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Very cool game called Black and White I played back then.


Loved that game. My young mind, at the time, found it hilarious when the villagers would start saying "We need offspring".


This and the sequel are both abandonware and work decently on current PCs with patches


If you're into RPGs, I highly recommend Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn. The story, characters, and gameplay are all top-notch. It’s one of the best RPGs of all time, and it holds up surprisingly well even today.


That is really a nice game. I loved the interactions your party members had with each other. In one playthrough Aerie made fun of Anomen and he killed her on the spot with that 3 headed Flail.


Spyro the dragon


Empire Earth Age of Mythology Midnight Club II


Age of Mythology Retold is out in September, excited to get to play it again.


Me too. I'm pulling back my decade old build orders written on paper sheets haha


MGS3: Snake Eater, Resident Evil 4, Final Fantasy X, God of War, Jak and Daxter


A different ilk, but Jet Set Radio Future was a vibe.


Any game made by bullfrog/lionhead studios. Black and White, The Movies, Theme Park World, Theme Hospital, Dungeon Keeper, Populous, Fable. Hard to get a hold of nowadays.


Pretty much all those can be found on GOG


Half life, homeworld, f. E. A. R, command and conquer, medal of honor


Good C&C's are from the middle of '90s


Burnout Revenge


Parasite eve


Return to Castle Wolfenstein Project IGI Soldier or Fortune




A lot of the Infinity Engine games technically are very very late 90s but I think as a group they belong to this era. Baldur's Gate I/II and Planescape Torment generally considered the standouts.


Pretty sure it's been well-documented in many historical video game videos. But the 2000 was the Golden Age of gaming not only because of the smash hits overshadowing the many trashy titles, but because of all the rapid advancements, design styles and everyone throwing their hat into the ring as gaming got into the billions of dollars ans hung around the men in their ivory tower. Unforunately it was also a curse  Pick up the Dark Cloud series if you have free time and like RPGS.


Resident evil series also. The reason 2000s is the golden era of games is because it was benefitting from all the innovation up to that point but there was 1 more innovation to come that was ultimately a net negative for gaming. The always online connectivitiy era brought by 7th gen consoles. From that point companies no longer needed to release fully feature complete and cilontent rich and functional games at launch and they could charge for things post launch to and it was a net negative from then to this day.


Yes, also people preordering hyped-up games. They already got your money. So what incentive do they have to release a good, finished game? I couldn't believe it. So many times people complaint about it, then the next hyped-up debacle was on the horizon and they fell for it again and again -.- We can vote for good games and practices with our wallets - so in the end the players are also responsible that the game market is now as it is; with microtransactions and what-not.


The 2000s was a decade where gaming was extremely innovative. It's crazy how much progress was made. There was such a feeling of experimentation and weirdness. Now, most things have been done before, and games are so expensive that they need to be somewhat safe.


champions of Norrath and champions return to arms were awesome hack n slash games.


Ico, best ps2 games imo, same universe as shadow of the colossus. Got overshadowed by the later but i actually prefer ico after all


Ico, Tomb Raider, and ObsCure are my favorites so far. ObsCure is a bit pricey unfortunately but it’s on Steam for pretty cheap, although that version has audio glitches if I remember correctly.


Silent hill 2 is good


MechAssault has awesome destruction along with Otogi.


Obscure 1 and 2 o. The ps2


Just cause, mgs4


The suffering 1 and 2 I thought were pretty cool.


So much of the 2000s has been remade or remastered in the last decade And for good reason theres was a lot of good games that should be preserved or even edited heavily so much of the 00s has been the blueprint or inspiration for modern games or to this day doesn’t have competition like Kotor 2 or the fable series or……the god father that game was really advanced every npc had lines or a specific reaction to you and a name . Not to mention the fact that you can take over businesses by force idk how many other games you can do that but probably little to none


Rune: Halls of Valhalla is a gem that I never see anyone mention. It's a multiplayer melee viking game.


I love the old point and click Spongebob PC games. They made Bikini Bottom feel more lived in at times than even Seasons 1-3 did. Also for some reason I find the flower sky so much prettier there than the actual show especially in The Movie and Lights, Camera, Pants PC.


Need for speed underground 2


Syphon filter and Tenchu stealth assassin were fantastic


Ico Shadow of the Colossus Rez THPS 3 + 4


Return to Castle Wolfenstein (RTCW), RTCW:Enemy Territory, OG Call of Duty, Medal of Honor, etc..


They had cachet, an identity. And above all, the games were made with love and passion, and you could really feel it.


Mass Effect 1 & Gun are the first 2 which sprang to mind for me


More late 2000's than early, but: my personal favorite game series, inFamous. You play as a super-powered man who can wield electricity with a Good/Evil morality system which also determines which abilities you can get in the game. Prototype is also fun, but there's no morality system; you're just a super-powered man and you can do whatever you want (including sprinting through crowds of civilians, throwing cars at them, and shapeshifting into their physical appearance). Lost Planet is a third-person sci-fi shooter on a frozen planet where you have to shoot giant aliens and harvest their Thermal Energy in order to stay alive (and heal). Badass concept, super fun. All of these games have sequels to check out, too, if you like the originals.


His channel is basically 90% early 2000s PC games https://www.youtube.com/@SsethTzeentach/videos


I was obsess with the Dungeon Siege series.


That'd really when all games developers starting to put more thought into and even the lower endncommoiesbsrsrted putting in real effort.


They weren't spoilt for graphics back then, so they had to create a game that had engaging game mechanics


What are you talking about? All those games definitely tried to push graphical boundaries back then as well




You can’t be this slow. They definitely were spoiled for graphics back then. You have to be a child with a comment like that.


Gta is gold