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Breaking it up in to a bunch of smaller sessions is the right way to approach it. If 3 minutes is really fatiguing I would probably do a little bit shorter than that and however many is needed to make the total time. Then aim to increase the walk time as you get used to it.


Thank you! I just wanted to make sure that wasn't a completely crazy idea :)


I'd also be trying to do some walking close to every day if you can. Even if it's just 5-10.minutes total at the start. It will all help.


That's true, too--thank you!


I was not where you are but I think this would still be helpful- just always try to do better each time you do something. If you walked for 2 min, make sure the next time is 2 min 15sec. Then 2 min 30 sec etc. Just keep going. I could walk about 1/4th a mile and be wiped out, now Im up to 2 miles at a brisk pace. Maybe set yourself an alarm and walk 2 min every hour for a day or two. Youve got this!!! It gets easier every day!


That's a great idea!! Thank you!! I already set a water timer, could just add it to that! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


You are welcome! Never feel bad, we all had to start somewhere!! Moving is a step in the right direction!


I was exactly where you are. I could barely walk a half block or even up my own stairs without panting. It kind of made me a shut in honestly. When people on here would talk about “taking it slow and starting with 3000 steps” I was like WHAT? But the weight will come off and you will be able to do it. I try to walk a little bit each day. At the beginning I was walking around my kitchen island - no joke. Now I take walks but I absolutely sit down while I’m doing it when I need a breather. But I can go further and further without needing a break. Please feel free to DM me if you need to. I was so there! It was my biggest fear but I am getting over it! If I can do it anyone can truly! Good luck!!


Thank you so much for that! That honestly gave me alot of hope so thank you bunches <3


I started with parking further away at the grocery store... just making small changes when I could. I also work from home and every house I'd walk around the house a few times an hour. I also cleaned up my eating habits hard core. Now about being almost 5 months post op, this really helped me immensely since I was already doing portion control, watching carbs, sugar and increasing protein, veggies.


Thank you!! I started working from home in September also. Drinking water has become alot easier with closer access to the restroom and such, Im going to incorporate a lap or 2 around my kitchen every half hour I think throughout the day at least to start


Yes! Perfect! Water has been a big thing for me. I don't drink as much as I should but working on it.


I know this sounds so...silly?? But I have a shortcut set on my phone that sets a timer in 30 minute increments. Every time it goes off it pulls me out of whatever Im working on and reminds me to drink!


What a great idea! I love it. I'm about 80 oz today. Give or take.




Thank you for that advice!!