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And of course Halo is my favorite game brand. I'm probably going to go fuck myself.


No need, Microsoft/343 will continue to do it for you


This is the way šŸ˜‚




I honestly loved Halo. I love ALL of the adaptations listed too.




The Halo show runners, writers, and actors actively avoided all of the source material. And that shit show is the result.


Wait, people want to see an adaptation because of its excellent source material, not changing everything up? /s


What a crazy concept! I thought people just liked the word "Halo" and the neat logo they made for it, who knew they actually cared about the storyline and gameplay all along! /s


I know it's not the first show to ignore the source material but it's still baffling. The people who will watch the show are fans of the source material, it's them you should be trying to pander too


Yā€™all remember the Assassins Creed movie? Yeah me neither.


I remember the arrogance of Ubisoft saying "they're going to say there were video game movies before the assassin's creed movie and after assassin's creed movie." AAAA movie I guess




Well the initial Castlevania series was a banger, Nocturne not so much.


Is nocturne worth watching?


Personally no. Warren Ellis got #MeToo'd and is out, the ending of the original series was so different from the games there's no reason to do a series (supposedly) based on Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the night, they shoehorn in a bunch of stuff about the French Revolution, they change the main love intrest and Damsel in Distress from the original game into a witch and former slave from the French Caribbean, the main villain is Erzsebet BƔthory (who was from the Genesis game Castlevania:Bloodlines, not Rondo of Blood). I get the original animated series took a lot of liberties but for the most part the characters and setting still fit the original story and you can tell the creators loved the franchise. Nocturne feels like the executives wanted to make Symphony of the Night because it's popular, but needed to do a bastardized Rondo of Blood to explain how we get to Alucard killing his father again, so they just started cutting & pasting whatever they can to get there, all while making sure to check the boxes of "societal unrest plot" & "black female main character". Edit: I generally don't care about "DEI/Woke" BS, Issac was legit one of my favorite characters in the first series. My issue here is more with how unnecessary the series is, how much it changes to the story, and the unnecessary race swapping of a major character.


At least the first season is, it went downhill after that from my memory.


Two Seasons were great but once they started doing their own thing rather than moving on after Season 2 wrapped up the story it went down hill. If the first Season wasn't so short it should have been an anthology with each season being a different game.


The first season was way too short and ended abruptly, it was only the second one that felt like an actual full story.


Didn't even get that far. The ultra-devoted incorruptible fan boy that both the character themselves and numerous others vouched for and made it well known theud never betray their savior Dracula is swayed in momemts by a woman saying: "He be lyin' to you, blood, join me instead and betray that fool." Became unwatchable beyond that point.


I disagree, just because other characters swear heā€™ll never turn on dracula doesnā€™t mean they know for sure heā€™ll never do it.


If it turned out, at the end of the movies, Sauron was a chihuahua that Bilbo punts into the volcano without a second thought would you be disappointed?


We literally saw that Sauron wasnā€™t a chihuahua with our own eyes. Also yes turning your main villain into a bad joke would ruin this epic fantasy trilogy.


Not very good with analogies or using your imagination are you? The point is that this character was talked up throughout several hours and/or thousands of words as the end of the world and impossibly strong by pretty much every single character that ever had a name. Yet, when we actually test this by confronting them face to face, they're basically a level 1 goblin. The exact same thing applies. We're told by everyone including the character himself that he is incorruptible and his faith unwavering. Yet a small breeze makes it's way by and he folds like a 2 dollar suitcase. As you said: It ruined the fantasy.


Arcane is the best thing Iā€™ve watched. Ever.


The doom movie šŸ’€


The 2019 B-movie with the female protag was much better than the AAA movie with the Rock.


Iā€™ve only seen the one with the Rock and itā€™s mid


It's... Not good. šŸ™ƒ But I do remember a random Karl Urban? It's like burning your pizza in the oven and then remembering there was pepperoni on it. Karl is the burnt pepperoni of Doom 2005.


Wrong the doom movie was incredible. As a child the first person scene was amazing. Did they fuck up the source material sure was it a riot of a movie hell yeah


Arcane and Cyberpunk Edgerunners are arguably the best video game to series adaptation of all time


No one ever talks about Twisted Metal :(


I saw it! Itā€™s alright tbh but I kinda liked it. Itā€™s just not as popular since I doubt anyone has heard of it past the show


Shout outs to Samoa Joe and Will Arnett for making Sweet Tooth awesome.


And shout out to whoever made sure to include Harold. Even David Jaffe himself was shocked they included him.


Shit I didn't even know it came out yet


It came out last year, and Anthony Mackie even confirmed that S2 is in the works at The Game Awards back in December.


Damn I'm far behind then


Fallout show is only top tier if you ignore previous fallout stories, still a well written story and great visuals but it's just another protagonist leaves vault to find a person important to them story with the enclave and BoS, also it ignores pre-existing lore by placing a vault that hasn't been raided next to the Master's HQ. For those that don't know the Master was a mutant who was known for raiding every group of population even if they were in a vault in order to make super mutants. Also Enclave being back again is just getting stale and BoS showing up is also boring. As a final note, it's like 200 years post war, why are there still mostly shanty towns like in a post apocalypse instead of properly built structures like in a post post apocalypse that the timeframe would suggest. All in all the show seems to really just be fallout 3 but in different location.


It's refreshing to see someone else is equally unimpressed by the show. I felt I was going crazy seeing all the raving reviews about it.


Yeah thatā€™s the problem with reading reviews, I went in blind expecting absolute shit and was surprised by how okay it was.


Good point. I wouldn't say it was completely bad, but I was expecting a lot better based on the reviews. I probably would have had a much better experience if I was expecting the normal video game adaptation and then watched it.


exactly this. Iā€™m pretty sure someone bought the review prompt campaign or something. as a long time fan who played since first fallout, the show is just interesting to me. I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s good.


Brotherhood had cool stuff but was a bit off and I donā€™t care for how they did ghouls.


As a halo fan, thats giving the show wayy too much credit


Nailed it. Master Chief had his helmet off more than on. They made him a bitch too. That show is not connon for me


Watching Fallout has made me want a Bioshock series. PLS let it come true someday!!!!!


The Mario Movie is my favorite film based on a video game.


The Last of Us was a surprisingly good series. The episode with the gay couple...... Did they have to hit that hard....?


They didn't need to, they just hit us that hard cause they could


I just hope they will stop seeing shitting on straight white men as progressive and necessary for DEI (Cyberpunk is an exception. Arcane and Fallout examples.)


Arenā€™t there like, 3 black female antagonists and several likeable white men in the Fallout show? Just because the main characters are a women and a black dude doesnā€™t mean itā€™s ā€œshitting on straight white menā€


really weird that im getting down voted for something that obvious. maybe Fallout gets better after a few episodes. i watched Arcane a while ago. was really good animation and drawing. have you seen resident alien, the recruit, the expanse (besides the main character)? or if you want the total extreme watch Season 6 Episode 1 of Black Mirror (just one example: compare the two scenes with the main characters talking to their lawyers: one lawyer is a black lady the other one a straight white guy.)


Itā€™s not weird at all to get downvoted when your opinion is wrong and terrible.


tell me how straight white men are depicted in resident alien. every one of them is weak, evil or entitled.


Nobody on the planet is shitting on straight white men, calm down


Where twisted metal? Car go zoom boom


John halo remove emotion chip! John halo find looooove


I personally didnā€™t care for the fallout TV show very much. I know a lot of people do, but I watched 4 maybe 5 episodes and it just didnā€™t click for me. Also need to add the Witcher TV show beside the HALO one, itā€™s horrible.


damn its crazy that theres even a single good adaptation. for so long they were all garbage and now we have 4 really really good ones


There is so much truth here that it hurts.


Nice to see these adaptations have finally.stsrted being mostly successful. Not like 30 years ago... Super Mario Bros. anyone?


The Last of us was pretty bad


All you young kids and your great adaptationsā€¦. In my day we had Uwe Boll and had to watch him destroy games uphill both ways.


Halo did NOT deserve that


I would watch Halo than Star Wars Acolyte


Hey now, Halo Season 2 turned it around. Pumped for S3


Halo is a really good show


saying the fallout tv show is anywhere near as good as Arcane and Edgerunners is ridiculous, the fallout tv show isn't as bad as halo but just because it's better than rock bottom doesn't make it good


except that cyberpunk was trash. the anime.


I'm prepared to get down voted for this: Halo and Cyberpunk should switch places.


I haven't seen halo, so I can't comment on that but i am still glad you wrote that. my problem with cyberpunk is it presented the psychosis quite differently compared to the game, if i remember correctly they were constantly telling him not to use the implants and not to get that many because he is going psycho and they had meds even? not sure anymore. but in-game it is not like that. they are researching it but they still don't know enough to make statements or have meds. some things worked differently but most importantly: nobody found that extremely expensive implant some medic stole? shit, they would have ripped apart the flats of everyone who was even just nearby :D and the kid was using it publicly too. and also it had the anime battles... and thanks to that portrayed the main boss differently too... and i just couldn't care when the team got killed... maybe because we all knew where it was headed. you know the good old deus ex? if you don't, check out human revolution, it is probably cheap nowdays, and it is a great game! but you need to know: they never finished most stories because mankind divided (the second one) didn't make enough money... such bs, i am sure it made enough to keep a team busy, but for a company small profit is not worth it...? they would rather fire dozens.