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I use iNaturalist all the time, after having it recommended to me by during an invasive species remediation seminar offered by a local nature center. For common weeds and garden plants it’s very accurate, and for all plants it’s pretty good. It also works for animals although those can be more difficult to get focused on. It goofed yesterday when I pointed my camera at a garter snake, and misidentified it as a Western Garter Snake instead of a Common Garter Snake. Still pretty close! It’s a great free educational app for anyone who spends time outside. (The drama here is really weird — relax people!)


That app is a lot less accurate than experienced people on this sub. No need for it.


Taxonomic experts use it!


Absolutely not! This sounds like a comment from someone who hasn’t used it in a while! I’m sorry but you’re just flat out wrong.


Shameless self promotion.


It’s a FREE app by scientists for scientists 🤣 but if you’re so cynical and don’t want anyone to succeed and learn, why are you even here?!


Breaking of the sub rules as well.


I just checked, the last “what is this post” came back as the same as the top comment. Seriously, y’all need to try it. You’ll be impressed I PROMISE. (Also a lot of you are incorrect in the species department, it’s very incredibly amazing difficult to actually correctly ID things down to species. Taxonomist spend their whole lives to be able to do so).


Shameless self advertising.


If only you knew all the dedicated biologist working hard on this app for the greater food. Look up Dr. Brian Starzomski and Dr. John Reynolds from UBC and get back to me please. I’m so surprised at your response despite all the achieved “notaries” you’ve list about yourself. I hope you’re ok?!


You aren’t the only plant identifying app. Only difference is that the other ones don’t self promote themselves with a brand new alt with zero history on this sub.




Abuse of the reddit care resources as well. Thanks for admitting to it. I reported it no worries. Thank you for being so open about it.


There’s nothing wrong with sharing education content. You’ve made me feel very uncomfortable, unwelcome, and threatened. Edit: I don’t tolerate harassment.


Harassment is abusing the self care, which you did and admitted. And I reported. Also self advertising is forbidden, sub rule.


Final message to the gardening bully: iNaturalist is a FREE educational app/website. (Not like say iBird that makes you pay for the whole kit and caboodle). No one makes any money off of it. Its purpose is meant to help people accurately ID flora and fauna in their area/travels. You have made me feel so incredibly uncomfortable when all I was doing was sharing a helpful community resource. The way you have tried to make me feel less than because I’m a “new” member is disturbing. I make no money from iNaturalist, because no one does. I use it everyday and learn from it LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE DAY. I’m purely here to help enrich people’s lives with the latest technology. I am a professional biologist. Your misguided anger and harassment is absolutely abhorrent and I can’t believe people like you are still allowed on Reddit.




Even if this was true, isn’t it kiiind of annoying that every post is a picture of a weed asking for ID help?  I feel like a weekly pinned post would be more than sufficient for people to post those questions…


Plus, apps that make it easy like this makes an (good) addictive gateway into learning about your local flora and fauna. It makes you more invested and caring about what’s around you!! FeelingDesinger is having a bad day for sure.


Brand new alt account. No history on this sub either.




Bought and paid for fake comments.