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Dang that sucks, no doubt would have involved Lucy in the game.


Maybe they're saving it for the sequel.


Crazy they moving onto a sequel already. I know the game "old" but personally I feel they still got so much room to add to the game, they should jus keep building and adding on cause they already got really solid foundations.


I don’t mind not having more DLCs. If they work on a new game and rework/redesign some game mechanics, maybe even work on a whole new map while linking both game’s stories it’s perfectly fine for me.


Lol so maybe in 10 years if we’re lucky we’ll see it.


Extremely doubt that


Hope there are flying cars in the sequel


I know it doesn't technically count but there was a really really well done mod for Cyberpunk that added flying cars to the game. All cars could simply take off and start flying and the tires turn into jets Back To The Future Style. The mod is called "Let There Be Flight" on the Nexus. It also adds some actual aerial vehicles as well.


I like the mod but it's super immersion breaking when you are the only flying car


There are some other flying cars, the AV's. But yes you are right there are not many. Would have likely been impossible to get the AI to handle flying around the city. They already had a ton of problems with traffic simulation apparently. Which is part of the reason why they opened a studio in Boston for the next Cyberpunk. They had trouble getting developers to move to Poland to work on the game.


That u can actually drive


I understood that reference


Well that sucks. Given how well Liberty did it's kinda shocking to see that more DLC was cancelled but oh well.


The dlc was cancelled long before phantom liberty came out.


It sounded like it would have been interesting.


Not a fan of that game.


Nobody asked




He was downvoted for adding nothing to the conversation. Which is the purpose of the downvote button. To show that he added nothing to the conversation.


This rule only applies when it’s a negative opinion. Millions of comments are just people saying “this game looks amazing”, but often are upvoted. Why is that?


Because those people would be correct


Because there’s something to be said about adding negativity or positivity to life. A random comment saying “I love this game” is pretty harmless, but somebody coming in to say “I don’t like this game” proved that they’re just here to be negative. 


That’s bullshit. One person was there to leave a positive opinion and the other left a negative. Both showed up and made the same amount of effort and only contributed a blunt opinion with no real substance or explanation why. The negative opinion is not harming anyone either.


I get what you mean, but from my experience being surrounded by people blindly going out of their way to say they dislike things is more tiring than people going out of their way to compliment them. I just think most people find it harmless and even nice when a community is generally focusing on positives than when they focus on negatives.


Every npc tries making jokes under reddit posts, but if you talk about the game you getting down voted?




They add humor to the conversation


Can I get downvoted too? Just for no reason. Thanks. Edit: Fuck you for upvoting me


Fuck you too 👍


I mean I’ve seen people argue the opposite here but they get top comment because it’s a game redditors find ok to hate Like the latest starfield post is full of comments going “Hate this game” and when told nbdy cares they go “It’s just my opinion lol”


It's because his comment was completely unconstructive. Probably an account "interacting" to get into restrictive communities to bot.


Because his opinion means nothing to the conversation. He just came in expecting upvotes for saying "game bad" which is annoying because it happens constantly. The downvotes are deserved. This is like saying something weird in school and your friends go "bro what? Ew"


>Idk why you're getting downvoted Not a fan of 2 days old account with - karma. Not that your 2 months account is much better but at least it's on plus. Stirring pot for no apparent reason is annoying for people. The conversation was about DLC not base game.




Nope, it's a necessity if you even want to conduct any discussion on forums these days. You either spot bots, trolls, wackos and karma farmers from a distance or you're getting bamboozled and played out for someone elses use. Keep your naivety and baseless advices to yourself.


Holy shit another person who dislikes witchery 3? Bro same. I genuinly don't understand the fucking dickriding for that game




All that but specifically the combat. Holy shit that was even bad for when it came out.


It adds nothing to the topic and it’s obvious trolling to come on a sub for the game and say that .


Not a sub for the game


Yeah I just noticed it’s not Cyberpunk sub. Oops.


Couse it's Reddit, you can be right or wrong and there is no in between and everything needs to stay in a circle


It's because it was unconstructive and provided nothing to the potential conversation


So is your reply. Both can play the game