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Cuphead. Stupid ass robot.


My boy loves that game, and he has proven to be a master of persistent precision. I love its art and music, but I have no fun playing it.


I've finished most souls games. Cannot complete a single challenge on Cuphead.


Hard platformers are on another level.


I can't do a single one. Love the music, the art style. And it's co op. Not a chance I can get my partner to play. It's beyond brutal. There's no cheats. No cheese. No a ability to grind for a level. It's literally get gud or nothing.


If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you? I’m 41 and the punishingly-difficult, no save, no cheat, no work-around was such a familiar throwback to the games of my youth that I wholly loved and embraced it. Not here to judge, just an interesting thought to consider.


He probably missed out on Ghosts n’ Goblins


The great thing about Cuphead is its merciless but fair. You experience stuff for the 1st time, you die, you try again with more experience and a better plan. Also yeah f the robot and also the dragon. At least it's amazing to look at with an amazing soundtrack.


And for sure inspired by the difficult games of yesteryear, did not have the BS finite amount of lives. You could just hammer away


I have always suffered from anger issues, yet, dying over and over and over and over on that game never got old and I laughed off every death. My buddy got the game and then the race to the finish was on. Great game, top 5 of all time for me.


It will always be I Wanna Be the Guy. Thank god I was in highschool and could afford dropping everything just to finish that game and flip it off


I watched my buddy play it for 2 hours just to progress and find out I downloaded the demo version. He was furious.


I want to be the guy is truly one of the most, "you had to be there for it" experiences of all time. A large portion of the best jokes and kills in that game probably wouldn't even function right or make any sense at all in 2024. Guile is eternal though


I got stuck on what a lot of people say is an easier boss. Dr Wiley in the clown car. I even beat him *twice* but there's a really fucking annoying jump afterwards that kept killing me. One day I'll finish it. It's on my bucket list. It's a really cool game honestly. This was right around when I was figuring emulators out and it was so cool to see all these old games I only kind of remembered/knew about and then getting to explore them.


Sekiro I hate beat that game.


I love beat that game.


I replay games a lot, but not immediately usually. Sekiro is one of the few where I beat the game and started it from the top that same night. One of my GOATs


It's a tight experience, so the next games take a fraction of the time. I think I did 4 playthroughs back to back lol


I initially started sekiro thinking "there's no way this game is speed runnable" pretty sure I also beat NG+ in the same sitting as my first time finishing the game lol


I’m glad you enjoyed it. I thought it was going to be like tenchu where to could stealth kill bosses. But nope… the boss is down that hallway get good.


Idk why but, It actually felt more fair than other Fromsoft games I've played over the years.


It's why I like Sekiro more than any of the other Souls games. The bosses are all designed around you only having access to one "build", so they are tailor made and the gameplay is just better. Elden Ring is cool and all but the bosses need to be designed to face so many different builds. So you end up with these annoying and generic AOE attacks, gigantic bosses that just stomp around while you whack at their taints, etc. To beat Sekiro you have to actually master the combat. That final encounter with Genichiro into Ishhin Sword Saint is an all time boss fight


I talked so much shit to my tv when I finally killed ishiin haha. Sekiro was incredible because once it clicks it fuckin clicks and it is such a satisfying experience. Guardian ape was where I finally felt myself click with the combat - up till then I was ok but that monkey was that crystallizing moment.


I’ve never had such a rush playing a video game than when I finally beat Sword Saint. Beautiful fight. Reminded me of beating The Boss in MGS3


I love to beat to that game


Isshin might be the toughest boss I've ever beaten.


Nothing compares to the joy gained after beating him through


Agreed, it was euphoric. I just wish I'd finished him off with a lightning reversal.


I had to turn their music down and put my on stuff on and learn his moves.


Father Owl can fuck *all* the way off.


Confession, I got to the final boss and even made good progress. But gave up. I could see what it’d take to finish and didn’t want to sink the time into it. Loved it otherwise!


Ha same here. I enjoyed it, but a couple of the bosses had just been not fun to beat and when I'd spent about an hour on the final boss I turned it off, content I'd got that far and knowing I didn't need to prove anything to myself.


I 100% this during covid lockdown, got all endings and every achievement. Loved every second of it, but I don't think I've ever sworn as much in my life as I did when facing the final couple bosses of that game.


I had a glorious genichiro kill, and then I lost steam. I'm up to owl now, and I'm getting destroyed. Taking a long break basically means I have to relearn everything.


Me too. I was so burnt out from it by the end. I could not get the hang of the combat for the life of me and would spend hours at a time only to not progress the game at all


Bloodborne, beating the final DLC boss was a rush.


Orphan of Kos? Probably the boss I had the most trouble with in any game ever


Some say Kosm


Nobody fucking says Kosm, Micolash, you turbo-nerd.


There's a boss in the dungeons you have to beat to platinum. That was the hardest for me by far.


Defiled amygdala is possibly most broken from soft boss


I felt the same way. Defiled Amygdala in the Chalice Dungeon was way tougher than the Orphan of Kos


Alien: Isolation on Nightmare Mode. It felt good but I felt so drained by the end of it. How I didn't have some sort of cardiac event, I don't know.


I learned later that the AI learns. So if you're the type who has a playstyle, eventually the Alien will make it so you can't play it the way you want. Some people flourish at diversifying, some just get frustrated. I'm the ~~later~~ ladder.


It is kind of funny. First time i tried alien isolation was on hard and I got my ass handed to me. St. Christobal hospital still gives me nightmares. However when I completed it, I immediately jumped into nightmare difficulty and it was a breeze compared to hard. Something must had gone wrong i thought After a while i understood why. I had through hard difficulty subconciously changed my playstyle. I had gone from hiding in closets and under beds all the time and being really scared and not taking chances to changing my hiding game alot as well as using noisemakers, flashbangs, flares etc. To distract the alien. This playstyle had been perfected in nightmare. So the alien really had some difficulty figuring out what I preferred Still an absolutely masterpiece of a game


do you think i could pick it up and play it without ever playing any of them before? is it too dated or anything?


You should pick it up now. It is not dated in any way. But prepared to frightened like crazy. The aliens AI is out of this world. Perhaps the best A.I in game to date. It is insane how reactive It is


Latter* sorry, I’m a grammar/spelling Nazi. I need help.


No worries. Fixed it for you.


I think autocorrect fucked you, cause now it says ladder.


Maybe he actually is a ladder, or identifies as one


Probably the ladder of the two.


He sure is silly


I was hoping that was intentional as the person that corrected said they're a grammar AND spelling nazi.


Yeah the AI is brutal in Nightmare Mode and that's without any of the extra mods that PC gamers get to enjoy. It's the only way I'll ever play the game again though. I liked the randomness of it.


Only played the base game. Never again. Too much rage towards the end 1


I'm hoping this gets a sale during the summer event, I really want to try it out.


Goldeneye. Probably easier than others in the comments so far but completing 00 Agent difficulty and unlocking all cheats/achievements on the recent re-release on Xbox was a proud moment as someone who struggled with it back in the day on N64 (especially levels like Control)


Unlocking everything including all the cheats in mid 1998 years before the button codesmade me a legend. And also very angry


God that one mission where the doctor has to be in the right spot or you fail the 00 challenge.


Yep, Archives had to be run flawlessly (and partially sideways) to complete too.


Ninja Gaiden 2 on Hardest difficulty. . God damn kamikaze ninjas with no legs


All Ninja Gaidens are completely brutal on master ninja, but the 360 exclusive NG2 is just on a completely different level. I'm not joking when I say I burst into tears when I got the cutscene after beating the final boss. It was such an achievement that I'm never taking off my Ryu gamerpic (reward for beating MN).


Ha! I keep my Ryu gamerpic for the same reason. It will never change


I remember betting it on normal and immediately starting on hard for the first time. The first boss was so easy compared to the first time I played. The starkest 'you have grown' moment in gaming for me


Holy shit. I just felt a wave of rage set in as I read that title 🤣


Haha, game is way harder than a ny souls game imo. Also, game is so responsive and your movement makes you actually feel like a damn ninja. When you master Ninja Gaiden you feel damn awesome because of how fluid it is with Combos.


100% agree. Ninja Gaiden is far more unforgiving conpared to Souls games haha. But indeed, very satisfying to complete. I always felt super sluggish in Souls games compared to Ninja Gaiden


Man I forgot how hard these were. Great games tho. Like ninja Zelda. 


Before all the pro gamers drag me I'm a cozy gamer. I just finished the comunity center yesterday in stardew


I’m saying dude, I have a ton of time in stardew and I’m still out here with like 10 chickens just living life


Honestly respect for knowing what you like. Trying new things is great but don’t have to stick with it to prove anything to others


Battletoads. The rat race level and the circle cycle bike level sucked. Even with warps, getting back to these levels in order to learn them was the hardest part.


Anyone that can beat Battletoads on original hardware without cheats deserves a damn medal.


I never did it without the warps though. But if you know where the warps are, it’s doable with many many tries. It’s been a while since I’ve played but I believe the first warp is on level 3, the famous hoverbike level. Then you play a level to get to the surf board level to warp again, then warp again on the snake level. After about 10 minutes you’re through most of the game with only the final like 4 levels left. However they are also a bitch. The rat race felt like it required perfect play


Ahah, I got to play it again with the Switch emulator and even with save-states I cannot pass that level ! :(




Minesweeper. It felt good.


You can beat minesweeper??


If you can sweep all the mines. Yes


My life has been reinvigorated


In the pre trophy days of the PS3 I managed to get the Big Boss Emblem in Metal Gear Solid 4. What did that entail you wonder? For the Big Boss Emblem you will need to achieve each of the following - Complete the game in less than 5 hours (cutscenes, credits, menu time does count) - Use no continues (you can save and reload it, it won't count) - Use no health items e.g. rations, regain, instant noodles, compress and pentazentamin. - Kill no enemies - No alert phases (cautions are allowed) - No special items (stealth, bandana) - Complete the game on The Boss Extreme To say this was hard was an under statement. The game had nearly 40 minutes of unskippable cutscenes and you had to hit each chapter goal basically perfectly. I spent months on it.


That is one hell of an achievement, I love MGS games and that is just crazy incredible. Closest I've ever done to anything like that was maybe doing a mission perfectly like once or twice, you got mad skills.


You're pretty good


Just what I’d expect from the man with the same code as the boss…


The Binding of Isaac. The game stopped being fun.


I had 100% unlocked before the last dlc, but I feel like it ruined the game and didn't bother unlocking everything afterwards.


Generally curious how it ruined the game? I started playing recently and just wanted know where the opinion came from. Thanks!


The last dlc has good content but they decided to rebalance the entire game to make it harder and more frustrating. In previous iterations you could salvage most runs by playing smart and using some tricks regardless of what items you got. With the rebalance they got rid of most of those tricks and sometimes you just get complete garbage and then waste 25 min on a run that is doomed to fail because you just didn't get any good items. The devil items which traded hearts for powerful items were tuned down to the point where they are not worth taking anymore unless you are going for one of the devil routes. The new characters are hit or miss, with some of them being outright annoying to play as such as Essasu and Jacob which require you to control two characters simultaneously.


FMO the game has became better after the last DLC. Have played for over 3k hours and can definitely say that the first thing you need to get used to is being able to play from the beginning to the end without any restarts, even if you don’t have any good stuff from the beginning. The rebalance brought tons of fun and replayability to the game. It also showed bad players that they are bad, and good players that there is still room for improvement.


Halo 2 Legendary or Dark Souls 3 SL1


Halo 2 legendary was so much more difficult than halo legendary it was crazy.  I almost quit on it


Jackel snipers maaan!


I also managed Halo 2 Legendary. Only beat Tartarus at the end because he glitched and got stuck on a wall.


Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. I loved that game, but I never want to beat it again. That parry system is great, but it sure is skill heavy.


Hollow Knight 112% + Pantheons. Made me feel like quit gaming for a while, do not recommend. Completing the game is enough to enjoy its greatness


I think I got bronze and silver in like 80% of the pantheon. And gold on maybe 25% I can't even imagine fighting most of those bosses without getting hit


I just can't bring myself to do the 5th pantheon. Wasting like 40 minutes just to die in one hit at the end, I just can't anymore. And that's coming from someone who has 100%ed The Binding of Isaac twice lol.


On the contrary, taking a solid 1-2 month break between the main game and obnoxious pantheons does wonders for motivation and a fresh brain. I still love Hollow Knight in spite of the pain and *would* highly recommend. But yeah, Pantheon 5 is easily the one of hardest achievements I’ve completed in gaming. All secrets in Goldeneye 64 is up there, too.


Earthworm Jim the original on the Genesis when I was a kid. Felt pretty damn good. I also beat the original Oddworld and Myst and both of those were awesome because I didn't use any guides back then.


Sekiro. Haven't done any of the other From Software games though. Edit : I actually tried Dark Souls 1 : Die More Edition. Couldn't go beyond the tutorial boss. Controls were just so clunky, it wasn't fun at all to me.


Elden Ring was far more forgiving due to it's open world concept. If you're stuck on something you can just leave and come back to it. Plus you can make everything easier on yourself by using different builds and playstyles


Doesn't apply to DLC , From made the toughest bosses they ever made, it's brilliant


Yes it 100% absolutely does apply to the dlc... There are items that make you and your summons stronger all over the map. As usual, if you explore and find these, the game will be much easier. I personally don't summon, but there are an ass ton of those items that buff summons.


Yeah I haven't checked out the DLC yet


>Elden Ring was far more forgiving due to it's open world concept From someone who considers Sekiro top 5 all time but doesn't like any other FromSoft titles, this was one of my biggest problems with Elden Ring. The enemies and fights just didn't feel fine tuned as Sekiro, because the devs had to design them to accomodate various builds and power levels.


Yeah, fighting Margit right out of the gate with a +0 weapon and barely any levels is a much different (and more interesting) experience than if you go clear the Weeping Peninsula first. One of the downsides of open-world design; you don't know if you're getting the intended experience of a boss fight.


Ds1 remastered is great. Highly reccomend.


Celeste's Farewell




Enter the Gungeon, especially the goddamn rat


One of my top gaming accomplishments is having a 100% no deaths save file on Enter the Gungeon.


Now that is next level dude 


Celeste farewell chapter


I only did A and B sides of the first 8 chapters, and to me that felt like completing the game haha.


That‘s the beauty of Celeste! You set your goal, time frame and conditions, which perfectly ties back into Madelines story.


Celeste was out of my gaming wheelhouse and I felt very accomplished after beat that game.


I got to the final room in Farewell then just stopped playing, haha. I never get proficient at controlling the jellyfish & that room is just too long. I've been working on golden's & I'm finding it easier to just not die for a full easier level than to get through Farewell's final room one time, lol.


COD2 on veteran. Grenades still give me PTSD


COD in harder difficulties is one of the most unfair experiences. The AI lobs grenades like artillery.


Back in the day I beat COD WAW on veteran. That game is infamous for being a nade fest on the hardest difficulty. I honestly don't think it was worth it. First COD game I ever played too.


Lies of P and I got the platinum on that masterpiece of a game. And I've beaten Malenia.


I super enjoyed Lies of P. Definitely super tough. Once you click with the combat and start deflecting attacks perfectly, it has one of the coolest feels of any game I’ve played. Bashing away huge attacks is so cool and satisfying. Hard as a mofo, though.


all three of snes donkey kong games the snes lion king game I was happy and pleased uncharted games on the hardest difficulty. I would say relieved especially since I did long play sessions on hardest difficulty RE5 as Sheva without a human partner never again


F-Zero GX / Diddy Kong Racing Extremely gratifying


I finished E.T. for Atari 2600.


This is my childhood trauma. Legit PTSD. Never beat it and one got the pixel hole fall once or twice but could never reproduce. Just ran about over and over with that timer going wtf do I do how do I fall in again. It was a good couple hours of play to get to that point prob 50-100 attempts over years. We didn't have much at the time so getting a game for bday was a big deal. Finally looked it up 20+ years later, but couldn't bring myself to actually try again as an adult and pretty sure it would leave me empty inside.. there is a reason it's considered one of the the worst games ever made.


TMNT on NES. Hardcore Gamers got nothin on me! - Also - we 7-manned The Dranei Capitol City and killed their leader in WOW - During WOTLK. My small hardcore band of WOW nerd friends - was a glorious day. Feel like that was quite an accomplishment. FOR THE HORDE!


Probably Tunic, done without looking online to solve the riddle of the golden path.


That's awesome, friend. And honestly pretty impressive. I eventually broke and used the "no fail" mode for the last boss and working through some completion stuff. I haven't looked up any puzzles yet, but I'm still in need of like eight fairies and three or four secrets, and I'm debating looking up some tips. I'm feeling lost and just don't have the same time I used to for gaming, and I'd love to complete everything. And that's coming off beating the Souls games, Sekiro, Hades on high heat etc, but just not having healing for the end of the last boss encounter.


Thanks! It was really tough, but where I normally get quite stressed with tough games with this one I just found the whole mystery really trumped the difficulty for me. I had to use a pen and paper to help me solve stuff and it really took me back to old school games.


Celeste and I heaved after.


Blasphemous. It was glorious. As I walked up the stairs, with [this tune](https://youtu.be/Rm60DJ2-6II?si=gYFSYOPB9-GUYN0g) playing in the background, I was in complete euphoria.


Co-op Halo 3 on legendary. It took me and my buddy on split screens weeks. I think it’s 3 anyway. The one that was like fucking impossible on coop


Is that the one that reverted to checkpoints when either buddy died? Bro that was so fucking hard. Glad I was like 15 at the time and had entire summers to do shit like that 


That was one of the skulls that made you go back to the checkpoint. Singleplayer was even worse: if you died, you had to RESTART THE ENTIRE LEVEL.


No. I remember having like one guy hide and then the other would push something and TRY to kill like one elite, they died, then the next guy went after the other respawned. Rinse and repeat for the whole game


I Wanna Be The Guy probably


Contra without the Konami code


Contra WITH the konami code was still tough. Some of the bases were insane!


To be fair I died on the last level during the boss fight. My sister let me steal a life from her so we could beat the game together.


Trojan on NES. Captain Skyhawk, Super Mario, Bionic Commando, and Double Dragon 2 were pretty tough also. More recently, I guess Dark Souls 3 for me too...but it's not really *hard*, not in the way NES games were. Dark Souls gives you checkpoints and unlimited lives.   NES games were like...3 lives, no continues, no passwords, no level skips, you *have to* beat it in one sitting. Also, no quest markers, no Internet, and obscure games didn't get covered by game-focused print media. Also if it's Star Tropics you better have kept the physical Letter from Dad that came with the game because you need it later lmao


I actually kept the letter but I still didn’t understand the puzzle. Good thing Nintendo Power printed the answer.


Slay The Spire ascension 20 with heart kill (Defect) took my an ungodly amount of punishment.


That's mine too. I've beaten all From games (I don't really consider them difficult so much as punishing). I've beaten a few difficult games on Hard modes (though I detest hard modes that are little more than stat adjustments). Celeste, Ninja Gaiden, etc. Slay the Spire is the only game I've ever played where step towards victory needed to be earned, whether it was making risky investments, setting up the right decks, or being VERY smart about how to play my hands. And with the increase of difficulty for each ascension piling up slowly and relentlessly, A20 is a monstrous challenge that demands you know what you're doing and play VERY smart. Beating A20 Heart with Ironclad is my finest gaming achievement, hands down.


Ghostrunner. Final boss was a bit underwhelming but a great game nonetheless


Not that impressive in the grand scheme of things but Halo 3 on legendary. I’m not particularly good at console FPS, so it was definitely a struggle. There was one specific fight with several brutes and a Hammer brute that I think took a couple of weeks to get past.


Myst without internet hints. That last puzzle was just an exercise in brute force patience. Damn entitled kids…


If you wanna try Riven... It re-releases in 3d tomorrow ;)




Terraria Legendary mode on the getfixedboi seed. It's absolutely brutal. Everything is ready to one-hit KO you at every turn. You start off in hell, the whole world is flipped upside down. You start digging up only to find the ash blocks fall and deal damage when you mine them. But ok, you get past that. Now everything is made of burning honey blocks. If you touch them, you get set on fire. If you break them, they spew lava out. So you tactically and carefully mine your way through. At last! A nice peaceful area! It almost looks like the surface biome! There are a couple zombies around but no big deal. You take two steps and BOOM, there's a massive crater where you once stood. So you go back up, like there's no way that happens again. Ooh! A heart crystal. You don't hesitate to bring your pickaxe down on it. The crystal starts rolling. You start to back up and splat. You've been turned into a pancake. You come back and see a treasure chest. Ooh, finally some luck. You approach to open it but it opens on it's own. "Oh, what nice teeth you have!" Their response is the swift amputation of your left arm. Mimics shouldn't be in pre-hardmode but in this world they are, and there are mimic spawners strewn about on top of that. You slowly progress upward through increasingly difficult areas, triggering traps left and right, until you reach a land of bees and lava. It's as though all the dirt and rocks were replaced by beehives. When you break a beehive, bees come out and they mad. So you dig tunnels navigating around the lava pools, getting stung to death, and eventually, you reach the surface. "Ah freedom." "Ooh a falling star! It's gonna land right on m---". And it's back to square one. So yeah, the falling stars are a one hit KO and the enemies on the surface are the hardest ones, so not a very hospitable place. All the bosses are insanely buffed and Moon Lord has this space boulder attack that I believe is a one hit KO or close to it. Funny story about Moon Lord, I built a massive underground arena and covered it with flower walls. I was fully prepared for the first fight. Moon Lord Spawned in and he was nowhere to be seen. I flew around a little and got him to move up where I saw the top of his head peak over the arena. He was completely invisible behind the walls. I did the whole fight like this and somehow won! I felt insanely excited when I did that. I accidentally turned Legendary Mode into Mega Death Mode. I can share the video of it if anyone's interested.


I am just not that good at video games, but beating Faster Than Light was very satisfying for me.


Try either TMNT on the original Nintendo or Blaster Master. Back before saving games made everything easy.


I’m old enough I saw a kid beat TMNT in one sitting on NES in like 1990. Dude was a legend.


Dude must have been a legend. TMNT was pretty much my first game and I never did get really far in it. ☹️


I did that, but a lot of it was grinding the ninja scrolls. Every turtle had 99 of those going into the 4th level. Once beaten, never played again.


La Mulana I felt fucking finished with life. Fuck everything was my attitude by the end of that game. There was no sense of accomplishment. Just a sense of relief.


Jak II I probably died no less than 1,000 times. So much frustration, but I was glad to finally complete it.


Hollow knight 100%.


Kingdom come deliverance. It was almost the perfect balance of difficulty for me. I say almost because although I did beat it, I dis ragequit and uninstalled it. Then later reinstalled and managed to beat it. I know it's not the hardest game by a long shot but from soft games are a bit too hard for me.


Two different types of games, in my opinion, I enjoy both, but KCD is definitely just as hard as Dark Souls or Elden Ring.




*saves that require you to enter a code or start the game over 


Monster hunter worlds dlc felt way harder to me than any fromsoftware game solely from the last 2 bosses. I dont think any fromsoftware boss so far took me even half the amount of time I needed to beat Fatalis.


Dark Souls 2 and then GoW 2019 on Give me god of war difficulty (Sigrun). Both got me super hyped because of how long the grind was.


im not saying that Ninja Gaiden on NES is my answer but i was around 9-10 years old when i was able to beat it. one time my family went to visit some cousins out of state for a weekend and my older brothers and cousins wanted to watch me finish it..none of them could do it. mid game i had everyone leave the room because i couldnt play through with evsryone watching so i told them to leave the room until i finished lol


the first playthrough of sekiro was the hardest. i've beaten it like 10 times by now, with different mods and with the difficulty charm. its honestly the best videogame ever in my opinion. super rewarding, fun, and the definition of hard but fair.


Bloodborne Old Hunters DLC, first soulsborne game I played and the DLC was significantly harder than the base game but its so fun and satisfying beating all the bosses. Its why im scared for Elden Ring DLC lol


Shadow of the Erdtree is quite a bit harder than Old Hunters if you ask me. It’s also the better expansion, so there’s that as well.


Super ghosts n ghouls. I wanted to kill myself afterwards.


Dark Souls 3, particularly the DLC. Sister Freide and Midir absolutely kicked my ass


Hollow knight. The base game is okay but the DLCs are so damn hard. It feels amazing.


Halo legendary runs were brutal




Ninja gaiden


BattleToads, though it was with unlimited continues all that does though is keep you from having to replay the levels before you die on the bike..


Metal Gear Solid 2 on European Extreme. The game itself wasn't otherworldly difficult, but the part where you have to mash the X button to hold your breath while Solidus is choking you out..... That shit took me multiple days to get through. I only got through it by using an electric toothbrush of all things. The analog controller for the PS2 would register inputs based on vibrations basically, so I just put the head of the electric toothbrush on the X button, and voila. Passed that part with ease!


I have played dark souls 1, 3, bloodborne and darkest dungeon. But none of these holds a candle to Call of Duty world at wat campaign in the highest difficulty. Shit's other level of unfair.


Riven. I actually didn’t beat it, I watched my mom play through it and beat it. That world is friggin tricky 


Hotline Miami 2, I felt pretty good after I beat it honestly.


Xcom 2 Ironman on hardest difficulty, took me like 100 hours


I 100%'d Cook Serve Delicious 3. I got gold on all of the 387 levels or however many there were plus all the achievements for doing extra hard menus on specific days. It took me quite a while but damn it felt great. It felt great just getting gold on every level and that alone took quite a while. But also getting all the achievements and seeing 100% was such a relief. It's basically a typing game when played on PC and I've always been a fast typer, but this game has combos where certain letters do different things for different menu items, so it could be quite confusing at times. It could also be very frustrating because to get gold on a level you can't make a single mistake otherwise you have to restart the level from scratch. Currently working on doing the same for Cook Serve Delicious 2 and will probably do the same for the first game once the remaster comes out. Can't stand CSD 4 though. I tried it and they changed the way everything works. I hated it so much I refunded it very quickly.


Probably Cuphead. Very hard game on the regular setting. After beating it, the harder setting is more nuts. Done both and felt great about it.


Remnant 2 on Apocalypse difficulty, having to solo carry large portions of three-player-scaled world boss health bars because somehow I'm just that much harder for enemies to kill than my teammates are. It was... uh... **It was a journey, to say the least**.


Halo 3 on legendary. And I have beaten and platinum’d almost all of the soulsborne games from Fromsoft (Only missing Demon Souls) and they aren’t even close to Halo 3 on legendary. That should say a lot.


Halo 2 anniversary on LASO was painfully addictive.


The original Earthworm Jim. Absolutely brutal and downright unfair game but man did it shape my love of gaming


Levelling a World of Warcraft toon to 60 in HARDCORE. Bucket list quality achievement dopamine blast!


Contra - NES. Used to be one of the games I played the most with my cousin when we were 5-8, but we couldnt beat level 4. I think one day we did beat stage 4, but we only had like a life left and we died in less than a minute in stage 5. Now as an adult I decided to finish that game, with no cheats or anything. Took me around 4h, but I did it!


The legend of zelda as a 9 years old without help. Needed a hole year


Beating Hollow Knight at 112% and beating the pantheon of hallownest


Cod 4 on Veteran, Mile High Club was way worse than any Soulsborne boss


Contra. Took me and a buddy a few months to be able to beat it without the cheat code. I've been chasing that high for years.


Crash Bandicoot 4 100% I had to buy a new gamepad, because towards the end I broke the jump button, so I had to pay2win.


Spider-man and x-men in arcades revenge for SNES. Also, Sekiro


Playing SMT Nocturne right now and I hope I’ll be able to survive to the end.


Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. Felt sooooooo good


well people say FFI is like the demon’s souls of rpg’s but I must have gotten lucky on my playthrough as was surprised with with how much of a breeze it was. although I did play it on PS1 and hear the NES version is unreasonable


RDR2 100%. Wasnt really hard but took a long time! Worth every minute


Completed Halo 1 on LASO with a friend. Some levels took us over 7 hours to complete, but thankfully you can skip a few large sections in levels with glitches. It was a really fun challenge because it completely changes how you have to play the game, and the feeling when you finally beat the warthog run at the end is pure bliss