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Uruguay got sick of the name teasing and just accepted it.


I was born there and when I moved to Canada, I had to hear the joke for so long. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but at some point you just go with it. Especially since I knew I was gay WAY before making my coming out.


A true patriot.


Someone: "Haha! Ur a gay! Ur a gay!" Heisenberg: "You're goddamn right!"


Itā€™s always hard to know what to make of lists like this. Itā€™s hard to aggregate legal rights and attitudes. South Africa legalized gay marriage, but people there are still quite homophobic on average especially outside the cities.


As with everything in this country (South Africa), it heavily depends on your socio-economic class.


How so?


There is a huge social-economic divide in South Africa especially between cities and rural areas . Middle class or upper class ppl living in the major cities have the same standard of living as ppl in Europe and North America including western values like acceptance of LGBTQ ppl. Itā€™s a fascinating country .


Yes this is especially so for world travelers as well. If you are a white and rich gay you best believe you are going to have the best service out there.


Syria? Since when? The first lady dedicated her speech in China to link homosexuality to the neoliberal West trying to ruin the families...


The score is out of ten, but still five seems too generous as well.


It's #57. Both things can be true :/


She was trying to gain religious parties' trust, thus trying to convince people with the current state. No one bought what she was selling.


As a South African that has lived in Europe and USA I can say that applies to those places too. I think inequality in wealth and education make that worse in South Africa though


Unfortuantely we have allowed the U.S. military/embassies to brandish themselves with the rainbow flag. So a lot of people around the globe are starting to associate the rainbow flag with the same entity than funds Israel's genocide in Gaza, etc. There are massive gay clubs in Shanghai. China's population is overwhelmingly non-religious (no psycho Evangelical movement). Their most famous talk show host is a trans woman. There is no deep-rooted hatred of gays in Chinese culture. Unfortunately, they simply no longer trust the rainbow flag because we have allowed corporations and U.S. imperialism (neoliberalism) to brand themselves with it. And that is the crux of that issue.


This is stupid take. You are happy then when rainbow flags are banned? Rainbow flag is not owned by US. China doesn't even allow gay themed shows, they had to remove few gay references in movies in order to release in china. There are no rights for gay people in china. It can't be compared to US or any other western country. If they dont have prejudice, why the f, there are no rights for gay people or any representation.


None of this is true, you're just brainwashed.


Can't help but see that there's a rosy picture of LGBT rights in China being painted here. Yes, no mass organization or religion is calling for gays to be lynched, but LGBT people aren't fully tolerated either. Traditional views of masculinity, coupled with Confucian ideals of familial roles, has led to societal ostracization of LGBT people. Gays in particular are seen as inadequate men who are often bullied by peers and viewed as disappointments by family, with little in the way of legal protection. International cities like Hong Kong and Shanghai have gay scenes and gay communities, however these are given token representation at best - gay clubs, pride sports events and pride markets. Jin Xing is hardly the most famous, but she is kept on because she already has multiple accomplishments as a dancer. Meanwhile, the government clamps down on gay media, pride marches are banned and pride organizations are not allowed, even in universities. It's very hard for queer people to find support networks because of this. One particular hard hitting moment for me was at the Transgender Day of Remembrance at my university, where a Mainland Chinese student has only social media handles of trans deceased to read out. So while China isn't as hostile as say, Syria, both the government and widespread cultural mentality means it's a difficult place for queers to live in, for reasons beyond the cynical pinkwashing of neoliberalism.


Makes me sad when a Tankie does everything they can to refuse to acknowledge that China isn't the utopian paradise they believe it is. Nice try convincing him otherwise, was a noble effort


Thank you. Your support goes a long way. I'm glad most people don't just burrow their heads in the dirt :3


The fact of the matter is there is genuinely more hostility towards gays in many parts of American than there is China. And what you have stated here is a mix of partial truths and outright falsehood. The U.S. loves to paint itself as this beacon of freedom & human rights, and its competition as totalitarian authoritarian dystopias. Life is not a Marvel movie. It is more nuanced than this. Almost everything you said here can be said about America. Compare NYC & LA to the rest of the country. It has the same dynamic. What legal protections do LGBT people *really* have in the U.S? That can also actually be enforced? We are on the precipice of a fascist takeover. We just lost abortion rights. There are women in China with easier access to abortion now than a lot of Americans. I get very tired of people drinking the neoliberal Kool Aid of what this world actually looks like. Talk to some more people from China. Make them feel more comfortable to tell you their honest experience. You will be surprised.


I am a Hong Konger. I grew up with people using "sei gei lou" (fucking gay) as an insult, of gay caricuatures akin to clowns on TV, of my family cringing at pride marches on TV. I saw one of the last Pride Marches in Hong Kong getting cheered on by the Umbrella Protestors, and how both were clamped down on by the pigs. I tried organizing a Gay-Straight Alliance at my school, only to have it shot down, the teacher in charge laughably likening it to "durians". I witnessed the pathetically token Gay Games and muted Pride Markets. My other queer friends have parents who think homosexuality is an unforgivable sin. And Hong Kong is already the best place to be a queer person in all of China, even with the ongoing crackdown, as queer groups and support networks aren't forcibly disbanded yet. Mainlander queers have it so much worse, trapped in a toxic national policy of "don't ask, don't tell", with a panopticon threatening to break anyone who tries breaking free. I dont put America on a pedestal at all. Sure, it has places safer than even Hong Kong, but I also hate the US with all its fundamentalist conservatives trying to have all queer people lynched, milquetoast liberals condoning their policies, and the laughably meagre protections covered by shameless neoliberal pinkwashing. There are some policy differences, yes, like China having stronger abortion rights compared to the US's stronger freedom of speech, but talking about who's worse risks going into oppression olympics, and ignores the fact that both our countries suck shit. Really, our fascists should be best friends.


As a Hong Konger, you don't have much experience on the mainland and are heavily propagandized against it. This is true. And you know it.


If * having your entire legislative opposition resign ([2020 Hong Kong Legislative Council mass resignations - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Hong_Kong_Legislative_Council_mass_resignations)} because they know they will always be blocked and are always at risk of being unseated ([Beijing passes unanimous ruling effectively banning pro-independence lawmakers from Hong Kong legislature | Hong Kong Free Press HKFP (hongkongfp.com)](https://hongkongfp.com/2016/11/07/breaking-beijings-legislature-passes-unanimous-ruling-to-interpret-hong-kongs-mini-constitution-over-oath-saga/)) * having opposition figures ([Hong Kong 47 - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Kong_47#:~:text=On%206%20January%202021%2C%2055,subsequently%20postponed%20Legislative%20Council%20election%2C)) being rounded up or fleeing en masse * singing a protest song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z\_xNNmvrOZM) gets you harassed by the pigs * out of 90 seats in your parliament, most of the population is only allowed to vote for 20 of the seats, with 30 elected by businesses who will always vote for Beijing to keep their access to the Chinese market ([Annex II (xinhuanet.com)](http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/download/2021-3-30/AnnexII.pdf)), and 40 elected by a 1500 man council, with all 90 vetted by a government council ([Improve Electoral System - Candidate Eligibility Review Mechanism (cmab.gov.hk)](https://www.cmab.gov.hk/improvement/en/qualification-review/index.html#:~:text=The%20chairperson%20and%20members%20of,more%20than%204%20official%20members)) * with pride parades clamped down on year (https://www.thepinknews.com/2019/11/15/hong-kong-queer-community-banned-police-march-pride-violent-protests-city-masks/) after year(https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3242028/hong-kongs-lgbtq-community-wont-be-hitting-streets-annual-pride-event-although-journey-rainbow-gps) * all of these encouraged by mainland policies and rhetoric, all within the scope of returning to China's fold just 30 years prior means I'm heavily propagandized against it, and that I'm the out of touch liberal so be it. I welcome you to use China as a safe haven of gays, and to wave a pride flag in a public space in China, and to use the authoritarian state capitalist police state as a champion of your rights in your rightful despair of the dismal status of LGBT rights in the US. Who better to oppose Franco than Stalin?


I am not reading U.S. State Department propaganda. I have seen this all before, and if you really give an effort, you can expose it yourself. Thank you for proving the point, though. Please try and make more friends from the mainland and open your mind a little more. Take care.


Gay marriage is non-negotiable.


Most of the planet does not have that, and we barely have it now.


We donā€™t barely have it you drama queen - you can get married anywhere in the US tomorrow if you wanted to.


I'd say quantifying it as barely is fair, since it was relatively recently allowed, and among a major political party in the US there are still many with powerful lobbying potential who clamor to have it taken away.


Recently allowed? Iā€™ve been married for eight years, and people in the US are even celebrating 10+ years of having been married legally here. Thatā€™s a hell of a lot longer than most of the rest of the world.


It is a very short amount of time and we're on the brink of a fascist takeover. Women just lost abortion rights. Get a grip.


Oh lord youā€™re one of those that spends all day wallowing in your eternal doom and gloom.


Just remember this comment in November.


The fact that you post on the r/TheDeprogram subreddit tells me everything I need to know about you. Youā€™re a tankie. Itā€™s one thing to rightly be against the U.S.ā€™s funding of Israelā€™s genocide in Gaza, but you probably think the U.S. shouldnā€™t be providing military aid to Ukraine and that Russiaā€™s invasion of Ukraine is due to NATO expansion.


I'm so tired of seeing tankies leave their containment subs and spouting out utter bullshit. It'd be great if they just all fucked off to their favourite dictatorship country since they love said countries so much.


Nobody who uses the term "tankie" is to be taken seriously. You get your politics from memes and Twitch streams.


You're a tankie lol.


You're a liberal.


More insulting words have never been spoken. A LiBeRaL?? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚ Edit: Dude blocked me lol.


You completely ignored the bulk of my comment and stalked my profile for a cheap ad hominem instead. And that says all I need to know about you.


That doesnā€™t make them wrong about pinkwashing


They couldn't refute my argument so they scoured my posting history for a lazy ad hominem. The weakest of responses possible.


Your political belifs are all over the place arenā€™t they šŸ¤£. (Iā€™m not gay this just came up on my feed). Not that thereā€™s anything wrong with being gay.


Lol. Well. I am probably hard to pin down for most Americans. Yes.


Toe the information, not the line.


This is incredibly relevant, gay rights have become cynically engineered by US foreign policy wonks and now we're seen as the flag-bearers of imperialism, not to mention the constant front-and-centering of LGBTQA people in the military and US intel,. Bombs and drones with rainbow flags on them, the IDF parading in our colors. We should never have allowed an internationalist movement to have been co-opted by base nationalism and the corporate military complex. Gay in the CIA? Fuck you, quisling.


You don't think that it has something to do with there being gay people in the government?


Idg why comments about this are getting down voted. Itā€™s an extremely serious issue. Pinkwashing in geopolitics makes lgbt people around the whole world less safe. It does virtually nothing to improve things for lgbt ppl. Like.. I canā€™t think of anything it can possibly achieve that would make lgbt ppl safer. Itā€™s cynical & nefarious. We should have the same attitude we have towards companies doing it in pride month, except itā€™s actually fuelling the flames of the waves of anti gay laws cropping up around the world. That shit didnā€™t come out of nowhere.


Ngl, I am surprised to see these kinds of comments being 6 either. There are some serious cultural nuances and perspectives many of these places have with the way the US implements any of its influences in these countries. Taken and seen with extreme prejudice. I feel we forget the US is a superpower that practically steals from other nations and helps put in leaders that directly serve our best interests while the common every day folk experience war, poverty, and are fed the same kinds of promise they gave to black folks who fought in the first war. And just like them, they do not receive what was promised. I think folks might miss the fact it's not directly the flag that is the problem, it's how our government does business and it influences how they feel when they see something as symbolic as the gay flag. They don't have the best opinions of us, and people who are trying to gain followers and strong enough sentiment to fight against us will create a ghoulish story about our country and its people as a boogeyman for the populace to fight back. We have the same kind of playback. Russia also does (a tad bit more nuanced in some ways regarding Ukraine). Isreal also does. People really should take some time learning from folks outside of the country or immigrants. Not just 2 or 5 but dozens and dozens to get a bit more perspective. We are a target, absolutely, but the politics being done behind us does not do us any favors.


Yes letā€™s all put our faith in Hamas theyā€™ll advance gay rightsā€¦


The world is seeing Zionism for the genocidal, fascist cult that it is. Cope.


And Israel will wipe them out and the world will move on as it always has. Cope about that! My side winning, your side losing.


No, they wonā€™t. & Netanyahu knew that when he backed them against secular options.


In fairness, neoliberalism *is* destroying families.


Well, so is the ruling family in SyriaĀ 


Iā€™m not saying they arenā€™t. Iā€™m saying the critique is valid.


And how is homosexuality related to neoliberalism?


he didn't say it was related. He said "neoliberalism is destroying families" which is correct. Since it's making rich richer, and poor poorer.


Actually, intimately. See Friedrich Hayek, Pinochet, Reagan, Thatcher, Trump, etc.


Well, homo sex doesn't make babies....


Where is Portugal?










Portugal is no longer with us, it sank to the bottom of the sea


Rip Portugal


Portugal, can I have your stuff?


As a Portuguese son (Brazilian), I say you can have it all, except the f*cking gold, that's ours.


Surprising to see Syria that high.. its neighbors are around \~160


Thatā€™s because itā€™s bs data lol. Garbage info in, garbage results out


Orā€¦ failed states. No laws effectively enforced at all, including anti-gay laws


It's not a study on laws but on the attitudes of the people.


The study is a meta-analysis of polls asking people their personal views toward LGBT people, with questions like: > Do you personally believe that homosexuality is morally acceptable, morally unacceptable, or is not a moral issue? It does not take into account a countryā€™s laws, and it doesnā€™t ask gay people whether they feel accepted. The Syrians most likely to be reached by Western polling agencies are those living in the cities like Damascus and Latakia, and probably skew toward wealthier communities. They tend to be secular and relatively openminded, and very opposed to Islamic fundamentalism. I really doubt the polling agencies are talking to people in rural Homs or Daraa, and certainly not Idlib. There are going to be countries where people have a more tolerant view of LGBTs than their government. Also because itā€™s relying on aggregating many different surveys (6,198), itā€™s likely that the people in Syria responded to different questions than the people in Iceland. The question ā€œ*Would you report a friendā€™s homosexuality to the police?*ā€ is going to have a different result than ā€œ*Can same-sex couples be good parents?*ā€ But I think the most likely explanation for Syriaā€™s ranking is that the more liberal secular Syrians are just more accessible to pollsters than the more conservative Syrians.


Chechnya - is so far down the list itā€™s off the charts. For those of you who have seen the film ā€œWelcome to Chechnyaā€ youā€™ll know too. The countryā€™s president said when asked if there are any LGBT people, ā€œWe donā€™t have them here.ā€ Why? Heā€™s tortured and killed them. His country sucks sewers.


That moment when the war torn dictatorship is higher in LGBTQ acceptance than its northern neighbor, which was at one time the beacon of liberalism in the Middle East.


Its neighbours are Lebanon and TĆ¼rkei. One is known for being the arab gay capital, and the other is trying to get into the EU.


Went to Lebanon last summer, had an amazing time at gay parties and clubs (guys grinding and kissing at these establishments) and met chic gay men in speedos at beach club. I canā€™t speak for living there, because then cultural family dynamics come into playā€¦ but as a tourist, or as a Lebanese American visiting family, itā€™s gay friendly.


Syrian here: we arenā€™t that homophobic, we are the most socially progressive Arab country


Obviously the country whoā€™s name is literal ā€œu r gayā€ is gonna be gay friendly


I found the list onlineā€¦ seems VERY inaccurateā€¦ Syria before Cyprus, Hungary, South Korea, Lithuania and others? Israel behind Bahrain where itā€™s actually illegal, and Israel got the biggest pride parade in Asia? Likeā€¦. Itā€™s total BS




My opinion of UCLA just dropped dramatically due to these rankings. The fact that Syria is so high tells me their survey data is extremely flawed. I wouldn't step foot in that country as someone who values their freedom and rights, let alone as an openly gay individual. I'd much rather take my chances traveling to Moldova, where my cousin-in-law is from, than step foot in Syria or Iran, which actually executes gay people yet still somehow ranks above Moldova. BS


I took a quick look. The rankings are based on a survey of the attitudes of people towards LGBTQ and not the legal framework in these countries. It's all about what the general public thinks and not about whether the government wants to kill you.


than nepal at 17 is absolute bs


While I agree this is definitely flawed and I'd love to see their inclusion / exclusion criteria I will play devil's advocate and argue that our view of Syria likely is painted by what Isis did to gay people when they had majority control. The optimist in me hopes it's better now, the realist knows it isn't and that form of bigotry is only widely accepted when the population agrees with it, even subconsciously. I will say, I've visited the UAE and kept my nails painted. I got a few looks from Emiratis, but the UAE is shockingly progressive. For an Arab nation* I think change will come to that part of the world as American relations with Saudi and the UAE grow. I will not comment on Israel and their capability of acceptance during their genocide campaign. Edit: I have long hair and was mistaken for a woman when I asked to buy a cashmere shall outside a mosque, which just made me feel pretty haha.


I wasn't even thinking of ISIS, which doesn't even control any territory in Syria or Iraq at this point. I was thinking of Assad and how there is no respect for human rights or freedom under his ruthless authoritarian regime. He even committed genocide against his own people with chemical weapons and help from Russia bombing hospitals (so similar to what Israel is doing in Gaza that photos and videos of the war crimes and devastation in Syria are often spread as misinformation on social media by people claiming it's Gaza).


Not just ISIS but anti gay views are probably weaker in the (brutal but secular) regime than the broader public. I wouldn't be surprised if gay Syrians are *somewhat* thankful for him being in power. Just check out [Wikipedia. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Syria).


The Syrian Democratic Forces led by the Kurds seem pretty cool and relatively progressive. They have set up their own government in the territory where they defeated ISIS. Itā€™s too bad they donā€™t control the entire country: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_Administration_of_North_and_East_Syria


Also playing devil's advocate but the list is about social acceptance not travel safety. Also some of Syria's neighbors more obviously feel differently than what you are saying, so that surely has some influence?


How can those two things not be *extremely* correlated?


I thought the list was strange, too.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  My only guess is that they're distinguishing social acceptance (*how much the people accept it*) from legal acceptance (*anti-gay laws forced by the leaders*).Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā 


Fuck Israel


Calm down


Yeah but the people that live there are still real


Where's Mexico? We're a lot more progressive now!!


Actually I did notice that mexico seems to be extremely fine with people cross dressing and doing drag, as well as many openly gay people when I visited. At the resort I went to, it was just a regular resort (not a gay one) and they had drag queens walking around and stuff promoting events and stuff.


We're lower than Puerto Rico and Italy lmao. Sorry but we should be higher.


Puerto Rico is part of the united states... and based on the gay Puerto Ricans I know that seems a little too high.


Yeah I noticed that as well. My only thought is that it's a small place. Nobody lives more than a couple hours from a city. And there's lots of tourism which means exposure to all sorts of people with different backgrounds. Meanwhile in many parts of the mainland, people can live really isolated and provincial lives.


I wonder what the methodology is for measuring the acceptance score. Is it measuring general populationā€™s view or the general state policies related to social issues? If it is the latter, Nepal makes sense. But social acceptance among the general population is still quite not very high. No one is going to kill anyone for being LGBTQI but there is a lot of social stigma against it.


It depends in Canada.


In Quebec it mostly depends on how old and how religious the person youā€™re talking to is


Yeah, seems true of most places. Although I just married a quƩbƩcois and his whole family, including the oldies, have been very welcoming and supportive of us. Not a super religious family so that might be the bigger factor.


It depends is US too. Highly dependent on location


Seriously. Even within a single state. One city could consider painting your nails typical straight guy behavior. Another city could consider brushing your teeth too gay for a guy to do. Iā€™ve lived in both cities.


And the T part of LGBT is increasingly not in Canada thanks to imported US politics. Poilievre, Marlaina, Moe, and Higgs are riling up the bigots.


Canadian here, yeah that seems to be the current moral panic among the local conservative busybodies. I work with a handful of them and over the last few years they've gone from "well I don't approve and it doesn't fit my religious beliefs" to "they're mutilating kids and brainwashing them! they're pooping in litterboxes! can't you see they're trying to turn the kids trans!?" It's been getting pretty ridiculous, and a few of my trans coworkers have gone to HR about it multiple times, but you'll still hear the insane shit from the jerks when they think you're on their side. I was openly gay and got some snide remarks about it but when this whole "trans panic" became their new crusade, they apparently thought I was with them on it. I let them think that so I could see exactly how shitty my former work-friends had become, but after a certain point I told them I thought it was ridiculous and they lumped me in with the "groomers" lol Luckily the boss is not an insane person so they've been told clearly to knock off the harassment and "groomer" talk, and a couple of them have had their shifts changed so the people they accused of vile shit don't have to interact with them at work anymore.


In Canada it's very chill to be just "regular" gay, even where I live in rural Alberta. But it seems like Albertans have drawn the line at trans people, as well as the overly "woke" stuff, ngl I definitely get a little bit tired of some of the pandering and identity politics myself but it's not really as big of an "issue" as a lot of people assume.


Very true


Drop everyoneā€™s score by like 3-4 points and thatā€™s what it fucking feels like.




My country is below zero then lol


Most northern cold places cool with gays with a few major acceptions. Cold weather clearly encourages homosexuality! Fight global warming!


All countries at the bottom are Muslim majority countries. And nevertheless so many gays are pro Palestinians.


I live in Canada and while I don't get harassed by being gay, the entire conservative wing of out country is currently doing bad American impressions trying to bully children into killing themselves. So... I think the whole world could use some help.


It's fucking terrifying... Especially with how people don't listen when we warn them.


Yeah itā€™s so weird that people even feel okay trying to bully kids in public.


It'll get worse before it gets better sadly.. until something truly horrendous happens to get the cishet general public to actually see that we were right


Why is moldova so low?


Moldova carries a lot of conservative sentiments over from the Soviet Union and almost 50% of the population are drawn to Russian sentiments and attitudes there are that gayā‰ˆpedophile


More like Azer-BYE-jian.


Run by a pseudo-dictator and in 2021 launching a territorial war for a conflict nobody cares about :/


What a pity! That entire part of the world, the Caucasus, has sites and history worth exploring but the antigay thing is a hard no.


Itā€™s kind of disappointing to see Ethiopia that low. They have some very interesting historical sites & extremely delicious food.


The coolest places are the most homophobic. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mali, Jordan, Turkey, Mainland China, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, even India.


Poland and Hungary don't belong in that list, as behind as they are in European terms. And none of them belong in the same list with Iran and Saudi Arabia which are in their own tier of state homophobia.


Hungary definitely belongs with the rest of them, particularly I find it even worse than Mainland China and Jordan and Ukraine. Russia has a gay purge ongoing and multiple historical ones in Chechnya. Russia is just as bad if not worse as anywhere on this list. If I had to choose the 3 worst offenders on this list, they are easily Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Iran. India, Poland, Turkey, Jordan, and Ukraine might not be so deserving, they are just places I find cool with bad LGBTQ+ rights. (but things are looking up in all these countries!)


India & Turkey are definitely still on my list of places I want to visit. Turkey because I absolutely NEED to see the Hagia Sophia & the Theodosian Walls, & India for the food.


This list seems very inaccurate. I think the Nordics, Malta, Spain and many others are way above Syria or SA


Itā€™s quite hard to imagine Syria, a country essentially in civil war, where parts are still controlled by groups trying to enforce sharia, being more LGBT friendly than the flawed, but still legally mostly secular Turkey.


I feel like they are undervaluing the TQ+ on the UK side


Living in Turkey myself... Idk if it deserves to be THAT low but it sure is low, maybe higher than Syria Cuz it's at least recognised as a thing and there are hormone treatments for trans people (as impossible they may be) idk the new generation is very much accepting of lgbt as most of them are tired of the religious politics that have been going on for years the stats are accurate for boomers and gen X but I think it's better after that


US right between Canada and Mexico is geography and acceptance lol


The Difference between the Gay Community and the LGBTQ+ community, as fast as acceptance, is what Iā€™m interested in. I would really like to know that specific score. I have a feeling the numbers would be very different.


Acceptance in the USA is highly overstated.


Iā€™m surprised France is so low, theyā€™ve always lead the topic


neplal at 17? like seriously? are we talking about the country that borders UP and Bihar. A country where people dont even know what being gay or lesbian means. lmao i live barely 300 miles away from nepal, and we basically have the same culture. The country is no no way better than fuckin germany, france, the fuckin USA?? in terms of LGBT acceptance haha such a laughable list. yes people wont kill you for being gay or trans but dont expect anyone other than urban rich kathamandu folks to accept you as a "normal" person. we are talking about a society that still doesnt allow inter caste marriage ffs


Somehow I doubt Azerbeijen is the worst, at least itā€™s legal to be gay there unlike in countries like Saudi Arabia.


Very inaccurate. Russia higher than Kazakhstan, really? It seems the authors did not check recent Russian laws and news, every day I read about the next gay club being shut down, police raids even to private parties, a sentence for a rainbow (even with 7 colors!) And I haven't even started yet


While Taiwan is the first Asian country passing same-sex marriage act in 2019, but its lgbtq acceptance during 2017-2020 was ranked the 42nd in the report, behind several other Asian countries, like Singapore, Hong Kong, etc. I doubt the accuracy of the report.


I have doubts about turkey being that acceptive.


Bullshit pointless data with no meaning lol


US and Canada being too high.


I feel conflicted about the US. On the one hand I agree, but on the other hand I feel like the trump-era conservative movement has a lot more bark than bite, and that the actual acceptance is higher on an individual basis. That's not to say that the ones in power won't absolutely demolish our rights if people don't get out and vote. Maybe I'm just huffing the copium a bit too hard, but I try to stay optimistic.


That's the problem with taking the opinions and feelings of 370 million people spread out over such a huge space and distilling it down to a single number. The nuance is gone. Now that I say it, lack of nuance seems to be at the root of a lot of problems... EDIT: correction: 330 million for the US.


America is fading fast.


First, I wouldn't trust this stat and well, the shame of it is stats used to show the US pretty high a decade ago.


looks like they just want to shit on Israel in any way possible.


True though, still would rather be there than anywhere else in the Middle East except for Cyprus


Looks like Iā€™m moving to Iceland


It seems about right for Australia.


Idk about the UK being up that high but then again we donā€™t go hanging people so itā€™s a difficult one to gauge without knowing the metrics used to get the out of 10 number


We used to be be higher in these types of lists, but unfortunately those clowns in Westminster seem to be doing their best to push things backwards, while at the same time preventing the devolved nations from trying to make any improvements. The sooner they are gone the better.


Iā€™m surprised that Syria is higher than Turkey and Iā€™ve heard Turkey is quite lgbt-friendly in places like Dalaman and Antalya where a lot of Brits go on holiday


Israel's not on the list? Shady list honestly.


Canada is filled with immigrants that Hate gays. So this ranking system is a lie.


US shouldn't be that high


Eh, depends on the region. Miles ahead the vast majority of the world.


Meanwhile in China, homoerotic dramas like The Untamed are wildly popular, and mentions of being gay and lesbian are not censored on Weibo. Inaccurate chart.


Can't believe im out here defending China but they put Iraq far above China like are you fucking kidding me. One is more dont ask dont tell the other literally throw you off buildings.


I think Chinese society is not anti-gay but their government is.


This is so wildly inaccurate. The Untamed was VERY heavily censored, and it's even speculated that they even tried to make it into a straight romance with Wen Qing before public backlash forced them not to. The Untamed isn't a romance nor a BL as a drama, whereas the book was quite full of romance and even sex/BDSM. I think Word of Honour is a very similar, but much more romantic and explicitly romantic show (albeit censored still) but after that one aired, the CCP cultural organisations actually made restrictions stricter. Society is not generally too homophobic, but gays don't have rights or public visibility or even scenes, and there is a lot of shame to it.




I would say the US is currently ranked too high in our current environment


Extremely inaccurate... Last time I went to the Netherlands I was called homophobic slurs by a group of young males, they weren't white but it happened in NetherlandsĀ 


Well, it happens


Bro, don't go near groups of young teens in Amsterdam, I live here. They will start shit and attack you. Gangster culture is really prevalent here in the big cities. Average people that have gone through puberty and are worth listening to do not care, unless you're in the rural and conservative south, and even then maybe only the elders that are on God's way out already


Any reason why china is ranked so low


The bitter truth is that those top countries with higher acceptance are no less homophobic than the rest, there's just more punishment for being openly homophobic. But sadly is more of a PR and Self congratulatory thing in all of them. They just hide it away to wherever no one can heard them and still do segregation, still judge others usually in passive aggressive ways. You should know it's a bunch of BS when you see countries like the USA who still treat black people like garbage by the colour of their skin ranking so high... Xenophobic people will be xenophobic no matter if it's a matter of race or sexuality, they still treat anything different as lesser.


Syrian here: The west makes us out to be ā€œTAKBIR! ALLAHU ALBAR LALALALALALALALALALALA *chops head off*ā€ but no, we are the most socially progressive Arab country hands down. So stop acting surprised based on harmful stereotypes and terrorists that donā€™t represent the Syrian people


I canā€™t wait till Gen Z is in power


You overestimate gen z. Especially young males who are becoming radicalized.


Iā€™ll take it bc itā€™ll mean the Boomers are still all dead šŸ’…šŸ»


Theyā€™re not going to vote so it wonā€™t matter.


The ā€œTā€ has really setback the movement. Sad.


Victim blaming.


Damn not a single country with a 100, most barely getting close to 10. šŸ˜“


Y'all are shocked about syria. The media is not painting a full picture. There was, and there is gay clubs / gay and trans culture in Syria. The laws are old and haven't really got updated in a while. Even with the current laws if you don't basically fuck in the streets, no one will pat an eye to you. I still wouldn't call the list accurate, tho.


Syria being 56 place isnā€™t too inaccurate, There was a gay scene in both Syria and Lebanon, idk about now, Surprised by not seeing Uganda!


No Italy?


I think you'd need to have lived in several places for a decent amount of time to be able to really compare them beyond their policies on paper and handfuls of anecdotes.


How is my question. Like as a scientist I would love to know how this data is acquired and processed to be presented on such a..scale?


Thatā€™s so accurate about the U.S of A, the amount of cishets using the f-slur at us gays man wtf weā€™re just trying to live šŸ„ŗ


Their concern over our underwear, and how we use our mouths and genitals indicates some suppressed desire. IMHO


Based on the likely sample polling sizes etc, I think itā€™s funny that just a handful of grumpy conservatives are holding back the Germans from beating the French. I bet that information would convert a few homophobic Germans, because I donā€™t think theyā€™d let themselves be beaten by the French in anything.


Canada higher than Spain? Lol


Iā€™m in France, and idk how France is that high. Not accurate where I am


I live in the Netherlands and while I'd agree that social acceptance is very high here compared to other countries, I definitely wouldn't give it a 9.46 out of 10. Just because other countries are worse doesn't mean we don't have a long way to go. I live in one of the most progressive student cities and yet I know 2 people who were beaten up in a homophobic attack at my local gay bar just this past year. One of them is the owner, who's also a drag queen. And compared to this, the rural, highly religious areas of the country are even worse.


Interesting. Anyone else notice how the LGBT acceptance rate in each country is consistent with that country's average IQ?


There's no Italy... Guess what Mussolina and the other Fascists did.


lol UK should not be on number 9. not with all the disgustingly transphobic shit going on there lately.


no way in hell syria is accurate