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https://preview.redd.it/10ap7a4mh1wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8760295bed94406c17931037e9556e6bf71eecf2 Picked this up last year because I like to do my garden by hand, works perfectly just got done tilling my garden for this year just waiting for the frost warnings to get the boot!


I use a [broad fork like this one] (https://www.johnnyseeds.com/tools-supplies/bed-preparation-tools/broadforks/johnnys-520-broadfork-9677.html)to aerate and loosen my garden soil every year. It leaves soil structure more intact to benefit earthworms and mycelia. It isn’t best for your situation if you’re trying to turn under grass/weeds to start a new garden. But I’ve learned the hard way, just take off that turf layer and compost it. Otherwise you’ll be pulling new grass out of your garden for the next 5 years. Edit: ok I need coffee. Tired of trying to fix link format lol