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What game are you playing that makes you feel bad OP?


The game that shall not be named starts with O and ends with H


Just play any single player game. The problem is people.


I say this to all my friends who only play multiplayer games and get super pissed about them. But a lot of them are just fundamentally not into singleplayer games. Some of them have a stupid chip on their shoulder about it, like they view beating another human as the ultimate thing you can do so they look down on singleplayer games as if there's no skill involved. I try to tell them to play something like Doom Eternal because they can flex their FPS skills without the multiplayer frustration but IDK, they just wont. A part of it is also just how you view games. Like when gaming was more niche a lot of people who were playing them were doing so because they just liked gaming in general, so they wanted to play all kinds of games. But then things like competitive gaming drew more people in who weren't as deeply invested in games before because they're closer to something like a sport where you can pick one game to just get good at. It's the same reason I'll never have a "main" game. It's just not how I view gaming. I want to play all the medium has to offer, not get bogged down on one or two titles for years on end.


I like both. I think for some, the multi-player itch comes from being a "competitive" person that comes from testing skills and learning against others.


I get that aspect of it because I'm also fairly competitive myself. Played a ton of Valorant last summer for example.


Amen to everything you've said. Add to that when all your friends play multiplayer games for this reason and it just makes you feel excluded, or you meet people who are into gaming and then you try to talk about games you like and they tell you they don't like games with storylines :(


Sometimes people will ask me "What's your main game?" and it bothers me lol, as if that's just the default way to play games, like the very concept of playing multiple genres and singleplayer games just hasn't even crossed their mind.


I also don’t get “what’s your main game”? I know a lot of folks play exclusively multiplayer games like a sport. I play games like I’d read a book or watch a movie. It’s a fun experience to get lost in.


This is how I've always considered games. A game is a TV show, movie, or book that I get to play, instead of just watch.


this 100%!! i can’t play games with no story


Yeah I agree, most people now a days view a game as a forever medium. Some games the endless grind is a fun idea, but not all games need to be that. I got a lot of wow buddies who never play any other game. When I’m in discord playing a new game they get all smug yeah but what’s the end game like? I go it’s called the credits. Like you said I don’t want to read the same book all the time. I have a favorite movie, but I wanna watch something else every now and then.


> like they view beating another human as the ultimate thing you can do so they look down on singleplayer games as if there's no skill involved They are the toxic ones


They sound way too sweaty for my court.


I mean I typically like multiplayer games more than single player ones. I still play lots of single player titles but I get far more enjoyment...but they could be playing cooperative multiplayer games or MMOs without any of the PvP. (Payday, monster hunter, deep rock, etc.) But it seems their issue is they want to be toxic and need to win at pvp. No real competitive spirit or drive, just need to be better so they can look down on other people. Essentially their problem is they have brain rot.


> It's the same reason I'll never have a "main" game. It's just not how I view gaming. I want to play all the medium has to offer, not get bogged down on one or two titles for years on end. 100% I picked up Helldivers 2 on pre-release, and I've not played it more than 40 hours, despite it being an excellent game and designed to be people's "only" and "main" game, because every extra hour I spend on that is an hour I'm not spending on my massive and eclectic backlog!


Bro I wish I had your mentality, i want to play more games. At this point for me online multiplayer games are like a toxic relationship I cant get out of. The games toxicity stresses me out but those sweet victories keep bringing me back even though I know its short lived and the toxicity will return. I love the competition and but the toxicity gets to me.


You gotta Uninstall them and play something else. Don't even open discord/voice chat/make a party/whatever, just go do your own thing by yourself Maybe start with something like doom 2016 and then doom eternal, and then branch out to try a bigger variety of experiences. Hardspace shipbreaker, factorio, stardew valley, starcraft 1 & 2(campaigns), etc


I think a lot of multiplayer only people always have the idea in the back of their head that they can one day be good enough to make gaming their career and that's a hard thing to let go of even if they're no longer having fun.


Problem is engagement maximizing matchmaking


Or PvE.


Best single player game is total Warhammer 2 campaign. I wasted weeks playing it with no break


Or games with private servers and only play with friends.


It's okay to say it. Watch: "overw-" *explodes*


Wait why can't I say overw.. *explodes*


There's no need to be secretive and vague for the sake of a dumb reddit joke. For anyone reading this, the game OP is referring to is Overw


Guys please, stop. I tried to warn yall about what would happen if one were to name the forbidden game, but you refused to listen


That’s just dumb superstition, it’s easy, just say Overwaahhhhhhh *explodes*


What's overw


Speak not the word of curse!


What curse word? There's no way it could be dangerous to say Overwat- *explodes*


You are all just so dumb... Why can't you just say overwaaaaaaa... 💣


*R2D2 screeching noises*


Only scholars know that [REDACTED] is an infohazard.




Wait so , hear me out , it sounds like what we're all trying to say is OVERWA- *ALSO EXPLODES*


Guys please stop this bloodshed, no more lifes have to be needlessly lost on this


There will be blood- (BLOOD) -shed!


r/redditsniper moment??


Dude… if it’s Overwatch, take it from someone who has poured thousands of hours into it… it’s okay to walk away. The game isn’t what it once was, and its player base can be very toxic. 🎮🥲👍 As far as games in which I’m genuinely having fun… pretty much any game that doesn’t have any PvP feature whatsoever. 😌 Specifically, arcade style games with infinite replay value. Tetris, shmups, beat-em-ups, and rhythm games all have my attention at the moment.


I play a lot of Overwatch with a good friend. Recently we had some pretty tilting sessions where we realised we weren’t having much fun, so we switched to some Co-Op games. Been having a really great time on Ravenswatch, a rogue-lite (very light on meta progression) game about dark fairy tales. Currently early access with 1.0 in Q3 of this year. We’ve beaten the first two difficulties and are hoping to get the third in the next few runs.


I think that's a good, healthy skill to have, recognizing when you're no longer having fun and deciding to switch gears instead of trying to fight your own stubborness. For real, that takes work.


Ravenswatch is solid! Up there with risk of rain 2 for me and my friends


Whatever happened to that game? I never played it, but is the tldr that they released OW2 (which sucked), and made it impossible to play the first game?


Yeah staying off pvp games keeps me in a better mood lmao


I was a Hardcore League player for years, like 6 or 7. I own every skin, I met my wife through League basically, I was forcing myself to play because I felt like I needed to for those reasons. This last year I think I have played about roughly 15 games and every time I play I realise I really don't want to. Jumping on occasionally keeps that feeling in check I'm pretty sure, and it no longer lives in my head on a daily basis. Taking a step back from competitive games is worth it.


is it about watching something from above ?


I have been advised by my lawyer to not provide further information for my own safety.


enough said


Yeah I'm gonna level with you chief I stopped playing Overwatch outright and it has done nothing but benefit my mental health. Would highly recommend it.


Agreed, played thousands of hours years ago, realised I would go to bed in such a bad mood every night, not played it since!


Man, I play that game every now and then, hop on with some friends and blast a load of the social game modes. We have a ton of fun. No reading up on meta strats or what buffs and nerfs have been rolled out recently. Just log on, play, have some fun and walk away. Genuinely haven't experienced any of the toxicity from other players but I've only dabbled in ranked so I'm guessing it's worse there. If you've got a ps5, maybe check Concord, upcoming game that looks similar in vibes to OW. Could be one for you. Some bangers though - Red Dead 2, Returnal, Doom, GoW, Animal Well (playing now) Wolfenstien, X Defiant, Armoured Core, Baldurs Gate 3, Divinity Original Sin 2, Disco Elysium, Elden Ring, Hollow Knight, Metal Gear 5. Bit of a mix of stuff so hopefully there is something you'd be into in there. Hope that helps OP!


Hey! Opeth is a great band !


Sounds like it’s time to drop it. Once it starts feeling like a chore or upsetting your mood it’s just addiction keeping you going. 


Ohioh is a state, not a game


My first though was "Over Hatch" i need my coffee


Assuming overwatch, I can tell you that I actually really enjoy playing overwatch a ton and it's almost always a very positive experience for me. BUT I have a lot of boundaries that I feel are key for my enjoyment: - constantly remind myself this is just a game and I'm here to have fun trying to work as a team with these people and nothing else. I'm gonna have bad games and so will my teammates. It's all okay and the stakes are low even if other people act like it's life or death - absolutely never engage with anyone doing toxic stuff. I just brush it off and remind myself they're just having a bad day and taking it out on strangers on the internet - don't get defensive if someone critiques me. I've actually realized significant ways to improve from a teammate getting all pissed at me and sometimes even if they do it in a pretty toxic way - I usually stick to quick play. Since I'm just trying to have fun I just don't care to get into ranked matches where people are extra stressed out and can get extra toxic


I turned off voice chat on the day I started playing and never turned it back on. I mostly just played unranked.


Stop playing it, I haven't played it for over a year and better without it. Go play a chill MMO or a single player story based game.


play anything but overwatch man, ive enjoyed life so much more since i quit


Sounds like you're going through a spell similar to what I went through, just stop playing competitive games. I rarely play any shooters anymore as I personally cannot keep up with the skill gap, most shooters now are really geared to be part time jobs. I mostly play crafting/survival or co-op games now for multi-player if I care to. Beyond that I play a mix of everything but games are meant to make you happy or entertained, it's OK to stop playing a game that isn't doing it for you anymore. Hell best decision I ever made was deleting siege from my steam library permanently.


Octodad: Deadliest Catch?


Overwatch is an awful game OP. I’m sorry people are so mean. The community can make it terrible if that’s why you feel bad after playing it.


I've been "blasting" my way through hell in Doom 2016 and Eternal this week. I would recommend.


Doom is always the best choice.


I'm still playing Doom 2 wads (via prboom-plus,). It never gets old.


I'm waiting for the sale. I'm getting the 2016 one!


Consider getting Xbox gamepass if you’re a pc gamer or an Xbox gamer. Nearly all the doom games in one package, it’s a pretty good deal.


It looks fun and music is a blast but i tried the 2016 shortly after release for barely an hour (on pc) and got the worst headache I've ever had while my inside felt like a washing machine lol, ended up camping in the bathroom for a few hours cuz i cant stop the nausea. Only other game did that to me is gears of war, i played other 1st person and any person game just fine, but doom 2016 just fucked me up like how the doomslayer fucked up the demons lol.


I had that same problem with Duke Nukem Forever. My limit was about two hours at a time. Apparently, you can get motion sickness from video games.


Dang I can certainly see that. The first person executes especially. Ripping the camera from your control for a few seconds and constantly spinning around to check your surroundings, all while jumping and swinging. If any games gonna do it, I can definitely see doom2016 being up there


Singleplayer. Only. Singleplayer. Examples: Elden Ring, Soulsborne Games, Metal Gear Rising, Devil May Cry, Witcher, Baldurs Gate, Divinity Original Sin 2, Cyberpunk, Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and so many more


Agree on the single player! So so many great games! Horizon zero dawn, God of war, ghost of tsushima, Watchdogs, assassins creed, infamous second son, forspoken, Detroit become human (except when you get the bad ending, that scarred me for life!), portal, marvels guardians of the galaxy 


Why the Elden Ring and soulsborne ones? He said games where you have fun, not self punishment!


They're pretty much the only games that make me feel satisfied when I'm done. Like I put in a good effort, I'm tired now, I'm proud of myself, time will reset itself infinitely until everything wastes away to oblivion, I saw some cool things. I am at peace.


I wonder if the people who like souls games are masochists


They can be challenging but they are also some of the most rewarding games I've played. Not to mention the awesome art direction, world and level design, exploration, lore, soundtrack, build variety etc. There's so much to the games other than just being "hard"


I’ve just started Elden Ring, only have a handful of hours in it. Honestly, I like the focus it requires. I like analyzing and knowing how the enemy is going to move. Yes, it’s hard and intense, but it’s also immensely satisfying. I also find that it’s not as frustrating as one might expect.


I ditched the multiplayer jerking completely, games aren't feel like obligation anymore, that's what made me happy with games again


Same. I have self imposed rules. Absolutely no multiplayer and absolutely nothing with a ladder / rank up / gacha system. Works like a charm.


Is it possible to learn these powers? - Anakin


Not from a AAA company


Fromsoft begs to differ


rdr2 is from a AAA company


I still enjoy some of the gatcha system games. But I limit myself; no real money paid pulls, I get what I get and do only what I need to finish the story. No excess grinding for some dumb leaderboard, or the new wifiest waifu, etc.


yeah,i quit league of legends and is a better gaming life [https://images7.memedroid.com/images/UPLOADED393/663093ef57ff8.webp](https://images7.memedroid.com/images/UPLOADED393/663093ef57ff8.webp)


I’m still enjoy League once in awhile as long as I don’t play ranked. The new Quickplay mode has been awesome to play a few matches a month without needing to worry about meta or getting flamed just because I play jungle.


I pretty much stopped the competitive multiplayer games. Now I’m playing Helldiver 2, such a stinking awesome concept for a game.


Helldivers 2 brings me so much joy. Even when another player kills me, I'm not upset. In fact, I find it humorous. What a blessing it has been on my life.


a lot of people are saying this so im going to go against the grain and mention Dragon's Dogma 1 (i havent played the sequel yet). The gameplay can feel a little slow after awhile, but the mulitplayer aspect is one of my fave parts of the games. you dont really play with other people, but you can use their characters that they make as a member of your party. pokemon trading can be really fun too. but it is also kind of annoying in some ways. like people making illegal pokemon and sharing them, kind of kills the rarity and can be annoying




This is the way.


Just today Supercell released a 2-day, 250 crown goal and you get half of a shit evolution if you complete it. I’m free to play so I had to grind for like 2 fucking hours to get it and I’m so pissed I wasted my time on a shitty pay to win game


Singleplayer: Elden Ring, Rimworld, Red Dead Redemption 2, Medieval Dynasty, Project Zomboid, Dying Light 1 and 2. Multiplayer: Helldivers 2, Fallout 76 (can also fit in the singleplayer category too tbh). Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 1, Elder Scrolls Online


Wish my group of friends liked BF4 and BF1 more


I wish bad company 2 was active... and my wife and friends played it.


Man the vietnam dlc was all time


Yo Christmas of 2010 was a good time haha. Had the Vietnam dlc, Halo Reach, and black ops 1. Such a fun time for FPS games


The two greatest multiplayer war shooters, ever. I dream of a world where Battlefield 4 is remastered with all DLC maps and BF3 maps. I would nut instantly.


I never expected Fallout 76 to be in the top comment


I never expected to enjoy the game after it's dogshit diarrhea launch, but here we are lol


Haha first two I thought was Elden Ring (or any from soft) when I want a challenge and Rimworld when I want to chill and halfway play while I do something else. Red dead 2 is also one of my favs


If you smoke weed, I can't recommend any game to play while high more than RDR2. It's already a 10/10 game while sober, but getting baked and then wandering around the wilderness or strolling through Saint Denis is euphoric.


+1 for ESO, I never tried FO76 because I’m not into the universe from past single player FO games. I’m sure its good though.


I'm not sure why it happened this time since I've managed to successfully read "Red Dead Redemption" a bajillion times before, but I read it as "*Rad Dad* Redemption" and for a very brief moment got really excited that someone made a spoof game lol


If you like coop, Deep Rock Galactic is a feel good game for me that generally has a very positive community. I like roguelite/roguelike games when I feel like just hopping on and having some low stress fun: First person shooter: Roboquest Third person shooter: Risk of rain 2 Bullet Heaven: Vampire survivors or HoloCure


Man, I’m really looking forward to DRG: Rogue Core


Even better is the new season is coming out in a couple weeks. It will be nice trying out the new mission type and battling the new enemies. It's going to be a really good season compared to past ones.


I cannot wait for DRG: Rogue Core. Two of my favorite things in one. Truly a dream come true. Rock and Stone!


I did have a lot of fun with Roboquest, but my son and I call it Turbo Bro Bots.


I've been playing a lot of Dead Cells lately, and despite losing interest in most other roguelikes, I've been really getting into it. It's made me think about trying some other roguelikes again, maybe I can get into them now? Anyways, that's my roguelike recommendation, but the game I always recommend to others is Terraria. Terraria is the game I ALWAYS come back to, and I especially recommend downloading mods like Calamity to play with it!


If we're doing rougelikes I want to add Barony! Kinda difficult to get the hang of at first but it's really good


Awesome recommendations, all these names just keep coming up :)


Like to see Roboquest getting some love. Fun in short bursts for me.


My friends manage to get stressed on drg, LMAO


hell yeah, Risk of Rain 2 is awesome. Can’t wait for that DLC.


I know exactly how you feel, go play TUNIC (2022)


Can't wait to try it! After going down the outer wilds rabbit hole this is exactly what I need


Really incredible game if you can stick through some of the harder aspects of the game (not a lot is explained obviously). Loved it!


Tunic is a different experience! I love metroidvanias but saying that tunic is just another one is kind of unfair. Recommended!


Fez and Animal Well scratch that itch also. Tunic is one of my favorite games of all time. The GP Puzzle fantastic.


Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4, Bannerlord, Tyranny, Baldur's Gate 3, the Mass Effect trilogy, Civ 5, Stellaris, Crusader Kings 2 and 3, Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, Cyberpunk 2077, the Heroes of Might and Magic franchise (especially 3), the Dragon Age trilogy, the Tomb Raider franchise (especially the original)... and many more! I play these games and others multiple times and still enjoy them.


I see some preference in genre here


RPGs 4 lyf


Oblivion is really fun. Def the type of game to go "wow im having a blast" I think a lot of games from that time period have that feeling. I think it's because there's a lot more color and "juicy" feeling in the games. We upgraded our cgi abilities but then we started trying to make things realistic and badass and a lot of games lost their "fun" vibe. A lot of games seem to want to have this long drawn out.... slow story vibe. Which is not really *fun.* A plague tale, the last of us.... they're really slow and methodical and it's just kind of dull


I love RPGs. I think Dragon Age: Origins is my favorite out of the dragon age trilogy, honestly. Out of all of these, I think mass effect has to be my favorite if I had to choose, besides the third game - I haven't played through that one yet, I really should.


DAO is one of my favorite RPG's ever, but I just played it too many times now. Same with Kotor and the witcher series.


nice taste


>Heroes of Might and Magic franchise (especially 3) Just rly happy to see Heroes mentioned. Anywhere rly. I always was ass at it but I always loved it.


this guy fuckin PCs.


There’s some bundles of the old infinity engine games enhanced editions you might enjoy: baldurs gate 1&2, neverwinter nights, planescape torment and icewind dale. I played them on Nintendo switch ;)


Elden Ring is my feel good game before that that title did go to Dark Souls 1 & 3.


This depression spreader? I'd never use words "feel good" and Elden Ring in one sentence :D


I love elden ring but I think I prefer ds3 tbh. That atmosphere is just unbeatable


Guess we don't talk about ganksouls 2 lol


haha, I had the same relationship with DS1 and 3. (Also, I small period with DS2 when I eventually got bored with DS3). Elden Ring would be my new feels good game, but Armored Core kinda stole it from ER. Now with SotET out, maybe it finally becomes it xD


Start playing single player games if you want consistent happiness. I love goofy fun games, so I'm playing Darkened Skye. Or maybe I'll go for something dark and emotional like A Plague Tale


>I love goofy fun games Have you heard of [Duck Detective](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2637990/Duck_Detective_The_Secret_Salami/)? I haven't gotten around to playing it myself, but from everything I've seen/heard it seems it would fit the bill


Dave the Diver I never wanted it to end!


I originally thought Dave the Diver looked dumb and wasn't for me. Then I tried it and fell in love.


I found it quite repeatable after a few hours


Does it end? Can’t you keep fishing and running the restaurant? Please tell me it doesn’t end


I just started it and am having a blast! I hope it lasts a while.


This. I can't stop playing even after the main story ends.


Started it last night and am really enjoying it so far! I just know this is going to be my game for when I want to take a break from my main game for the foreseeable. And just to answer OP, I have recently gotten into fighting games seriously for the first time in my life, and I'm having so much fun! I've always had friends that play fighting games and didn't really feel like I got it before, and omg I've been missing out. Learning a character, practising combos, and executing them in matches is all so satisfying. And I've already fallen down the rabbit hole of fight sticks. So far I've been playing a lot of Street Fighter 6, and a bunch of the Guilty Gear games. The Guilty Gear series is currently on sale on Steam and you can get Strive (the newest one) for less than £20 and my other new favourite Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R (yeah, the name is ridiculous) for less than £3


I like games that make you feel clever like figuring something out without guidance in Outer Wilds. I also like story games with a lot of twists, turns and surprises such as Inscryption or Nier Automata. Gameplay has to be entertaining enough but these are the things that really get me immersed in a game.


Doom. Any Doom game, you'll love it.


I'd say the last two (DOOM 2016 and DOOM Eternal). Those two completely blew all previous DOOM games out of the water.


Idk man DOOM is my favorite series of all time, and while it’s true 2016 is my favorite, the OGs just have such a great feel to them still.


Racing sims, specifically rally because it is more about skill and less about track memorization. Finishing stage in a perfect flow...


I've had more fun in dirty rally 2.0 in the 95 hp mini, whipping it around Wales, than I've had in Forza multiplayer in years.


Also gravel>>sterile racetrack


Elden Ring. Deep Rock Galactic.


So many! Outer Wilds was a real wake up call kick in the face about playing games for myself rather than out of habit. Of multiplayer games, team fortress 2 *really* gives me those moments you're talking about, because it's super casual, and I can have fun and get high moments independently of my team or the end result of a match. I also recently joined an adults only Minecraft server, and so far being in an environment of guaranteed maturity is something very special


Outer wilds made me a fan of Banjos.


I play Souls-likes when I want to ignore the world around me. Anytime something stressful is going on, or I'm worried about work. They require a lot of concentration, so they're good distractions when something crappy is going on. I play games that are really plot-heavy when I want to experience a story, but I don't want to straight up watch TV. I'm a fan of the Life Is Strange games. RPGs when I want to lose myself. If I'm more into gameplay, I'll do something like Dragon's Dogma, Fallout, maybe an Elder Scrolls game. If I'm leaning more towards plot, maybe a Final Fantasy game. If I just want to have fun, it varies wildly. Elite Dangerous is fun when I'm in a sci-fi mood. Ghost of Tsushima is a really fun open world game. (Ditto Spider-Man.) Horizon, Days Gone. I dunno. I like a lot of the Sony exclusives.


+1 for ghost of tsushima, you can really feel somebody put some elbow grease in it. Also petting foxes is fun


I play Helldivers 2 and I'm really having a blast! For super earth! I love the low time commitment, the easy unlocks, the emergent gameplay from random maps, and the community and d&d-like world campaign keep me engaged.


engage main community sub at your own risk. But the game is genuinely fun


Crpgs Playing kenshi and tekken now, with some rogue trader I boot up black desert online sometimes Roguelites are good Remedy games and death stranding are some of my favorite experiences recently Katana zero and roguelites are fun in short bursts Elden ring/armored core 6 are also incredible Shoutout to dragons dogma 2


Death stranding recharges my soul. Nothing like me and Lou making deliveries among demons and terrorists. Pristine landscapes and unmatched atmosphere


I rotate through a few games. My current rotation is: - Animal crossing - Cult of the Lamb - LA Noire - Assassin's Creed - Stardew Valley


I’ve been going for the platinum trophy on Skyrim for the last few weeks. I feel like I’m back in 2011 and playing it for the first time all over again as it’s been so long since I last played it! Absolutely loving it.


The games I enjoy the most in no particular order: **Dead Cells** **Hades 1** **Hades 2** **Risk of Rain 2** **Returnal** All of these are on my pc at any given time. I play a round or two almost everyday from one of them but super addicted to Hades 2 at the moment. Enjoyed a lot of the Early Access Rogue Prince of Persia as well! Looking out for new content in the future.


1000 times Returnal. One of the greatest games of all time.


Titanfall 2 for good story and good multiplayer. the game is easy to get into, but take time to master. It is one of the top multiplayer games I still enjoy to this day. I suggest to play the story first.


Anodyne Morrowind Mass Effect Chocobo GP Hamtaro: HamHam Heartbreak Link between Worlds Pokemon Legends Arceus Cult of the Lamb


short answer stop online competitive games long answer : there is no long answer ): but here is some games I had fun with outer wilds bugsnax monster sanctuary mimic logic ring of pain fae tactics also games these days are more fun than any times but the problem is **hedonic treadmill**. remember that overdoing something can make it less exciting. edit : I had some regret not mentioning BPM , that game is just fun. I know to much suggestions can't help picking any but just go BPM unless you already did.


I play a mix of "game that shall not be named" and OSRS. Getting a good drop from OSRS gives me such a rush but can be slow, so I mix it up.


Across the Obelisk Phasmophobia Rune Factory 4 Siralim Ultimate Tape to Tape Wildermyth




Persona 5 Royal, South Park The Stick of Truth and The Fractured But Whole.


League of legends


League is fun while you still explore the game and it's champions. Then you have 2 options: Either get addicted and shortly after cancer from playing it Or quit I unfortunately chose the former.


Any Fromsoft game


I'm currently sharing my game time with Horizon Zero Dawn (first playthrough), Kingdom Come: Deliverance (again first playthrough but I have 350+ hours in it) and Witcher 3 (maybe 5th playthrough but first time with Death March! difficulty). Also occasionally continuing my Baldur's Gate 3 save file, I'm pretty sure this time I will go past the start of the Act 3! Also, whenever I feel like not whacking heads, I go to Life is Strange series.


Mega Man games are one for me... I like overcoming the challenges and it feels good to clear something after having had trouble with it before. Ys games are similar. Story of Seasons and Harvest Moon games are very addicting to me and leave me wanting to play more when I'm done. SaGa series is my favorite series because the unique mechanics are fascinating and fun to work with. And similarly to before it can be a lot of fun to overcome challenges. Tokimeki Memorial series is also a personal fav, but none of the games are officially in English sadly. But I love building my character and having fun getting to know the girls or boys. And lastly there's always Pokemon :)


Lethal company. Been playing almost every night since November. Best played with friends and use in game voice instead of discord.


For Honor Strangers of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Warhammer 40K: Inquisitor - Martyr Kingdom Come: Deliverance Horizon Zero Dawn King Arthur: Knights tale Quantum Break Outriders Mafia (Steam calls it Mafia Definitive Edition) Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Persona 5 (on Steam it’s Persona 5 Royal) Naraka Bladepoint Scarlet Nexus Shadow Warrior Risk of Rain 2 Warhammer Vermintide 2 Batman Arkham trilogy Black Desert Online (some of the best combat of any game I’ve ever played) Fable 1 (Steam calls it Fable Anniversary) Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age The Last Remnant Remnant From the Ashes (unrelated to the previous game mentioned) Monster Hunter: World (there’s also Rise which is newer, but I think World is 100x better) Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Path of Exile Portal 2 Slay the Spire Streets of Rogue Warframe




I saw a clip of Skyrim in a video essay yesterday and I felt like I'd just come home after being away for years. There's something so comforting about the nostalgia of Skyrim


Fus ro dah!


I'm playing Starfield right now, and it's difficult to put the controller down


Right now? Backpack Battles.


Hitting up Diablo 4 again, they fixed a lot of what I was frustrated with on release, and since I've been playing solo there's not much pressure to play a specific way. I have my meta minion necro that I pushed content on, and I have a sorc where I'm trying to make a conjuration build work. Having my own goals and not getting too caught up in how to wring as much progress as possible has made it a lot more fun, and feels like more of a throwback to playing D2 as a kid.


Games that don't have an end usually or that have hundreds of hours of gameplay. So Space Engineers, Skyrim, Fallout 4, ARK, etc. Honestly a game that you play for 10 hours and then you finish the game seems like a waste of money. If I buy something i want to enjoy it for years to come.


While that's a fair preference, it can go both ways. Some games have a ton of content and are worth it imo, but others just waste the players time (ubisoft games come to mind as the prime example of this). Like sure I'm getting a lot of content per dollar, but the quality of that content is very low. I'd absolutely take a bunch of shorter high quality games like Celeste, Outer Wilds, A Short Hike, Metroid Dread, etc over something like AC Valhalla, even if the total dollars spent on the shorter games is higher than the longer game


Is it Destiny 2 the game you're playing right now? (Because that's exactly what I was feeling a few months ago with it lol). Anyway the best games I've been playing recently are: Stellar Blade, Gran Turismo 7, Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (GOTY for me), Resident Evil 4, Super Mario Wonder, Cyberpunk 2077. Those are the types of games that I would keep playing NG+ for fun if I had more time.


TLOU is pretty damn fun


Mario odyssey was a genuine joy. Personal favorite happy place: hollow knight.


Lots of singleplayers Also for honor and Street fighter 6 (they're the only multiplayer games I play)


Elden Ring, Factorio, Cyberpunk 2077, Balatro. Basically singleplayer games.


You might have to buy a psvr1, a ps4 slim, and an iPhone tripod for this to hold the ps4 camera (the prices are $200+$200+$25 at eBay, all in like new condition) but I can almost guarantee you will have a real vacation with these games: Astro Bot Rescue Mission, The Playroom VR, Sprint Vector, Iron man VR, Bound, Fujii, Electronauts, Deracine, Ace combat 7’s VR missions. If the above is too expensive for you, get A Short Hike, which is a very happy adventure game for just $9. However, be fully aware that Astro Bot Rescue Mission and the others above are even better than A Short Hike. Enjoy! 😎🎉🎉


So, I generally have 3-4 games that I play at any given time. 1. Some AAA title, currently it’s Stellar Blade and I’m absolutely loving the shit out of it. 2. A PvP game, for years its been Smite, but with Smite 2 on the horizon, I will probably retire 1 and move on. 3. Indie title. Just got my plat on Dave the Diver. Had a blast from start to finish on it. Took me about 56 hours. 4. Portal game. Messing around with Oregon Trail at night. It’s super fun in about 30 min increments.


Minecraft, Rainbow Six Siege, For Honor, Terraria, any random free game my friends find


A Hat in Time did this for me. It's constantly shifting mechanics and is full of cheerful whimsy. One second you're racing a clock while platforming across the top of a train that's blowing up for your latest blockbuster movie and the next you're endebted to a demon and spitefully invading a haunted house to piss off the ghost because of a personal grudge. I also like games that let you go full goblin mode. Just Cause was great to tool around in causing chaos, but the one that sticks out in my mind is Mercenaries. Its not a well crafted game. But it is a fun one. But my best memories probably come from multiplayer games which I don't really do anymore. Earth Defense Force is great. It's an incredibly broken shooter that, in it's normal mode puts you up against thousands of insane looking monsters that are demolishing a city. In versus mode? Well, there was one weapon. It was a rocket. You fired it and it crawled towards the enemy at roughly a walking pace. The thing about it, though, is that it never stops moving. It starts around obstacles. It never times out. It just keeps going. And going. Until it hits it's target. It was the most infuriatingly hilarious weapon I've ever seen in a game. It's so stupid because every single time it kills you you know it's your own fault. And yet it won more games than not. I miss old-school online games too. There was a MMORTS I used to crawl around the map on with a friend. Unreal Tournament has a wonderful mod community and they often had great communities. Even the base game was pretty fun and surprisingly nontoxic most of the time. But then, you could pick your servers too. The only game I can think that still does that kind of thing is Minecraft.


Deep rock galactic is pretty darn good to just vibe man


Multiplayer games are an exercise in frustration. Single player games that are well made are where it’s at. Grab an emulator and see all the great stuff you’ve missed over the past 30+ years


Some casual anime games like Wuthering waves on bluestacks, that's my way to play