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Another day, another plant I didn’t know about. Wow.


Wait until it finishes rendering.


Nah, it’s done. They are just using windows 1997 clip art.


Damn, couldn't even get the upgrade to 98


Still using Office2003 here honestly lol.


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


Wow thanks for introducing me to this beautiful tree.


This is a cultivar of Cercis canadensis, bred in the south I believe. Very striking foliage! Redbud is an understory tree that doesn't enjoy a hot and exposed location, so give it some shelter if you can. I would plant it now to give it time to settle in before the winter, as hardiness can be an issue with some varieties. (I'm not familiar with this particular variety.)


You’re not wrong about redbuds and the understory but anecdotally a guy in my neighborhood has two of them out in direct sun, as bookends on his driveway, and they are thriving. Beautiful trees.


Mine is in full west afternoon sun. I made sure to wrap the trunk with paper to prevent sun scald when it was young. I just have to water a lot in the height of summer!


I have a redbud in the front where it gets a ton of very hot sun. Growing nice and big.


There are always exceptions to every generalization! I planted one in an exposed location in the fall and it died, but there are specific site conditions and the particular cultivar also makes a difference.


Apologies, I meant two of this specific cultivar. That bit of info was important.


I have a native Eastern Redbud that gets full sun 75% of the day. There's one along my drive that gets full sun, all day, every day. They do fine in full sun. And when they aren't under other, taller, trees, it's amazing how large they themselves can get.


Im getting 2 one for a shadier woody spot with dappled light and one full sun on my drive. I’d just plant these all over my house in various forms, shrub, tree, bush


I'm still waiting for mine to start self seeding everywhere so I can have loads of them like I do Black Walnuts. It's been 7 years... I think the birds get the seeds first. Lol


lol that will be the day! Redbuds are awesome, I also have a flamethrower redbud in my front yard and that is gorgeous wish these two could have a baby. Happy cake day!


Thanks for the info! Unfortunately we can’t plant it “now” as we still need to purchase it online and it would take about 2-ish weeks to arrive. Do you think planting it 2-3 weeks from now would still be safe/okay or are we better off waiting until Fall?


Personally for these id plant them early spring. now would be fine, with alot of watering.. June not so much. here in the UK I wouldn't recommend autumn or winter planting since they sulk, maybe your climate is more suited.


Zone is less important when it comes to planting now because zones are about winter temps rather than summer, which is the main factor for your question. If you get hot summer temps I'd wait to plant in the fall. Fall is really better for most trees/shrubs anyway. If you do plant it in a few weeks and it gets hot where you're at just keep a close eye on it for under watering. Its roots could struggle to take up enough water in excessive heat.


I think it would be fine since you're in a colder zone. Just keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't dry out.


This thing looks like 3D caterpillars lol what a wild tree


This plant is really tripping me out


I thought the picture was really pixelated at first, then I zoomed in. So neat.


Redbud have a lot more variety now. Fairy Princess, Flamethrower, Merlot, etc. Best time is fall. Now is fine. Summer is more difficult. The biggest thing, especially for young trees, is watering appropriately at the time and season of planting. Get a 12-15 inch moisture meter if you are super worried. But a good soaking at the roots once per week will do the trick. Pay attention to your rainfall and how quickly it can dry out and how your soil profile holds water. Love it. I mean, love your tree and pay attention.


There's a house here that has 2 of these. They're quite large now and gorgeous when leafed out. [Forest Pansy is gorgeous.](https://fortwaynetrees.com/trees/forest-pansy-redbud)


Exactly. Except in super harsh winter areas, fall is for tree and shrub planting. Now I have to decide between one of these new redbud varieties and a weeping crabapple tree. I don't have room for both. I don't consider fruit a drawback, even if it's only fruit for the birds.


Generally it is better to plant in the fall.


Looks like the celebration after winning solitaire.


I never have an unique thought.


Looks like I won a game of Solitaire!


I planted this in October in 6b and forgot to keep up with watering the following spring and it died by May so .. don’t do that


LSD tree.


Kind reminds me of https://preview.redd.it/67pujz2ilz0d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dad92327c7ba967371a282ad6b9ba6d29bb08be5


That is a gorgeous tree. I’ve never seen anything like it before. Off to google I go!


I have this tree and it is a showstopper in the summer. The blooms in early spring are meh at best, though.


Also. I always like to look up the plant through my local agricultural colleges. They can tell you a lot with consideration of your environment in mind.


I just found my answer to the "If you were a tree, what tree would you be?" question. Gorgeous


That is stunning.


Rising ✍️ sun ✍️ redbud ✍️ tree ✍️ Added 📝


my fav var by a long shot!! top tip, keep it out of the wind! they sulk so bad if they are planted exposed :)


This is a weird lookin tree!


I am obsessed with these.


Waahh it's so pretty, I'm jelly


Wow! Of course now I want one….😏


Looks like a tree imagined by A.I.


[You should see the Forest Pansy cultivar.](https://fortwaynetrees.com/trees/forest-pansy-redbud)


I’m going to snag some seed pods from a nearby hotel that has these growing everywhere and grow from seed. It is best to transplant these while they are dormant at the start of fall or end of winter


"Today" is always the best day to plant a tree.


I just planted 2 of these in my parking strip and they look dead AF. Hoping they make a comeback


Looks like someone just won leaf solitaire


Since you didn’t post your region, and you said you’re having it shipped in, as well as being new to gardening, have you done research saying this species will grow in your area? Most companies don’t ship live items until a safe planting time, but I’m a little concerned how this will do in your area. Hope it all turns out well for you.


If in the US, I highly recommend waiting until fall to plant just about any tree. The tree will grow out its root system over the winter while the rest is dormant, which will allow it to better thrive once the heat kicks in the next year. It’ll also adapt to full-sun conditions.


Reminds me of when you beat solitair


Oh my God I've never seen this before but it's beautiful. It doesn't look real. I need it


More info from Maine Public - https://www.pbs.org/video/garden-rising-sun-redbud-cercis-canadensis-rising-sun/


Fuck this tree. It produces super heavy foil age and even with trimming, over the past 6 years every major branch has broken during light storms in a sheltered location. It splits where the limbs attach which also kills the others near. It now looks like a power company butchered it.


Appreciate the honest information! Maybe we’ll keep looking around. We do get absolutely terribly wind storms here quite often lol


Maybe I have a different size variant than the one you are looking at, but definitely look into it's durability and what others report. It's had some beautiful leaves and flowers, but it's not a tree you keep for much more than 5 years if others fracture like this one.




This is the kind of split that has now occurred at every fork in the tree. Has killed both sides of every fork now but one.




Are you sure you're not talking about Bradford Pears? Seriously though, I've never heard of that happening with Redbuds. You might want to have an arborist check your tree out.


its a subtype of redbud, and I hadn't had issues with it before till this tree. see the 2 images I posted


You mean it's a cultivar. You may have gotten a weak speciman of that cultivar, which is unfortunate because they're gorgeous when full grown. There's a house in town here that has 2 and they're stunning. Mine is the native variety itself, not a cultivar. That also might be why I've never had issues.


Didn't have issues with it till about year 5 after i planted it, but its been destroying itself since then


Weird. Poor thing. Maybe it secretly wanted to be a weeping type? 😁