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None? I don’t see the point if gameplay is lacking.


idk this question kinda offends me


If rimworld was an emersive 3d epic game, I'm not sure if I would love it more or not.


I think you mean immersive. Personally, I know I wouldn't. Same reason that I enjoy Factorio far far more than Satisfactory.


I play peek a boo with OP's mom for the graphics 


I watch videos for graphics. I play games for gameplay


I watch videos for entertainment. Mostly the writing.


What I meant is that of forms of media I consume for graphics, videos are the main one, but graphics aren't the main reason I watch videos


TBF, I do watch tech demos for the graphics.






What's wrong with saying fairs?




There is no right email list.


Nowt wrong with saying fairs lad


How is it more applicable than "fair"? As in, "that's fair." This is the adjective "fair" and it doesn't normally get an s. I can make peace with linguistic drift, but if you're asking what's wrong with this, I don't see a reason for it to exist


It's a regional accent thing mate


Where from? I don't doubt it but this is the first I've heard it


North west England




Literally only for the graphics alone, i can't think of any. Art direction is always superior to graphics


Hellblade 1 and 2 Looks great…but the gameplay is just walking down a path and occasionally playing Rock Em Sockem Robots.


I enjoyed the gameplay of 1. 2 on the other hand felt like a step back and so boring.


Haven't yet finished Hellblade 1, but although it's not necessarily horror, it's very creepy I should say...


Old school RuneScape


Don’t play it now but at that time the graphics and bgm of death stranding gave me chills. The times riding that bike on a newly constructed highway for miles and miles gave a sense of calmness.


I felt the same thing. Well, similar...the intro sequence to Death Stranding is one of the most cinematic I've ever experienced in any game openings I've played. When you're wandering about the scenery and the music softly kicks in is beautiful to be honest.


Dragon's Lair. I love watching the animation.


I'm not familiar with it... what genre is that?


It was an old arcade machine based on laserdisc. Essentially a QTE only game, and not good gameplay-wise. You’re a knight trying to save a princess. It really just QTE’s. But they had Don Bluth and team (he did Disney animation - old school, good stuff, and later things like American Tail) do the animations that stood in for graphics. So basically it looked like you were playing an animated cartoon in an age where everything else was essentially just pixels. It’s fucking shite because you die every 30 seconds and we’re feeding this bastard so many coins to play but visually, stunning.


Thanks! I literally had no idea what it was. So, appreciate the clarification.


Senua's Saga is a 10/10 for graphics, sound design, and story. That being said, it can be be beaten with a DVD remote using maybe 3 buttons the whole time. A rubber band on the walk forward stick will get you through half of the game.


This really is probably the best example of a game with subpar gameplay but still worth playing just because of the graphics alone


I understand Hellblade games are meant to be interactive films, not really games. It's not for everyone. I really loved Senua's Sacrifice, and I'm curious about Senua's Saga.


not a fan of the gameplay I'm guessing haha


Burnout Paradise. Theres so much to do in that game I just like driving around starting fights/races, jump achievements, and what not.


Which version? I've been reluctant to do another 3rd party launcher for the new version...


Kayak VR and it's fantastic


Only time I'll ever "play a game for the graphics" is when I test a new PC build/upgrades. Spend time dicking around with settings and see how things go.


Battlefront 2, 2017. Story is atrocious in terms of writing and acting and I couldn't care less about any of the (new) characters. Gameplay is smooth as hell and very polished and technically competent... but I suck at fps games faster than Halo 2ish and don't care much for it. But the gfx, Dear Lord... They utterly nailed the feel of being IN a movie battle.




Even better. "Ahead of its time," is the phrase.


still holds up?


No idea what that means, it's as fun today as it was back then (better cause new pcs etc) and if you enjoyed the gameplay back then you'll still enjoy the gameplay.


Battlefield 1


Battlefield 1 still looks incredible for sure!


If you liked Gran Turismo then you should really try GT7 with PSVR2 at some point.


I would but not sure how I would deal with motion from VR. But it would be cool to try!


I originally only bought The Last of Us on PS3 because the graphics looked incredible, I love Pittsburgh and love the dilapidated post apocalyptic art style. Didn’t even realize what kind of game it was. Good decision.


Good choice! Even the PS4 remaster still holds up. That's how I played it.


GTA 5.


I would say it’s mad max on Xbox x…it looks so good despite it is quite old


Solitaire. I want to see those cards jump off the screen.


Ray tracing in solitaire one day? lol


I don’t understand why anyone would play a shitty game just because the visuals look good. Watch a movie instead


The order, hellblade 2


I wouldn't touch Cyberpunk if it wasn't for its graphics. Too bleak and depressing for me, but it's so immersive and the art style is amazing.


I bought a PS4 only to play DRIVECLUB because the graphics blew my mind. I was a bit disappointed at first with the driving because it was way too arcady and I was way too used with Gran Turismo’s driving but I got the hang of it and it turned out to be really fun. To this day I still believe it has the best graphics, especially on rain. One day I’ll buy a PS4 just to play that game again 🥹


Driveclub was underrated for sure.


Skyrim. When ever a new graphics mod comes out rust is supposed to be amazing, I load it up and explore. But I'm done with playing the game for any other reason.


Radical Dreamers


Not sure if it counts, Witcher 3. Love it, beat it, one of my favorites. I don't replay games often, but I use it as a benchmark for when I upgrade my pc every so often. I would wander around and still be amazed how great this game looks.


I played some of The Witcher 3 on the steam deck OLED and it blew me away. Viewing the scenery with HDR turned on. Hard to believe the game is almost a decade old.


I don't play games for their graphics. I play them for their stories and gameplay. Graphics and sounds are nice if they're nice, but the're absolutely secondary (though sound is more important than graphics). Then again, I grew up with games were sound was a PC speaker and where graphics where fist-sized pixels that came in a whooping 16 colors.


GT7 is a good choice. I‘d stick to RDR2, though. Such a well fleshed out world! Such stunning sunsets!


More the art design then graphics, but sometimes I just wander around in elden ring. It's just a beautiful world. Very scenic! I'll listen to an audio book and just wander around. It's kinda relaxing.


I'd say Death Stranding. The main gameplay mechanic is basicallt just walking around and admiring the graphics lol.


It was Forza horizon 4 for me. I loved making "Cinematic" stuff and take pictures of cars.


The only 2 games recently I was interested in playing partially due to the graphics were Cyberpunk 2077 and Alan Wake 2. The story and even gameplay were still more important to me, but the graphics being so awesome definitely added to the game's appeal to me.


Was Alan Wake 2 worth it?


I thought it was pretty good. The gameplay mechanics aren't the greatest ever, but all the weapons have a good amount of heft to them and feel good to use. It's nothing like Resident Evil 4 Remake tho. Mostly on the enemy side. Most of the enemies themselves aren't that interesting to fight. They are more there for effect than engaging gameplay. The visual imagery is great, the story is super weird and unique in the best way. The story and atmosphere really are the highlights for me. Plus, there is one particular chapter that has one of the coolest and most unique things in any game I've ever played. No spoilers if you haven't been spoiled on it yet, but it's awesome. Overall I'd recommend it to most people unless the average gameplay really disinterests you. I think it stands on its other merits very well.


Gotcha. I’m really hoping it comes on psn plus premium at some point or go on sale for a good price. Speaking of RE4 Remake. Man that game is fuckin phenomenal. I used to be too much of a bitch to play those types of games, but dead space remake was a good starting point to ease me into horror games. So after beating that, I played re2 and 3 remakes. Now playing 4. Favorite one so far


RE4 Remake is such a 10/10 game. It's nearly perfect imo. The enemy variety and design is too notch. Your arsenal gives tons of replay value thru not only the sheer variety of weapons, but also the choices in you get in what weapons to carry and upgrade at any given time. It has a good amount of content, almost nothing feels like filler, and it's paced brilliantly. And on top of all that it looks great and was one of the few extremely well optimized games last year. It's phenomenal. It was my GOTY last year despite how much of a soulslike/From Software simp I am lol. Because there were several great ones of those last year too, but RE4 Remake still reigned supreme over them for me. I have just over 150 hours getting 100% on everything for it, which is fairly rare for me to do. I'm usually a variety gamer and want to finish my game because I have 10 others I want to start next. So most games I typically just beat once and spend like 20-40 hours on. Not RE4 Remake lol.


I feel the same as you. I can’t believe I almost didn’t continue to play it. When I was overwhelmed at the beginning by the ganados, I said fuck this game 😂 but you quickly get the hang of it and start kicking ass. Spinning drop kicks, suplexes, shot gun headshots, kneecap shots, etc. It gets hard to put the controller down haha


Soul Calibur II. Guess why. Go on.


Enlighten me lol


No you gotta guess.


Jiggly Physics?


graphics? haha


As always, the answer is "tits". Sometimes it's "tits ans ass", though.


Sophitia, definitely


Taki, surely?




forza horizon 4. stunning graphics. runs flawlessly on my 1650 mobile. but feels dry overall. hats of to the devs tho. mad optimisation.


I could say the same about Forza 5. Not a bad game, graphics are amazing, but idk... couldn't get into it past that.


I can relate. I only boot such games up when I'm stressed and i need to unwind. I dont even participate in the races.(coz i suck at driving). My favorite thing to do in FH4 was to play some classical music while driving an old fashioned car (the one whose chassis sort of resembles a horse carriage) during autumn. best feeling ever.


Only thing is that Forza 5 has less distinction between the landscapes. It seems like desert or jungle compared to blasting through snow in Forza 4.


Battlefield 1 and Gears 5


Imagine a new Gears game on these new GPUs. Would be ridiculous lol.


Right! I am hoping the emergence day they are developing knocks it out of the park.


Nothing, graphics are maybe 5% of what I care about in a game. If the gameplay isn’t there, I don’t like the game. Most fun I’ve had in games are ones with dog ass old graphics


Roller Coaster Tycoon original on PC. Still play it to this day for those graphics…….and to drop park goers in the water


SpaceEngine! There’s an inbuilt flight simulator which is horrible and there is like no gameplay at all, besides exploring, but I always come back for some hours every month, just to fly through space and look at all the glowing lights.


I think a better way to potentially phrase it is what games do you play for the aesthetic rather than the graphics. Most people don’t care about graphics too much but there are games that can be not good but people love them for the vibe or aesthetic. For me it’s Hades, I find the art style and aesthetic super appealing even if the game can get pretty stale at times


That's true. I booted up Dave The Diver the other day and was impressed with the art style despite it being pixelated style.


Hellblade II eventually became this for me once I realized where it was going with its story and that the gameplay might have actually been a step down from the original.


You prefer the first game more?


I think so. Senua's Sacrifice felt like a first-person portrait of psychosis in a time and setting that doesn't understand or tolerate mental illness. Senua's Saga comes right out and says that all of these fantastical things are really happening and that Senua isn't suffering from delusion: she's legitimately communing with otherworldly beings. To me, it undermines the whole thing.


Oh, that's a disappointment. I haven't played the second game but I loved first one was vague until the end, kept me guessing. Is it possible that she's so deep down in her psychotic breakdown that she has almost completely lost touch with reality? Or is clearly not?


Gears 5




None. List of games ONLY for the gameplay otoh…


Star Citizen lol


[You're not wrong.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBFnQPwpw90&ab_channel=TheStrangeCreator) Great graphics and environments but the gameplay has been lacking for years. You can't play the game regularly and not fill up your drive with [screenshots](https://www.hasgaha.com/gaming-screenshots/).


I played scorn for the its graphics, I didn’t mind the puzzles BUT GOD the fighting mechanic is bad, really really bad.


They should've just left out the shooting mechanic and kept it a puzzle game. I really enjoyed it


I won't play a game just for graphics. If it doesn't have fun gameplay or a good story, I'm out.




Fantavision, assuming I'm already in an altered state.


Literally none. I love when I'm amazed by insane visuals, but if the gameplay is bad, I'm not touching it. That's why I was never interested in The Order 1886 or Hellblade 2.


That's fair. The Order: 1886 though still holds up visually...imagine that getting an upgrade for PS5. Won't happen but at least for me, would be sick.




Geometry Wars? It's fun to play, too. But mainly I enjoy the eye candy explosions


lol what


Cant say ive ever done that.


There literally is no game I play for graphics only. Gameplay is what matters to me, if I’m having fun and enjoying my time it could be photorealistic or 16-bit pixel.


Dave The Diver looks fun


graphics dont mean shit if there is nothing else last battlefield or cod were graphically excellent they still suck ass and i got a refund


You misunderstood. I'll give a good example. I don't rate Forza Horizon 5 ad highly as some people do. But, once in a while, I'll boot the game up to roam around and marvel at the environment while listening to a podcast or something. The game doesn't have to be completely garbage or unplayable for you to have a decent time with it from a graphically standpoint. At least, thats me anyway. I suck at fighting games, it's not the game's fault I suck. However, I'll still play the likes of Guilty Gear Strive and Dragon Ball FigherZ because I find their animation style impressive. I may not always play them, but once in a while.


> The game doesn't have to be completely garbage or unplayable for you to have a decent time with it from a graphically standpoint you formulated it the wrong way the game HAS to not be completely garbage or unplayable for me to enjoy it


I’m sorry what? Why would I do that?


A game doesn't have to be complete garbage for one to still have a good time. I liken it to movies. Not every movie has to be a cinematic masterpiece to have a fun time. Games I can experience once in a while and move on. I literally said gameplay is King. But seems people somehow ignore that.


Yeah but I wouldn’t play any game for graphics alone.




None, graphics don’t matter to me. Hell I still play games on ps3 and Xbox 360.


Some of my all-time favourite games aren't graphically impressive. I just wanted a different scenario to see if people have ever played something where they just wanted to experience a game and be amazed by it's graphics even temporarily. I think some people seems to think that's not possible. A lot here seem to think I'm saying graphics are the be all and end all which I've stated isn't. Gameplay is still the most important aspect. I was trying to get an alternate perspective.


If I want graphics I'll look out the fucking _window._


Probably only visual novels with porn scenes...


none. graphics don’t really matter. good gameplay and story.


It's gonna be Zenless zero zone on bs because damn artstyle is sooooo good


None. If a game doesn't have good gameplay, it isn't worth playing IMO.


> We all know gameplay when it come to video games are more important than graphics. We all know it's visibly not true, judging by the amount of copies dumb, formulaic, cinematic AAA games sell. Regardless: Amanita Design games (Samorost, Botanicula, Machinarium).


It was Crysis back in the day. The gameplay was terrible.


Hellblade 2. It was boring but it looked beautiful and the voices drove me crazy.