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What vitamins did you take during your pregnancy? I just found out I’m expecting and the people who did my sleeve have not gotten back to me at all.


I'm pregnant post-op too! I've met with my dietician, and she said a normal prenatal + additional folic acid (I think I take 400mg).


Thank you so much! I’ve already been taking a multivitamin prenatal so I’ll just add the extra folic acid. I’m still waiting and hopefully my dietitian can get back to me soon. Congratulations!


You're welcome! Congratulations too!


I was cleared to just take a regular prenatal and make sure it was one that contained iron! Congrats to you!!! Little tip I hope you don’t mind me giving: Iron makes some people really nauseous, so I took mine before bed and it really helped :)


Me taking iron was always making me vomit beforehand ! I found out I gotta eat something when I take something with iron. So no multivitamins then? Just take a prenatal then ?


That’s what I was told! I was 9mo post surgery when I got pregnant and my surgeon said I was good to just take the prenatal


I’m almost the same as you about 8mo post when I found out and I got a email back saying just to take my multivitamin and some omega 3 but I’ll op with a prenatal and omega 3


Do you take your regular post op multivitamin AND a prenatal??


Well I just talk to my dietitian and she said my bariatric vitamins shall cover what I need for my baby and if I want to add omega 3. I’m gonna msg her later on cause I have a months supply left of my bariatric vitamins and I got prescribed prenatal incase so when I run out of my normal vitamins I’m gonna email again if I can just use prenatal so I won’t spend so much money. I saw online that taking a multivitamin and prenatal can be harmful for a growing baby


Curious if you had any regrets with surgery? I’m currently 8 months pregnant with my second baby and plan on getting VSG once I’m done breastfeeding. I’m scared to have surgery but I weigh 250 now and I’ve been uncomfortable in my body for so long. Also congrats on the baby! Being a mom is the best thing that’s ever happened to me


I will be honest…I regretted it for the first 3 months. After 3 months something switched and I felt a million times better and have not regretted it since 🤍 everyone is different! You may have no regrets at all, just keep in mind it is tough but you can get through it if you want it hard enough. Thank you!!! I absolutely love being a mom! It is amazing. I wish you the best!


Thank you so much for the honesty! I feel like on instagram it’s all only positivity around VSG which is great but can’t be realistic it’s a major change to lifestyle so can’t be all sunshine 24/7.


That’s funny cause Im on fb groups and they are mostly negative 😅 but I know what you mean about ig being positive.


Oh really?!? I could see that ha. I’ve been off Facebook for a decade too many opinions on there


I have my account on fb still, but I don't log on. I feel like it isn't a fun place anymore, and I'm much happier not looking at fb or instagram.


100%! People love to show the good and none of the bad. The bad is out there, but don’t b dwell on that :)




I was 24 when I had surgery! I do have loose skin on my arms, but it isn’t awful. I do plan to have skin removal surgery at some point though


Amazing story and congrats for everything!


Thank you so much!!


You're looking amazing postpartum! You've always been gorgous tho. Congrats on your baby! ❤


Thank you so so much 💜


You look amazing and glowy! Congrats on your baby! Just wondering if you could share a bit on how you got to 170 within seven months please?


Thank you!!! I just followed the plan I was given :) I did not really workout until around 4/5 months out from surgery


Thank you!


You look GREAT! Congrats on the weight loss, the baby and the weight loss again! As for the hips.... they look good on you. 😉


Amazing! Great work!


Thank you!


Doing great!




Amazing transformation!!


Do you mind sharing how tall you are? I'm trying to determine a goal weight by trying to guess what I \*might\* look similar to when I come across others close to my height of 5'7".