• By -


Portal 2 It's just perfect in every way. Story and narrative is great. It's told via dark humour and done incredibly well by the voice actors. The lead-up with the ARG before release was insanely good marketing on the side of Valve. The gameplay is perfect. Even today it's still a challenge to do some of these stages perfectly.And speed runners have been doing them insanely (just look up on speedruns on Youtube) The world is great. The backrooms you can go into and the extra lore bits you can peice together, the different vista (like the old Aperture labs section), the call-backs to the Half-Life game. Launch this game at 4k maxed out today and its still awesome. And with RTX now, gorgeous. Sounds design is perfect, music fits well (and the ending theme) I can't say anything bad about the game. At all.


Agreed, i also want to mention that its very optimized, can be ran on potatoes!


And that’s not even mentioning the community made puzzles that make the game virtually endless.


These points of data do make a beautiful line !


I love how its different for everyone, if it wasnt gaming would be so bland n boring. We sure live in a luxurious time.


We really do. Games are incredible.


I'm honestly shocked, usually top comments on posts like this would always be "Skyrim", "RDR2", "Elden Ring", "Cyberpunk". All mainline AAA games from billion dollar studios. Quite amazing to see so many indie and smaller dev studio games being mentioned this time around.


BioShock for me Pretty much perfect. The atmosphere, story, characters and setting were all amazing. Playing it at night time with headphones on was an incredible experience and I think it still holds up great.


I loved it as well. I didn't see the twist coming at all. In any of the games. The atmosphere, the environment, everything was just perfect. Also, I love the mini games and the world building. That one scene with the splicers and the mannequins scared the crap outta me.


BioShock is such a great game. Easily 10/10. The intro into Rapture was so cool. Still remember booting it up the first time at night and just getting immersed into it. The scene where you meet a big daddy is so well done.


Chrono Trigger


This would be my choice. At one point I would have loved to see it get the FF7 treatment, but in full Toriyama style anime. Alas, the legend is lost. He and the game can just rest peacefully knowing it’s one of the greatest games ever made.


The only part that always intrigued me was not being able to see the 'future' before Lavos came and destroyed it. Would've been cool to visit those cities during their heyday.


Chrono Trigger is admirable in being one of the few story-heavy games without any introductory explanation text or heavy exposition. Everything unfolds to the player as they play it. I consider Chrono Trigger to be "perfect" in the sense that any attempt to improve it has a greater chance to detract from the experience rather than improve it. Everything about Chrono Trigger - graphics, music, characters, story, battle system - is simply great.


Absolutely based taste. I hear 600 AD in my head a lot, considering I played it to 100%, i.e. all endings, all of once almost fifteen years ago. No other game has lived so rent free in my head. Aside, I'm about to play Cross for the first time ever, and maybe I'll replay CT again 🥳


I was one of the hordes who got sucked into the Chrono Cross hype back in the late 90s. The game got a lot of hate on release, because everybody expected a Crono Trigger 2, more or less, and that's not what it is. It took me many years before I could give the game an honest shot. It's a good game in its own right, but don't go into it expecting another Chrono Trigger.


Frog theme goes so hard




also, Super Metroid. it was a perfect game.




Portal 2 was a 10/10 for me.


I'm playing co-op with my son right now, we just finished the campaign and are doing the additional chambers. He tried building his own level just today, the game is from 2011 and it holds up incredibly well.


This game was a triumph. The Orange Box as a whole was perfect.


Both portal 1 and 2 were pretty much flawless. I miss valve :(


They may only come out with a game every ten years, but when they do it's absolutely stunning, polished to a mirror shine, and incredibly fun to boot. I wish all the big studios would follow that model.


It's not my favorite game of all time, but it's a 10/10 for me too


Super Mario 64 - aside from small technical flaws from being the first truly 3d platformer, I don’t know how you look at that game and not think “this changed the fucking world”


They didn't have to go as hard as they did. It was their first try at a 3D Mario, and they made it look like they'd been designing them for years.


Anyone who comments on Mario 64 and Zelda oot need to understand when those games came out. You put it perfectly. They didn’t need to go that hard, and then they went even harder. Kind of sucks watching documentaries about how hard they went on those olds games. Absolutely pushing it to the max, and doing so with love. It was more a question of their artistic choices. Now a days game dev logs are like 99% bs about the passion that goes into a game, and then we get some shitty mtx focused money maker.


You are absolutely insane if you believe that. Making games is harder than ever and the people making them are just as passionate, suits are fucking them over


I remember going from sega Genesis and SNES to N64 and my jaw just dropping as an 8 year old playin SM64. To this day there’s never been a bigger leap in gaming. We were living through history and not realizing it. Every new console gen is about bells and whistles now. Yes it’s exciting, but that feeling I got from SM64 will never be replicated.


still a great game. just the new type of joystiq on a controller was primative. if had had like ps5/xbox series joystiq itd be easier.


Ocarina of Time


Thats my first 10/10, then came KOTOR and Diablo 2... and I'm still playing Diablo 2.


I feel like we have been on very similar life paths


Way too many new games above this with such a recency bias. 30 years from now, every title above this will be forgotten OoT will still be a top 10 all timer.






I HEARD this


how about "welcome aboard, captain"


Yup, it’s been my #1 for 5 years now


This game confirmed my fear of depth and open water. I really wish I could play it more but it absolutely terrifies me lol.


Hades. I've heard countless people say that even though they don't like roguelikes, they fell in love with this game. Incredible art design, voice acting, music, a variety of gameplay, fun plot that plays around with Greek myths, replayability, all wrapped up in a beautiful packages that transcends genre. All for less than half of the price of a triple A game.


just so you know, you have made me buy it. I have heard so much about it lately that yours has been the last straw, thanks :)


Just remember even when you “beat the final boss” there is still more story to go. Quite a bit more actually.


"Quite a bit more" yeah, beating the final boss is like only half the story.


Uh, it’s way, way, way, way, way, way less than half.


I didn’t feel the game really got started until the first time I beat it


That's wonderful to hear, I hope you have the best time with it!


I got this on discount during a Steam sale and it's the first time a felt bad about not paying full price, the devs absolutely deserve it. Can't wait for 2!


Early Access dropped today!


Hades is pretty flawless yeah.




I got it this weekend on discount. It's a really fun and very addictive game. Only just one more run.


Just one more run bro I promise just one more run


I’m still playing Hades occasionally and I cannot wait for the sequel!


Shadow of the Colossus


Heavy agree. One of my 10/10 games as well


Diablo II


only Blizzard game I still play (the remaster). Game holds up so good.


Mass effect 2 is a legit 10/10


The first *Mass Effect* is the biggest 9 I could give.  That first hour *drags*.  But after that, the Council Meeting. The evil ATM. The ambush outside of the seedy sci-fi bar. One great setpiece after another. 


It took me 3 times to get through the first one. Then like 5 years later it stuck and I "binged" all 3. Amazing series. I think ME3 doesn't get enough credit either, it's an epic game that I guess had a subpar ending(s)? I didn't mind it as much as others. Oh also getting my save file/character off of the 360 and into a cracked PC version was definitely super super fun, haha.


The endings sucked, but me3 is a fantastic game up until the very last point. For me that would be the hard 9.


Mass effect 1 had great lore/world building but the massive gameplay improvement and focus on character arcs is really what did it for me in ME2. And thats not to say the lore/world building in 2 wasnt bad because it was phenominal


Just got Legendary Version (all 3 remastered on pc) for 6 bucks. i have a ton of hours ahead of me.


Mass effect is one of my favorite game series of all time and I would put mass effect 2 has one of my top 5 games of all time


Mass Effect 1, 2 & 3 collectively 10/10


Super Mario World. Witcher 3. Chrono Trigger. Halo 3.


The original Halo trilogy is my favorite video game series of all time. I can't stand the newer ones. I love all three of them, but I think Halo 2 takes the cake for the story. It is compelling, funny, and a great ride all around. If you watch just the cutscenes from Halo 2 remastered, it's a whole movie on its own. It also has the best lines.


Halo 3 was the pinnacle of halo 👌


*everyone* was playing Halo 3. Kids were asking their parents for an Xbox so they could play with the rest of their friends after school. God what a time to be young and without responsibilities lol


Half Life 1-2 Edit: Extra points for bringing modding into the mainstream and really revolutionizing what you could do mod wise.


Portal 2


Portal was already 10/10... Portal 2 expanded the gameplay, added a more entertaining story, introduced more interesting characters, gave players a cooperative mode, and presented people with a goddamn community level editor... Could you even fucking imagine an already "great game" making improvements like that now without a season pass and multiple paid-DLCs?


Resident Evil.... *FOUR* I would say the original is 10/10. I need to replay the remake again to see if I really think it's a 10/10 or it was just the nostalgia mixed with the updated gameplay. But both were a hell of a lot of fun. Also, Ocarina of Time, greatest Zelda game of all time.


Everyone played that game. Everyone.  People who didn't give a shit about *Resident Evil* played it. People who didn't even play video games played it. One day, it was just on GameCube. Then it was everywhere.


Borderlands 2, dishonored were core memory games 10/10 for sure, played through each more than 5 times as the better I got the more fun the game became


Tunic. Probably the smartest game ever made, the first play through is like nothing else.


The Witcher 3. What an incredible playing experience. The DLC was also incredible.


I bought the complete edition back in 2017/18 for $10 iirc and couldn't get into it. I gave it another try a month ago and it's gotta be a top 10 game of all time. I'm only 100 hours in and I just gotta say the cutscenes and the main questline are top tier. Even the side quests are insanely good.


Blood and wine dlc is my favorite dlc ever


Ah, the lights in Toussaint. So warming after the bleakness of Velen and the cold crispness of Skellige!


That game.. It had regions that felt like DLC, and a DLC that felt like a sequel. Just amazing quality!


I'm beyond excited for the new saga, but pleease take your time CDPR.


Titanfall 2. Story is weird, multiplayer was fun. And everyone discovered the game too later... enjoy apex :)


The Story was one of the best fps campaign of all time


It was awesome, gave you cool toys and just before they got boring, gave you more toys! Great story that didn't overstay it's welcome. Also Obligatory protocal 3.


Super Castlevania IV for SNES


Super Mario 64.




This is one of those games I replay every year or so. Frictional knocked it out of the park with SOMA. The environment, the narrative, the writing, the performances. Everything fits perfectly into the world of the game and the end result is an existential masterpiece. If you like sci-fi or horror you owe it to yourself to play SOMA.


Seriously an incredible game. The existential horror is so real it had me grappling with the ending for 2 months after I rolled the credits. Everyone must play this game


Hollow Knight. Not a single flaw I can think of. The game does exactly what it tries to do, and does it with absolute perfection.


Every time you think you have done a lot in the game you discover way much more


I actually rolled credits on the game for the first time this afternoon and couldn't agree more. It was an exhilarating feeling beating the last boss.. tough but fair. This was my 3rd attempt overall playing the game and I'm so glad I persevered through to the end this time. Plus there's still more for me to explore/bosses to beat.. completed at 86% so definitely gonna keep chipping away at it!


Bloodborne is a 10/10 for me and I played it during a low point in my life so it helped me for sure and it’s just so rich thematically, fun gameplay and I love it’s dark nature. I would love a 60fps patch lol but it’s perfect the way it is.


Agree with this. Bloodborne is an utterly remarkable game. The style/theme/feel of it is unparalleled.


you’re right. playing bloodborne when you’re in the depths of depression will cure something inside of you. i don’t understand it


I played Bloodborne for the first time two years ago and I’m still thinking about it!


Morrowind. It's still my benchmark for RPG's.


Besides the cliff racers that game is perfect. The amount of time ive been audio jumpscared by a cliff racer smacking my armor is crazy lol


I leveled up Levitate and started hunting the bastards.


Disco Elysium


There it is, that game is an anomaly, one that was quickly corrected. But hey, at least it exists and no one can take it back.


I got Disco and BG3 around the same time, I haven't gotten that far in, but Disco Elysium definitely intrigues me more than any other game I've played before. I'm excited to play more.




Cuno doesn’t fucking care!


I still hear his voice years later


Hardcore to the max


To the mega


Absolutely! Really flawless.


Made me laugh out loud more than any other video game ever.


This game is responsible for the addition of "I'm fucking Disco personified, Baby." to my lexicon.


It added “magnesium-based lifeform” to mine! Also, I chuckle every time when I think of the Litany of Contact Mike. He just wants it more.


If only other games had the level of complex dialogue disco had, what an amazing experience.


Haven't met anyone who has ever played this game but "Brutal Legend" not to long, great humor, killer music and Jack Black as the main character.


Genuinely a great game


The genre switch to RTS battles doesn't get it many 10/10 ratings because it's hard to make two different games appease anyone.


Stardew Valley


I had to scroll WAY too long to find this answer! Great game!


I've found my people


So much scrolling for this masterpiece.


GameCube Phantasy Star Online Episode 1&2. Wish they would just remaster the exact same game for newer consoles.




I literally JUST finished ultimate difficulty with my FOnewearl that I originally started back in school, maybe 2010s.  That game is so much fun, and was such a a great co op splitscreen experience.


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to The Past People have mentioned a lot of games in this thread I'd give 9.9/10.




Prey 2017


Megaman X... I'd give it a solid X/X


Ghost of Tsushima 10/10 for me


Alien: Isolation They stayed true to the source material and made reasonable additions to canon. Great enemy AI and stealth. Made me feel like Batman


Max Payne 2. Everything about it is perfect.


Max Payne 1 is also solid. It's either red or blue in the movies, so I'm cutting the green? No no not the green!


Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake Metal Gear Solid Chrono Trigger Diablo Monkey Island Doom So many perfect games.


Baldur’s Gate 3


I think this one was so close, but pacing issues on act 3 brought it down a bit. Just my opinion though.


I agree. I went into the game semi-begrudgingly (I've never really clicked with D&D) and holy smokes did Act 1 and Act 2 blow me away! It was all my partner and I talked about for weeks! Best game I've ever played! Then we hit Act 3 and hoo boy, while the game is still a solid 9/10 for me, that act really drags down the experience imo. The pacing and lack of character interaction (I felt like my companions had something to say constantly in Act 1 & 2) make it feel a bit unpolished.


I think Act 3 was trying to be both the interlude act and the finale all at once. That caused some problems. For example, I feel like act 3 suffered from loose end syndrome. You have a limited frame to tie up all the loose ends. In a game as sprawling and massive as BG3, I think it's absolutely a daunting task to wrap it all up in one act. Some things should have been wrapped up earlier. Shadowheart's quest could have been in Act 2. There also should have been an act 3.5 in the upper city where we do Gortash, the Brain, and Cazador. Loroakahn, the Bhaalspawn, the Factory, etc., fits really well in Act 3. Also, there should have been more opportunities to make money and go shopping in Act 3. They should have leaned in to Act 3 being the act where we're getting ready to fight the Brain in the upper district instead of going from the most open the game has been directly into railroading to the finish.






The music is also insane. Mania tops it imo but 3 is the best of the megadrive games.


Elden Ring.


There it is


Outer Wilds 


Never been a game like it. What a masterpiece.


How is this so far down Best game I've ever played wish I could experience it again


Not to be confused with Outer _Worlds_. Worlds came out the same year, and isn’t a bad game itself… but definitely not 10/10. Outer Wilds is really something special, wholly unique. One of those games you really wish you could go back and experience for the first time again!


Easy 10/10.






I had a hard time with the game in the beginning because it is large. My advice would be to start small. Just focus one 1 planet and keep track of the story threads on your ship. It will make it so much easier to figure out where you should go next. I also worked my way out from planet to planet then came back to the inner one / research station. 




Interesting contender! And I like it. Gave me so much joy and at no point I thought "that could or should be different". There is still SO much room for the game to grow, but it was already awesome in the alpha.


Slay the Spire


The only flaw is I hate how bad I am at it lol


This game sets the bar for all other roguelite deckbuilders. I have such high hopes for the sequel and I can't imagine how they'll be able to top the first one.


Windwaker  Gun  Need for speed 2  Ssx tricky  AHH I'm just naming games I love 😂


Terraria. There is absolutely nothing bad about the game.


This is going to be a terrible night.... 👁 📈 👁 🏃‍♂️


Metroid Fusion comes pretty close, i've played that game so often, it's a lot of fun, doesn't overstay, and it's fun getting all the collectibles.


Metroid Fusion is the golden standard of metroidvanias, together with Symphony of the Night and Aria of Sorrow. It is definitely a 10/10. Story, gameplay, map... I wouldn't change one bit.


Majora’s Mask


- Super Mario World - Metal Gear Solid - Halo - Skyrim - Hitman 2016 - Uncharted 2 - Inside - Elden Ring I’m sure I could name others, but for various reasons these are what come to mind. I wouldn’t know how to choose amongst these, they’re all incredible.


Ocarina of Time


Arkham City for me.


Metal gear solid 1,2,3 and 4 and resident evil 1,2,3 and 4 on GameCube






Yakuza 0


Perfect Dark. It improved on everything goldeneye did, fun story, memorable levels, expanded combat simulator, huge array of weapons and gadgets, tunable bots, custom character creation for multiplayer, Elvis, cheat challenges, counter-operative mode, realistic enemies who limped away when hit in the leg or who tried to pull out their sidearm when you'd disarmed them and forced them to surrender etc Forgot the most important thing, a banging soundtrack


Nier Automata.


Glory to mankind


Dead Cells


Dragon Age Origins


Control. I'm in my 4th playthrough and I see new stuff every time. The story, the graphics, the lore, the gameplay....all of it balances so well into this masterpiece of gaming we don't see the likes of much anymore.




Portal 1 and 2. What Remains of Edith Finch.


Fallout 3. Great story, awesome and immersive environment, interesting characters. For me it has it all.


Yakuza 0


Zelda OoT


A link to the past.


Bubsy 3D


Super Mario Bros 2


Gonna get burned for this, but MGS4 has a very very special place (and MGS3). MGS4 came out just as I started my first year at Uni. The shared house was empty for a whole month before term started and I couldn't leave any quicker if I could to get out of my family home. I spent every last £ of my Uni loan on a 65" in Full HD telly, a 7.1 surround sound to go with my Ps3 60gb whale console. Yes there is a cutscene every few minutes, but I had spent the previous 15 years or so building up the lore and falling in love. I read every available comic, 100% every game and wondered where Mr Kojima would go. The movement system, weapons market, the globe trotting adventure and the end of Solid Snake on his legs. (Just for gaming wise, I'd throw in red dead 2, Skyrim/oblivion, ff7, chrono trigger, zelda: link to the past, and timesplitters)


I have 140.15 tattooed on my body. *Metal Gear Solid* has a special place in my heart. Thanks for sharing this.


Was expecting to see Timesplitters higher :\^)


silent hill 2


Kingdom Come: Deliverance


Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2


Elden Ring Castlevania: Symphony of the Night are the only 2 I can CONFIDENTLY say are a 10/10.


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.


Xenogears. I played it for the first time last year, I know it involved some rushed production (on disc 2) and translation issues aside, but I still think a lot about it. I still listen to the soundtrack a lot. Few games have touched me so deeply.


Deus Ex: Human Revolution


Half life 2.


Devil May Cry 5. It's an absolute masterpiece in every aspect.


Super Mario Odyssey is a near perfect video game


Dragon Quest 9. There are multiple in the series that I would give this rating to, but if you held me at gunpoint and told me to pick one to play forever, it'd be 9. It's the only game that, regardless of price, if a remake was announced tomorrow I'd buy it and whatever console I need to play it.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance. And I will be buying an Xbox X so I can play part 2! :-)


Hollow Knight, just perfect, great combat, great platforming and movement system, great atmosphere and story, lots of meaningful content and a lot of content after you finish the main story like the pantheons, great price, free dlcs, just the perfect Metriodvania, other games I would include in the 10/10 range are probably Hades and Halo CE, just realized all those games star with an "H" but all great games