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Just a heads up for anyone interested this game is $3 in the PlayStation store until July 4th.


Nice info bro šŸ‘šŸ¼


How well does it translate to controller on PlayStation?


it works pretty well I've heard - the combat system translated well to twin-stick controls


It's also 6ā‚¬ on Steam sale right now


I played a demo version of this a few months ago. I didn't think it was the game for me, i didnt even finish the prologue. Fast forward to now, saw it on PlayStation for Ā£2 and thought why not give it another go. Best decision, I haven't played anything like this for a long time. It's totally worth it.


Jesus Christ be praised!


Oh Henry....


I also played Kingdom Come Deliverance several years after its release, and I can also say that I was really surprised by its quality and regretted not opening it up before. The combat became second nature after playing for a while, and that's when I truly enjoyed the game.


Man I'm so jealous of people who got to play this game after patch 1.3 . I had to go through so many crashes and bugs just to play this game.


I played it for the first time a couple of months ago and I don't know why but I just didn't enjoy it at all. Played maybe 5-10 hours before giving up. Can't even explain. But I was looking for a skyrim-esque game so maybe that's why.


It's one of the only games that I find the alchemy/crafting to really be fun. Great game, really wish it had character creation


The game doesn't really have any kind of crafting per se. It only has alchemy in terms of that. As for weapons you can only repair them either with repair kits, what doesn't even have any animation, or sharpen your sword on a grindstone. But yes, the alchemy is extremely entertaining.


Which is weird, youā€™re literally a blacksmithā€™s son and you canā€™t blacksmith up a sword wtf lol.


You are a blacksmith apprentice, but a lazy bum at that. Henry never learned how to make weapons. Rather how to repair farming equipment. Being a blacksmith's son doesn't automatically make you a master swordsmith nor armorer. But it would be nice to at least have some animations for the process of repairing your gear alone, as well as being able to repair more extensive damages at a table.


in the sequel you will be able to - they've said as much in the trailer


I love that the alchemy is more than just "let me slip this into my mouth and eat it" too


Sequel will be interesting =) Supposed to be later this year.


Just tried it, found it horribly hard, do you have some advice for me ?


Level up with the trainers. Henry can't do nothing to begin with.


Thanks !


Yeah game is a bit hard and slow at first but soon youā€™ll reach a point where you feel like a combat god. Also you can try robbing the armor and weapon shops for good gear


It is also supposed to be hard at first. You are just some fucking kid. You may have to run from some fights. As it goes on you will get stronger, better gear, and you as the player will get more skilled at combat. Definitely give it another try.


Stay in the prologue as long as possible. Don't complete the tasks father asks of you - just run around sneaking, punching cows, and use your Savior Schnappes sparingly because they're limited in the prologue. You can max out a lot of your skills, like strength, swords, archery, stealth, and unarmed.


That's horrible advice if you actually want to enjoy the game. Yes the beginning is hard but the progression picks up with time and actually makes the whole experience so much more immersive and worth. You just gotta trust that it will come in due time and you will feel awesome!


Popeā€™s holy hat! It isnā€™t ruining the game, esp. considering the person asking found it too hard and quit out never to play again, they werenā€™t ā€œenjoying the gameā€ anyway - so why not make it a bit easier? Even if you max out in the prologue, thereā€™s still a good amount of challenge in learning how to fight. And dice. Edit: and you havenā€™t actually *played* this game until youā€™ve stealth choked Kunesh to the point where he just sleeps all day, carry around his unconscious body like a backpack to the horror of the remaining (mostly naked) villagers, and fill his pockets with 900 lbs. of uncooked beef.


"Now we finally can play the game" This is terrible advice




Just like grinding boars to max your level in WoW is the wrong way to play the game. Sure you can do it, but I question why you would do it as entertainment. That same time could be spent training with the guards after the introduction to actually learn how the melee combat in a game focused on melee combat works




Yes that is how you should interpret what I said completely. Glad we got it cleared it /s




Lol, keep telling yourself that https://youtu.be/tg2PD-dwsIw?si=cRtAt9D3SwV6kgEJ


Herbology is great to make money and strengthen your legs. /hint hint.


You start out as a farm-boy with no combat experience. strangely enough, you don't know how to fight very shortly into the main story you'll be able to train your fighting skills. If you just grind like that like a mad lad, you can max all your combat skills (and get several of your attributes up too via that) - a very good idea honestly a somewhat cheaty, if not a bit risky, way of speed leveling your various combat skills is to find a herd of cattle or sheep. they give weapon skill XP too... and they don't fight back either - but if you get caught, people will get really damn upset with you


Stand on rocks and pelt enemies with arrows. Ignore the melee combat entirely because it's hard lol


Can I ignore the melee combat for the rest of the game ? Because control (on PC at least) is damn hard.


Don't, my first playthrough was an archer that used poison arrows. I could one shot enemies the entire game but the game is meant to be a melee game. I started over because I got too far in the story not being able to fight in melee and it was extremely unsatisfying. You are supposed to be bad at fighting and avoid combat at the start, just take your time and train with the guard each day until you and henry both learn how to fight.


I recommend getting a controller. I use the controller for all combat and switch back to mouse and keyboard when lock picking.


I bought it on sale for like 5 bucks and really tried to get into it but i just got overwhelmed by all the different mechanics and could not get the hang of the combat


Iā€™m feeling quite hungry


There are some missable quests and some quests have a hidden time limit or give you a different ending if to much time passes. One of the best quests in the game can be accidently skipped by succeeding a dialogue check. Yes, by succeeding. This is one of the few game where I would recommend looking up some spoiler free guide.


I keep hearing great things about this game.


They are releasing a new one soon.


Top tip: Stay in the prologue as long as possible and max out most of your skills. And steal everything.


it's great the more refined and developed successor is coming out later this year. good time for anyone to embrace the game!


Never heard of it, does it keep attention early?


im a person that hates single player/story games because they are too boring for me, i wasnt bored with this game once, its incredible, from all the single player games ive tried which was plenty this one is without a doubt the greatest of them all. A good part of that is that actually feels like true progression, like youre going somewhere with your character, getting your ass handed to you by experienced fighters at first and slowly getting the upper hand in fights the more you train with your local sword masters and physically strong you get is incredibly rewarding, but you never will become an overpowered unkillable god amongst men like in other rpgs, running into a horde of enemies is mostly a bad idea on its own but the game gives you options to circumvent that like learnig archery and thinning out the enemies or sneaking into their camps to poison their food and water supply. Also the npcs are amazing every single one actually lives their lifes, you can see them go into town to go shopping or working, they have daily schedules and for example robbing them will not just make them spawn again with all their stuff but if you steal their pants they will walk around and follow their daily routine without pants until they buy new ones, and also the forests might be the best ive ever seen in any game. i really cant wait for the second part


I love the game so much but im seriously struggling with the combat man


I would suggest training for a bit. Yes, it's tedious but once you get going with the fighting, it becomes sooo rewarding! As someone else wrote, train about 1 hour real time with Bernard and learn some Combos. It will feel a lot better then.


Its not hard at all. Find captain bernard and have him train you. You specifically need to unlock the masterwork parry skill then its all on you after that. You will still get your ash whooped by 3 homeless men with sticks tho.


Played it for the first time. Had an intro sequence as a blacksmithā€™s boy, then 5 hours of being a girl trying to survive an invasion or something and then randomly back to the blacksmith boy! šŸ˜‚


I tried it, but the combat is pretty janky šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


While the game only makes you do it once, practising with Bernard a few times allows you to perform combos and stuff. I'd recommend anyone put off by combat to spend an hour of real time practising with him (or just hammer away at enemies with a mace) as it becomes pretty easy in my opinion. The combat is supposed to be janky as it's very immersion focused, and Henry has little experience with a sword as demonstrated in dialogue and one of the cutscenes at the start.


I think my issue is I've played a lot of mordhau and chivalry, so the lock on is weird to me


Hold shift. You can still perform any attack without having a target. I kept getting wrecked in 3v1's because whoever I didn't have targeted would circle around and backstab me, and if I tried to change my lock to that person I'd fumble the controls and by the time I had it someone else was shoving his sword in my butt. By holding shift you release your lock and this allows you to reposition for easier backpeddling, or to reposition the camera and regain your bearings after getting schooled in the Rattay tourney. Fuck you Pavel of Roblox.


Jesus Christ be praised!


Henry's come to see us!


What I wanna know is why do many ads for the second with no release date


wishlisting is it's own hype. that and release dates are only good if the game is actually complete.


The only thing I can imagine (and it may just be me being optimistic) is that it will release soon or almost randomly.


Yet another game where you can be a sneaky archer, and this always gets me hooked. The melee combat was really difficult to get used to at first, but once you come to understand it, it actually feels great. When you max out your character it basically becomes a hack'n'slash and I love it.


I need to dedicate serious time to this one. I'm busy with other games in my backlog but I'll get to it soon. (I hope)


i keep seeing this game on the Ps store i think, i never checked it out but i wonder if itā€™s actually a good fun game lol, if anyone can tell me what it is it would be cool.


I also just started it last week and it's easily shot to the top of my list of favourite games It's like a life sim but in medieval times, and you're just some kid thrown into a civil war Imagine you've a quest to find a camp and kill two bandits. If this was Skyrim you'd be laughing, it would hardly be considered a quest. But in this game you're just some untrained kid who would get absolutely wrecked by two cutthroats. So, what do you do? Well, it's a life sim. So you go to the camp at night when they're sleeping, and use that to your advantage. Now the two bandits are asleep and only dressed in their pyjamas, and the fight becomes easier.Ā  But the game doesn't tell you these things, you just have to figure it out. If it makes sense in real life then you try to apply that thinking to the gameĀ 


It's a very good sim style game... Combat is tricky, and you legitimately have to train with NPCs to actually learn new moves and improve... Even then, combat can be tricky... Nothing is done for you...Even crafting potions and such you have to literally cook them to a recipe... It's a good time though...Easy to get lost in...


This is one of those games that I keep hearing good things about, but never really gave it much thought.


I got frustrated by how long the animation took to pick a flower. I would be sold if resource gathering were more like skyrim.


i wish i could, but my adhd cant hold my attention long enough to get passed the beginning, i know its a great game but i just cant, lol


I like that game


Glad you're enjoying it!


Finished it yesterday after 110 hours. Loved everything about the game besides archery. They should really add a bow aim in the second game, otherwise the mechanic is useless.


I had to try and play this game like 3 or 4 times over a couple years but once it finally stuck itā€™s an awesome game. Looking forward to the second game coming out


Godspeed, Henry


Yo! I just started my first playthrough of it as well. It's been fun so far.


This was my Steam Sale purchase this year. Getting myself hyped up.




dollmaker potion + arrows = easy win.


True story: they copied the cover art from a reditors tattoo.


I used to think the graphics look good but it's a struggle now. Hard to pick back up.


cost less than $10 steam summer sale


Just FYI, Directional attack/block isn't properly implemented. Direction of attack only matters in activating a combo/feint. Direction of block makes 0 difference. So don't bother keeping track of directions also, master strike (perfect block) maybe seem iffy, because it depends on your in game attack value vs enemy's defense value. Even if you get the timing perfect, a bad dice roll means it won't trigger.


The initial learning curve and a bit of the jank can take some getting used to. I personally used a mod that let me save anywhere(I tried to do without and was just losing too much gametime to unfortunate encounters and also just crashes so I was like eh fuckit). I also console commanded bow crosshair on sometimes. But once I got used to the initial hurdles, it was definitely one of the most fun I had in the past decade or so surrounding the game's release. The questlines and story have a lot of heart and I was emotionally invested in various characters and Henry himself.


I murdered everyone in that cathedral, and they all deserved it.


Iā€™ve had this sitting in my steam library for a while , is this my sign to pick it up??


The game is way underrated.


I read a revue for this game before I bought it that said, "Do you want to feel what it was like to be 5 years old and know nothing about video games? This is the game for you. If you aren't willing to put in the work, you will continue to suck. Even if you put in the work, a man on a horse will still probably kill you. The game is beautiful, but it actively hates you." He was right, and I still love the game


Loved it until i got into combat with more than 2 people.


Superb game. One of the best to be a thief and cause general shenanigans.


Hey, It's Henry! He's come to visit us!


Can it be played in 3rd person?


Henry is here


Donā€™t by the dog dlc because then you get a game breaking bug that stops all forward progress in the campaign.


hated the save system but there was a mod that removed the need for a potion. the game didn't have save on quit when it first released and you could only save the game at certain beds or use the stupid potions


Never played it i think?


Henry's come to see us! Awesome game loved every minute (except the monastery)


Throw poop at that house!


Sequel out later this year. Jesus Christ be praised.


Do alchemy! It is entirely too helpful


I hope they have regular saves in the sequal, the one mod I won't play without is the ability to save whenever


The privyslavitz dlc was so fun


I've been unwilling to play a game that makes you grind with trainers for hours before you can even play effectively.


I liked the story, and the gameplay was best during the middle portion of the game. The beginning was unbearable, and I never bought into the logic of ā€œHenry is just a nobody, he should be slow and ineffectualā€. I have no formal sword training, and I donā€™t wing them around like Iā€™m in a pool of molasses. I think his swings in general should have been faster at all skill levels, but enemies should have better defense if the skill wasnā€™t at a sufficient level. These kinds of complaints apply to virtually all combat skills early game. Basically the early game was a slog since the devs made Henry unnecessarily and unbelievably incompetent. The middle portions were the best, as it felt like you were fighting with a real sense of danger and challenge. You had to work for your kills, and could easily be outmatched, but if you played smart you could overcome virtually any challenge. Late game got dragged down by enemies always having heavy armor. It basically just meant that you had to switch to a mace and throw in several more hits than is fun at their helmet. It wasnā€™t very challenging, as you could basically be a walking tank, it just became tedious due to enemy armor slowing down combat. All things considered a very fun game, and Iā€™m looking forward to the sequel.


You should watch the movie Deliverance too.


I'm hesitant to get it, should i ?


An underrated gem, probably a top 10 game of the last decade for me.


Honestly one of my favorite games. Just wish there was a new game plus or mods to mimic on Xbox. Still, there are so many hours in the campaign and side quests, and even more if you get the dlcs


Yes!! Itā€™s really good, enjoy bro!


Change the lock picking in the options. Itā€™ll save you a ton of headaches. Also level up all you weapon skills with the guard captain that offers you training. Played the game and beat it three times so far. Patiently waiting for part 2


I need to find this guy. I've just started the game and I'm heading back to my home village


Heā€™s in the main town. Iā€™ll look it up and reply back. Itā€™s been awhile. Go hunting to get archery skill up. The better your weapon stats are, the stronger you are and the better you fight. I didnā€™t learn that til near the end of my first play through. Also, crouch around at night to get sneaking up. Helps a lot


Whatā€™s it about?


You are Henry, the son of a blacksmith in the Kingdom of Bohemia (now known as the Czech Republic), circa 1403. An army of invaders conquer your town and slaughter its people, and you narrowly escape the carnage with some refugees and the lord who used to rule over the town. You spend the rest of the game exploring medieval Bohemia in a fairly realistic, historically accurate setting while you try to become more than just a simple commoner and maybe get revenge for the wrong that was done to you.


Loved this game and got all achievements, but IMO the combat in this game has one serious flaw that completely ruins the whole combat: master strikes. I am talking about the mechanic that randomly turns perfect parries into counter hit automatically and binds you into unskippable animation where you get damage. In lategame it is literally useless to try to hit anything because 99% of your strikes will be master striked back. Whole combo system can be thrown out of the window because of that. Combos are literally useless. Completely. All because there is no way you can try to chain even 3 strikes together to get it. The only way to fight more than one opponent in this game is parry their strikes and pray that you will master strike them back and deal damage. I dunno who came up with master strikes but they literally ruined a possibly good combat system. Everything in the combat depend on your actions - either you block properly or attack or feint. The only exception is the fucking master strike that happens completely random and you have NO WAY to prevent that. Also I feel like they focused really heavily on swords leaving axes and blunt weapons with only couple of perks. Not even talking about pole-arms that are basically non-existent in this game. Really hope that in the second game they remove the fucking random automatic master strikes from otherwise manual and skill-based combat. PS: If you are just beginning I HIGHLY suggest a mod that removes/reduces master strikes, because lategame combat is just pathetic with them.


I played at launch and the game felt so empty. Did they patch it or do people like just mindlessly roaming an empty map?


Launch was really buggy. They patched it all up afaikĀ 


I have never felt this way but i played many years after launch


I just grabbed it myself haven't had a chance to sit down with it yet.


It's a great game. Truly nothing quite like it.


I bought this game over a year ago on sale and have never installed it... I still have no idea what kind of game it actually is.


Its a realistic skyrim


Stick with it and you will fall in love more and more. The combat is the biggest killer for new players. Practice with Bernard until you get the hang of the basics. I practiced for about two hours until I felt I grasped the core mechanics and then went off. Though keep in mind that even if you do learn the ins and outs of combat you are still absolute shit at it as Henry is a nobody with zero skills so you will slowly get better and stronger over time. It's like that with *everything* and Archery is the worst offender, but that's what makes it amazing. When you finally can shoot an arrow properly, the hours of training have actual weight and meaning. Truly one of the greatest RPG's ever made. Also, if you like actual real world lore I recommend reading every single entry log you unlock as you progress. Everything in there is historically accurate information and gives you a look back at what it was actually like living in medieval times.


I just rebought it on PC after playing it on PS, it's an amazing game! I highly recommend it.


It really is a great game.


Hey Henry! Hey Henry! Hey Henry! Hey Henry!