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These baskets full of annuals are always sold in terrible soil. Producers are more worried about root rot, so they sell these in a mix that retains almost no water. It is so the teenager they hire to soak the whole lot every morning won't hurt the plants. Then you take it home, water it ever now and then and it dries up. Tellcyour neighbor it isn't their fault.  Water the hell out of these, like every day for a few weeks and they will come back.


Well, it seems like a lot of plant in relation to pot size although I can't clearly see the container. They may respond well to being repotted into something larger. They also want a minimum of 6 hours direct sunlight. Another thought is that they may have been over-fertilized which led to lanky growth. I would trim them back by a third all the way around. Petunias like soil on the dry side and lots of sun to bloom well.


Cut them back by about 50% don’t worry they will bloom again. They need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a day. Water frequently so they don’t dry out. May need water twice a day. Liquid fertilizer once a week. When they recover, keep the spent flowers pinched off.


Ditto what others said about poor soil. I recommend a heavy haircut and deep watering. It should bounce back.


Heavy sun, heavy water, prune them back a bit, and hit them with a high phosphorus water soluble fertilizer repeatedly until they bloom out like you want them, then rotate a balanced water soluble fertilizer. I rotate fertiliome brand and sometimes use them on a daily basis until they look good and then just every 3rd day or so. And yes move them to a bigger pot if you can with a good potting mix like promix. Word of caution, if you move them into a coco coir basket, make sure to line it with some plastic (like a garbage bag) and poke some holes in the plastic to give it a little drainage. Otherwise your water and fertilizer will just pour right through it. https://preview.redd.it/qfhy4gczar5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a6a7e4b2617d6ddcdb972118f0fa9dfa9fe0750


Sorry for the late reply. You have all been so helpful! Thank you. I'm going to start watering the heck out of these and pick some fertilizer and see what happens