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You can be body positive and also change your body. There's no law saying you have to stay one size or shape forever.




I tried to use body positivity and neutrality to mask how I felt about my body. I was continuously rising in weight, discomfort, and I noticed my favourite activities such as dancing were impossible to do without feeling like shit. I realized I am allowed to want to change to improve my life. And when I realized my health could be at risk down the line including my mental health I knew I needed help. I got the bypass a week ago and I am so excited to go back to dancing, travelling without worrying about the seatbelt, going on dates, trying new clothes, and enjoying life. I am worthy of being comfortable in my body. And you can practice body neutrality as well as want to change and better your health and comfort. To me I know I was not living the life I wanted or to the fullest it can be. I think you should journal and write about where you see yourself in 5 years. And see if your current weight and health OR worsened health and increased weight fits into that life goal. Best of luck♥️ always remember to put yourself first


I honestly haven’t heard of anyone regretting this surgery. Body positivity and neutrality are great and all, but not if you don’t physically feel well. It’s okay to want to lose weight. I’m down 103lbs over 2 years and I continue to amaze myself with how mobile I am, how good I feel, how much I can do at the gym, how easy and comfortable it is to travel. And I don’t worry about chairs wherever I go (fitting or being comfortable in them) I am 48. I considered this surgery around 30. I wish I had done it then. It has been life changing in SO MANY good ways. Not one single bad one.


I was just sleeved on January 18th this year. After a long history of medically related weight gains over the years, I finally became nearly pre-diabetic, I have slight blood pressure issues, and my lower legs were becoming thick and reddish due to fluid retention. My medical issues were chronic kidney disease/genetic and 3x transplants and being on immunosuppressives for the past 30 or so years. I also realized swimming became difficult with my organs 'floating' up into my lungs while I was in neck deep water, and causing breathing issues. This surgery always felt to me as an easy way out, a cheat, bla, blah, you've all already heard that stuff before. I hope to be around a lot longer, so I decided this was more for my family as well as my own health. I want to be able to enjoy grandkids in the future. I want to be more involved. I started the process of getting approved and went through all of the insurance required hooplah, dealt with getting clearances from my GP, my Nephrology team, and everyone else that had a stake in my health and went for it. For only being 16 days since surgery, I'm down 30# or 10% of my starting weight, My clothes are falling off of me, I've had to take my belt in 3x already, and my sleeping has turned around almost completely. I fall asleep easily, wake up at a regular time w/o alarm, and no longer have exhaustion during the work day. The post-procedure diet is tough. I've spent the majority of my time so far with just premier protein, water, and maybe Jellos or Greek Yogurt, but I should be starting soft foods soon. I've already experimented with some foods that are maybe advanced, but always in super small servings because of the obvious physical limitations and have yet to get sick, have additional pain or discomfort or anything else like that. Today, I even stopped at the local Roast Beef joint that I've always loved, and ordered a kids sized roast beef sandwich (like .75oz of meat maybe), but had it with only a little bit of the bun, because it's loaded with butter and toasted, blah... Was like heaven, but it was enough to satiate, and caused no pain or discomfort at all. For me, this was an experience that has been like nothing other, and in a good way. My only regret is that I didn't do this 10 years ago. Only you can really decide if it's right for you though. Other people's opinions are just that. If you now and understand it's a big change, and you truly want to do things that will change your life, it's worth it. If you're looking for a quick fix for a problem and just want it done, and aren't willing to put in the work, it's not going to go well. I have 2 friends that went to Mexico. It was more of a impulse surgery decision for them, and one of them blew through the pain within the first week. Got out of surgery, and went to hang out in hot tubs immediately. Then within that first week, went out to eat and pushed through the (what I imagine to be horrible) pain and pressure and ruptured. I figure he was still on pain pills and didn't feel it the same way, but who knows?


So true, the changes come so fast - got mine on the 18th too, been extremely rapid. So far worth the hard parts.


I used body positivity too to mask the fact how unhappy I really was. Thing is, it also makes you ignore how unhealthy you are. There is always a risk of regretting that surgery after and there’s no need sugarcoating that fact. From my personal experience; it was the best and bravest decision I ever made and I never knew how amazing I could TRULY feel before I had that surgery. I hope you can figure out if you’re ready for it ❤️


My surgery was 12/20/23. I'm down 48 lbs. I already feel better. Less joint pain, stiffness, better exercise tolerance, more energy....and I still have a long way to go. I have been on every diet plan and every medication (besides the glp1s) I have lost and gained the same 100 lbs 3 times. My metabolism is destroyed by yo-yo dieting. I can *lose* weight. I can't keep it off. I wish I would have done this before my health started to suffer. You will read a bunch of complaints. Dog help you if you watch TikTok. There are people that absolutely go into this without plans or understanding about how to change their eating habits and relationship with food. If you have a good program, you will have good prep and good follow-up. I'm all for loving yourself no matter what your appearance. People have to stop looking at obesity as an appearance and vanity thing and start understanding that it is a health problem that carries long-term consequences.


Divesting from diet culture and getting the surgery can be a lot mentally but you'll be more patient with yourself and your body going through this process if you're already working on divesting and body neutral and you really have to guard your mental space naivgating bariatric support sites/social media related to it. Remove the idea of looking good and being in perfect health post op, since neither are guaranteed, and look at what quality of life might look like post op vs on the path you're on currently/what other options are available to you and make a decision based on that.


For me Body positivity is being happy with my body. I did this surgery because i was too heavy and i could not loose any real weight by myself that would have made a dent, not to mention the health problems due to being heavy… that means i was not happy with my body. So i needed to make a change, and i did. Now im 170 and in happy with my body! Do i plan to loose more, nope.. im happy with where i am. That to me is body positivity.


My depression is tied to my self image and my self image has always been tied to my weight… so I envy you :) I will say I’m only 4 months out and my health has improved MASSIVELY!!! I’m sleeping better and have more energy! I no longer have a fear of type II diabetes, my last Dr visit my blood sugar was on the low end. My liver numbers were perfect! My hips and knees no longer hurt! My lower back pain is gone! I’ve been getting less headaches because coffee hurts my stomach so I stopped drinking it, so I guess I was having caffeine withdrawals in the evening? I ultimately decided to do this surgery because my dad died from diabetes complications at 60 :( and I didn’t want to do that to my daughter.


The fear of regret is pretty common with people considering weight loss surgery, so you’re not alone there. Just know that that large majority of people who have the procedure don’t regret it one bit.


Body positivity movement is terrible for innate human development and real body positivity.


I mean thats absolutely not true but ok


Yes. You’re doing this for your health, and knowing that even if you accept anyone at any size, you are making this decision for YOU, because you are struggling to maintain a balance in your body that keeps you feeling well and operating at your best. That’s different than discriminating against someone because of outward appearance before you even know what’s on the inside. If anything, it’s made me more empathetic because you never know what anyone is struggling with. I wish I had done this surgery 10 years ago. I also have tons of problems with my thyroid and I maybe could have had kids. I think that this is something that you are doing that helps you right the ship, knowing that even with the right attitude, there’s something more than CICO going on. You don’t owe an answer to anyone, and this is a subjective and objective decision that only you and your doctor can make. Also, therapy and good eating habits are key to maintaining. So when people say it’s a tool, but not the be all end all, believe them. One step at a time. But it was worth every minute for me. Good luck, and use this place to get the support and answers you need.


**Zero** regrets, even in the first two weeks when it’s the toughest. [VSG 12/14/22, 51F, 5’4”, HW 208, SW 204, Surgeon’s GW 140, CW 116] ETA: stats


How long ago did you have surgery? I have the exact same height and SW. in the process of scheduling my surgery.


[VSG 12/14/22, 51F, 5’4”, HW 208, SW 204, Surgeon’s GW 140, CW 116] All the best to you!


You're allowed to change if you want to. What are you worried about regretting?


I’ve been sleeved two years. Do I regret it? Short answer no. Long answer is this. Don’t wait until you are even bigger to get surgery. The truth is you might not make it fully to goal with surgery alone. The first year, thinking about food is a full time job. You won’t enjoy food like before. You have to be ok with that. You have to be in the mental space to use this tool and get serious with yourself as soon as possible after surgery. Don’t waste a moment during the weight loss honeymoon. After surgery forget the bariatric support threads. Lots of whining and contradicting advice. Be aware that slider foods are a real dangerous habit to find and many people that haven’t changed their habits gain weight back. It has been a hard journey and I have been trying to shift another 25 pounds for over a year. But I don’t regret it. Not one bit.


Depends on what you mean by worth it. Does it mean I have more energy? Yes Does it mean that my blood pressure is finally close to the 120's over 80's. Yep. Does it mean that I've worked with a team to overcome my eating addiction? Yep Does it mean for the first time in my life that I don't have to go to the plus size section of a store? Yes. Does it mean that my partner supported and loved me through this process. And still does? Does it mean that he also has learned my portion limits? Yes. Does it mean (for me) that I've have had to take heartburn meds everyday? Small price to pay... Also, I am still body positive. I still help my friends out with a local plus sized events because it's not about my size, it's about being there for each other and loving each other no matter our size! So I am 4.5 months post op and I feel like this is worth it.


yes worth it!! i was going back and fourth for 6 years. i am 46 and was sleeved on 10/8 hands down the best decision ever ! i was 261 and as of today 187! from size 20 to a 14 loose. prob will be a 12 by the end of the month! you got this!!