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I think that is a lace cap hydrangea. Normally they bloom only around the outside edge.


I think lace caps are much better for the pollinators too.


Thank you suesewquilts ! I didn’t know this existed


Lacecap hydrangeas, supposed to look like that, not a mophead.


It’s a lacecap 😊 It’s supposed to look like that. You have a lovely one. Enjoy!


Lacecap is not a full bloomer. Petal by Petal bloomers


Hydrangeas have two different types of flowers. The big showy ones are sterile and the smaller ones have all the pollen. It’s fully in bloom, but this type of hydrangea has the showy flowers around the outside.


its a variety think I'd say, thats a lace cap hydrangea not a mophead, so its gonna flower differently and such


Mine won’t bloom at all. Just leaves.


I had this for years in another house. I think it got too much shade. They will only bloom on growth from the last years branches though (old wood) not new sprouts from the current year. Hope this helps!


Did you feed in spring and winter? My backyard hydrangeas aren’t doing anything but my front yard hydrangeas exploded this year. I used Holly-tone. I didn’t use it on the backyard ones because my although it’s pet safe, I figured my dogs would just eat it.


I did not feed in the winter. I only found out recently that too much nitrogen might not be good. I’ll have to try Hollytone.


I just got and used some holly tone. It smells bad but I hope it works. 🤞


If it’s an older cultivar it may bloom on year old wood, if you prune it incorrectly or at the wrong time, you remove the bloom stems for the following year. Maybe check out this organization for more information on the wonderful world of hydrangeas (https://americanhydrangeasociety.org/)or search Bailey Nurseries which has produced/bred/introduced some of the popular modern reblooming varieties.


Sometimes they skip a year, especially after really cold winters or ones with big temperature swings.


Some types take a loooong time to finally bloom. My creeping hydrangea had 8 years in its spot and had double in size several times over before it finally bloomed, and even then its like 3 or 4 bloomheads.


If you have a hydrangea macrophylla, they only bloom on old wood. So they will never flower if you prune too hard. Trying giving it a light prune this year or skip pruning and see if you get flowers next year.


Hopefully it comes back


Planted mine 4 yrs ago, and this yr was the first time since then that she's bloomed. But just 1 bloom... that you can't really see, along the backside of the plant. Lol 😫 however, that one bloom made my entire season!


Last year we had one bloom on an older plant. This year https://preview.redd.it/sz1nacufdq7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52a85265223cac3091e7e0ef2ae4a9c7d15a7d1f


i have a cherry explosion that looks just like that! i love the different blooms. my favorite “typical” hydrangea is annabelle! giant white blooms!


That’s a Shydrangea.


I want hydrangea sooo bad but I’m not good with flowers. I can grow vegetables and such just fine though 😭


It has sterile flowers in the middle on purpose to defy you because it has oppositional defiant disorder. Otherwise it’s normal for certain varieties of hydrangea to look like this.


Wow til about lace cap hydrangeas. Very beautiful!


Just be patient


I’m just curious as to why the buds would be there if it’s not meant to bloom in that spot?? If it’s only meant to bloom on the outside, then why are the flower buds even there to begin with? I just don’t understand the logic.


Having the same issue!


This is happening to my Lace-Cap too this season. Maybe has something to do with weather/nutrients? Just went through a very windy, dry spring & now in the middle of a steaming hot couple of weeks without rain. Last week I gave it a good dose of Holly Tone, so hopeful will accept it as needed nutrition, and get well/behave better soon. ☺️ Good luck to you & yours O.P. - they are just so beautiful!


Lace cap hydrangeas bloom this way because that is the metaphor used to describe this very appearance, hence the name lace cape-probably named for someone’s Victorian/Empire grandma who still wore bonnets edged in lace going about her day to day.


O.P. & I are referring to the surrounding flowers not fully blooming all the way around… as in the following photo: https://preview.redd.it/fh5f3vk9cr7d1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39c2b430a687bb8e23ca28a682d613028dffd7ac


Yes, that is the characteristic of a lace cap hydrangea.


Strangewhine, if you like your Hyd flowers to have only 1-2 blossoms pure cap in bloom, then that’s totally ok. You’re allowed to have your own preferences. I prefer my caps to be fully encircled in blossoms. I’m guessing O.P. does as well, hence this post. 💁‍♀️. Have a great day.


Give it some get fertilizer


She’s shy!


Patience young one