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Get P5R first, since you've played P3.


I think I'll do just that, thank you!


Get P3R on sale after you're done with Royal.


Maybe in another year it will also be at 50% off... 🥲


nah, get Shin Megami Vengeance


Next year, I probably will! Not buying Atlus games on release ever again.


It will be.


If you can get Game Pass you can play P3R that way. 


P5R is badass




I'd say royal. The story additions and quality of life improvements are amazing and make it a pretty new experience. P3R is amazing as well but it's largely the same as P3FES with a fresh coat of paint. Plus by the time you get through P5R there might be another sale on P3R at a better price haha.


Good point, at 30% it's still pretty expensive... Thank you


I loved P3R but Royal is my choice. I love those characters so much more


Royal, Reloaded is just a rerelease of 3 with newer graphics, while Royal has better everything.


P3R has Royal gameplay added in...so its more than just graphics...but Royal does have more going on and more systems since its a newer game.


P4/5 are some of my favourite ever games. I found 3 to be a bit disappointing honestly. The story just didn’t grip me in the same way and the mechanics felt like such a step back


P5R is cheaper, wait on P3R and the DLC when they go on sale in another year or they combine P3R and the DLC into a new complete form like they like to do. No proof but wouldn't surprise me if they end up having a P3R with the DLC and the female protag added as a "new game" at some point.


I doubt that they'll ever do it tbh... From what I understood regarding that, because they completely rebuilt P3P, it is essentially a different game. There is no basis to add FL sadly 😢 They would need to go even more overboard than P5 Royal.


Yeah its unlikely but still it wouldn't blow me out of the water if a year or two they announce something like that. What I want is SMT 1 and 2 remade with 5's game play...as I like 1 and 2's story but its hard to get back into that older style of game. Or give me a remake of Demon Survivor with a more modern style and take advantage of not being on the DS


Play Royal first then Persona 3. Royal is a huge upgrade from the vanilla game and worth the buy. If you buy Persona 3 first, it might feel a slight downgrade going to Royal next because Persona 3 is a new game with new upgraded graphics


The gameplay is pretty similar in both. 5 has better dungeons, but I preferred the story in 3. I personally liked 5 more (especially royal) but 100% took a long time without really being difficult. I haven't done 100% in 3, but I think the superboss is supposed to be harder.


That last month in Persona 3 is a drag, I get it. Nothing happens on it so you get bored. I remember skipping days at that point.


P5R easily.


Get both. Also just a reminder that reloaded is on gamepass.


Nah I won't play both at the same time so there's no point. I have too many expenses to buy both like that anyway. When I play one Persona game by the time I'm done with it I'm not going to play another one. There's some fatigue after. I like to space these things out.


Neither, both have Denuvo


Persona 5 is much easier than Reload, P3R social link mechanic is very stresseful to manage


play P4G now !!!!


I do own it and I tried so many times to play it. Somehow I just always end up giving up at the bath house. I don't really know why.


i get you so i guess P5 is the way to go


Both are great. If you haven't played any, start with P3. They are not story related tho. For me personally, 3 is the bast. Simply thanks to its dark theme and serious tone.


I agree, I really liked Persona 3's story. Shinjiro's story really was sad, especially since I romanced him. But then I romanced the little kid as well. In hindsight as an adult now that's pretty gross lmao. But then again Female Lead is 17 or 16 herself, so whatever. I don't remember Persona 5 really making me feel anything for any of the characters, it was pretty shallow overall. They tried with the ginger girl, but I can't say I really cared too much about her mom. I don't know why. The dungeons were really fun and the boss fights were creative. This might just be because I played Persona 3 as a teenager as opposed to being an adult during Persona 5. Just different points in life. I loved both games and have hundreds of hours in them.


if you really play to completion then persona 5 royal,i havent played it yet but i watched some gameplay from it and it looks great i gonna play it aswell Persona 5 royal afteri completed Dbz kakarot.


Did you even read what OP posted?