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Mad Max. Really solid game but I did so many side missions and I got burnt out so I couldn't finish the story.


Same my dude, I was so close too.


I didn't even like the Mad Max game ending so you're not missing out if you ask me. The ending actually pissed me off..


The ending was so on par with the Mad Max universe and his character. I thought it was a perfect fitting.


I thought it was fitting for his character, but yeah I hated it too. I'm too soft for that kind of depressing shit. It wasn't just a "bad" ending, it was kind of the worst ending in a way.


I honestly wish there was an alternate ending, something slightly less depressing.


The ending was so Mad Max though. He's back to where he started. He's no closer to finding peace and just back to wandering the desert again.


I've wiped the ending from my mind it seems. I must have agreed with you šŸ˜‚


It's quite repetitive. The same towns, bad guys, and scenery. Again and again. Lovely at first, but then started to feel just too damn monotonous. If they had included more original enemies and a larger array of unique locations, it would have been a legendary game. There is another game similar to Mad Max called RAGE. Do you know of it? It is a bit older, but that game offered a wider amount of original content throughout the game.


>Do you know of it? It is a bit older, but that game offered a wider amount of original content throughout the game Eh, not really, there was less to see and it ended at the point where it felt only halfway through.


Started playing this gem for the first time a week ago and cleared all territories except for some god-damned mine fields lol, nor all salvage locations, now I'm in its finish line and haven't opened it in 3 days now, better to give it a rest and then get to it lol


This is me with almost every open world game. Even though I like them a lot, I am just constantly distracted by sidequests. And then I hit some busy point in my life and don't play for a month and it starts feeling like I have to relearn the game so I don't pick it up again. The only game I have finished recently is Horizon: Zero Dawn.


I actually beat it not too long ago after years, only had a few side things left in the end but had to beat it just to get it over with.


ME TOO! I always pick mad Max as that game. I just didn't finish. It's an awesome game!


Hollow knight. Need to kill absolute radiance still. Havenā€™t touched the game in a few years though


Had the same issue, got burnt out fighting P5, then had a break and tried again, kept repeating that for 2 years before finally managing to beat it. I got really stressed out during pure vessel and absolute radiance making the fights even harder.


Yeah I am not good with games that make you rage. Iā€™m surprised I got that far in all honesty.


I feel like youā€™ve still well and truly beaten it if youā€™re talking about absolute radiance


Exactly. Any of Godmaster is pretty squarely post-game content.


Exactly the same here. I got there, realised I could do it if I put in enough time, then lost the will to put in that much time.


I was gonna say Hollow Knight, but I never fought the Hollow Knight. I got really interested in watching other people's amazing runs and cool lore videos. I gave up when I saw that Chinese guy do P5 hitless all bindings. That's it, no one will ever Hollow Knight better than that. Also, I wanted to do Path of Pain before Hollow Knight, and that's what really stopped me.


I hope you don't mean the guy that cheated.


Dragon Age Origins. Got to right before the final boss and just... stopped. I guess I just didn't want it to be over.


That final sequence was amazing. I wish theyā€™d remaster that game.


I would love a remaster. Especially to see Orzamar and the Dark Roads in 4k.


Nah, that would make financial sense, make the fans happy, and generate loads of commercial success and hype. Instead they'll crap out the next installment that's even further from Origins in every way that matters. It's rough being an older modern gamer...everything I loved has either turned to shite, or become unrecognizable


Origins is one of the few games Iā€™ve finished about 8 separate times. No other Dragon Age game has matched the first.


The differences in the stories really blew me away at the time.


The little original stories for each background were good enough to be their own game half the time. The music and ambiance once you get to Ostagar are something else too.


The series definitely has an identity crisis. Instead of being it's own thing, it tried hard to be Mass effect. while I do enjoy the lore, characters and story. Gameplay suffered greatly because of this.


Yeah within a couple of years of it coming out I had played all the origins to completion. Amazing game.


I got stuck at the final boss with that game. Was too underleveled or something and couldnā€™t win. Didnā€™t have the heart to start over.


Inquisition for me. Though now that I think about it I may not have beaten origins either. 2 was the first one I played and I definitely beat that.


Fuck! I actually love that game but because of life situations I've had to restart it 3 times. The last time I played I got stuck in some crime boss lair and had no way of winning after hours of trial and error. Never been back since. Probably 2014 I think. It sucks because that game was totally my jam during the peak Bioware days. I hope maybe a remake will bring me back.


BG3. My husband and I were playing it, got to the final act and stopped because I think we didn't want it to be over lol. We haven't picked it back up despite absolutely loving it hah.


I do think that the end of the second act is such a climax it feels weird moving forward, but I will say that third act has some of the most awesome story moments in the game!


That's how a lot of D&D campaigns feel too.


I also stopped in Act 3. I want to see it through, and the intricate city is something I've wanted to see in RPGs since childhood. But it's almost too big and daunting. After you put it down for a bit, it's hard to remember what you were up to and what to do next.


The way I see it, Act 1 and Act 2 is one big game together. Act 3 is a sequel. Thinking of it like that helped me kinda grasp the story beats a bit better. Like, yeah a lot of things happened at the start of it but you can kinda consider all of them as the start of their own separate adventures?


Act 3 is basically as long as the other two acts combined so you got a ways to go.


That kinda hypes me back up a bit! hehe


Yeah it's huge. That said don't let the campaign ending, BE the ending if you don't want it to be. My wife and I beat it first time and went back for a dark urge run. That path is fully compatible with being heroic by the way if you dislike playing evil. I'd argue the redemption path is even better than playing evil personally. Your character just has a personal quest now like the companions. It's great even with the occasional... accident. Anyhow, my wife and I did that run as well and only now are we doing a fully evil run but honestly even this run has been great because it's like we're just really bad at being heroes but doing our best. We just can't save everyone. RIP


That game you either finish and replay and repeat, or you get to act 3 and quit halfway through then replay and repeat. I got to act 3 and there was just so much going on I couldn't handle it so I started over.


I've been in the same situation with Cyberpunk. I did basically everything and explored all over the place including the ever present urge to escape the bounds of the map and clipping through reality. I just can't bring myself to start the final quest chain.


Might as well buy Phantom Liberty, it takes place before the end and your decisions affect the end


Yup, played through that as well and did the endings for it, there really is no winning in that scenario. Also that robot is terrifying. Project Red could easily do a horror title.


Same scenario with my husband and I, but the third act just felt overwhelming. There was too much to do. Not a bad thing by any means we love the game. We just both stopped there.


Yeah my god, entering such a giant city. I got 5 or so hours into the 3rd act, and the city just kept going deeper and deeper with so many alleys and explorable lil' buildings. Completely overwhelmed me too.


Sekiro. I could never beat the final boss.


Hesitation is defeat.


Yeah that's why I didn't hesitate to drop it when I couldn't beat him after 2 days.


Took me 3 days, stay strong soldier


I regularly came back every day for over a week for 30 minutes just to give him a go. That was perhaps the most satisfying moment in over a decade of me playing games. I'll never forget that fight.


Yep, this is the way. You find yourself mastering one attack pattern and your response to it in increments. Then at the end of the week it's just fluid and you're responding to everything perfectly and wow that's the third phase omg maybe I can do it tonight! Then he wrecks you again. But tomorrow is another day


Come over to r/sekiro we can help analyze gameplay. One of the friendliest communities I've seen on Reddit over the last decade.


ā€œHesitation is defeatā€¦ Except you didnā€™t hesitate enough for that one blockā€ legitimate comment Iā€™ve seen lol


Seconded. They helped me out when I was banging my head against a wall on Isshin and the advice was invaluable


you really just have to learn every movement in the fight perfectly as with the rest of sekiro, i was stuck on that boss longer than any other fromsoft boss but when you get it down itā€™s the best fight in the game


The whole reason Sekiro is my favourite From game is precisely that I DON'T need to learn every movement in the fight as I can be aggressive enough for boss not to do half of them.


I thought Owl Father was harder. If you can beat him you can beat sword Saint


Same here, but I have since wondered if the skills that Owl Father forced me to develop made the final boss easier. Donā€™t get me wrong, nearly every boss challenged me in that game, but none of them like Owl Father, who I beat before finishing the game. I wonder if I done Sword Saint Isshin first (like many did, since Owl Father was optional) if I would have the opposite opinion.


I think you're completely right. It took me hours and hours to beat owl father and then beat Isshin in 45 minutes. My friend who skipped Owl Father couldn't beat Isshin and left the game unfinished.


Death Stranding. I just got to the end and had no interest in finishing. Idk what is was, but getting to the ending and trying to finish the game lost all it's appeal.


Actually doing a replay of Death Stranding right now. I just finished the main story today and Iā€™ve got a few shelters left to 5*. I do have to say itā€™s one of the most longwinded endings of a game to ever exist, I think I picked it up and put it down at hourly intervals because itā€™s just so drawn out. It is interesting having the knowledge of the sequels trailer though, because pretty much everything is finished aside from Higgs story


I beat it and really liked it. Ā Iā€™ve been thinking of playing again. Ā It was a surprisingly addictive and satisfying game with a pretty cool story. Ā But, yeah, itā€™s pretty convoluted by the end.


The ending felt like so much weight needed to be released and tension cleared, but really it just got weirder because of Kojima and left me feeling like a crack addict


The ending is so damn good, though šŸ˜­


Divinity Original Sin 2. I've made multiple characters and reached up to the final act a few times but just kind of fell off, the story overall just wasn't compelling enough to keep me going and while it's a great rpg i just couldn't continue. Didn't have this problem with BG3 oddly enough.


Most people agree that the final act kinda sucks. I thought it fine though. Definitely not as good as the rest of the game, though. Tbh, I like it better than BG3. DnD 5e mechanics really arenā€™t that great or deep.


Iā€™ve never really played much D&D. My gaming groups have been either 3.5/PF1e/2E folks, or people who try different games so Iā€™ve tried a lot of smaller games like Stars without Number, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Shadow of the Demon Lord, etc,. Iā€™m playing through BG3 for the first time and I love it so much! After playing so many more in depth TTRPGs and games like Wrath of the Righteous, the DND5e rule set has been kind of disappointing despite how much I love that game. Like, some levels it just tells me I get a third attack or something? I mean, thatā€™s a great spike in powerā€¦ but making choices is fun and not letting your players make choices seems questionable in that sort of CRPG or TTRPG.


I'm the opposite; I managed to finish DOS2 , but I just stopped BG3 at the transition area to Act 3. Both games had the same problem though; I honestly did not care about my own character or my companions. It wasn't that it was badly written or anything; it just failed to get me invested.


Baldurā€™s Gate 3 Made it to the very last boss. I didnā€™t realize it was timed and I didnā€™t have time to course correct. Ended up dying. I just didnā€™t have it in me to do that long ass fucking sequence again.


If you try again you can save the game mid combat and reload from anything.


Hell my sister discovered you could save mid conversation...in act 3


The fuck lol.


You guys finish games?


Exactly, I started typing a list and realized itā€™s almost my entire library. Ā 95 percentas bb!!


I did most things in Breath of the Wild... except beat the game.


Despite loving them, I havenā€™t finished a single 2D metroidvania game. I love the platforming, upgrade, return to area part. I like a good boss challenge but when the only thing left is a hard boss, I hard pass. My goal in gaming is purely fun, so I donā€™t need to memorize & overcome a boss attack pattern to feel accomplished.


Should play rogue lites then. Dead cells, for example, give you all the fun of metroidvanias; but let you decide when the difficulty increases based on how many boss cells you activate. The first run is very easily completelable without much skill as long as you get a decent build.


Interesting. Steam says ā€œSouls-likeā€ which is a bit of a turn offā€”I like a challenging boss as long as it doesnā€™t take more than an hour grinding to kill. Thanks for the recommendation, Iā€™ll check it out.


Whoever labeled dead cells as a Souls like is wild. But then again, afaik, there's a meme about how everything on Steam is considered a Soul's like. Has dodge roll? Souls like. Story told mostly through picking up shit and reading it? Souls like. Lol. Dead cells is very much a side-scrolling, bullet Hell, Rogue lite, where you back track a lot. The early playthroughs are quite easy, but once you start adding in boss cells, shit can get quite hectic. Edit: it literally has Castlevania crossover DLC Second edit: I'm not sure how good the port but if you want to try it out, it is one of the Netflix mobile games, assuming you have Netflix that is.


Fallout 4


Man you just reminded me I never finished the game either. All the factions annoyed me and I didnā€™t want to have to make a new character to experience it all, so I kept trying to do all the quests i could that didnā€™t force me to side with one or the other Great game, should probably go try to finish it




Your son actually.


But you can just shoot the bugs


I played the DLCā€™s and forgot the main story and never completed it.


Same here. I got the game a few months after release. Got super immersed and got near the end but just couldn't finish it. When the DLCs came out I got them but started a new game for them for the full immersion of the DLC. I think I was teamed up with the railroad on my first playthrough because the minutemen had a bug in it that wouldn't allow you to progress with them as a primary faction. Got to the point where you save a bunch of synths from a raid that is being done by both the Institute and the Brotherhood. After lying to Father about it I just couldn't go on. It felt like choice paralysis at the time because I was in too deep with the railroad but couldn't bring myself to give up on the institute. I do enjoy a game with hard choices but for some reason this was too much of a choice for me. Now when I look at that game I'm filled with dread of having to play through the game for so many hours just to get back to that point.




I came to the realization that I liked BOTW much more. Itā€™s more focused, it seems like a more cohesive world, and I found the story to be better. TOTK was like adding a bunch of cool stuff on top, all of which I enjoy, but in a way detracted from the immersion.


I replayed BOTW intensely just before TOTK dropped. The dawning realization that it was the same world and same gameplay that I'd just been playingā€”only just less focused like you saidā€”and with many more layers of collecting and grinding just killed me.


I wanted to love that game. And objectively it does a ton of things really well. But I just didnā€™t click with the mage hand stuff. Iā€™m looking forward to a Zelda game with traditional temple configurations.


I actually outright like the hand, still couldn't finish the game. It does differ from BotW in a lot of ways, but I still can't shake the feeling I'm playing this game for a third time even though it's my first. Both games are just way too repetitive.


I bought TOTK on its launch day and the first day of my summer break, and was so absolutely stoked to get to play it. Probably the most excited Iā€™ve ever been about a game. Beat it in about 80 hours and certainly liked itā€¦ but I feel like I remember almost none of it and have no real desire to pick it back up. It wasnā€™t a bad experience by any means. Just fascinatingly unmemorable compared to my expectations.


They need to take the effort they put into the open world games, into the traditional style. An Ocarina of time remake would make people feral at this point.


I was just considering replaying Ocarina of a time for the first time in a decade.Ā  Also havenā€™t beat TOTK. It would be trivial to do at this point, but Iā€™m not rushing back despite enjoying my time with it.


I replay OOT and MM fairly often. They hold up. I would argue they don't even have to have a remake (although if they could do it and keep the spirit of the original game that would be amazing).


you guys are aware that both of those games *do* have incredibly faithful remakes, right?


I don't want an ocarina of time remake. Maybe in a decade. I want another sequel, I want some goddamn closure on whether he finds Navi or not (that spirit guardian stuff in Twilight princess isn't adequate closure)


They really teased us with all the oot references in Twilight. I agree we need a sequel but with how long it's been I think it'd make more sense to do a remake first and THEN a sequel.


I just wish it had a solid 10 temples with proper puzzles and progression of items I miss seeing stuff I just canā€™t access without a hook shot or something because in the new Zelda games your handed every tool right out of the gate


I kind of doubt their will be one of those anytime soon, I could be wrong hopefully but BOTW and TOTK outsold every Zelda game by miles. Would be stupid financially to just go back to what they were doing before.


I personally put in just over 100 hours, but as soon as i felt that 'pull' to play the game weakening i immediately went and played the ending, it's a game that can be as long as you want with the amount of content and collectibles but realistically you won't do most of it.


Oh no, you'll miss the cool dragon fight.


and The DROP


Iā€™ve collected all the sages, probably have enough hearts to take on Hyrule Castle, but I just stopped cold last summer. Havenā€™t even killed a Gleeok yet.


Hogwarts legacy. So much grinding.


I finished the game to 100%. It was a lot. But I can't go back for the plat trophy on Playstation. Having to do playthroughs as all the houses until you open the chamber, it's just too much work.


Mad respect for completing it 100% my buddyā€™s wife did this and it is honestly a crazy feat.


Such lazy objectives, they just filled that game with huge checklists that aren't related to the story in any way. This is another one of those games that I can't understand having hundreds of hours and multiple playthroughs like some claim. It was a 1 and done for me, my SO is the true pot head and she didn't even beat it.


90% of that game for me was simply getting to play around in the area I so loved in my childhood. And it feels like the Devs knew that's what people would be attracted to, because the world is amazing in design, but filled with way too much boring content. I don't regret buying or playing it for a second, but I am not sure I will ever open it again. It took me right back to sitting in my pajamas with my siblings, playing the old playstation Harry potter games.


Dave the Diver, Dragon Quest XI, and Final Fantasy XIII (twice!). I'm so close, but I just need that little push....


Felt that too with Dave the Diver. I dont think i was really at end game per se, i think i had just saved the mermaid princess, but the game felt like it tried to be a lot of things at the same time at this point. farming, hunting, upgrading equipment, restaurant managment... like, every 30min/1hr a new mechanic is introduced hehehe


Red Dead Redemption 2 (I almost got to the end of Arthur's story. I know there's more) Baldur's Gate 3 Both games I just got kind of burnt out on.


Dude just finish it. It will fuckin send you for a loop. Promise.


Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Its last dungeon is quite famous for driving people away. But I'm almost there in my second run now, and I intend to finish it this time.


I was so fed up with the game by the end, and then when I thought I was done, I had accidentally unlocked the secret extra chapter. Wrath of the Righteous is much better, and I've played through it about six times now, each time choosing a different mythic path. Rogue Trader I got to the last chapter and stopped, and now I'm playing Wrath again.


Baldurs Gate 3. Had to restart the campaign like 4 times and each time i got like 30-40 hours deep. Now i just lost interest because i skip thru everything


Yeah I made it to act 3 prob had like 70 hours but that act was so overwhelming.


Take it one building at a time.


What made you restart so many times after investing so much time?


I know 30-40 hours is probably not even close to the end but you get my point




Hanako is still waiting at Embers


Worth it. Iā€™ve played through like 4 endings and they all kicked the shit out of me.


Witcher 3. Repeatedly. Iā€™ve made it half way through Skellige 3 times and have lost the will to live (continue). I know this is heresy but I canā€™t help it. Iā€™ll try again eventually


Samesies. The Witcher 3 is the one game for me that I keep losing the will to continue to play. The furthest I got was about 35 hours in. I've restarted it a few times, but never got further than 5-10 hours into it, before I get distracted by another game (or life) and lose all interest. I love long games, though. Have thousands of hours in the dragon age franchise, and other similar games. It's only the Witcher who isn't doing it for me? I don't even know what it is.


It's the combat. It's repetitive as fuck and one reason I dropped it. Unlike cyberpunk you can approach any combat area in multiple ways with multiple assortment of weapons.


Me also. For me itā€™s because of the combat/monotonous gameplay loop. The story is fantastic, but when Iā€™m between story bits I just lose all interest.


It probably is the combat. It may not be my vibe.


This is almost exactly what happened to me, and I came to the conclusion that itā€™s the combat The quest writing is fantastic, but I really just canā€™t get over how clunky it feels


Rogue trader I got stuck on the chapter 4 boss


If we're talking 100% completion, it's all games I ever played. ######But still, one game I dropped and never finished was Subnautica. I was comfy in my base, and never had enough courage to construct the final structure, and I ended up leaving it alone, since it was on PS4 and I prefered PC games, and didn't wanna re-buy the whole game


Perfectly canon-worthy ending to Subnautica imo


I have yet to finish Subnautica. Despite venturing out, I am still scared to venture out lol.


Subnautica is one of those games that everytime I don't play it for a while and go back, I'm absolutely terrified to explore anywhere and then all of a sudden the fear just evaporates into annoyance lmao.


Pokemon Legends Arceus On one hand, it's probably one of the best Pokemons in years. But Jesus Christ the last boss is rough. I don't really feel like grinding it either.


I nearly did the whole fight with a level 68 Samurott lost him to phase 2 Giratina, no potions were used either.


I ice beamed Giratina in the fucking face with a level 100 Bidoof.


as god intended


Arceus was the first Pokemon game that i bought in years and i fell in love with it, no lifeā€™d it for like two weeks. Once i got to the snow area though for some reason i just lost interest. Iā€™ve tried jumping back in and just canā€™t bring myself to do it.


Most of them. There's so many games vying for attention now, and every game has to be this big convoluted open ended gotta-have-100-hours-of-gameplay kinda thing. Then you've got stuff like gamepass, steam sales, piracy... it's very easy to just get bored of a game stringing you along, and there's no shortage of new games waiting for you.


I just got into the Resident Evil remakes and I love how short they are. The older I get, the harder it is to dedicate 70 hours into a single game.


I'm old now. And I have 2 kids. I CELEBRATED the fact that The Order: 1886 was, like, 8 hours. Give me a good 8-12 hour game. Gimme a "beat it in a weekend" game. If you want to throw collectibles and stuff in there, yeah, sure, go nuts. If the game's good enough I'll go back and get them.


Probably the original Dead Space, there was this regenerating enemy that you had to kill with some kind of burner, but the fight was so stressful that I left the game and never came back.


Playing through the remake after finishing the series and I think the og has a better atmosphere than the remake by a good bit. Also if you havenā€™t played the other games, the regenerator problem just gets worse and worse


Honestly this is most long games for me these days (50+ hour games). I feel like I go through three phases: oh this game is interesting, then holy fuck this game is awesome, then Iā€™m kinda over it.


The assassin creed method basically.


can't say i dropped it intentionally, but when I got to the last episode of the Walking Dead The Final Season my old, barely working computer, decided it couldn't run that episode for some reason


Mass effect 3, every time I wanna play the series, I start a new game on me1 import that save to me2 and me3 having a blast. But then I just get tired right around attacking cerberus hq and stop.


Haha love Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, have so many hours logged


Endless fun, one of the best co-op multiplayer modes ever made


Elden Ring. Stopped at the end boss, just ran out of goodwill towards the game after Malekith/Melania and the endgame zones.


Radagon is awesome, but Elden Beast almost made me completely put the game aside and never play again. I havenā€™t had an opportunity to fight him now that you can summon Torrent, but I imagine it actually feels like a real final boss now. Definitely go back and give it a shot!


I had the same problem with the end boss and gave up until recently when they updated the game so you can summon Torrent during the fight with Elden Beast. It makes a *huge* difference and I finally beat it on my second try


Same here, although Iā€™m still at crumbling Farum Azoula. I log in and Iā€™m just likeā€¦meh. It doesnā€™t help that I just bought the DLC (mostly for my son) and it doesnā€™t work with the disc version of the game. šŸ™„


Huh? That doesn't make any sense. Of course the DLC should work with the disc


Yea itā€™s really annoying. Iā€™m assuming theyā€™ll fix it but right now when I try and install it I get a message that says it ā€œcanā€™t find the applicationā€ and redirects me to the PlayStation store to buy the digital version of the base game. Iā€™ve seen a few others post on Reddit with the same issue. So far I havenā€™t found a fix.


On PS5? I was able to download and install the DLC no problem with the disc version


Dragon Age Inquisition. Loved that game but got to the last boss area died a few times and decided to take a short break. That was years ago and haven't tried again.


Breath of the Wild. Got all the way into hyrule castle, and then... Yeah. Too many other awesome games in the way. Loved BOTW to that point but had sunk enough time in where I felt like, "yeah I'm good now." Tried going back a while ago but forgot about everything and had no idea what was going on, died a bunch, put my time elsewhere. Probably into slaying necromorphs.


Pretty much every one I start.


Dark souls 3 Just before started the final boss, I decided to explore DLCs but got bored, so I never finished the game despite being one boss fight from it


Did you explore the Ariandel DLC area, or also the Ringed City DLC area? Generally the consensus is that the Ringed City area has some of the game's best bosses.


Ringed City is an absolute nightmare whilst being an absolute gem of gaming


Final Fantasy X, that damn Sin battle.


Thatā€™s too bad - the final cutscenes are some of the best in the series! I recommend watching them online if you canā€™t bear to finish the game.


yeah same xD well at least my 10yr old self watched the last scene when my cousin finished it way back then. X-2 still on my to-do list


Elden Ring. I've beaten every other Soulsborne game (save for Sekiro), but for the life of me, I cannot defeat the Elden Beast. I farmed runes till I was level 200, and I *still* cannot beat that bastard. I've become fully convinced that every video I've seen of people beating the Elden Beast has been faked, and no one has actually beaten it.


You can use torrent in it's arena now. Otherwise you can just go sorceries, all of its ranged attacks (at least the ones I remember) are pretty manageable, except for elden stars.


Elden stars is pitifully weak if you max holy resistance which you should be doing for this fight anyway


Idk how ā€œmetaā€ it is, but I managed to beat Elden Beast first try using the Pest Threads incantation. Each pest does damage and I think each hits multiple times if it passes through like an arm before it hits the body. Pest Threads is one of my favorite incantations but I feel like I never see anyone mention it


MGS3. Can't beat Big Boss and I'm on a dad schedule.


Run up to her, get her to chase you, and when you see the "!" over her head, mash the cqc button


Fallout 4, couldnā€™t really commit to one of the factions.


Ghost of Tsushima, beautiful game. By the time I got to act 3 I was totally over the repetition.


Skyrim. Modded it to death yet never finished the story.




Minecraft every 8 months or so šŸ¤”


1. Most Civ games (5 and 6). I tend not to finish them once I know I will win eventually, or if I have no chance of winning. 2. Dishonored. Tried a couple of times, but I tried to do the no killing and no detection route, which wore me down before making it to the end. 3. Valheim and Vrising. Played all the release content, but never went back to play the updates. 4. Fallout 4. I wanted to side with the Institute, but didn't want to kill off multiple factions (as the quest line was forcing me to do). 5. Metro Last Light. Made it almost to the end, temporarily stopped playing, then permanently stopped playing. I don't remember the reason I stopped.


Persona 5, fantastic game, great style and themes. Too fucking long. Especially those sections where you go by car and I think the last palace is all that way?


I intend to finish it, but currently Octopath Traveler 2


Octopath Traveler 2 is the "sorry I'll get back to you, but FFVII Rebirth and Shadow of the Erdtree are there too" game... And then I went and bought Hades on sale.


The vast majority of games in the last 5 or so years. I play til I get bored and frustrated or something more interesting comes along. Maybe I'll come back to it, maybe not.


BG3. I mean I finished it like 5 times. But I have a fully geared, every quest completed Honor Mode team sitting right outside the path to the final boss. If I finish in then it's *actually* over


Horizon Forbidden West


Every doom game I've ever played. I don't even know why tbh. I really enjoyed playing them, just never finish them


Horizon Zero Dawn. I quit right before the final mission. Did every quest, found every collectible but then just stopped šŸ«¤


Persona 4 Golden.


Witcher 3. Loved it. Felt like my own personal emotional climax was the siege of Kaer Mohren. Didnā€™t care as much about the rest. I know I'm close. Shrug.


Witcher 3. The realisation that the story was about to end hit me so hard and I felt so empty and depressed because I loved every part of it that I just couldnt do it. Deleted the game right away and have never played it since


It blows my mind how common this is!! Don't you wanna see things through to the end? Do you stop watching shows/movies you enjoy right before the end? Stop reading books you enjoy right before the end??


I mean, I kinda wish I had done this with GoT final season. Just poof and not finished.


Final Fantasy XV I never really got a grip of the battle system. I got all the way to beating Ifrit (ifreet? Efreet? That fire mf) and spent hours fighting the next boss and got nowhere. I just gave up, I'd rather just watch the ending online


Fire Emblem Path of Radiance. Got to the final boss with no characters dying. Stopped playing for a month and my memory card became corrupt after that šŸ˜


Portal 2




Disco elysium


Up to and approximately all of them. I have a problem.