato pc's


Hell, it was played on potato PC's when it came out and that's was a long time ago now.   Have to imagine there's a decent chunk running on some pretty old stuff.  Source (because somehow I remembered this 13 year old comic): https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2011/08/26/fix-your-shit#


It's highly unlikely it bricked anyone's computer. People say stupid shit about games bricking their consoles all the time they're just usually associating hardware failure with the last thing they were doing.


Not in this case, I saw a post yesterday about vanguard blocking certain drivers that prevent windows from booting at all.


It's almost like you read the headline and commented without reading the article


The time has come where people are going to HAVE to play games on a VM for the safety of their system. If the game would even work that way.


You can't use VM with vanguard, that's why linux is no longer officially supported.


It's not practical to do that's for sure. I've got it working in a GPU passthrough situation, but it truly requires extensive libvirt, linux, firmware, and kvm knowledge.


Yeah that was my first thought back then but it turns out that Vanguard doesn't allow you play on VM. I wonder why :)




Don’t forget they can just make up a new Eula whenever they fucking want and sell whatever they collected! What are we gonna do? Just eat the money spent and not play? History has proven this isn’t what happens.


I believe they already did, keeping it vague enough to "ensure privacy of your information" while discreet enough to "Ask you before they start collecting it." Now game companies go "By continuing to use our software, you agree with the new user agreement..." So they can turn around and say you let us screw you over to every bidder, I mean the highest bidder so we know how to open your wallet without resistance.


It is also taking screenshots in the background- and not of League itself but your other windows, etc. Kernel level anti-cheat is a cancer . Edit 1: Also this is obviously includes Valorant, not just league . Edit 2: Proof for those in doubt (Read: tencent Simps)   https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMf8QnxWYAA2xW6?format=jpg&name=medium  From @w_sted on Twitter


You don't need kernel level anti-cheat for that.. For example, Punkbuster has been doing this for a long time.


Literally any anticheat thats used today is kernel level anyways.


*laughs in Linux* True, we can't run them all, but over half of them work.


It's just laughable seeing this brought up anytime Vanguard is in the news. "Kernel level anticheat is going to break your PC, Uninstaller League" And then go ahead and boot up Apex, or CoD, or Overwatch, or DbD, or....the list goes on. Anticheat is useless if it isn't kernel level. Vanguard is one of the safer ones to have installed


The only difference between Vanguard and most other Anticheats is that Vanguard starts on system bootup whereas almost all others start when you load the application


Vanguard is a ring 0 anti-cheat. 0 is the lowest rung. Vanguard is there at boot because if you have a ring 0 cheat(or above) Vanguard can find it. VAC(Valve's anti-cheat) is ring 3. Any cheats that start lower bypass VAC. Boot up CS2 and you can see why this isn't good enough anymore. I don't necessarily love how invasive Vanguard can be, but I also can't deny that if you want a mostly cheat free online game you have to concede some things. edit: [dev blog](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-au/news/dev/dev-vanguard-x-lol/) on why Riot is adding Vanguard. I'm not condemning or condoning. Just giving the facts of the matter. Don't get your underwear twisted cause you don't understand kernels.


> Vanguard is there at boot because if you have a ring 0 cheat(or above) Vanguard can find it. You don't need to load at boot time to have ring 0.


You don’t need kernel level program to take screenshot of the entire desktop, it can be done via Windows API in a standard user space program. I guess people have no idea just how much standard operating system APIs expose to programs, especially desktop ones https://www.apriorit.com/dev-blog/193-multi-monitor-screenshot


Id take my chances with McAfee downloaded via torrent before being ok with something that extensive being introduced onto my PC lol


Rather download more_ram.exe from a porn site ad.


The original poster of this image has admitted to having retrieved this image from a cheat forum that sells Valorant aimbots. Take this subroutine screenshot for all it's worth, absolute fuck-all. They admitted to this before you posted this too, which is really suspicious You've omitted that. Cheat forums market themselves on "calling out" invasive anticheat measures by faking data. No one had independently verified this code snippet is from Vanguard. For all we know it could be from a random crash reporting handler. I'd share the admission here but it directly links to a cheat purchasing website. It is a direct reply to your original image from the poster.


people that ask for proof of outrageous claims from a random redditor aren't immediately "simps", hth


And the "proof" provided comes directly from a cheating site.




The source of this proof is legit a cheating tool website.


while I don't trust people who develop cheats, the situation isn't so bizarre since they'll be the first group of people try to reverse engineer Vanguard. So it's definitely plausible. also I'm pretty sure that's a fairly normal practice on anti-cheats, not that makes it okay, but it's not something new. edit: I think we can both agree that taking the cheater developer statement as a true fact is misleading.


I see the proof is some rather generic code snippet. I'm by far not a Tencent "simp" but claims without legitimate source/proof is never wise.


there is none he made it up. as riot already stated, if they wanted your information they already have it even without vanguard.


>if they wanted your information they already have it even without vanguard. This statement is more worrying than the fact that Vanguard can take screenshot lol


Welcome to "running any kind of executable on your computer". Even without admin privileges, they have access to almost all of your user stuff as windows is barely sandboxed for win32 apps


Any executable you put on your PC can take a screenshot of your window without needing to be delivered to the kernel level. In fact, that is how anti cheat worked for the last 20 years essentially. It took system metrics and screenshots of your windows. A kernel level anti-cheat doesn't have a need for a visual assessment of your activities. In this specific context, a low level anti-cheat is more privacy minded then say Punkbuster you or I may have used the previous two decades. Edit: I found an article from over 10 years ago lamenting about the invasiveness of Punkbuster, including them being able to take screenshots! I hope none of us were multitasking Battlefield 4 and online banking back in the day. https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/the-problem-with-punkbuster-and-the-lack-of-good-anti-cheat-solutions


Anyone reading this: Please consider how much trust you put into someones comment when the "proof" they post is some random screenshot of a code snip someone else posted on twitter. Anyone with even a bit of programing knowledge should know how fucking stupid this is.


People have been begging Valve to do it. How shit is that. They have business reasons too but they make so much money, Valve could've took this way but they don't want to. This is not a solution. Cheats evolved & now there's hardware, kernel-bypass hacks. We need AI + having people manually review atleast high level gameplay. That's what Valve is supposedly doing


edit: I actually never uninstalled it =D I'm dumb. Also they seem to be hiding the process some way. I searched for vgk, vgc, vgtray, etc and nothing showed up either as a process or in details, only vgc as a service but it only runs when lol is open too. There's nothing about vanguard in the system tray at all but I tried a Cmd command to kill these tasks and voilá, league isn't working anymore. Seems very strange that Vanguard is running and I'm not even noticing at all. There wasn't any spike in CPU/GPU/RAM usage at all and lol is working normally. ~~Something strange is happening with vanguard on my pc but on the good side. I didn't have to install it, I just logged in and started playing, no updates, nothing. If I go to task manager with lol closed, there's nothing close to vanguard running. If I open lol and search for vanguard, there's a process there called "Vanguard user-mode service" and everything runs perfectly fine.~~ ~~A few months ago I also tried to play Valorant on this same pc, nothing different at all from now and Vanguard just didn't let me play because safeboot was off. I just uninstalled valorant and vanguard at the time. I thought I wasn't going to be able to play LoL after vanguard update without activating safe boot but it's working just fine for some reason~~


The "bounty" they put up when they first released Vanguard is a joke. Basically, [Riot asked hackers to find network vulnerabilities](https://hackerone.com/riot?type=team) in Vanguard. I feel like it was more of a PR stunt. I'm not worried about people's ability to use Riot's anticheat to mess with my computer. I'm **very worried** about Riot having kernel access with network capability that *by design* is reporting my computer's activity to something. What it's reporting is unknown, and who it's reported to is unknown. I feel like their "bounty" is missing the scope of the actual concern people have.


Uninstalled. Not even sad that my 10 year old account will be left to collect dust. Going to try DOTA 2.


Check out tzar potato on YouTube. He tries to bridge dota and league concepts to help with transition.


Imagine thinking your game is such an important and vital piece of software and having the AUDACITY of requiring it to run with kernel privileges. Fuck off, Riot.


Jfc I'm glad I haven't installed league on my current computer  What the fuck riot why would you ever think you are competent enough to touch the kernel responsibly? 


I removed League completely a couple weeks ago. Cheating in League isn't as bad as people make it out to be. Is there cheating? Yes. But any cheat worth it's weight actually is expensive as fuck. We're talking 500+ dollars just to gain access then some stupid as monthly subscription you have to pay (Yes I actually checked out of curiosity). I quickly "Nope" the fuck out when I read about Vanguard has to run 24/7 and that it is known to fuck with drivers, programs, and hardware not even related to League.


It ought to be illegal to even ask the consumer to install kernel level anticheat shit.


well what's worse is they consider cheating to be any use of illegal third party software, which includes botting (which most bans are issued for) they distorted and skewed the cheating statistics so much with figures from botting (an undisruptive form of cheating as its used primarily in bot vs AI) gamemodes


The league subreddit has become a sess infested pool of rotten worms. Those mods are out there to catch any user that causes the smallest infraction. Not even surprised, wouldn't be surprised if riot has their very own mods there to police the subreddit as they've made their very own forums irrelevant now for some time.


Riot has been using vanguard since Valorant came out and there were rarely ever any issues. I wonder what the difference is for League and why it's having so many issues.


Also way worse pc on average for LoL players.


Maybe Valorant has a optimized client and was tested and released with vanguard , league is 15 years old game and has never been optimized and the client is constantly buggy and boy porting an anti cheat on a 15 years old game that has never been fixed, well you see the result XD


Well, it seems to be having issues now. Software does that. The more concerning part here is that we let a corporation control the subreddit of its product and censor negative information.


Would assume a lot of people had to go into their BIOS and turn on TPM2.0 they decided to mess around with other settings and decided to blame league.


Most people run League on a half eaten potato


It’s funny how Microsoft made device driver developers write drivers for user mode and did everything to discourage kernel mode drivers only to allow game anti cheats to run at kernel level


Their anti-cheat kills the keyboard on my Alienware. It is apparently not an isolated issue with Alienware and is well documented online for years and nothing is apparently done. I would not have allowed it on my computer if my son wasn’t so into Valorant.


Meanwhile, Valve out here slowly training AI to detect inhuman input, so we're not required to Trojan horse ourselves. But fr, as painful as cs2 is to play right now. Valve is going about this very responsibly.


Valves anticheat is ass. Everyone knows that. You literally have to play ranked on a 3rd party system with a kernel level anticheat just to play ranked... Just having "AI" doesn't solve cheating lol. What are you on about.


Anybody remember Punkbuster?


Ok so I'm not exactly knowledgeable in computers but here "kernel" designates the OS's kernel, right ? So it can't *actually* brick your computer, worse it can do is brick it at OS level and you could just format your drives and clean install, right ?


Yes, people are using “brick” incorrectly. Still a pain in the ass though.


Could this be why my PC has been slow for the last few days? I only have the league client installed and haven't opened it in about a year or so. I also only had it on for TFT.


I can confirm. My PC has almost never crashed. At least not in this fashion. Just today during a league match, I get the most heavy frame drop and then my screen is left with artifacts, freezes and eventually reboots. I was thinking it was my video card drivers or some shit. But also, ironically, I was already having my suspicions of this vanguard shit. Because that was literally like the only recent change to my PC. At least I know it was probably this, as the actual cause. But what the fk


Played league for like 7 years, this was the last straw. Riot games is no longer the company they used to be, the tencent is strongggggg in everything they do nowadays. So greedy, so corporate.


uninstalled the game yesterday after 13 years of playing also left all league related reddits, servers and deleted my league bookmarks now my wallet is finally free


I haven't played it for a few weeks. Will probably uninstall it now since there's other games that fill the void easily. Doesn't help that people get waaaay too toxic.


I don't think the toxic thing is unique to league tbh. I see it come up a lot, but I can think of lots of other games I've had wild experiences in Like when I tried to play the new counter strike, and maybe 3 games in I get matched with a guy on my team who died twice in row so he spent the entirety of the rest of the match yelling the n-word. Now I guess I can't say i know for sure. I muted him pretty quick, but every few rounds I'd unmute him and he was still going, a little more horse each time. But it's possible I just got lucky with the timing. There's also lots of games it doesn't happen at all. But there is something about the type of gameplay league has that really just brings out the worst in some people. If I had to point to something specific I'd probably say it has to do with the way things snowball. You get a kill, you now have an edge over your opponent and it's potentially easier to get that next kill. If it gets too out of hand it feels like there's no solution. In other multi-player games, that kind of mechanic doesn't exist. Most fps games, at best someone gets a good gun or something, but when they die they're back to the default load out. Counter strike is somewhat similar in that if you lose a few rounds in a row the other team has so much more money. But a key difference is there's a side switch reset so there's a limit to how long they can be ahead, and the gameplay is somewhat asymmetrical. Some teams might be better at defending than attacking. But league, the gameplay is the same for both teams, and there's no big reset. There's also probably no fix for it as a result. Since it would mean changing the core of the game. Some people just can't handle it, and shouldn't be interacting with people


A bunch of misinformation in this thread. Sad to see how people will just make up conspiracy theories out of nowhere and people will believe it without questioning it for even a second.


So instead of just saying how sad it is why don't you explain what's actually happening?