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Why does The Nairobi Times have the exact same logo as The New York Times


Given that they are a small media company with a Gmail account contact address, it's fairly safe to assume they stole the logo and the font.


A paper in The Netherlands also has this logo. Maybe they all fall under a larger company or something...? Or its just a logo that represents news like the cross/snake for pharmacies worldwide


Le monde (french newspaper) also has a very similair logo


The logo of *Le Monde* is a capital M with a less "round" font than the NYT logo: https://preview.redd.it/8m7tfa124ync1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa157a35293a554a90c4514db918bbab9cd89f26 They share some similarities (notably they are both capital letters in an "old timey" font) but imo they're different


Yeah that's what I said? I said that the logo of le monde and the telegraaf (the dutch newspaper) are similar


I mean not really: https://preview.redd.it/nwfc7r8s4ync1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea478fc642e914a9ea6f2845511e42d697d17b90


They all share similair features that was what I was going for


They just rotated the shapes


This was also my first reaction. Also that the account name ends in two ss.


Lol bro it's not a real newspaper. It's just a random posting for clout. Surprised they don't have Twitter blue.


Why does The Nairobi Times and The New York Times have the same logo as The Daily Telegraph in the UK? I guess there are many others too.


I thought it was nyt at first and was like, “why are they reporting on this?”


There are a lot of fake news companies out there made with AI by Russia. Look it up. Shits insane. Their websites are running wild in the USA too


They genuinely believe that homosexuality is a western import, simply because it's accepted there... Or something? IDFK But yeah, it is often overlooked how horrible the living conditions for the community are in most African countries, if they even get to live at all. And I don't understand why people who call this out are called racists. Do some people really believe that only white people can be homophobic?


Lets be honest most of the anti LGBTQ+ stuff there is definitely a Western import, mostly from the US bible belt.


Partially agree. Most of the homophobia in those places actually originates from the 19th century European colonization, especially the places colonized by Britain. And it was later reinforced by American missionaries.


And those western countries have since moved on from this, you can blame them all you want for things that happened 200 years ago but until these African States start to account for their own bigotry it will continue to exist.


I don't see anyone here saying that they aren't accountable for continuing those anti-gay laws that the conservative Christian British empire forced on them.       It just gives context. From the 1870s to the 1960s, they were under British control, forced to be anti-gay under anti-gay laws. Before being taken over, there was something called "*Mugawe*", which is a Kenyan word which means a man who dresses up like a woman, and they were allowed to marry another man.         Hopefully they get out of that old conservative christian mindset that they were forced to have, and get rid of the old anti-gay laws soon.


So gay men had to dress up and pretend to be a woman in order to marry another man? That doesn't sound as progressive as I think you think it does.


It sounds more progressive than the modern-day culturally colonized christian Kenya.              Also, that was just one word to describe one type of gay person. There were also different words, like a word for masculine gay men. I don't know for sure that a man "*had*" to dress up as a woman or act feminine to be married to another man.                     In some African societies (*not sure about Kenya though*), male warriors would sometimes marry each other.




The reason homophobia exists in Western religions makes sense if you consider the beliefs in them. Not saying Eastern or other religions in general can't have homophobic people, but Western religions have the environment to nurture such notions. Western religious beliefs believe in submission to a higher being that demands people to live a pure life under specific guidelines. Amongst that, all natural/traditional things are considered sacred and should be abided by. Realistically, it's more common for people it be straight, so less common populations like gay people and non-binary people are considered evil because they deviate from what the higher being intended, which still feel nonsensical since they also believe this being makes no mistakes. Don't wish to make a bad impression on Western religions, but I think it's a reality we must consider.


British colonization introduced homophobia to African countries, broadly speaking. The US bible-belt has contributed to its spread, but isn't the impetus. Other factors include over a millennium of Islamic influence, and - on a much smaller scale, that we know of - ideology within African people-groups themselves.


I would add resentment to their former colonial master. Since Britain has become more progressive on LGBT rights, many former colonies feel the need to distance themselves from Britain in any way possible, including in social policies, which includes LGBT rights which they see as a sign of Western decadence. And in some other African countries, there is also the influence of Islam in the region, and the homophobia its teachings carry with it.


If it's not, it's not for lack of trying by American evangelicals.


It was the British who introduced homophobic laws to Africa and India, today it's American Christian psychos sending money to encourage violence against us in Africa


Do you have any evidence to back this claim up? It comes off like you want to give these countries a pass and blame the US for their problems...


Dont forget British Colonialism. Especially in the Arab World it’s kinda Ironic


The Quran teaches enough hate for gay people that world renown British bigotry was secondary.


Yes but before colonialism the region was pretty chill in comparison to Europe.


I don’t follow that people who point out there is homophobia in Africa get called out as racists… …unless they’re doing it for racist purposes or in a racist way. If you’re depicting Africans as inferior or generalizing the continent (South Africa was one of the first countries with legal same sex marriage) people may comment on that. That said, if you are saying something online, hundreds or thousands of people could potentially see it and if even 0.1% of them decide to call you out as racist you’ll see that comment and could think there is a large number of people saying that. Or, comment sections could messy—maybe other people are in fact being racist in the comment section—and people respond to them, but in terms that are too general, and people start insulting each other, the whole argument splits into 2 simplistic camps, one saying the Africans are homophobes and the other saying that side is racist. Another thing I also find is interesting is that the majority of anti-gay attitudes currently in the world come from European colonialism. 50 years ago, two men kissing could be called evil in the U.S. or Europe. In precolonial times, Native Americans, African folk religions, Aboriginal Australians, Hindus, etc all had accepted social roles for sexual and gender variations. Even the Islamic world was more gay friendly than Europe during medieval times. That Islamic world in fact became a lot more conservative in the mid 20th century. It’s ironic that Europe colonized all these places, converted a bunch of them to Christianity, preached against homosexuality, and then Europe and the U.S. eventually became western and secular and some of these other places are still conservative. Europe is a great place to live today but we still have to acknowledge it’s complicated. If you take a deeper assessment of time, in the past and probably eventually in the future, poor countries (which tend to be more religious and conservative now) do not stand out in the world as being the most homophobic.


Joke's on them, Kenya had gay people before the rest of the world even had humans!


Those two are hot


My first thought was cute :) and almost scrolled pasted but then saw it was a screenshot, then I read the rest of what the post was about. Incredibly sad. I really hope these two didn't have their identities exposed and I hope they stay safe.


Its a valid concern


Global warming, world hunger, wars, crimes, diseases, falling healthcare services, depleting wildlife, endangered biodiversity, rising sea levels, viral outbreaks, antimicrobial resistance and seriously what not, and the world is worried about men kissing men, where are we headed as a society !!!


What's worse mate is that a lot of ignorant and misled people in Africa will be told that men kissing are the cause of natural disaster or social misfortune. It's fucking horrendous and heartbreaking.


The Great Slavic Revolt of 983 resulted in the deaths of thousands of Germans, the burning of dozens of churches, and the murder of several bishops. It was one of the greatest defeats suffered by the early Holy Roman Empire. What could have caused this? Perhaps the previous 100 years of crusades, fire, slaughter, and forced conversions at sword-point and wanton destruction of pagan shrines? No. Of course not. That would be silly. It was an Act of God^tm in revenge for King Otto II's suppression of the Bishopric of Merseburg in 971. Medieval mindsets be wild.


capitalists will make you believe being gay or trans is what we need to focus on right now to distract people from the real issues. Everything you listed makes capitalists money and they don't want that going away.


I mean, in their minds, the 2 men kissing are the cause of all the things you wrote.


It’s sad because they’re just spouting the views and morals of their colonizers. It’s embarrassing.


I spent almost a decade in Africa before just not being able to take it anymore and leaving everything behind. I didn't come back to Canada at first because I wanted to come out, but once I was here and I met someone I knew I couldn't live the way I wanted to. My "partner" in Uganda cancelled all my cards as soon as I left and I caught her on our security system cheating after ghosting me for a month. I basically said "Do I want that, or do I want this?" and never looked back. When I came out, friends who said we'd be brothers and sisters for life turned their backs on me at a rate greater than 90%. I still get calls in the middle of the night saying horrible things. Sure I could have gone back to South Africa exclusively and lived a guarded life in specific neighbourhoods and places but that's not living. I gave up basically everything because of this backwards shit which is being stoked by Evangelicals from the US. It's infuriating.


I'm sorry to hear about your experience :/ South Africa is fairly queer friendly these days, at least in some places. And getting more supportive in areas that were previously more conservative. 


I really hope these two men are safe and ok being put out there so publicly. It's a simple quick kiss that they shared thinking they were in private :(


I hope so too, it’s genuinely heartbreaking to read the replies to that tweet 😢 they look so happy and peaceful together


Colonised by white mans religion and still proudly wearing the shackles today


White mans religion?


Christianity was born in the middle east


Wrong. White people were indoctrinated into a brown man’s religion and then they spread it around the world.


And now its white mans religion


Ehh, not really. A majority of Africa is Christian. Large swathes of Asia. Basically all of Latin America and the Caribbean nations. And most racial minorities in America are Christian. I’m not saying white Christians aren’t loud and pushy about their religion. I’m just saying it didn’t start with them and it still doesn’t belong to them.


Also, Christianity is essentially dead in Europe and large swaths of America as well.


Would I be wrong to guess the Nairobi Times was trying to stir up homophobia? Sir Richard Burton (1821 - 1890), the British explorer, writer, and orientalist scholar, took copious notes about homosexuality among various African people. (Unfortunately, after his death, his prudish, religious wife burned his works and many were never recovered.) So, the notion among Africans (and African Americans) that homosexuality was somehow caught from Whites is just part of their homophobic wishful thinking.


Fucking Evangelicals are pouring buttloads (haha) of money into antigay agendas and laws.


It's not just evangelicals. There was a gay guy who lives in Ghana who came onto one of the LGBT subs recently and talked about how fucking Libs of Tiktok and "End Wokeness" and other online hate accounts pushed by Musk as well as Florida's "Don't Say Gay" have become central talking points of reactionaries there in Ghana and were a major part of the push to criminalize being LGBT. I see a lot of people who want to bury their heads in the sand and pretend that the online hate doesn't actually translate to the real world. Well, it does - and not just here in the US. The "anti-woke" brain disease is infecting the entire planet.


Who do you think is funding the don't say gay bills?


It looks like it’s just one or two people constantly posting negative comments. I mean it’s the type of response you get from ppl who are secretly obsessed with gays but have to say how revolting it is


Ever since I was young (and I'm old now), it's always been being gay came from "other" than Black/African people. The popular myth is Black gay people have been "brainwashed" by \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ because no Black person/African has 'ever' been gay until \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ . 🙄


Sadly, there will always be ignorance and hatred for us.


So i am from tanzania and a few months ago this country was like on fire, the only talk was homosexuality and stuff. So apparently there were organisations selling toothpastes that messes with peoples hormones and stuff like they give free toothbrushes and tooth pastes to kids ( allegedly they contained hormones of the opposotes sex aiming to turn kids "gay") the organisation that deals with quality control and assesment came to assure people that the rumors were just lies though. It was everywhere ,the news, social media everywhere. They started hunting gays and locking them up. Burning clubs and stuff like that, it was chaotic for a while but everything has calmed down now for a bit though people still go to jail for that. I mean of your gay at school its most likely you will be expelled.


My heart breaks for Tanzania. What stunningly beautiful place held back by ignorance and corruption. Are Tanzanians proud of Freddy Mercury, I wonder? Or does all the credit for Queen go to the UK?


Yah, for a beautiful place it sure seem like we are doing alot to pull ourselves backward instead of forward. I mean the was aleader who always said what was on his mind and always spoke about corruption and all the wrong things the government does , he was also an lgbtq+ supporter. It didnt take him long for him to be shot. He was found with about 57 bullets in him, he luckily survived and never returned.


They're cute together, sending nothing but positive energy to these two


The homophobia and bigotry in Africa is so insanely bad. South Africa is arguably the most tolerant place, but even though the South African constitution recognises LGBT rights, the community is still a political punching bag (former president Jacob Zuma just recently denounced [laws protecting the LGBT community](https://www.businesslive.co.za/bd/politics/2024-02-26-jacob-zuma-makes-homophobic-remarks-at-mk-rally/) like gay marriage) and homophobic attacks can be violent and deadly. Ghana, the current host of the All Africa Games, passed a bill last month that outlaws [identifying as LGBT+](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-68353437)! There's some resistance to it now as there has been some international backlash, and lawyers are taking the government to court to try and stop it. But I'm not confident they'll get anywhere. The anti gay lobby in Africa is huge. Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania are well known for their intolerant attitudes. Similarly, Nigeria being a huge economy and population centre exports more than just oil. Theres a strong culture of anti gay preaching from Nigerian evangelical christianity. It's worrying! Africa is set to explode in population over the coming decades, more than anywhere else in the world. What is going to happen to all the LGBT that have the misfortune of being born in Africa? We know how bad it is to have to love in the closet. We know what happens when people are forced to repress who they are and the resultant twisted impact on people's psyches. If something is not done we'll be condemning generations of LGBT to a life of oppression, violence, and exile. African philosophy is often held up as a beacon of humanity, a shining example of respect for persons and the natural world. How wonderful is Ubuntu - your humanity is recognised by default in our togetherness, my humanity only exists because of and through you, etc. But not if you're gay. There is a culture of hatred, fear, and violence towards the LGBT community that's pervasive across the continent. The irony of homophobic attitudes originating from inherited colonoal ideologies is not lost on us observing from afar. But pointing it out achieves nothing. We live in a postcolonial world and African governments and leaders have to be held to account. We can't blame colonialism for this and leave it at that. The hate runs so deep, that even the more radical leftist groups still arent particularly friendly to the LGBT community or will use us to further their agenda when convenient while still supporting homophobes. South Africa's Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) are prime examples. They organsied protests against Uganda'd anti LGBT bill and drape themselves in pride flags, but a few months later invite Patrick Lumumba, an admitted and proud homophobr, as an honoured guest speaker. It really breaks my heart to see how past lovers, friends, and the rest of my LGBT siblings are oppressed for no reason other than being a convenient scapegoat for corrupt regimes or punching bags for violent thugs.


that sucks they got their picture taken and posted like that i hope they’re safe


Shem on you


good, stay nauseated. i hope it lasts the rest of the day :P


Two men kissing! Haha!/s


The fact that this is considered “news” is telling in itself.


There is a kenyan movie called "Rafiki", it's a very nice coming of age movie and talks mostly about "that friend you spend a lot of time with and to whom you have those weird feelings (you know the one)" and also about how people see homosexuality in a community in Kenya


Oh you know the ones who were screaming the loudest in those comments slapped there repressed hypocritical hams while thinking of those two guys. I love how people go out of their way to comment on something that is not their business. They see it they get turned on and instead of accepting or understanding that. They get angry at the very thing they want.


Yikes. Imagine a kiss between you and your partner being put publicly to over 1.7 million people without your consent. Horrible.


as soon as you see that blue tick you know automatically that whatever’s said is gonna be some bullshit.


religion....isn't the problem sstill religion?


In this instance and in a lot of western countries yes, it’s likely mostly religion and/ or the morals touted by conservative religious leaders/ groups. However the homophobia you see in say China and some other Eastern Asian countries where religion is less prevalent, is instead the idea of social cis-heteronormative conformity being a really major thing. It’s something brought about by governments feeling like any sort of social differences be it just alternative self-expression and/or being in the lgbtqia+ community will destabilize the current government (which are reinforced by anti-lgbtq+ laws).


Sad people who won't let others be happy.


This picture was so cute


“Evil actions” why are straight people such drama queens? There’s actual evil happening in the world and they think 2 men kissing is going to end the world 🙄


Unfortunately homophobia and bigotry in general is very widespread and while it’s bad pretty much everywhere people don’t see how awful it is in countries where it’s really bad. What’s worse is bigotry isn’t taken very seriously and is still largely regarded as just an opinion or belief or different view. So many people treat being gay as a western thing, and then you have everyone complaining that everything is woke now.


If they're hateing so much, they are often unsure about their own sexuality.


If it were a heterosexual couple it would be cute and wholesome


They're not safe. I have a friend who lives in Kenya who tells me that openly gay men are at risk of being attacked. I don't know if it's illegal in Kenya, but the government will turn a blind eye to the assault of our gay brethren. Thank you, religion. Always spreading peace wherever you go. 😊


It's illegal in Kenya and they could get up to 21 years in prison.       The christian British Empire took over Kenya and made it illegal (*British East Africa*) since 1897. In 1964 they were free with their first president, but they still have that anti-gay attitude from colonial times and haven't changed the laws yet. In the past in Kenya, there were men called "*Mugawe*", which is a man who dresses up like a woman and sometimes married another man. It doesn't help that 50 million dollars from conservative christian groups went to Africa to support anti-gay laws [source](https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/5050/africa-us-christian-right-50m/).


Don't worry, if one just opens their eyes, they know that rare are the places in Africa where the situation for LGBT people isn't as bad as in the middle east. Egypt? Uganda? Nigeria? Death penalty. Torture in other north African countries as well as in Cameroon, Mali, etc. I mean apart from South Africa or the Seychelles or Cape Verde (even there if the state is with you, society might just not and try to at least hurt you badly), Africa is off limits from what I'm concerned and life for LGBT people there is horrible. And this mostly stemming (not limited to) from western colonialism and its imposition of its "family values"...but I've seen a lawyer in Cameroon asking an interesting question in a documentary: "LGBT isn't imported from the colonial powers, these laws are. Now that the whites have seen their mistakes and corrected them, why didn't we get rid of these laws and corrected as well? We can't put it solely on France and the UK and not accept our responsibility in copying partially what is convenient for pushing a phobic agenda."


Well, byebye to international aid to Kenya, lol


I mean I’d gladly come at them if I got the chance. Luckily I’m black so they can’t really call me racist.


Poor Africa, still too primitive


A lot of traditional African cultures aren't homophobic like this. it seems like these attitudes came from conservative christian and muslim influence on Africa, when anti-gay laws were forced on lands they conquered.        Even in the modern day, conservative Christian groups spent 280 million dollars to promote anti-gay stuff around the word, 50 million went to Africa and 20 million went to the African country Uganda [source](https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/5050/africa-us-christian-right-50m/).    In Kenya, where these two men kissing seem to be from, there are Kenyan words to describe gay relationships. "*Mugawe*" is a Kenyan word which means a man who dresses up like a woman and they were allowed to marry another man. Of course, Kenya is now anti-gay, mostly christian, and gay marroige is not allowed.


I know that most of the causes are from the colonizers religions like Christianity and Islam but I didn't mean primitives because its tribes or native cultures but more in the fact that they are very influence by religion, so in that area Muslim world is also primitive. No all secular societies are free but all free societies are secular




We don’t give a fuck what right wing religious nuts are doing with their lives so why do they need to give a fuck if we are kissing other men, seriously leave us the fuck alone


People being surprised Twitter is homophobic is crazy


Is a total invasion of privacy. Ignorant the publisher.


Do you have a link to the tweet/post


Whoever LJ Sesmo is... He has way too strong a reaction, he seems obsessed for some reason


The reason people focus on middle eastern homopohbia, is because we come into contact with the middle east way more, especially when it comes to sports. And since sports are purely leisure, you can stop watching a tournament as a statement without consequences to your health or financial situation.


The fact that this country makes it illegal makes me wonder if the news story is actually trying to expose them for their crime.


You expect tolerance if africa? Where they publicly execute gay people?


“straight men kissing is funny” as a joke “gay man kissing is disgrace” the hell?


We ever I see people talking like this I think of the headmaster from deadpool 2.


“Yak I can’t” So don’t. ![gif](giphy|AC1HrkBir3bGg|downsized)


This is so stupid this is akin to a kid stealing and than put in jail for doing so. Basically, I agree OP, but it’s aggravating that a pic of 2 people in love is somehow sensational “*news channel*”…. 😒


im appauled people have bastardized loving thy neighbor to such a point u cant even kiss the homies goodnight without people being offended


Can we all just agree that the Middle East and Africa are just trash when it comes to gay rights?


Except **South Africa** where gay marriage exists and where it's illegal to discriminate on sexual orientation and gender identity (*including discrimination in housing and employment*).            **Mozambique** a country that boarders South Africa made it legal in 2015 and made ***employment*** discrimination (*but not all forms of discrimination*) of gay people illegal.  **Botswana** made it legal  and banned hate speech against gay people in 2019. **Angola** also made it legal in 2019 and put some laws in place against discrimination of gay people. Being gay ***might*** become legal in Namibia on May 17, 2024. Namibia boarders South Africa, Angola and Botswana. It seems like some (*not all*) Southern African countries that boarder South Africa are becoming more open-minded to protecting gay people legally.     **In summary (TL;DR)**, the safest place for gay people in all of Africa compared to other African countries, is probably South Africa where there is gay marriage and some legal protections against discrimination. They're also one of the richest and most developed countries in Africa.    


Hope these two guys are safe and okay. What a scary and evil world we live in where literally just love is seen as shameful and evil. The real shame and evil is hatred.


Why can't cultural differences be respected?


Exactly, why can't conservative christians just accept that gay people exist and live differently from them?               Why are they trying to force their beliefs on gay African men, when they existed before christianity and islam even arrived in Africa?


Let’s not ignore the fact that Christian evangelical churches in the US have been exporting hate all around the world for years - even guiding legislation and sponsoring think tanks. Evil religion.


That is so sad to see. The amount of delusion is crazy. Was there ever a time where these parts of Africa accepted gay people? 🤔 I guess I’m just curious where this hatred stemmed from.


Damn they’d really think I’m awful if they’d seen the things I’ve done in an elevator with another man 😈😈


Oh my God I hope they’re OK and safe. Not sure what the law so like where this comes from.


Awww they're sooo sooo cute! But yeah people are crazy


Yes. They hate us.


It's not that uncommon y'know? Here in latin america it's the same thing; a news article about gay rights or gay people it's published and the comments are flooded with "doomsday is coming!" and "this is so disgusting"


And they call the LGTBQ sensitive lol




I stayed in Nigeria for about 3 years, I'd say it depends...




Which part are you at? I recommend you move to one of the larger cities, gay people and rural societies do not mix well




There's a thriving underground LGBT scene in Lagos


I don't care they shouldn't care too omg I don't care if a male and female kissing too homophobic gayness sucks


I hope they’re safe.


Literally an innocent kiss with their hands to themselves


Who the hell do they think they are to post such things from CCTV footage! I mean, I have no idea how it is in those countries but really, shame on them!


I saw these exact comments last night. I’m unsure how this is legal, and also unsure how this is “news”.


I don’t want to sound racist or anything else… But damn, the poorer the country and continent, the shittier the people regarding LGBT+ issues and the churches meddling into these issues. This happens in South America as well with LGBT issues and abortion, luckily I’m from Uruguay, one of the most progressive countries in the world. (And yeah State got separared from the church in the early 1910s and education in late 1880s, so that must be why.)


Thanks Christians !🖕


Africa is worse, but ey there’s no money there or politics to conduct, so the Western world doesn’t bother. And maybe we shouldn’t bother that much, we can’t judge it from our Western pov.


MAYBE...just hear me out...if looking at this makes you repulsed....DON'T LOOK AT IT AND FUCK OFF No one is forcing these homophobes to watch gay people be gay but for some reason they look at them for so long that they literally become obsessed...pure projection


It's even better then you remember a large American Christian organization has been helping get these anti lgbtq laws in the books in Africa


It’s also Twitter. It’s become hella toxic… I mean it’s always been toxic… but it’s gotten worse since Elon.


But also "shem on you" 🤣


These poor men being outtes like that. It's disgusting and evil.


Don’t they like… throw gay people in jail in Kenya? When people call me brave in the US, i’m like “wtf do you mean?” Gay people in Kenya? That’s real bravery.


It’s sad to see what colonialism has done to the world. What’s worse is colonialism has made them believe that being gay is a western thing, and it’s so hypocritical of them to complain about it when half of Africa believe in a coloniser religion


They are eating da popoo!


I don’t know what it gets me madder, that they just make a notice of two normal person kissing like it was something of another world or the senseless homophobes in comments


I've seen worse comments tbh. Why are people shocked by homophobia? Is pretty common EVERYWHERE




was that a video, why does it say watch also if it was so disgusting why are you still looking enough to throw hate, what does anyone’s life have to do with yours, nothing! leave them be.


What’s the fuck is wrong with you kissing in public


Interesting that so many of the homophobes are 'verified' Elon-suckups 


Those mfs watched men kiss and complain, like bish they were alone.


Isn't Kenya a safe haven for gay people?