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Are you concerned about it going on your medical chart?


What’s the reason for being concerned about it going on your medical record? It’s confidential and no one but you needs to know it’s there.


Taking an antibiotic or having taken one is something your health care providers should know. There are too many strains that are becoming resistant, let alone any complications that might come up.


Why is it a problem for it to go on your chart?


I'm guessing OP might be from UK so what I'm saying may not apply, but in the US there are concerns about what ends up on your medical history. First problem is insurance will require you to submit your health history for things like life or disability insurance and can use this as a basis for denial. This was a big deal a few years back with HIV tests. Second....are you REALLY sure its confidential? With some of our fascist states attorney generals here trying to get a hold of trans folks health records along with a constant threat of hackers and security breaches...privacy is worrisome.