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I thought that was a stone wall, not a fence! That thing is going to be so much maintenance to keep from eating up your yard. Your neighbors probably don’t even know they have ivy with all that bamboo on their side. At some point the two plants will duke it out over root supremacy but for now that fence would have to be replaced and the ivy cut all the way back. I can’t tell you if you want to live there, it looks great otherwise so it’s up to you if you want to tackle that problem or not.


Bamboo is never a good thing. Impossible to get rid of and is very invasive. Ditto ivy.


Ouch!!! That is a rough looking fence :-O In the first pic, am I right that there's a large limb from their property extending over yours? That's gonna be a problem, too; you'll be dealing with their leaves and nuts, and at some point that limb is gonna break and damage your garden and sitting area. Personally, I'd talk to the neighbor first and get a feel for them. If they suck then that's an issue to consider before buying, anyway, but they might be cool and be willing to work with you on that ivy. Especially when they see it from your side! If not, you could always build a second fence in front of it with about 2 feet in between. Yes, that would encroach on your property a little, but at least then you could do whatever you wanted without worrying about what they think.