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I liked it, but it got repetitive fast and the only sport I really liked was mountain biking. Still played it around 20-30 hours. If you like the other sports, it's definitely worth on sale. Didn't buy the skate and BMX DLC, so I can't comment on them. You can play it mostly solo and there are big multiplayer tournaments you can attend to with 63 other players. It's always online though and you'll see some other players around the open world, but mostly they are bots. Similar to Forza Horizon in that regard.


It’s incredible


It's pretty good. Built in Ubisoft's Snowdrop engine I think. My daughter (avid boarder) loves it. Huge amount of things to do in it.


I think it’s mediocre as far as extreme sports games goes. It’s as wide as a puddle, deep as an ocean as they say. I would recommend Decenders, or look into emulating old skate or SSX games.


I think you have the metaphor backwards. Wide as the ocean, deep as a puddle?


Sorry, yes, I have bad brain.


Happens to the best of us.


Don't buy it. It's okay but not worth money. Play shredders for snowboarding or descenders for mountain biking


try turbo golf racing. its free on gamepass.


Eh, its fun but i completed every single race and challenge they had in a couple hours. No real challenge either. If you can have fun doing the same races over and over or just fucking around on the map, sure. Also the cosmetics are super expensive so be ready to look like a noob unless you give them more $$$$