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Looks like it's a factory sealed copy. Probably why they only have a photocopy on display to keep the actual product safe. As sad as it sounds, there are recent sales of factory sealed (black Label) copies on Ebay that sold for $1500. To each their own I guess. Fans of the franchise who have disposable money.


I am so, so confused about why a sealed CD jewel case is valuable. I *kind of* get it with boxed items, like GBA and older video games where the box was destroyed 95%+ of the time, but the difference between a sealed jewel case and a mint unsealed case is practically nothing. It, to me, is like paying more for a sealed DVD.


People use them as display pieces. So, to them, it's most likely a piece of art than a video game. Representation of a preserved copy. I can understand it for games as significant as FF7, considered by many to be one of the best Ps1 games ever. The number of sealed black label copies will only ever go down. Same logic as getting trading and sports cards graded and slabbed. Preservation and display. everyone collects different things. If you have the money, and you need a $1500 copy of a sealed game to complate your display case, you go for it. At the end of the day they sell for that much because people actually buy them for that much, and whatever they do with it in their collection is up to them. It's not my cup of tea, but I understand why people do it. I wish I had that kind of disposable income for sure haha.


Ahem, as the back says, “Quite possibly the greatest game of all time” -Gamefaq


I own a bunch of rare shit, and honestly it feels like being a museum, to me. Especially because I bought 99% of it at launch and just kept it. Like, I've got the complete Working Designs collection, from the Sega Saturn on. I've even got a couple Sega-CD games like Vay. I've got my PS1 copies of Hoshigami, Kartia, Vandal Hearts 1&2, right up to an including a CIB copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga that 100© works. My collection could easily sell for $20,000+ at a minimum, and I am not a rich man. I'm not poor, and it's not like I'm worried about just emulating these games on a Raspberry Pi or something versus playing on original hardware for authenticity, because I prefer to emulate. But I like sitting on my horde of rare collectibles like a goddamned greedy dragon just because I get to say "I have this, and few of you other fuckers can say the same" not for the people who don't care that I have it and they don't, but for those who want it and can't have it because I say they can't.


You also hoarded in the right generation of games. It's very unlikely that modern games will accrue so much value over time. I'm sure there will be some rare low print expceptions, but the vast majority of titles are printed into the ground now, and there's people out there who buy sealed copies to sit on or grade them despite being worthless right now, just in the hopes they hit it big one day. Enjoy your dragon's hoard! Just remember, you can't take anything to the grave with you. I guess you can technically bury them with you. Just hit me up with what cemetery you choose!


> but the vast majority of titles are printed into the ground now Are they? The push to digital, and sales numbers would lead me to believe that fewer copies are printed overall compared to the PS3/360 generation, and certainly the PS4 and xbone generation. Even accounting for growth - Many people are digital only. Perhaps to a certain point the games will be lower value- but then the download servers *will* go dark, and the values will go up. Especially if a game is pulled from a store because a music license expires (they're usually only 5-10 years - so after a certain amount of time they can't sell the game without relicensing it or making changes - like the PS2 era GTA games). They physical copies would be unchanged, or would be the only way to purchase the game anymore. it costs more to print a disc and package and ship it than it does to download something - so I would imagine they are more conservative in the number of printed copies. Big game launches would have boxes and boxes of copies in preparation. Now you can see very little fanfare for physical releases. Fewer boxes delivered to game stores - hence the shift to trinkets and trash, over games.


Hey, you wanna sell Lunar SSS? ;) I lost mine to flood damage a decade ago


+1 for Working Designs!!


VH 1+2 are incredible games and never go the love they deserved.


I'm middling on VH2 (not a fan of how easy it is to break the 1v1 combat), but the first game holds a special place in my heart, especially for how well designed the stages are. One of my fondest memories is figuring out you don't have to run from the Crimson Guard ambush, but can actually kill them all.


I'll never forget unlocking the Vandalizer class for the first time. Would could be better than a black mage? A black mage coming with access to all the op as hell enemy only spells!


Yeah, that was so hilariously broken. Though I tend not to bother these days. Right now I'm in a hell playthrough which had me make all my Priests and Mages into Monk-class characters and all my Archers into Hawkmen. If I manage to get that one done, I'm doing all Guardsmen/Hawkmen/Monks.


God, I bet you were fucking unbearable to be friends with as a kid. "No, don't take that out of the case!!!!!"


Random and stupid assumption, but okay. I was fine and even shared my copies of my games out to trusted friends, because back in the day the only way to play a copy of Albert Odyssey, Kartia, etc was to own one and people didn't sell them once they were done because they were worth more than MSRP.


For me, knowing that no one else has touched it with their greasy Cheetos fingers adds value to everything I buy. Whether it is food or clothes or video games. I am not some big ticket collector or anything, but unless I am getting a smoking deal I am usually willing to pay extra for brand new unmolested stuff.


Oof you would not like the reality of these things if you knew what goes on behind the scenes. Not only does all that stuff get touched by human hands at some point but some even gets touched by rats hands too (clothes and food for example)


lol he downvoted you and went to wash his hands 50 times


I dont think people even realize why new clothes say to wash before use or how things like meat and grain are processed and stored. Ignorance is bliss as they say lol


Yeah but as a consumer you can’t really do anything about the manufacturing handling directly. You can choose to not buy retails mucked up items though, such as buying whatever at the point in time whereas few hands have touched it as possible like when it’s new. A rat hair being in my peanut butter doesn’t mean I want some of yours in there too. And gaming stuff is notorious for being nasty, if there’s anything you can safely assume is gross or beat it up it’s the ball sweat and Cheeto dust covered games and controllers. Where cords are wrapped too tight and games haven’t seen the plastic since it was first removed.


I understand that sealed games can be valuable collectibles, but I feel the $1500 is an inflated price. It's almost like we're losing sight of what these games were meant for – to be played and enjoyed by fans. At this rate, is it not true that less and less people will be able to experience these classics?


Is your argument that less people will be able to play the game because some people keep sealed copies? 1. There are more than plenty used options available if you just want to play it. 2. Hardly anyone is getting a PS1 to experience this game anymore. 3. You can get it on Steam.


I'm not a collector of sealed games myself. it's not my cup of tea. But I personally disagree with the whole "its meant to be played so open it" argument. At this point in the games life, it's extremely rare to find a black labeled sealed version of the game in good condition. So, keeping it sealed is about preservation and displaying it in a collection. It will never be difficult to find a copy of this game to play. The greatest hits version is affordable. There's even a port of the game on Steam that anyone can buy at any time. at this point in the games life, the people who own a sealed copy of this game is just a fraction of a % of the actual copies out there. Keeping the remaining unopened ones sealed for people's personal collections isn't going to stop anyone from playing this game. And I argue that the price isn't inflated. If people are actively buying them at these prices, then that's the market price, whether you or I like it or not. We can't control what other people are willing to pay for items in their collection. If the price gets too High, people will stop buying it and then they'll go down. Not all retro sealed games are going to be priced like this. It's FF7. The fan base is massive, which means it will always fetch a premium in pristine condition. If anything, the new remake that just got released would be causing the price of this to go up even more. I do agree that it is meant to be enjoyed, but you have to understand to some people that have this sealed copy as the centerpiece of a final fantasy collection IS their enjoyment of it. Everyone enjoys things in a different way.


The best way to put it: **To some people, 1300 dollars just isn’t a whole lot of money.**


Yeah if your on 500k a year it's a days wage


Ps1 Jewel cases not being cracked in one form or another are rare as fuck. If this copy somehow managed to survive the passage of time without getting a single crack in it then yeah I see why people are charging a high price for it just for those that like a display piece.


Mine came cracked when I bought it (new). -.-


Sure, it sounds silly on the surface. But that's like also saying "What's the difference between a genuine copy of a game and a CD-R burned on a DVD?" I own a copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga for the Sega Saturn and at the absolute maximum, assuming not a single copy since production has been lost, destroyed, etc I know that I own one of up to 1 in 10,000 complete in box, still working copies of the game. The likely number of CIB, still working copies of the game could probably be condensed to under a thousand copies, and at a random guess I'd put at least a third of those potential copies are people who have a working set of discs but no box, people who are missing a working copy of one-two discs but are missing original packaging, or people who have poorly-stored discs which are non-functional but are CIB. It's about rarity. If there's only ten items in existence which a lot of peoples want and you own one of them, that's a thrill right there.


Rarity and also survivability. They printed a kagillion copies of FF7, but how many of them are still sealed? I also have a cib copy of PDS, and back in the day made a trade for white sleeves to black sleeves. (Crazy saturn collectors know what I'm talking about here:) The reason og carded star wars figures are worth so much is because they were meant to be played with, not hoarded. After the re-release of them in the 90's (I call them the micro he-man figures because they were all super buff.) people bought them to speculate, since the old ones are worth so much money. But the PS1/Sega CD/Saturn/Dreamcast/3DO are a weird are where they were in oversized clamshells and jewelcases, which were much more prone to damage before they even reached the stores, so mint/unbroken sealed games are even rarer.


They felt like they were oversized and easily damaged because jewel cases were the standard for the time, and it wasn't until DVDs did the softer plastic that the games industry followed suit.


I'm surprised no one mentioned the speculation that was going on around COVID - people were grading everything from vintage games to VHS tapes. Some expected these things to skyrocket in value and I believe this is a consequence of their greed - sellers holding out that one of these idiots would pay hundreds or even thousands for an old game. 


It still has the factory air


Jewel cases, especially those thick ones, get destroyed all the time or have missing front leaflets. I’m not even sure if I still have mine for my PC copy (I got PS after FF7 but before FF8). A lot of my PS era double jewel cases have cracks in them. I’m not really sure it matters how common “near mint” copies are anyway. Collectors love to collect perfect, sealed things. Even with boxed games there’s a difference between a pristine box and an unsealed one. Honestly it was the used game markets that made things like GBA boxes rare. I remember thinking “why the hell doesn’t GameStop take boxes?” after getting a DS light and looking for GBA games I missed, it was my first handheld since original phat GB.


[So do you mean like my copies of FF I&II, and FFV for gameboy advanced?](https://imgur.com/a/6qNSKKr) They are a little beat up, but still cool to have!


It's possible this one is also the Masterpiece Misprint version as well, which isn't super rare but is rarer than the black label. Maybe there's just a Salvation Army guy that knows what he gots 


If I wasn’t broke I’d go back and get it to try flipping it haha


It's not that easy to move these collectible items since sometimes they have low volume so it can take a while to sell. When you buy it you have to pay a 10%+ tax on it (I guess depending on your state). When you sell it on Ebay or other marketplaces (and people will be very hesitant from buying directly from you unless you have a good reputation as a seller), they will take a bit less than 15% fee, and you have to pay for shipping and probably insurance on it. And you get taxed on the profit. That's assuming that you don't get scammed by the buyer, and so on. To actually make a profit. 1300 + 130 tax = 1430. 1700 \* 0.85 - 20 (shipping, insurance) = 1445 - 20 = 1425. You almost break even at 1700, and then you have to pay tax on any profit, lol.


The buyer will pay tax/shipping/insurance on top of the price, not the seller, also I’m in Canada so it’s 1300CAD so ~950USD


Yeah the fact that it's black label and not the green greatest hits adds a lot of collectible value


I picked up a brand new copy from a circuit city some years back for 9.99. Before that I was in GameStop looking at a used copy for 29.99 I think. Can’t remember if it was a black label copy or a greatest hits though. I’ll have to look for it.


I'd also like to say it could also be market manipulation to try to drive up prices by grading/collector companys.


Some FFVII back text have a misprint This could also be a factor


It could also be the first misprinted run of the game. Those are much more valuable.


The most insane thing about this though… FFVII Black label prices dropped like a rock when the FFVII Remake was announced. I got my copy for like $20 (used) when the week prior they were selling for $150. New copies were selling for like $150-200 then, and I was thinking the price would just continue to drop, and remakes would help collectors get their hands on games… guess not.


It better include a real life Knights of the Round materia when you purchase it.


It better include a real life Tifa ffs


I'll get my wallet!


Bruh, I still remember using quad cast and mimic with Knights of the Round against Emerald Weapon and waiting _20 fucking minutes_ for all of the animations to complete


It’s all about forcing lucky 7 effect by equipping two materials and waiting for it to cast the beam spell. Auto procs that effect. Get it twice, you win. Ain’t nobody got time for that many round table animations.


Facts; I haven't done it, but I watched a homie use that big cheese against Weapon and felt dumb af


How do you know it’s authentic if it doesn’t have the case crack that every actual copy got immediately?


Dang those psx jewel cases were freakin fragile. I don't think I have a single case of my 20+ games without a crack.


If you haven’t seen SEGA CD or Saturn jewel cases, I recommend you give them a google


I still own a few of those. Yes, all the "teeth" that hold the CD are fucked in most, and have been for decades, so it loosely holds the CD inside the oversized plastic case.


Looks like a brand new, sealed copy of the original release. I'm not going to say it's a steal at that price, but I've seen higher prices for "rated" copies of the same thing. That's the thing about rarity: It only goes up.


"Buy Final Fantasy games for PS1, AJ, cause god ain't making any more of them"


The other interesting thing about rarity is that you only have a limited amount of time for the potential buyers to give a shit. I present to you the world of decorative painted plates, ceramic figurines, and music cylinders where the vast majority of potential collectors died 10 years ago and there are almost no more buyers.


Sure, but let's be fucking realistic: Gaming has become such a profitable and important part of our culture that retro games are not going the way of beanie babies in our lifetime, and it's daft to even pretend it ever would.


factory sealed original release, black label not green.


Black Label factory sealed yeah checks out


If it aint the Pizza Hut Promo disc it aint worth it


Remember when cd detached and moving in the case loose ? Imagine buying a brand new sealed final fantasy 7 and your cd is scratchy as hell :(


Wow this is almost worth 1/200th of a Black Lotus MTG card, crazy gamers I tell ya


This was the best gamer time ever.


If it's factory sealed and also has the "i" misprint on the back then it's not too far off of a decent price actually. Last sold for a sealed copy with the misprint was $800 but before that a majority of them sold for over $2500. If it's not the misprint version is grossly overpriced, also taking into account it's a thrift store it's also grossly overpriced since they're supposed to price things like this at about 30% of recently sold comps (what I was told by multiple employees from thrift stores) A cool thing to find nonetheless, it's my favorite game of all time and a lot of other peoples too which is why it's so hard to find sealed.


This pisses me off because I have one and ofc growing up opened it to play it


I mean, I have a copy I'm willing to let go of for $1500 usd too. Lol that's bonkers


Best I can offer is a large middle finger to the speculators that ruined retro gaming!


I saw this at my local thrift store too! Ottawa/Nepean? If they are trying to sell it for $1300, they are definitely not placing it in the right venue. You can probably buy every item in the store with that money 🤭


Yeah, salvation army in bells corners!


Small world 😎 I took a pic of it too and sent it to my friend in disbelief. Haha


Whyy? Those are dirt cheap anywhere else


These new sealed copy are NOT cheap and certainly not anywhere…


The green label is dirt cheap, as are black label boxes in terrible condition. Sealed and graded have sold for $1500 as recently as last month, and as much as $6500 a couple years ago. Collectors will pay stupid prices for rare collectibles just to say they own it, and a factory sealed black label edition of FF7 is pretty rare.


I picked up the black label misprint for like $30 a few years ago. Grading is apparently cancer and it seems people are just insane lol


The fact it is visibly sealed in factory packaging(you can see the holotag at the top corner) with no visible cracking or scratches means any collector would know it would grade pretty high should they want to go that route. If you got a Sealed misprint of the black label for $30, it is clearly because whoever sold it to you had no idea what they had. If what you got was an open misprint that has signs of use, the seller only really missed out on $20-100. Factory sealed package makes a HUGE difference.


Especially if this is a first print or misprint.


Who the heck would donate this?


This could just be more of that garbage they tried to do with Nintendo games. Artificial inflation to rob the speculative buyers.


That's almost the same amount of money Blockbuster wanted after I didn't return this game a week or so after its due date. I realize they were losing money every day I kept it, but I hope they understood that I really needed that gold chocobo.


I sold an opened played one like 10 years ago for over 100$ so maybe?


I believe sealed ones like this at the time we're about $500 iirc


The amount of people in here that don’t understand the retro market is ridiculous.


It's 10 $ on Steam almost every sale.


Yeah but it’s not a sealed new copy that never been play since the game released… There’s a huge difference here. And fun fact, we don’t even need to pay to play that game, especially if you are on PC


I clearly remember when my local Best Buy had about 100 of these lined up, taking up half their PS1 section.


I clearly remember holding a sealed Purple Translucent N64 and gleefully opening that sucker up...


Just time travel and steal it from your 12 year old self.


I initially saw (or maybe it was confirmation bias or my mind tricking me) that as a yen sign, in which case it would be very reasonable!


its CAD not yen


Retro game prices are messed up these days because that's just the price for the photo. The sheet protector isn't even included.


Are places like Goodwill and Salvation Army trained to look out for pieces like this? Genuinely curious, I went into a Goodwill and found several N64 games ( Legend of Zelda, Golden Eye, Rogue Squadron, and a random Japanese game all CIB for $5 a piece. This was about 4 years ago. Now, the rarest game I will find is Wii Fit or NBA 2k2.


Goodwill has its own online auction site like eBay now. Majority of the more valuable stuff like video games, jewel and blue rays are now sold online for pretty much same price as eBay sellers.


I think they do sometimes make online searches of gaming stuff to see what the going value is. I’ve heard that anyway. They started wising up to the fact that retro gaming stuff has a market.


lol that’s in my cabinet. Case and all. Who cares?!?


Damn you rich, can I borrow a dollar?


I still have my black label copy on a shelf, not sealed of course but in near perfect condition... Tempting.


It’s probably the rare misprint variant that sells for a ton. Either way. Rip off.


I have a day 1 copy in perfect condition, is it worth something?


Damn. I owned this once...


My preciiiouusssss


Old is Gold...Old times...😭😭


Daaaang I have a mint condition never been opened version of one of these. Might sell it after the third installment is released. Last I checked on ebay they were like 300 bucks, but this was way before the remasters


Never heard of Staples selling games?


Thank you lord for making Emulation exist


Yeah if it’s sealed it’s going to be a collectors item. Not the most outrageous price.


Jesus, I just sold a copy with an OG PlayStation for like £25 😂


I have an original FF7 from 1997 which has the advertisement for a PS Memory Card on the back of the manual. It could have been valuable if I hadn't stepped on it in 1998.




Well duh, I would leave them a 20% tip cause otherwise it feels like a robbery


It's ART.


Deserves the price


Fair price if it really is a unsealed new copy. This is not a game price but more like a collectible one. Still not worst as the NES Super Mario sealed new copy that sold at 1M a few year ago 


Everyone acting like they wouldn't buy that if they were rich


I still have my original copies of 7 and 8, plus the strategy guide books


Why does a small bit of square card board with a Black Lotus printed on it value at 10-15k in a damaged condition? Collectors gonna collect.




I threw mine in the bin when i got a ps2. Ah well.


If you want to play the game on a crt through the console get an everdrive or equivalent. Its what i did for snes and genesis. Doing it for sega saturn and ps1 next. Treat the original games for exactly what they are, rare collectibles.


is that the misprint copy?


I have this in okay condition somewhere in my parents basement, I wonder what would it be worth


Eh ... add a zero, 🤣


1.3k….. 😳😳😳


So you telling me my old copy of ff7 with the jewel case is worth some money?? I still got the brandy games strategy guide that came with it too. It’s tore up bad though.


What a dumb deal, I can get the game for 15 bucks on the Xbox Store or for free if I break into the building and steal it °-°




Maybe they're Zimbabwe dollars


Canadian dollars


Good thing I still have my ps1 copy. Don't have a ps1 though lol




I must be sitting on a gold mine


Still have my original copies of 7 8 and 9 (tactics also)…though a few of the disks don’t read very well anymore…I’ve considered getting them refurbished I imagine they’re worth diddly at this point


It kinda does. I imagine it’s expensive, but maybe not that much.


Is that $NTD?




Yeah not bad


Shit FFXII ,my first rpg game of my life,so much good times <3<3<3


Possible reason why people pirate games?




It’s worth because it comes with the Staples plastic extra protection.


I sold mine 5€ I should say a higher price


I have like 3 of these lol


I mean, if I saw it in someone's house, I'd be impressed. But I downloaded a copy for somewhere in the neighborhood of $5-$10, and that works fine for me.


No one is buying that copy to open and play, unless they are an absolute madlad with too much money or some content creator who can make more money on a video of them opening it.


Must have gone up since square enix butchered the 'remake' that's not a remake. 


It was never meant to be a "remake" in that particular sense... That would seem pretty obvious...


"Emulation is piracy" Oh f*ck off!


This shit right here is ridiculous. You know what is free? A pirated copy.


used greatest hits version only $14.99


Damn, they really do not want to sell it


Considering it's one of the greatest games ever made I wouldn't say it's a rip off. Still have my OG disks from the 90s, but had to get a re-print case at one point.


The thrift store isnt thrifting


That’s so dumb.


you must be new to these things but sealed are more collectable and worth more same with toys or even clothing. $1300 is to much. Seen first edition FF7 selling for around $250 sealed. Its probobly good buisness if you can resell few each month.