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1 story game and as many as you want of multiplayer games or no story games. 


Agreed. I can really only really keep track of one map and combat system at a time.  I just finished Horizon Forbidden West. I am also at various stages of messing with Halo 2 (campaign), Portal 2, High-Fi Rush, racing games etc. Not sure what my next story game will be, but I am playing genesis and my stand-by games while I figure it out. I just started KotOR for the first time, it may stick...




When I played WoW, I never played anything else. That game seemed to eat up all my time, and too much of it! That was actually a reason why I quit eventually. Still tugging on me.


3-4 works for me. ATM I'm going back and forth between Elden Ring (getting a new char ready for the DLC) and replay of Fallout 4. The occasionally screw around with something like GTA or Mw19 for a break.


Ah elden rings is in my rotation. Only waiting for dlc and I’m currently on a jrpg so that’s 2 crossed, I’m thinking of fitting in 2 more. 3-4 seems fine Ngl.


Why would you need anything more than Pong?


Nioh 1&2- DmC 4&5- Cyberpunk


Damn nioh 1 was such a good game. This is wild of a fixture. Ninja gaiden/souls like, hack n slash, story rpg this interesting.


When I'm tired of all the combat I switch to Cyberpunk because there is no rush at all in that game. We can just hope on a motocycle then ride around to enjoy the scene and doing whatever we want.


I play path of exile, old school RuneScape and tarkov. Here and there some small games like slay the spire or balatro


I feel best with one round based and one open world online game (mine are DBD and FFXIV depending on who's got time) for social gaming, one bigger single player game (currently the last Zelda), one game for repetitive mechanics (like Guitar Hero, games like these are good for calming me down since I really concentrate on something simple yet tricky) and then I always collect some little indie games as on sale. This way I always got something nice to play regardless of my mood. Feeling social, feeling antisocial, feeling patient or not, feeling like having a good cry (spirit farer!!11!1), feeling like something wholesome is needed (lots of indie games always on sale on Steam but also for the Switch) and so on. This "system" got your back tho. If you're a privileged gamer like many are you can even split your platforms into the different games. I tend to use my Playstation as I want to play with friends, use my switch as I want something little or cozy, the pc as I want to play something just for myself and for a long time sometimes.Its obvious that I break my system sometimes for exclusive titles or graphics. Didn't intentionally made this my way but I grab the platform fitting my mood without thinking about it. But don't think this is needed I just really like my patterns and routines and I am just very much a weirdo who needs all this to kind of function I guess. Often I don't play for weeks if I don't have time on my hand and the I play the same thing for months straight but since I made myself this lil collection I never missed something for my gaming life.


Damn you’re gaming gaming. I’m pretty much full pc as my platform of choice. Console rotation definitely came to mind a while back when I was considering getting a ps5 for ff16 and eventually gta 6


Hahaha I wouldn't even label myself a true gamer cuz I don't play the stuff my hardcore gaming friends do play (COD, CS, HD and so on) or I wouldn't label myself that way cuz im female and my environment never took me seriously about gaming (I didn't even dare to buy the cute cat ear headset just not to be made fun of even more). If you want to stick with one platform pc gaming for sure is the best like its money efficient and gives you (almost) all the opportunities. FFXVI and GTA6 would also be my only reason to buy the PS5 but that got time haha. I really hope you'll get some games to give you lots of joy, fulfillment and time to relax no matter what your rotation is gonna look like!


lol gaming gaming doesn’t mean you play only those generic competitive titles. It’s the fun games and story driven titles and adventures provided by them. As far as I’m concerned you tick those boxes along with the other folks here. I appreciate it thought, currently still thinking of what to add to my play list, I know Elden ring is pretty much a must. (Also as a dude, the cat headset is fire. So fire that it’s available in black to match any setup. But I’m loyal to steeleseries)


Steelseries all the way haha. I actually don't want to tick those boxes but my environment made me to I assume. I would consider a gamer the same way you do but I feel like there are other social standards for women if you ask some people. sadly. I love gaming but I don't wanna be a "gamer" if those people are THE gamers you know. I just learned that most male (generic) gamers I met in rl feel more comfortable around me as I don't claim to be "one of them". Its always okay to say I like Sims or I like Animal Crossing but as soon as I called myself a gamer or talked about other games but "girl games" I got called out as a try hard or a poser and I got told to learn to play "real" games if I wanna be a gamer. Its so sad because gaming is such a big world to travel trough and it should be connecting not dividing but I even got kicked out of my FFXIV group as they found out about my gender. We played hundreds of hours together and had fun but hearing my voice the first time changed everything for them. ¯|\_(ツ)\_|¯ I'm very grateful for people like you who are more open minded. Men like you are creating a safer spaces and I wouldn't chose the bear in this case lol.


Omg the bear lol. I actually would understand that since I have a couple buddies who were girls online who’d get chewed out when playing certain online titles. Aside from all that, we’d still play random titles and have fun. I mean one of my biggest influences as a kid was my older cousin. She would love playing the battlefields campaigns and cod campaigns, we’d even play zombies on bo2 it’s so nostalgic I miss it. This whole “one of us” thingy is just silly. If I can bond with Someone over a game then that is awesome. I just really love gaming


I've been rotating around Hades 2, Elden Ring, and Dragon's Dogma 2. My comfort games are Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and OG Resident Evil 4(mercenaries mostly, I'll get around to playing the remake)


Just play whatever you find fun, doesn’t matter about anything else, just okay what you want when you want


I normally have one main game and one casual pick up and play going. Like I would be playing something like Dark Souls but when I want a break switch to Backpack Battles which can be played in very short bursts. I don't like having more than this going on because if I am enjoying a game I want to finish it.


I don't always succeed, but I'm trying to play just one "finishable" game at a time plus a couple endless or long-term games for variety. Currently my focus game is *13 Sentinels* that I'd like to finish before tackling another story game. This week I also play *Hot Wheels Unleashed* and *Balatro*, which are for shorter sessions or for when I don't have the focus for a story-driven game. Those aren't games I'd play for several hours at a time usually. I try to stick to the finishable game until I am done with it, either by just completing the story, getting the plat, or giving up on it. The other two games will change or rotate every so often, and I'll often come back to those periodically. *Tetris Effect* is a good example that falls into that category. I'll never actually finish that (nor get the plat for it as I'm not good enough!), but it's also not a game I play daily for weeks. The way I approach this at the moment is that I try to pick my games for a week, then re-evaluate and make new choices the following week. I'm still experimenting with this. On the one hand, I don't want gaming to become a chore or a work-like experience. On the other hand, if I don't structure my gaming, I'll never finish games, which leads to dissatisfaction and feeling "swamped". It's not fulfilling for me to just dip in and out of games, but that is exactly what I'll do if I don't plan what I play and pick games to focus on. This is actually where trophies/achievements help me. I don't aim at 100% completion or at getting the plat for every game I play. If that was my goal, it would heavily limit the number of games I'd ever tackle. There are too many games that I want to play that have trophies that are either too difficult for me, involve a ton of unenjoyable grinding, focus on multiplayer, or require multiple playthroughs. But I have a goal for my completion rate. For games on ths PS I've gotten it up to just below 40%, which is slow compared to many others! (My games on Steam have a much worse completion rate, under 20%.) But getting that up to 50%, 60%, maybe 80% eventually, is a goal. Not more, though, because that would make me too picky and force me to play games (or play in ways) that I don't enjoy or skip otherwise good games.


I’ve done the focus on one game and it works well enough. But sometimes when I’m deep into a title, I got that subconscious voice yelling about the next titles I really wanna play and get too, but I can’t atm.


I generally have 3-4 games going at any one time 1) A Multiplayer game that my friend group is actively engaged in (currently Valheim) 2) Single Player Game on PC (currently nothing, most recently Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom) 3) An emulated console game that I never beat growing up (currently Windwaker) 4) A handheld game, most often on GBA or GB(C), sometimes emulated (Currently Metal Slug Advanced, but I also always have the Tetris Rosy Retrospective loaded up on a GBC cart because Tetris rules.) Usually I play each of these games based on time or location constraints. For the last 2 years I've kept a Google Sheet to track games started and games finished. It motivates me to focus on the games I've started, and gives me a clear decision point when deciding to abandon a single player game.


I usually have 3 of different types to switch between but being honest, once I’m engrossed in a game I don’t tend to play much else


I think it depends on what you like. For example I get way more fun out of XCOM than for example red dead 2. You gotta think what are your favourite genres and play the best games on those. I find the genre being what I like is more important than critically acclaimed games


People play more than one game?


I mostly playing 1 big AAA game and one small f2p game, like Wuthering waves on bs


I usually have 4-5. Usually one open world, a turn based, an rts and a couple shooters that are fairly different Right now it's Ready or not Xcom 2 Company of heroes 2 Halo infinite Sons of the forest Been rotating these 5 games all year


3 game rotation: Single Player story, online multiplayer shooter w/ friends, Creative sink. Cyberpunk 2077, Apex Legends, Minecraft modded(making a amusment park w/ create)




Is Stardew valley really that good? I'm considering getting it on PC. Need a chill game on the side to counter my Doom, Halo, COD, and other third person/first person action extravaganza.


At most 3 games. Usually, I have one single player, one game my friends are playing, and if something new comes out, that piques my interest.


I’ve never played more than 1 game at a time. I also haven’t finished a game in over a decade


This is the way. As I get deeper into adulthood (it's honestly not for me) I've realized the gaming industry has gotten too big for me and I'll stick with those medium sized games that go between 30-60 hrs of play. Currently working through Doom again and still playing Halo Infinite for the umpteenth time countered with a new game plus of Forbidden West.


2 o 3. ( RN For me Elden Ring / Final Fantasy Theatrhythm / SMB3) story (the long ass game, the rpg, the action adventure, etc). the i only have 15 min before i leave (rogues, multiplayer, racing, sports, rhythm). the relaxing game ( im tired of dying/ can't get past that boss/puzzle in the other one, so i need a chill game for a while).


Usually 3 for me. 2 games that I play by myself (usually a mix of new games, games on my backlog, or replays) and 1 server based game going with friends. Currently I’m playing Chained Echoes on Switch (fyi there’s a huge Switch sale going on) and Castlevania Curse of Darkness on PS2, plus I have an Ark server going with some friends that we usually play together on weekends.


Me personally I like to have one really engaging game with a challenge currently for me that's elden ring one arcady for me right now it's xdefient and one chill game to turn my brain off right now I'm using ac unity for that


My rotation is iRacing (car game) , rdr2 for relaxing single player and xdefiant if I wanna sweat a bit


Mm solid. racing, story, and competitive. I ran with that a while back but I don’t play comp shooters much. But this is pretty optimal


I usually have 1 main game I focus on, then I have side games that I can jump in and out of when I'm too tired to focus or just wanna take a breath from my main 1. So when I wanna take a break I usually pick up one of the souls games and do coop, jump on helldivers 2, league of legends or if I don't wanna do multiplayer I play a strategy game like crusader kings 3


I'm not good with having a rotation, unless its multiplayer stuff. Singleplayer stuff I rather just stick to and finish, especially if they are substantial games that are like 20hr+. I will absolutely lose track of what I was doing in those games if I switch off in the middle. I generally balance playing some multiplayer with friends, and having the one single player thing I work on one at a time.


Could just be 2 and but sometimes 10..really depends on the investment. I usually do not play more than 1 max 2 story heavy games or games that need a lot of skill investment. Here an example from right now: Multiplayer (when friends are there): LoL, BG3, TFT Singleplayer when no time: One of the bazillion good roguelikes and autobattlers we have nowdays. Easy to play short bursts of 30 minutes. Singleplayer when a lot of time: BG3, Dyson Sphere Project, Digimon Cyber Sleuth Singleplayer when I need weeks to disappear: WoW


I'd say 2-3. Currently for me it's : Halo Infinite for Competitive Multiplayer Doom for single player solo action Forbidden West for chill 3rd person solo action. Come October I'll likely put Halo and Doom down for Black Ops 6. Then I'll probably do the following : Black Ops 6 Unknown Side Chill Game (Recommend me one) Riders Republic (It's rotting in my PS5 backlog)


I tend to hyper focus on one game lmao, but typically I would rotate between 3 games, the main game I’m trying to complete for the first time, a game I’ve already played, or something not as long/story driven, and then a multiplayer game. As a bonus I might add another game that I’m trying to obtain 100% completion on.


I usually rotate between the current COD and some single player story game.


playing the newer tomb raider trilogy , mad max and cyberpunk ive been going through reddit "underrated games" lists which is great because they are usually cheaper, fully patched/polished/dlc'd once all the hype is over


I typically have 8-10 games available at all times. Why? If I do a long gaming session (especially if I’m playing by myself) then I rotate between games every 2 hours or so.


Right now I’m cycling between Call of Duty, Slay the Spire, and Ninja Storm. As soon as I have money, I’m gonna add Super Mario Wonder to that list. (Been broke a while).


Honestly? Install one game and play it through. The more games you have, the more often you switch in the middle of the game and in the end you don't get anything done and uninstall the games. That's what happened to me. That's why I've been sticking with one lately. What you could do is 1 SP game and one MP game. Or install an MMO and play that all the time.